fine line (scott mccall)ยฒ

By anticosmic

150K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

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2.6K 97 24
By anticosmic

Blair had managed to fall unconscious again out of pain, waking up on the cold floor with as a gasp as she immediately stood up again - this time noticing the gate to the room
she was in was lying was wide open. Blair standing up as she moved to the door, trying to listen for any steps coming close to her direction as she decided it would be a good time to leave when she heard nothing. Blair deciding to take the risk of leaving despite the fact it was most likely a trap - only wanting to find Scott as quick as possible and leave this place before something happened to either of them.

Blair pushing it open further as she remained silent as she tried to search for Scott - knowing that Kate was somewhere near and she didn't want the woman to know she had escaped from the makeshift cell she had been keeping Blair in. Blair felt along the walls to guide her as she moved forward. The darkness from the church preventing her from being able to see clearly in front of her.

Blair heard a low growl coming from behind her as she moved her head as she saw nothing behind her - only causing her to move faster as she stopped when she realized she didn't have a chance of escaping this way as it was a dead end.

Blair turned on her foot as she came face to face with a Berserker in front of her causing Blair to let a small scream in surprise as the Berserker began throwing her against the wall until she was nearly unconscious again. The blood begins to drip down her head as the arm held her against the wall. Blair tried to squirm out of the Berserker's hold which didn't seem to be working since it was twice as strong as her - barely flinching against her attempts to escape.

Blair's eyes drifting up the arm of the Berserker as she noticed the familiar two bands tattooed around his arm as her eyes finally landed on the ones behind the Berserker - able to recognize Scott's eyes staring back at her. Her eyes widening in panic as she realised it was Scott hurting her - hoping she could be able to get through to him and for him to realise what he was doing before he hurt her further.

"Scott, Scott. Listen to me. It's me, okay? It's Blair, your girlfriend. You don't want to hurt me." Blair began to ramble out of panic as he lifted her before throwing on the ground again, Blair too sore to be able to fight back as she laid on the floor in pain from the injuries Scott had given her. The tears coming down her face as she felt her strength beginning to diminish from what Scott was doing to her.

"I'm going to have to do a better job at covering that up." Kate pointed to the tattoo on Scott's arm since she had heard Blair try and a plea to get through to the true Alpha. Kate realizing that the tattoo was now a key staple in Scott McCall's appearance and when the others came it would take them seconds as well to recognize Scott. Blair being her test trial to make sure that Scott was going to be able to hurt his friends without any remorse.

"What did you do to him?" Blair asked in pain as she tried to lift her head to talk to Kate as the woman circled around her tauntingly - taking satisfaction in her ability to take down Blair and Scott so easily despite the two's reputation of supposedly being strong.

"How. That's... That's the better story." Kate drifted off as she started to walk around in circles around Blair who was still crouched on the floor in pain. Blair didn't care about how or why all she wanted was for Kate to fix whatever she had done to Scott.

"I don't care about your story, I only care about Scott." Blair gritted her teeth in pain, sick of having to listen to Derek's ex's thinking she wanted to hear their sob story as it was beginning to be a repeated trend in Blair's life. Blair was definitely going to have to start keeping a therapist referral card in her pocket if this started to become a thing with everyone in her life.

"You see, when I first got away from the Calaveras, I had no idea where to go. But something kept pulling me here, to the temple of Tezcatlipoca. His name means "smoking mirror" and this place is a temple of the smoking mirror." Kate revealed to Blair as she started to tell about the history of the temple the two were standing in. Blair rolling her eyes at the explanation - not caring about the fact that any of her movements could cause Kate to finally put the nail and coffin and kill her.

"Obsidian," Kate stated as she dragged her claws against the material the temple was made of. Blair gritted her teeth in anger since she didn't care in the slightest about whatever Kate was going to tell her about the temple. She definitely didn't think knowing about the design of a temple was how she should be spending her time right now.

"When I got here, I found the Berserkers waiting for me. They helped me survive. I didn't know quite why until just recently. Until I decided to trust someone I never thought I would trust. It was then that I found out that I could not only control the Berserkers, but I could create them. They call me La Loba. The Bone Woman. We let you out because I needed to test his loyalty. Did you know that Scott became an Alpha without having to kill anyone? He's been through quite a lot without ever having to kill. I think it's time to change that." Kate stated as she stared at Scott standing beside her before leaving the couple behind her. Blair gulping when she heard the last part of her rant when she noticed the lack of recognition in Scott's eyes as he stared at her. Blair feeling her heart start to drop to her stomach when she realised that Kate's plan all along had been to strip Scott of his true Alpha status by making him kill her.

Blair beginning to crawl backward as she tried to get away from Scott as fast as possible as she crouched to the stone behind her - realizing she didn't have anywhere else to run to as she hoped Scott would realize who she was before it was too late.

Scott finally catching up to Blair as he stood in front of her as Blair gulped before grabbing the Berserker hand in one last-ditch effort to try and force Scott to stop before he did something he deeply regretted. Scott only staring at her blankly as he continued to try and move his hand against her loose grip on him.

"Scott, I'll die. I can't heal. Please, Scott. Don't do this. Scott, I love you please don't hurt me." Blair begged Scott as she tried to get through to him one last time, as he freed his hand from Blair's grip before stabbing Blair in the stomach with the claw in his hand. Blair staring up in horror as she realized Scott had actually stabbed her - Blair beginning to think that Lydia was right with her death prediction as Scott and Kate walked away.

"Scott, please. Please, don't leave me here." Blair muttered out as she tried to plead with Scott to break the Berserker in Scott - for Scott to realize his mistake he had made and to help her before it was too late. Unfortunately, he kept walking away as he left Blair lying behind him.


"Everything hurts, how do I fix it?" Blair muttered to herself as she held her body against the rocks. Blair letting out a cry of pain as she realized she was going to die down here by herself without any of her pack by her side.

"Come on. I need to keep fighting. I need to get better, please. I need to warn them." Blair whispered to herself as she stared up at the ceiling as she wished for whatever god was out there would listen to her. Blair wiping away the tears that was pouring down her face as she tried to fight the pain coursing through her body currently.

Blair pulled up her shirt over the wound as she decided if she was going to die she wanted to inspect her wound at least to see the damage that Scott had caused her by stabbing her with a freaking claw of all things.

"Oh god, Stiles is so going to kill me when he finds me. This looks disgusting." Blair muttered to herself as she realized how bad her wound looked knowing immediately that it was going to cause Stiles to freak out once he saw it since he had a weird distaste when it came to injuries despite all the ones he had seen throughout the years. The state of her wound was bound to give Stiles nightmares for a while.

Blair resting her head against the rocks as she held her hand around the claw that was buried deep in her torso. It was starting to dig deeper into her stomach every time she moved, Blair despising the continual pain it was causing her in return of her movements.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Scott," Blair whispered, hoping that Scott would hear her as she pulled it out of her stomach - her screams beginning to ripple through the church as she did so before she sunk tiredly against the rock.


"Scott? Blair?" Blair heard Stiles call out as she moved her head to the direction of where she heard Stiles's voice - trying to move so that he could spot her easier. Blair somehow managing to still be somewhat conscious even though she was certain she should have bled to death hours ago.

"Stiles?" Blair croaked out as Stiles came in with the flashlight as he noticed Blair lying injured on the rock, clicking his flashlight off as he moved to where Blair was sat. Stiles staring in shock at the sight of Blair in front of him as he tried to comprehend what had happened. Blair trying to snap him out of his trance since she knew her injuries wasn't what was important right now despite how life threatening they might be.

"Stiles, you need to go. You need to tell them, it's Scott. Please, don't let them hurt him." Blair pleaded as she held onto Stiles's arms as he crouched down in front of her fo see how injured she really was. Blair's tears coming down her face as she tried to ignore the pain still coursing through her body so that she could make sure that Stiles was going to get to Scott in time to save him. Blair didn't want to die without knowing that Scott and her friends were going to be okay. Stiles still not saying anything out of shock since he didn't know if one of his best friends was dying in front of hum right now or not.

"The Berserker. The Berserker is Scott, Stiles. Kate turned him, Stiles." Blair tried to explain to him in between grunts of pain - her rambling only making Stiles even more confused since he was trying to figure everything out at once. The bits and pieces of information slowly clicking together in his head as he started to figure out what had happened to Scott and Blair.

"What are you talking about?" Stiles asked in shock as he tried to take in Blair's injuries as well as what she was telling him about Scott being the Berserker.

"She turned him into one of the Berserkers. It's him, Stiles. He's the one who did this to me. They could kill him, Stiles, please. You need to tell them, okay? You need to go now and tell them that they're killing Scott." Blair pleaded to Stiles knowing she couldn't lose Scott as it became her biggest motivation to keep her eyes open so that Stiles could understand what she was trying to tell him.

"That's why Lydia's not here. They won't know they're killing Scott." Stiles realized as he tried to figure out what to do next - one of his best friends lying on the ground in front of him dying as the other one was about to get killed by his friends outside. Stiles was beginning to feel torn on what to do and who to help but Blair was already making the decision for him so he wouldn't have to - taking the burden off his shoulders so he didn't have to make the choice for himself.

"Buzzcut, I swear to god. If you don't leave me and go and save Scott's life, I swear I'll kill you myself. Alive or not, you know I'll come after your ass and haunt you until the day you die." Blair threatened Stiles as tears welled in her eyes as her blood continued to seep through her shirt - Stiles moving forward as he held Blair's head in her hands as he kissed her hair quickly before turning to leave as he gave Blair one last fleeting glance. Blair knowing that he was feeling guilty for leaving her behind but he wouldn't be able to get to Scott quick enough if he tried to bring Blair with him.

"Go. Save Scott." Blair ordered Stiles one last time since she knew he was hesitating to leave her before Stiles finally ran from Blair to go and save Scott. Blair closing her eyes, finding peace now that Stiles was going to help Scott before anyone could try and kill him. The only thing she needed was to know that Scott was going to be safe before she could finally close her eyes - the stress starting to wear away from her as she leaned her head against the rock.

Blair sat in pain for what felt like a lifetime, feeling as if she was about to finally give up and let the pain take over before she heard the footsteps enter. Blair holding her head up to see Scott standing in front of her as he stared at her in shock, Blair not hesitating to crack a wide smile to see that her Scott was finally back again - glad that Stiles had actually managed to save Scott even if she didn't know how the pack had done it.

As soon as Scott managed to take down Peter, he turned to Stiles looking for Blair immediately - Stiles only shook his head when he muttered It's not good, Scott. Scott not hesitating to take off running with the others trying to catch up behind them to see what Stiles was talking about since none of them knew what happened with Blair and Scott.

Scott ran forward as he moved Blair to be in his arms, Blair coughing slightly in pain as he did so while Blair held her head against his chest.

"You know, next time I bring Star Wars to movie night. How about we watch a different movie instead and no stabbing me next time?" Blair joked as she laid her hand on Scott's chest, Scott moving all of the hair from her face that was beginning to matt itself in her blood. Scott's eyes welling with tears at the sight of Blair in front of him.

"Hey, don't give me that look. You're looking at me like I'm dead already." Blair whispered to Scott as she held his cheek in her hand as she used the last of her energy to talk to Scott. Blair tracing circles with her hands as she ignored the fact that there was a small chance she was actually going to make it out of here alive.

"You need to save your energy. We're going to get you to a hospital and-" Blair reached as she turned Scott's face towards her as she kissed him gently on the lips before pulling away as Scott tightened his grip on her. Blair cutting Scott off before he could finish since she knew his words were all filled with false hope since they nowhere near a hospital.

"I love you," Blair whispered as she flickered her eyes from Scott's lips to his eyes before leaning her forehead against his. The two looking up once they heard footsteps coming towards them as Liam, Stiles, Malia, and Kira jogged up to the pair. Liam gulping in fear since this was the first time he had actually watched someone come close to dying.

"I love you too," Scott responded back to Blair as his own tears began to stream down his face, Blair being in too much pain to even want to cry anymore - being in Scott's arms bringing her the much needed relief she wanted ever since they got to the temple.

"You know I would never hold this against you, right?" Blair whispered to Scott as she began to cough, blood beginning to come up her throat as she talked to him. Scott closed his eyes as Blair moved her head back against his chest while he leaned against the rock as he held her in his arms.

The four in front of them standing in utter shock as they watched Blair slowly slip away as she became less conscious while talking. Malia reaching out to hold Stiles's hand since she knew how important Blair was to him even if he had never admitted it out loud to her.

"I will." Scott corrected her as Blair's blood continued to pour from her head from the concussion Scott had given her earlier. Liam turning to the group before staring down at his own arm as he stepped forward-thinking he had an idea that could prevent all of this even if it could a potentially stupid and dangerous plan.

"Scott, you should give her the bite." Liam spoke up, directing all the attention to Liam as Blair stared at him through fluttering eyelids as she began to grow tired as she missed whatever Liam was saying to them as her attention began to blur. Neither Kira nor Malia saying anything despite the fact they whole-heartedly agreed with Liam and his idea since it would save their friend.

"Liam's right. Scott, come on. It's Blair, we can't lose anyone else. You gotta bite her." Stiles backed up Liam as he stood behind him as Scott nodded, Scott, looking down at Blair - not wanting to do anything she didn't want him to do as he realized her eyelids were already closing. Scott listening to hear her faint heartbeat before raising her hand to his mouth before sinking his fangs into it as he gave  Blair the bite.

The group waited patiently to see what would happen to Blair as Derek and Braeden ran into the room to see what was happening since they had dealt with the situation out front with the hunters and Kate.

Derek's eye's widening in horror as he noticed the chunk taken out of Blair's arm while she laid in Scott's arms. Derek knowing that the last thing Blair would have asked for before she died would have been the bite.

"What the hell happened bere?" Derek snapped as he stared at the group in front of him, waiting for an answer as Scott continued to hold Blair in his arms - keeping his attention focused solely on her instead of anyone else in the room.

"Derek, she was dying... We had to take the chance, we didn't have any other choice." Stiles hesitantly explained to Derek, Malia holding her head as she crouched down to where Blair was as Liam followed suit behind her.

"You hear that?" Malia turned to Liam and Derek beside her as the three focused on Blair's heartbeat that was beginning to race rapidly.

"She's not dying from it." Derek realized before he moved forward to take Blair out of Scott's arms who didn't fight back much as Stiles came up behind and made his best friend get off the floor. Scott watching after Derek as he wondered what was going to happen to Blair now as Kira and Malia tried to quicken Scott's pace while Stiles led them out.

"What are you going to do with her?" Liam asked as he was quick to follow behind Derek since he wanted to know what was happening to Blair rather than wait for answers.

"I'm bringing her outside, the sun is coming up. We can check out her wounds better there to make sure she's healing and the bite worked." Derek pointed out as Liam nodded, the group running out to the van while Argent  talked to the hunters. Argent quickly noticing the state of Blair from the side of his eye as he made sure all of the Calvera's attention was on him and not the scene taking place behind him. Braeden running ahead of them as she opened up the back of her van for Derek to bring Blair into. The three trying to hide Blair's bite wound from the hunters in case they used it against Scott. All of them knowing about what the Calvera's would do if they found out Scott had bitten another teenager considering they didn't have a high tolerance for people being bitten.

Derek and Liam stepped back slightly when they heard Blair's heartbeat start to race even further as Blair suddenly jumped up as she was clutching her chest in pain - trying to figure out where she was as she stared around the van disoriented.

"Oh thank god." Stiles breathed out as he ran to the back of the van as he held his hands on his knees out of breath as Kira, Scott, and Malia were quick to follow after him. Scott staying silent as his lips parted in shock that it had worked so quickly - half-expecting the plan to not work

"How's your arm?" Liam asked her quickly, Blair not knowing what he was talking about as she moved her shirt to see her arms properly - watching as the bite mark on it slowly started to heal over as black veins began to crawl up her arm. Her face paling as she stared at Scott - knowing that he had done this to her.

"Oh, that was disgusting," Stiles commented as he crinkled his nose in disgust as Derek grabbed Blair's hand as he pushed Blair's sleeve up a tiny bit to see the black veins were beginning to move up her arm as Derek turned his head to Scott who was standing at the edge of the van - neither of them knowing what this meant for Blair since that definitely wasn't how a werewolf turned.


Blair let Scott say goodbye to Argent as she walked over to Derek and Braeden who were packing up her van - Blair already knowing that she was going to have to say goodbye to her last piece of real family for a while.

"So, you're leaving then?" Blair asked as she crossed her arms against her chest as she heard Braeden offering Derek to leave Beacon Hills earlier.

"You're always welcome to join us, Blair." Braeden offered, even if Derek knew he didn't have to tell Blair she was welcome since he knew if she really wanted to go she would hop in the back without saying anything.

"No, I think I'll stay here. Someone needs to keep up the Hale legacy of protecting Beacon Hills anyway." Blair shrugged her shoulders as Derek grinned at her since he knew he was leaving Beacon Hills in good hands with Scott and Blair. While Derek was hesitant to leave Blair, he knew she was still the same girl who would drive all night long to track him down if needed. Derek was the only person that Blair would openly bombard with her prescence since she knew he would never close his door on her. Derek and Blair would never change no matter what happened, at the end of the day - they would always have each other's backs.

"You know how to find me if you need any help." Derek reminded her as he moved forward to hug Blair before letting go of her - apprehensive of actually leaving considering what had just happened to her but both of them knew Derek had been wanting to leave Beacon Hills for a long time and Blair definitely wasn't going to hinder any of his plans.

"Yeah, I'll drive up to your doorstep. Worked the last time you avoided my calls." Blair joked with Derek who messed up her hair slightly before getting into the van - expecting Braeden to follow him right away.

"Keep your eyes on him for me? He tends to get himself into tricky situations all of the time." Blair explained to Braeden as she nodded, about to turn around before Blair called her back.

"Hey, Braeden. Can I ask you a question before you go?" Blair asked her, Braeden, turning around on her foot while nodding her head as she waited for what Blair was going to ask of her - expecting it to do with something about her and Derek.

"How much does being a mercenary pay?" Blair asked her suddenly causing Braeden to smirk at the question as she gave Blair her phone number - knowing that Blair would definitely fit in with her profession.

"You need a job, call me," Braeden explained to Blair as she nodded before saving Braeden's contact into her phone for when she needed it. Blair smiling to herself as Braeden walked away, Blair seeming to have her next career move planned for the foreseeable future.

Blair walked back to the pack as she watched Argent and the Calaveras pull away from the group as Scott noticed Blair making her way towards them as she stepped besides Stiles and Malia instead of going to him. Both of them holding their heads down as they avoided meeting each other's eyes - the obvious strain in their relationship being noticed by everyone in the pack. Stiles openly deciding to ignore it as he turned to Blair who had a small smile on her face - both of them knowing they were definitely going to have a lot of movie marathons when they got home.

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