fine line (scott mccall)Β²

By anticosmic

150K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐭𝐑𝐫𝐞𝐞


3.5K 104 34
By anticosmic

       Blair was forced to go to the hospital due to the wounds on her leg as she insisted on Melissa McCall helping her once the knife was removed. Blair didn't exactly like hospitals and was hoping the fact Melissa liked her would help her get out quicker. Melissa laughing at the girl's attempts to sneak out even before the doctors had stitched her up as she leaned about Blair's distaste of hospitals for the first time. Melissa sitting beside Blair the entire time she had got stitched up - Melissa helping Blair calm down the entire time as she held Blair's hand so that she wouldn't freak out.

Rafael coming into the room as soon as Blair was finished getting stitched up since he insisted he needed to talk to Blair about what she had seen in the locker room - needing to get all the information he could about what happened so that he could get Violet charged for assault as well.

"What's up, my least favorite McCall? Here to hang out with me and my favorite McCall." Blair asked Rafael sarcastically, Melissa smiling once Blair referred to her as her favorite McCall. Melissa tried not to act too proud that Blair preferred her over Rafael even though it was obvious that all of Scott's friends preferred Melissa over Rafael. Melissa was already used to Blair teasing Scott about how his mom was the best person in all of Beacon Hills and how he might come second considering how much Melissa bribed her with food whenever the two were at his house.

"I need to talk to you about what happened in the locker room tonight," Rafael explained to Blair, getting straight to the point of the conversation since he knew his son's girlfriend didn't particularly like him or at all for that matter. Blair and Stiles both showing their obvious distaste for the man as soon as he showed up in town. While Stiles dislike may have been rooted in the fact that he had watched the effects of the effects of Rafael leaving Scott, Blair's was purely driven by her protectiveness of Scott - not wanting Rafael to ever hurt him again.

"Violet said she needed to go to the bathroom, I offered to go with her. She said she needed to grab something from the locker room, I realized she was taking too long. I entered the locker room and the bitch stabbed me. Any more details you need?" Blair asked once she finished giving Rafael all the details of what had happened - crossing her hands against her chest. Rafael getting suspicious at how unfazed Blair seemed to be at getting stabbed by an assassin.

"Were you friends with Violet?" Rafael asked curiously, only picking up on that strange detail of the story since he didn't know why Violet and Blair were even together in the first place considering the girl was two grades younger than Blair. Rafael didn't know a lot about Scott and his friends but he did know that they had a strange tolerance to the events that seemed to occur in the town especially the crime scenes and that they always managed to get stumble into.

"Scott's been looking out for the new freshman, Liam. I decided to try and be nice to some of his friends so they would feel involved. Be a social butterfly of whatever the saying is that means to make new friends and it bit me in the ass, okay? Lesson learned, no more talking to strangers on the lacrosse bleachers for further notice." Blair smiled sarcastically as she held her hands up in a surrender position, Rafael nodding as he seemed to get the answers he needed. Even if there was something else about the entire thing, he knew Blair probably wouldn't disclose since all of Scott and his friends seemed to be keeping secrets from everyone in town about what they knew.

"Well, next time. Try and sit with someone you know, alright?" Rafael asked in concern since he knew how much the girl lying on the hospital bed meant to his son. Blair nodded her head in agreement, not wanting to seem ungrateful for his concern as Rafael nodded his head goodbye to Melissa and Blair as he exited the room.

"Please tell me I can go home, now. If I have to stare at these walls any longer, I might go crazy." Blair begged Melissa to let her out since she absolutely hated hospitals considering everything that went wrong for her usually happened in the hospital. Blair hadn't even been in the hospital that long and she already felt if she stayed there any longer she was going to go stir crazy.

"You have to take it easy from now on, okay?" Melissa reminded Blair as she helped her stand up. Blair letting out a hiss of pain before sitting back down on the hospital bed as she struggled to stand up by herself considering the pain started soaring through her leg. Blair closing her eyes as she gripped onto the side of the bed - her first time feeling pain in months without having the safety of healing soon after.

"Here, Derek and Scott have been waiting outside for you. I'll tell them that you're all finished and they can help you out." Melissa told her gently as she rubbed Blair's shoulder in a weak attempt to cheer her up. Derek was the first to come in when he noticed her stitches where the knife had previously been - glad that Blair had actually stayed still long enough to get them in. Blair looking up with a glare on her face, angry that she was going to be held back from fighting by her leg now.

"You know, I didn't think I'd be ever picking you up from a hospital ever again from a high school fight. Catfights again?" Derek asked jokingly as he wrapped Blair's arm around his shoulder as he helped her stand up from the bed causing Blair to let out another hiss of pain at the sudden force of moving. Derek seemed to love to tease Blair about the fact that she used to get into fighting squabbles a couple times a month in her old school before moving to Beacon Hills that always ended terribly since she was never properly trained beforehand.

"Does it still hurt?" Scott asked gently as he heard Blair's winces of pain as she moved, Blair shaking her head no despite the fact she was completely depending on Derek to help her walk. Derek already knowing better than to ask Blair if she was okay since the girl had the tendency to lie to him when it came to the state of her health.

"No, I'm totally fine. I can hardly even feel it anymore." Blair lied to them, both of the werewolves knowing that she was lying to them even without having to listen to her heartbeat since they could see the signs of pain on her face as she was talking. Blair rolling her eyes once Scott insisted on taking her other side as they helped her out of the hospital. Blair not wanting either of them to see her as weak since she didn't like it when she had to depend on someone else to help her. Her stubbornness starting to show as she gritted her teeth in aggravation as the two's eagerness to help her and not let her walk on her own.

"At this point, you should just put me in a nursing home if I can't walk without you," Blair muttered upset as Derek stopped and stared down at her - trying to stop the smirk that was slowly spreading on his face. Scott stopping abruptly as he turned to Blair since he thought something had happened to her injury in order for Derek to stop, only to see the two siblings glaring at each other.

"Really? Because I could always ask Peter for nurse advice." Derek asked causing Blair to use her hand closest to Derek to wack him in the back of the head since they both knew that Peter had killed the nurse that had taken care of him for years. Scott cracking a grin at Derek's joke as he couldn't help but smile at how the Hale's joked with each other - it was definitely different than watching Blair or Derek argue with Peter constantly.


Derek let Scott bring Blair to her room since he knew Scott wanted to talk to Blair before he had to go home. Scott ended up carrying Blair bridal style up the stairs as he sat her down gently on her bed - not wanting her to put any extra strain on her leg that could cause her any additional damage.

"Hey, stay for a while?" Blair asked him half-asleep, Scott nodding as he slipped off his shoes and moved to the spot beside her as he wrapped his arm around her. Scott letting his veins turn black as he began to take some of Blair's pain for her. Blair flickering her eyes open once she felt the pain start to leave her as she watched Scott's veins on his arms turn black, Blair using her hand to trace over the black lines before they started to disappeared. Scott watching as Blair stared intently on the veins on his arm - still having as much interest in his werewolf side that she always had. Blair staring up at Scott with a small smile on her face.

"Your veins were always much cooler than mine," Blair commented as she snuggled into her blankets, starting to realize that she wasn't as cold as she used to be as she was starting to find some heat in her bed.

"I don't know, I kinda liked your veins. Except when they hurt you, that is." Scott whispered as he kissed Blair's forehead before he pulled the blankets up over her to keep her extra warm - used to giving her extra heat from the side effects of the Valkyrie. Blair deciding not to tell Scott that she was actually already hot since she knew his gesture was instinct at this point.

"You won't do that again, right?" Scott asked her as he rubbed circles on Blair's cheek with his thumb. Blair stared at Scott confused since she was too tired to figure out what he was talking about.

"Do what?" Blair asked as her eyes started to close as she got more tired, the night's events finally starting to catch up with her since she now needed her rest after being stabbed since she was human now.

"Go into a fight where you could get seriously injured again." Scott pointed out to her which only made Blair smile more to his disappointment since he thought she would agree. Both of them knowing Blair wasn't going to agree to avoid danger but Scott still wanted to hold onto hope that she might try and be more cautious next time.

"Wouldn't be me if I didn't put myself in danger constantly, now would I?" Blair asked him honestly, not agreeing to what Scott was saying since she knew that their wasn't a guarantee when it came to her luck in fights considering she always managed to come out with a few scrapes and bruises at least. Scott sighing when he realized she was starting to fall asleep as he kissed the top of her head again before leaving so that she could rest properly - deciding to momentarily give up on trying to get her to be safer in her fighting.

Scott walked down the stairs to see Derek already waiting for him. Derek raising his head once he heard Scott come down the stairs since he knew that Scott probably wanted to talk about what had happened tonight.

"You worried about her?" Derek asked since he could see all the signs of Scott's worry written over his face. Derek believing that Blair was more than capable of handling herself after watching everything that had happened with the Valkyrie. Derek didn't even know Blair was capable of half the things she was until he saw her get possessed. Surprisingly enough, it proved to Derek how strong his little sister actually was.

"I just don't want her getting hurt again," Scott stated, starting to feel guilty about Blair getting hurt in the first place since he should have let her sit on the bench with them during the game or have someone he trusted with her at all times in order to have prevented this.

"Scott, I've known Blair since she still wore pigtails in her hair. If you try to tell Blair no, it'll make her want to do it ten times more. Just, try and bring a first-aid kit at all times in case she does get hurt again." Derek joked at the end, as Scott nodded - starting to like this new side of Derek that was starting to come out lately. Yet, he still couldn't shake the worry about Blair even if he knew her letwas going to be fine. It always felt like something could happen to her at any moment and he wouldn't be prepared for it.


Stiles had picked up Lydia and Blair and brought them to the police station with him as they decided to break the news to Parrish that he was on the dead pool. The three trying to think of a subtle way to tell Parrish that he now had professional assassins after him - hoping that he might have some clue that he was supernatural and fess up to the three what he was.

The only reason Blair had decided to join them was that it was the least dangerous option she had to take today since Derek had offered her to help him track down Satomi's pack with him - Blair deciding it would probably be a bad idea to spend the day trekking through the woods with the possibility of ripping her stitches. Blair wanting to heal as fast as possible to shake the useless feeling she currently had.

"Your dad should be back within the hour. You want to wait in his office?" Parrish asked as he brought Stiles, Lydia, and Blair into the station - expecting them to want to wait for the Sheriff in there rather than in the crowded reception of the station.

"Actually, we want to talk to you," Stiles explained as he held his hands in front of him together. Parrish staring at the three of them confused since he barely talked to the three teenagers except when they were talking to the Sheriff. Blair finding it slightly awkward that they were the three who had to break the news to the Deputy that he was on the Deadpool since the three combined usually resulted in at least one person getting insulted.

"Privately." Lydia clarified as Parrish looked between the three teenagers since he didn't know what they could possibly want to talk to him about. Blair beginning to think that it was going to be difficult to explain this to Parrish and for him to actually believe that they were telling the truth since it did sound preposterous.

"It's important, life or death. Like I will literally drop dead right now  if you don't talk to us." Blair rushed him dramatically since he was still hesitating on the conversation, Parrish finally nodding as he brought them into the Sheriff's office to talk. Blair was quick to hand him the piece of paper that she had folded up in her coat pocket as they let Parrish read over it.

"This is a hit list?" Parrish clarified for himself as he looked through the names of everyone on the list - spotting the numbers beside the names as he quickly put the pieces together in his head of what the paper meant. Parrish still wasn't in the complete know about everything going on in the town but he seemed to pick up on it much faster than others did.

"We call it a dead pool. Recognize any names?" Stiles asked once he finished explaining, knowing that Parrish was one of the Deputy's helping his dad locating the rest of the names on the list. The three were hoping by showing Parrish the list first without his name it would help break down the news to him.

"Yeah. The Sheriff had me run a bunch of these through the system last night. But we couldn't find any of them." Parrish clarified since he figured they already knew about it anyway considering how much they were in the know about everything that happened in the town, Stiles turning to Blair and Lydia as he nodded his head towards Parrish as tried to indicate they were going to do the next part of the plan and not him. Stiles not wanting to be the one to break the news that told Parrish he was a target on the hit list.

"Show him the other thing," Stiles told the two girls, Lydia and Blair staring at each other to decide who would tell him as Lydia pushed her head towards Parrish - Blair sighing as she walked forward, flipping over the piece of paper for Parrish so that he could see his name on the bottom of the list. Parrish standing up immediately in shock once he read his name on the hit list. Blair and Lydia sharing a discreet look as they grew worried over how Parrish was going to take this. Neither of them knowing how he could possibly accept the news of being a target of professional assassins.

"Okay. That's kind of terrifying. What's the number?" Parrish asked as he let out a stressed sigh once he realized he was one of the target on the Deadpool. Blair sympathizing with him considering he didn't even know that it was actually a supernatural hit-list.

"That's how much you're worth," Lydia revealed, Parrish snapping his head back in shock at the information since he didn't think he would be worth that amount of money.

"I'm worth five dollars?" Parrish asked in immediate shock since he thought he would be worth more money than that  - he thought he was worth at least worth twenty bucks. Blair turning to Stiles and Lydia as she wondered if any of them were going to tell him what his actual amount was. Neither Lydia nor Blair wanting to be the ones who had to tell Parrish the news of his worth even if Stiles was trying to make them be the bearers of bad news.

"Five million." Stiles held up five fingers as he informed Parrish of his worth on the dead pool. Parrish's eye's widening when Stiles revealed his actual worth on the dead pool since he definitely wasn't expecting that.

"I don't actually think that made him feel any better," Blair whispered to Stiles who nodded his head sheepishly - thinking that he had actually done a good job of telling Parrish his actual worth instead of letting him think he was only worth five dollars.

"I only make 40,000 a year. Maybe I should kill myself." Parrish commented to himself as he began to think about his salary compared to the amount of money he was worth - taking him aback since he barely made forty grand a year working in the Beacon Hills Sheriff Station.

"Okay, let's not go that far. You technically can't spend the money yourself if you're dead." Blair piped up quickly, stopping any death talk before it happened to continue - not wanting Parrish to jump to any conclusions about his worth on the dead pool. Parrish nodding in agreement with Blair's point, still in shock that he was worth this much on a hit list or why he was even on it in the first place since he hadn't done anything interesting enough that would qualify him to be on this.

"I don't get it. Why... Why am I on this?" Parrish asked the three, Blair turning to Stiles as she waited to see if they were going to break the news or not to Parrish that he was a supernatural creature. Stiles turned his head to Blair at the same time as they silently argued over who was going to answer Parrish before Blair stood on his foot causing him to let a small yelp in response before he finally turned to Parrish.

"Honestly, that might be a question for another day. Right now, there's still another third of the list we gotta crack." Stiles explained to Parrish, hoping that he would be able to help them get the third cipher key rather than question his position on the dead pool further since they didn't have time right now to explain the whole supernatural world to him considering they still had to convince him to let them talk to Meredith.

"We need the third cipher key. But we need help getting it." Lydia explained guiltily, Lydia had explained to Stiles and Blair how she had managed to nearly give Meredith a break down the last time she had seen her during the lacrosse game which meant they needed all the help they could get in order for Meredith to talk to them again.

"Someone that we need your help talking to," Blair added since she knew they couldn't get into Eichen by themselves without Parrish since both Blair and Stiles weren't exactly on good terms with the staff there since Blair had managed to take one of them down and Stiles had to be sedated by multiple guards. Both of them having a certain reputation when it came to the place.

"From who?" Parrish asked confused, not knowing who could possibly help them crack a Deadpool key. Blair liking the fact that Parrish was easily going along with all of this rather than holding them up with more questions about the Deadpool.

"Meredith," Lydia answered him as her lips formed a straight line. Blair crossing her arms against her chest as she waited for Parrish to either agree or disagree with their plan since it was slightly crazy. Blair knowing how bad it sounded when she told Parrish that they needed help from Meredith especially considering what had happened between her and Lydia.

"The girl from Eichen? The last time you saw her, you almost give her a nervous breakdown." Parrish turned to leave as he held the door open for the three to leave while they stayed stood in their spot before turning to Parrish. Parrish in disbelief that Lydia would even consider talking to Meredith again after what she had put her through.

"Uh... Almost." Lydia corrected, both Blair and Stiles closing their eyes at her comment as Blair rubbed her head - thinking that it would cause Parrish to not trust them further since Lydia had managed to almost give Meredith a breakdown and was now insisting on meeting her again. Blair just hoped that Parrish would have enough faith to let the three talk to her despite the fact he barely knew any of them.

"I'll pay you $20 if you take us?" Blair offered sheepishly as she handed out a twenty-dollar bill, Stiles pointing to Blair in agreement as he helped her offer her money to the Deputy despite the fact it was completely against the law and could probably get her arrested if anyone found out. Lydia rolling her eyes that her friends actually thought that twenty dollars were a good amount of money to bribe people with.

"Put away the money, I'll take you guys." Parrish finally agreed reluctantly as Stiles let out a silent cheer as Blair and Lydia turned to each other and high-fived in celebration since they were beginning to doubt that Parrish would actually take them.

"Hey, I helped." Stiles defended himself as he held out his hand for a high-five, Blair nodding in agreement as she held her hand out for Stiles to high-five - pulling away at the last second as he fell off balance and managed to trip over his own feet as he nearly crashed into his dad's desk behind them.

"Hey!" Stiles called out as Blair and Lydia left him as they walked out of the Sheriff's office together and left him standing behind. Lydia rolling her eyes at the two since they were beginning to feel more like children she was responsible for considering how much they tended to cause a scene in public.

"Come on, Stiles. What's keeping you?" Blair turned around and asked as she had a smirk covering her face. Stiles glaring at her as he pointed at her as she held her hands up in self-defense, laughing as Stiles finally caught up with them.

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