A Special Kind of Love

By gracey87

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THE OPPOSITE ATTRACTION:- For Bomi, the engagement should not happen. For Baekhyun, this engagement was acce... More

Casts Introduction
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❤️ 32 {The Finale}

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304 20 11
By gracey87

Baekmi Penthouse
They are going to Baekhyun parents house for dinner tonight as already promised with Mrs. Byun yesterday. Baekhyun enter the bedroom, took his luggage and start to packing all his clothes. There is no any single Baekhyun's clothes left in the cupboard which he shared with Bomi. While busy packing Bomi enter the bedroom...

Bomi: what are you doing? You pack all your stuffs, where you going?

Baekhyun: I want to move from here..

Baekhyun look serious, no smile, no emotion whatsoever..

Bomi: what? Move from here? Where?? Baekhyun..what are you trying to do?? Baekhyun-yah...are you going to leave me?

Baekhyun: I said I want to move from here..

Bomi: where?!!

Baekhyun: guest room..

Bring out his luggage out from the room...

Baekhyun: excuse me...

Bomi: uurghhh! (Slam the door showing her protest towards Baekhyun).

It's been 3 days since the last time they talked, Baekhyun seems angry about something and not talking much like usual to Bomi. He is being silent which bothers Bomi so much, she's not use to see Baekhyun like that. Took shower and Baekhyun left with his own car go to his parents house for dinner. He just leave Bomi text saying that use their own car go to his parents house. Bomi just sigh and don't know what else to do with him.

Byun's Family Mansion
Baekhyun join Leeyeon at the pool area while waiting for Bomi and dinner to be setup.

Leeyeon: dad, where's mom? Why she late?

Baekhyun: hurmm...(sigh) you want me to call her? Asking where she was?

Leeyeon: okay dad...

He dial up Bomi's number...

Bomi: hi...Leeyeon-ah..

Leeyeon: mom!

Bomi: are you hungry? Miss me?

Leeyeon: we all waiting for you mom, of course I miss you.

Leeyeon hug Bomi tightly like he don't want to let her go, Bomi kiss his forehead...she look at Baekhyun who standing in front of the pool not looking at them...
Mrs. Byun come and approach them..

Mom: Bomi-yah...

Bomi: mom...how are you?

Mom: I'm fine, sometimes busy with my association and so on..you look tired..

Bomi: always mom..

Mom: I cooked something special for you tonight.

Bomi: wow..(excited).

Mom: let's go have dinner?

Bomi: sure..

Bomi and Leeyeon already enter the house, Baekhyun keep silence since earlier..

Mom: son? Are you okay?

Baekhyun: huh? I'm good, let's go..

While having family dinner...

Mom: how's the food Bomi?

Bomi: soo good mom! The best..

Mom: son? Why you eat so little? You're not hungry?

Baekhyun just give force smile to his mom while drinking ice water..

Mom: when you both going for honeymoon? Don't you feel like going somewhere?

Baekhyun: I don't think so mom, who is going to take care of Leeyeon?

Bomi: yes mom, there is no one going to fetch him from school.

Mom: what you two talking about? I'm here and not always busy, we have our own driver to pick him up from school. Leeyeon can stay with us while you not here. Anyway Leeyeon's school not too far from here.

Dad: you're mom is correct you know I think it's time for you two starts to spend time more together. Just go and enjoy your honeymoon while you still can.

Baekhyun: we'll see how, still I have lots of work in the office, pending here and there.

Mom: don't give me lame reason son, you're dad is here to replace you while you're gone for your honeymoon.

Dad: yes of course..no need to worry about that.

Mom: Bomi-yah, where you would like to go? My close friends work as a travel agent, you two can ask any suggestions from her regarding the place you interested in.

Bomi: I'm okay with everything mom (looking at Baekhyun who looks moody).

Dad: I guess you both should sleep here tonight, it's quiet late now.

Baekhyun: okay..excuse me, good night.

Baekhyun left the dining table..Bomi just look at him walking away from the dining table. Mrs. Byun notice their awkward moment between her son and Bomi.

Mom: you two have a problem that we should be worried about?

Bomi: huh? No..nothing happens mom, he was tired from his work that's all, back and forth meeting with clients and pickup Leeyeon from school.

Bomi faking her sweet smile to make her mom in laws suspicions gone even what Mrs. Byun said is nothing but the truth.
Done with dinner, she helping out the maid to clean up everything before going to the bedroom. She walk into the bedroom, Baekhyun without taking shower and still on his office outfit fall asleep on the bed. He look tired today and an extremely moody.
She take a seat at the edge of the bed next to Baekhyun, she caressing his messy hair and tired face without Baekhyun realize it...

Bomi: I'm sorry my husband..I never meant to hurt you..

Second night stay at Baekhyun's family house also the same, Baekhyun act cold towards Bomi. This time is far more worst than last night, he not even looked at Bomi's face when they talk. She wondered why Baekhyun behaves like that this past few days. Bomi lean back at the bed post while waiting for him to sleep together. Baekhyun got into the room, brushing his teeth and face. Dry it with face towel, he switch off the bedside lamp, laying down and sleep.

Bomi: Baekhyun...yah..Baekhyun-ah..(pat his back).

Baekhyun totally ignore Bomi and continue to sleep. Bomi look so stressed out with Baekhyun's behaviour.

Baekmi Penthouse
On the 3rd night they finally back to their own house, more privacy this time. It was night after dinner, Baekhyun relaxing his body at the sofa while watching Netflix. Bomi finished cleanup at the kitchen and on her way to the living room where Baekhyun are watching movies. From laying down position he got up and sit properly so that Bomi can seat at the sofa too. Bomi sat next to him..

Bomi: can we talk?

Baekhyun: .....

Bomi: Baekhyun-ah...

Baekhyun: hurmmm...(sigh)

Baekhyun feeling annoying and move his seat few inches away from Bomi. Feeling unsatisfied with the situation Bomi getups and seat next to Baekhyun again...

Bomi: can we talk? What happened? (Frown)

Baekhyun stares at her face for few seconds with hateful facial expression, he got up and left Bomi alone in the living room. Bomi loss of words to say to Baekhyun..


Yoon & Son de boutique
Bomi have a meeting with Naeun for their next fashion week at Seoul in few weeks time, they been arranging the last minute prep before the final event.

Bomi: the dress for the fashion show is it completed?

Naeun: we only have 2 pairs of dress still need to be done, don't you worry I work my best to complete it okay. One more important thing you need know..

Bomi: what is it?

Naeun: we had 3 male models who can't joint our fashion runway at the last minute. So, we need to start find the replacement and so the measurements. One last thing is...

She took something from below the table...it was a bouquet of flower again...

Naeun: flowers..for you and it coming from the same person, Mr. Hoon.

Bomi: that pervert old guy again?!

She open the card, Mr. Hoon leaves his phone number for Bomi. She pass the flower back to Naeun and ask her to throw it away from her view.

Bomi: yuckkk! Please throw that away from my sight! You know that Mr. Hoon already married? How dare he's doing all this nonsense behaviour behind his wife? Pervert!!!

While they busy talking about Mr. Hoon bad behaviour, Bomi's phone ringing..

Phone conversations...
Bomi: helooo...

Baekhyun: helooo...I want to inform you that your parents are coming to our house tonight. They going to stay overnight..

Bomi: what?? they didn't even telling me anything about this?

Baekhyun: your mom called me just now..

Bomi: never mind..on my way heading home I will stopped buy to buy some groceries. One more thing...uhurmm..how about your clothes?

Baekhyun: help me to pack and put back inside our bedroom. I'm coming home quite late today.

Bomi: excuse me! Do it own your own! Bye!
Phone conversation end...

Baekmi Penthouse
Bomi arrived earlier due to her parents request wanted to visit them tonight. The house is a bit messy here and there, she take time to do express cleaning before she start busy in the kitchen. Bomi's menu for tonight's is:-

1. Sundubu Jigae (Soft Tofu Stew)

2. Haemul Pajeon (Seafood Vegetable Pancake)

3. Samgyetang (Ginseng Chicken Soup)

4. Nakji Bokkeum (Spicy Stir Fried Octopus)

5. Jjinmandu (Steamed Mandu Dumpling)

6. Kimchi (Chili Pickled Cabbage)

Overall it took Bomi almost 2 hours to finish all the dinner for tonight. Last part is she need to do washing of all the plates, knife and pan she is using earlier. While washing the knife Bomi accidentally cut her finger, she is screaming due to feeling pain. When she screams it surprise Baekhyun who just go into the house back from office. He saw Bomi in tears, her finger running down a lot of blood. He walks near Bomi...

Baekhyun: can I see?

Bomi look and feeling suspicious to her own husband...

Baekhyun: can you just let me see, is it bad or not. Show me your finger..

Bomi slowly show her wound to Baekhyun..he open the water tap at the sink and let Bomi's finger run through the water.

Bomi: ahhh! Oucchhhh!!!

Baekhyun: hold it for a while...

Baekhyun take the first aide kit below the kitchen cabinet, he open the kit take the cotton bowl and apply with antiseptic solution..Bomi just look at Baekhyun...

Baekhyun: come here.. I need to clean your wound before apply the antibiotic ointment.

Bomi handed over her hand fully to Baekhyun, she trust that her husband is able to clean the wound and make sure it's clean before cover with the plaster. While cleaning the antiseptic solution is stinging a bit, Bomi feel pain but when Baekhyun suddenly blow her finger and suddenly she feel cold..feel a little bit better than before.

Baekhyun: better?

Bomi: (nodded)

Baekhyun: my mom used to blow my wounds when I'm in pain, to be honest it helps to control the pain.

Baekhyun continues put the plaster on nicely and when he finish with Bomi he pack back the first aids and keep back.

Baekhyun: go and take a rest, let me continue all this.

Bomi: but...

Baekhyun: can you at least listen to me for once...please...

Bomi surrender herself and take a rest at the sofa not too far from the kitchen. When Baekhyun finish cleaning the kitchen, he join Bomi at living room. Instead of sitting at the sofa he kneel down in front of Bomi and immediately check on her wound. It shakes Bomi's heart as his wife..

Baekhyun: still feel pain?

Bomi: sometimes...the pain come and go.

Baekhyun: I saw you been busy cooking all the food on the table..I never knew you can cook so well?

Bomi: still in learning process, hopefully it taste good...

Baekhyun: I'm off for shower..rest here don't do anything.

Bomi: why he have to kneel down in front of me just now? Aishhh...he really looks like a charming Prince when he did that..but I kinda like it..my heart...(place her hand where her hear is)..stop it, don't make it too obvious.

Done with shower Baekhyun pack all his stuffs back inside the luggage and move it back to the master room with Bomi.
Bomi enter the room without knocing first....

Bomi: yah! my parents are here now...hurry up!

Baekhyun: what?? (Look at his watch) still early? Seriously?

Bomi: they are here, hurry up!

Baekhyun: aishhh...okay..okay..you go first.

Bomi close the door, Baekhyun just shove everything left inside the cupboard. He join Bomi outside to greet his in laws.

Baekhyun whispering to Bomi in front of the main door...

Baekhyun: just open the door, what are you waiting for? Yah, just open the door..

Bomi: okay..okay! (Eye rolls).

Bomi finally open the door...

Baekhyun: welcome, mom and dad...owh, Ilhoon is here too..come in..

Bomi: mom, dad..come in..Ilhoon-yah where's Chorong unnie? Suho oppa? Jun Rong??? They're not coming?

Ilhoon: they attending annual dinner for kids model at Lotte Hotel, Seoul.

Bomi: yah...nowadays Jun Rong is more busy than his parents.

Ilhoon: he got the good looks from his parents, can't blame them anyway hehehe..

Bomi: yea, right...

Baekhyun: please take a seat in the living room while we prepare for the dinner.

After about 10-15 minutes...Baekhyun and Bomi join the Yoon's family at the living room..

Mom: Baekhyun-ah..did my daughter do the housework?

Baekhyun smile back to Bomi who is giving him a signal to lie..

Baekhyun: my dear, did you do the housework? (Fake smile).

Mom: if she is lazy to do any work in this house you have to force and remind her that she is no more single, she is married.

Bomi: of course I did the housework even I'm busy and tired with my work at the boutique mom okay... I even injured my finger while I was cleaning the kitchen.

Dad: where's the toilet?

Baekhyun: behind the kitchen on your left dad..

Dad: thanks...

Baekhyun: dear, can I talk with you for a second?

Bomi: sure...

They walk and enter the bedroom...once Baekhyun close the door..

Baekhyun: hei..can you act more naturally, your acting is fake and annoying. You want your family to know about our fighting? Our personal problem? Huh??

Bomi: well, if your acting is so damn good please just go on with it, because I don't how to lies like you did to me. One more thing, if you not willing to call me my dear please just stop it. You can call me by my name rather than calling me dear. I am so freaking irritated the way you call me, so fake!

Baekhyun: Yoon Bomi..you think your brilliant or I'm a fool, huh?

Bomi: what you mean?

Baekhyun: you think I don't know? I saw it with my own eyes, you go out with Ravi 2-3 days ago. Right?

Bomi: hi..sorry I'm late.

Ravi: it's okay, please take a seat. How are you?

Bomi: I'm good thank you..

Ravi: well, thank you for meeting me today. Baekhyun, he knows you meet me here?

Bomi: he's fine..don't worry.

Ravi: so, just order what you want to eat and drink, my treat okay?

Bomi: your treat?

Ravi: yup..
Flashback end...

It shook Bomi to the core, she can't believed it herself that Baekhyun actually knew about her meeting with Ravi few days ago.

Baekhyun: when I asked you, you said to me that you meeting with client. Ahh.. I see..Ravi now is you client huh?

Bomi: I...

Baekhyun: what?! Speechless? Huh? I tell you what, next time if you want to go out or meeting with whoever you want to meet just don't tell me anymore. You just assume that I'm fine with all that because right now.. I just don't give a damn about you anymore, remember that. No need to cry in front of me like this, later your family knows they will blame me for nothing. Dry your tears before leave the room...

Baekhyun had been holding his anger for few days now, why he suddenly act cold towards Bomi is he coincidentally saw Ravi having lunch with his wife few days ago. Since then Baekhyun had been silence, not talking much and avoiding himself from Bomi.

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