The royal baby

By AgeregressionKitten

5.3M 117K 15.1K

A small, petite 19 year old girl is caught thieving. She is dragged to the royal's castle and held in a cell... More

The start of something new
My baby
The rules
The twins
A little slip
Meeting Grant
Beginnings of a war
Run away
MY baby
Play Date
Stabby stab


64.6K 1.4K 85
By AgeregressionKitten

*Allison's P.O.V*
I lay quietly under their bed, sniffling as I wipe my eyes. I clamp my hand over my mouth when I hear the familiar sound of heels clicking through the halls before hearing the door open. Another set of footsteps comes into the room right after, making me freeze.

"Maxon, I don't know what I did. All I said was that what she was doing was enough, admittedly I did raise my voice slightly, and said she was being bad," the queen's voice said. I cringe as the queen says that word again. I hated that word, it was so stupid. Why was that word even invented?

"We'll find her, the guards had an eye on the gates, which are now closed, and no one saw her leave the castle," Maxon reassures her. "If she has managed to get out of the castle we'll send out an alert and find her," he says.

"Your majesties," the familiar voice of Caspian says.

"Any news of Allison? Any hint to where she could be hiding?" the queen asks frantically.

"No," Caspian says. "I heard you talking about sending out an alert if she managed to get out of the castle and I assume off the grounds?" he asks.

"Yes, why do you ask? Do you think she's gotten out?" the king asks, sounding stressed. I didn't like that either him nor the meanie queen were upset but I need time to myself. Even though I knew I deserved a lot more than just being told enough, a part of my mind still saw the queen as mean for slightly raising her voice and saying I was bad.

"No," Caspian says, earning a sigh from the queen.

"Thank god," she murmurs as I feel someone sit down on the bed.

"But even if she did, we couldn't send out an alert. Her face would flood the streets," Caspian says.

"That's the point. There will be guards looking for her too," the king says, sounding dumbfounded.

"Look I've been trying not to tell you this because I knew it'd hurt you. I know it will hurt you but Allison's not a citizen of our country. She's not even supposed to be in our country, much less in the castle," Caspian said. My eyes widen as I lay still. How did he know? I had been so sneaky but I guess sneakiness goes out the window when you're being cared for by the king and queen.

"What are you talking about? Of course she's a citizen," the queen says. "I looked at her file, it said she was," she sounds frustrated and confused.

"Her documents are forged. I noticed they looked slightly off and dug deep into people that looked like her from other countries. I found a missing person report from the country of Fional," Caspian said. "It's nineteen years ago and look at the age progression drawing," he said, a rustling of paper telling me had given them that drawing.

'Missing person? Who would have filed that? Mister was in prison since I was 12 and before then...' I think to myself. I couldn't remember much of my childhood, most certainly not when I was a baby so I wonder who filed the missing person report.

"It does look a lot like her and the description matches her," Maxon says.

"And I looked deeper into that. You know Lady Fional?" Caspian asks.

"Yes what about her?" the queen asks, sounding confused. She wasn't getting called her real name until she takes back calling me bad.

"I- it's best to wait til we have Allison so I can explain to all three of you," Caspian says. I sigh as I decide to give up my hiding spot to satisfy my curiosity. Knowing things would always be better than hiding.

"What do you want?" I ask as I roll out from under the bed, making the queen gasp. I feel her hands slip underneath me and pulled me close.

"Allison I was so worried," she says, her voice making me feel guilty. I squirm slightly in her hold as she kisses my cheek. "Why did you run off like that?" she asks, sounding upset with me.

"You raised your voice and said I was bad," I whisper, making her sigh as she sits down.

"I raised my voice only a little and that was so you would know I was serious. I never said you were bad, I said you were being bad," the queen says, making me frown.

"Don't like when people raise their voices," I say, making the queen frown and shake her head. "And being bad means I am bad," I reply as my voice quivers.

"You really don't like that word huh?" the queen asks, making me shake my head. "Fine. I'll make sure not to say it again. Does naughty work with you?" she asks and I nod. "I won't promise not to raise my voice but if I do then just say it okay," she murmurs as she holds me close.

"I'm sorry for being naughty. I just wanted to play and I think little me thought it was a good idea to bug you into playing. I'm also sorry for running off," I say, earning a nod from her.

"And that might work sometimes, just not when I'm in meetings," the queen- Annabelle, I correct myself, coos as she rocks back and forth while rubbing my back. "I'm gonna have to put a bell on you if you keep running off, just to keep track of you," she jokes, making me giggle. "I am serious though. Run off one more time and I will get a harness for you to wear so I don't lose you," she says which earns a giggle from me.

"When were you going to tell us that your documents were forged?" Maxon asks.

"Never," I admit. "I just kind of put it behind me and forgot about Fional," I shrug. "By the way who is Lady Fional and why did you bring her up when you were talking about me?" I ask Caspian who looks down at some paper in his hand.

"Because when I looked into your background, your father, or well the man who raised you, was arrested on a kidnapping charge seven years ago of Lady Fional's daughter. The daughter who went missing about...nineteen years ago," Caspian said.

"So what are you saying?" I ask as I stare at him. I think I'm more confused at him calling Mister my father than anything else. Mister was not my father and he let me know that several times.

"I believe with how you look so much like her now that I'm really thinking about it, that you may be her daughter," Caspian says. That manages to get the other part of what he said to sink into my brain.

"No way, I don't think you're right. Besides, you never answered who she was?" I remind Caspian.

"Lady Fional is the queen of Fional's younger sister," Maxon says as he stares at me, almost as if he's reevaluating me. "You do kind of look like her," he murmured softly.

"Well there's only one way to test your theory, even though I think you're both wrong," Annabelle says. "We invite them over and have Allison do a DNA test with Lady Fional and her husband," she states.

"I'll get to work making the invites," Maxon sighs. "This weekend should be fun," he murmurs as he walks over to a desk resting against the wall in the corner of the room.

"This has to be some kind of joke," I mutter as I look up at Annabelle.

"If it is then it's being played on both of us," she says softly.

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