Elsa's Journey (Book I)

By The-Real-Deadpool

10.8K 241 60

Elsa is abused by her family, the Black Sun pack, and she doesn't know why. Finally, she sees her one chance... More

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
characters, locations, stuff
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
more characters and stuff
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23

chapter 9

361 8 0
By The-Real-Deadpool

Eddie POV
I woke up and looked over at Elsa who was still asleep. I couldn't believe itm...she was choosing him over me? i thought w ee would be together forever ... I must have my revenge.

Elsa POV

I woke up in the cage with the other slaves and my mate eddie who was sad in the corner. It hart my heart a little bit when I saw it but he did hurt me and I had a new maye now anyway. Speaking of him....I looked around the big cavern and saw Randall getting off the floor as my dad (alpha nick) woke him up "get up you fool" he said. "Sir your daughter is my mate" "what" "yeah we just met in the Dreamworld" "huh .. interesting....we could use this to turn her to our side" "yeah" "okay well then go...romance her and make her join usx" "yes sir" I heard all of this and was shocked. My new mate was evil??
He walked over to my cage "hey"
"I'll never join you" "what" "I heard everything you said" "but babe we are meant to be together...” "yes and I love you but i cannot date you if you work with the black sun, they're evil and they tortured me" "what did you just say?" "Yeah for my whole life" Randall's eyeswent red as he turned around "YOU TORTURRD HER?" he screamed at alpha Nick "yeah" "YAAAARFGGGHHH" Randall said as he leapt towards aloha Nick and started punching his armor and hurt his hand, Nick karate chopped him in the neck and Randall grabbed it and coughed as Nick kicked him backwards back into the cage and then threw him inside the cage with me. As soon as it happened Eddie growled and jumped at him and so did the other slaves I threw myself on top of him to protect him as all of them rushed towards me...

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