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Jimin and Jungkook are best friends- good, Christian boys with very religious parents. They've never done a t... More



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Jeongguk loves laying in their arms.

There's a domesticity to it all that just makes his heart flutter when he wakes up with Jimin and Taehyung cuddling against him.

And Jeongguk has never been a fan of cuddling.

Over the past few weeks, however, he's learned that he absolutely loves it with his two best friends.

Maybe that's a little strange...

But when he wakes up on the morning of Jimin's birthday, alone in his Iron Man decorated bed, he feels so cold.

He misses waking up with them, their hair messy, and voices raspy, but they don't care.

A few times they'd gotten up and went back to the waterfall, spending the days in the sun and water.

They love it there.

It's the only place outside of the apartment where they feel like they can be free. The place they have their deepest conversations, and for the times they went at night, their late night rants about random things. Everything seems more meaningful when they're there.

It belongs to them. And only them.

Homecoming was last week, and things have only gotten better since then. The three had spent the rest of the night talking mindlessly and sharing soft kisses until they fell asleep in each other's arms.

Jeongguk loves the feeling so much that he hates school even more than usual. School days mean that they can't sleep over at Taehyung's. Which means that Jeonggukie doesn't get his cuddles...

But it makes him enjoy them that much more when the weekend comes.

Jimin's birthday, however, falls on a weekday.

A Thursday.

Jeongguk groans, dragging himself out of the bed and into his school clothes. The school doesn't have uniforms, but they have a very strict dress code. So Jeongguk grabs his black pants and a nice polo shirt, pairing it with his favorite boots.

And you can guess which boots they are.

"Your hair's black," is the first thing Yiren says when he sits at her table in the library during free period.

"Thanks for telling me," Jeongguk snorts.

"You've gotten a lot sassier lately, ya know that?"

Jeongguk just giggles as he grabs his books from his backpack. Yiren eyes him, but eventually goes back to looking at her laptop.

"Ya know," she suddenly says after a few minutes. "Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I talk to you."

Jeongguk pauses for a second, pen in hand, before he looks up. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I mean, I have to keep repeating the same thing over and over again."

"A little bit, I guess," Jeongguk shrugs meekly. Yiren sighs with a soft smile, laying her hand over the boy's.

"Jeongguk, I just want to see you happy. It's been almost two months since this whole non-official relationship started with you guys and anyone can see how happy you are with them," Yiren says. "Yet, you're still worried about other people, and what they think of you."

"Yiren, my parents got pissed at me for getting my ears pierced. How do you think they'd react if they found out I like boys?" Jeongguk sighs, whispering the last part, and looking around to make sure no one could hear.

Yiren shrugs. "Fuck them."


"I'm just saying— fuck what they think. It's your life. They already control what you wear, how you look, how you act. But neither you, nor them, can control how you feel, Jeonggukie."

"I know," Jeongguk looks back down at his work, mind off in space. "Sometimes I just still feel scared. Not as much as before, but still sometimes."

"And that makes sense. But don't let your fears keep you from living."

Jeongguk nods. He knows she's right— she almost always is. "Thank you, oh wise one," he giggles.

Yiren laughs as well, softly, since they are in a library. "Well my mom is a psychologist, so maybe that's why."

"Really? I didn't know that."

"Yeah," the girl hums, typing away on her computer. "That's why she was cool about it when my brother came out."

Jeongguk stops, eyebrows furrowed. He looks back up at Yiren, who looks up at the silence.

"C-Came out? As in..."

"My brother's gay."

"H-How come you never told me?" Jeongguk asks.

"Oh," Yiren frowns. "I thought I did...?"

"I definitely would have remembered that."

The girl giggles and closes her laptop. "Well yeah. He came out last year. My dad wasn't very happy about it. But my mom studied in the States, so she learned about it in some of her courses."

"So she was okay with it?"

"She supports!" Yiren smiles, seeing Jeongguk's confusion grow. "Jeongguk, not everyone thinks it's wrong. We just live in a place where society forces us to believe that. It's actually very common."

"Well yeah, in the States and stuff. My dad always talks about how the West glorifies sin. He rarely ever lets me watch American movies because of it."

"That's dumb."

Jeongguk looks down, snickering sadly. "I just... I don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"The whole... gay thing," Jeongguk admits, whispering again. Yiren snorts.

"What about it?"

"I don't know."

"I can't help you if you don't know what you want help with," Yiren laughs confusedly. Jeongguk still looks down, staring absentmindedly at his work. "Look, Jeongguk. Sexuality has a whole spectrum. There's so many different sexualities and all of them are valid. You're valid."

"Not in my parents' eyes."

"Stop thinking about them," Yiren snaps. "Think about yourself."

"Yiren, none of it matters. Yeah, so what? I'm probably gay," Jeongguk hisses, and takes a deep breath. "And maybe it's common, but... it's still unnatural."

"Actually, it occurs a lot in nature."

"Huh?" Jeongguk gasps.

"A lot of animals mate with the same sex. Technically, it is natural. Just the overly-conservative asshats don't want you to know that because it doesn't fit their narrative."

Jeongguk stares dumbly, blinking at Yiren as she talks. The girl is a lot smarter than him, and knows more about this topic, so he puts his trust in her.

Maybe it's not such a good idea to just blindly trust someone, but Jeongguk really just wants his feelings to be validated right now.

"So it is normal?" he says in a small voice.

Yiren gives him a smile and nods. "Ya know, Jeongguk, can I tell you what you remind me of?"

And Jeongguk loves hearing praises about what people think of him. "What?" he smiles brightly.

"A ping pong game."

Jeongguk frowns, shoulders falling instantly. "Huh?"

"You keep going back and forth. I get it, I really do," Yiren says. "You just can't keep leading them on. They're waiting for you to make that first move."

"And I will. I-I just want to make sure I'm one hundred percent ready."

Yiren sits back, grinning from ear to ear. "Good. So what are you guys doing for Jimin's birthday?"

"We can't do anything today because it's a school night," Jeongguk explains with a prominent pout on his lips. "They're still coming over like normal, but we're celebrating tomorrow. We're spending the night at Tae's and giving him his presents—"

"And probably a birthday make out session," Yiren points. Jeongguk's face flushes pink and he looks down, smiling to himself.

"P-Probably a little..."

Yiren fakes a loud gasp, and on cue, gets shushed by the people around her. She rolls her eyes and turns back to Jeongguk, who shakes his head.

"Don't shake your head at me."

"I did nothing of the sort," Jeongguk sings, smirking.



Jeongguk isn't an expert in kissing.

Far from it.

He doesn't really know what to do, and he lacks technique— but in all honesty, it's because he doesn't care about "technique."

He just wants to kiss the two boys that make him happy.

Sue him.

The thing he does know how to do, however, is mimic what the other two have done to him.

"Fuck," Jimin hisses, Taehyung sucking on the sensitive skin of his neck, and Jeongguk peppering kisses along his jaw. He places a kiss on the blonde's lips before pulling away, watching as Jimin's eyes screw shut while Taehyung marks his neck.

Jimin grips Taehyung's hair, gasping at the feeling. Jeongguk eyes the movement of Taehyung's mouth against the elder's skin.

When Taehyung pulls away and runs the pad of his thumb over the mark, Jeongguk tilts his head. "How do you do that?" he whispers.

Taehyung smiles, looking back at the mark. "What? A hickey?"

"Yeah," Jeongguk nods. "Teach me."

"Guk, it's okay," Jimin chuckles, but Jeongguk pouts.

"No it's not! You two do it to me and it feels good. I wanna make you guys feel good, too."

"That's sweet, baby," Taehyung says, a fond smile on his face and he lightly holds Jeongguk's waist. The youngest smiles back at him. "A hickey is just a mark when you suck on the skin."

"There's really no, quote on quote, right way to do it. The only thing is to just not bite too hard. Unless they like that, but that's a different story," Jimin explains.

Jeongguk furrows his eyebrows in confusion. "Why would someone like to be bitten?"

"Are we really doing this again?" Taehyung asks Jimin.

"Fuck yeah!"

Taehyung sighs and turns to Jeongguk, using his hand around his waist to pull them together. Jeongguk's eyes widen, but he relaxes when he feels Taehyung's lips on the skin near his collarbone.

It's a sensitive spot for him, so he whimpers when Taehyung instantly begins sucking, knowing exactly what the younger likes. He's come to figure out what places to kiss to make him go crazy, and where to graze his fingers over to have Jeongguk shuddering in pleasure.

As expected, Jeongguk doesn't question as Taehyung sucks and nibbles at the skin. He's already breathing heavily, just from getting a hickey.

He gasps, though, when Taehyung takes the flesh between his teeth in a soft bite.

Taehyung smirks, capturing Jeongguk's lips in a kiss. His hands travel to Jeongguk's thighs, and he pulls, causing the younger to fall back, Taehyung cornering him against the wall that the side of the bed is pushed to.

Jeongguk simply hums, letting out a little whimper when a hand grips his thigh tightly. And, of course, he knows it's Jimin.

Taehyung licks into his mouth, Jeongguk not minding as the elder does as he pleases. His fingers tighten around Taehyung's shirt, the fabric bunched up into his fist. He feels a nibble on his bottom lip, and doesn't protest.

So Taehyung sinks his teeth into the soft skin, gently. But he pulls back slowly with Jeongguk's bottom lip still between his teeth, the two making direct eye contact.

Jeongguk's breath gets shaky just from the look in Taehyung's eyes. And when the older boy is completely off of him, he feels himself regain composure, and pouts as he sits up.

"Okay, point taken."

"Any time, sweetheart," Taehyung winks. Jeongguk purses his lips and crosses his arms over his chest.

"So!" Jimin sits up suddenly, smile on his face. "Speaking of my birthday—"

Jeongguk and Taehyung look at each other before looking back at the oldest. "We weren't talking about your birthday...?"

"Well we are now," Jimin beams. Taehyung chuckles and moves to lay down next to Jimin, wrapping an arm around his waist.

"What about your birthday, love?"

"I want my presents today. Why wait till tomorrow?"

Taehyung smiles fondly, pushing a blonde strand out of Jimin's face. "That way we can be alone when we give you your presents."

"Unless the present is lube, I don't see why we need to be alone," Jimin sasses, the other laughing loudly.

Jeongguk tilts his head, but no one sees.

"It's more about the sentiment, babe. Celebrating your day in a more comfortable and safe environment," Taehyung says in a soft voice, but Jimin just pouts, looking at him with big, puppy dog eyes.

"But-But presents..."

Taehyung gasps exaggeratedly and holds his hand over his heart. "Presents are more important than quality time with us?"


"You're truly one of a kind, Park Jimin," the younger smiles.

"Okay, you know I'm just kidding," Jimin whines, sitting up. "But seriously, I want my presents."

"And you'll get them tomorrow, love."

Jimin still pouts, huffing in Taehyung's hold. But when he looks to see the youngest of the three, sitting, frozen and staring downward in confusion, he snickers.

"Gukkie, why do you look like Tae during a math test?"


Jimin ignores the slap on his shoulder and shrugs, looking back at Jeongguk.

"I-It was something you said."

"Which thing?" Jimin asks. "I say a lot of dumb shit."

"I vouch for that," Taehyung points out.

This time, he gets slapped.

Jeongguk just shakes his head as the two continue bickering. "What's lube?"

Taehyung and Jimin pause, in the middle of a mini wrestling match. Both of their eyes widen and they blink at the youngest, who awaits an answer.

"Uhhhh..." Jimin trails. He turns to Taehyung for help, but the boy just holds his hands up in surrender.

Jimin opens his mouth to say something, but closes it back. "I-It's something sexual," he chooses to say, to which Jeongguk frowns.

"I could guess that from context clues, Chim. What is it, though?"

Jimin hesitates again. "Tae—"

"He's your best friend!"

"Traitor," the blonde mumbles, rolling his eyes.

"Just tell me," Jeongguk says in a little whine. Taehyung and Jimin stare between each other and back at Jeongguk.

They're both trying to think of a way out of having this conversation right now.

"Boys! I'm home!"

"Thank god!" Jimin breathes, jumping off the bed.

Jeongguk narrows his eyes, but Jimin just sticks his tongue out. Jeongguk turns to respond to his mother, just as the door opens and the woman leans against the doorframe.

"Happy birthday, Jiminie!" she smiles, the blonde boy blushing.

"You remembered."

"I remember every year, silly. You're practically my other son. You're in my fridge more than I am."

The three boys chuckle at that, not bothering to say anything else. For some reason, it feels awkward.

"So boys, would you mind going home early today?" Mrs. Jeon suddenly says, which has them all furrowing their eyebrows.

"But we were about to start playing video games," Jeongguk pouts.

"You'll see them tomorrow, it's okay. We just have something we need to do."

"O-Okay," the boy mutters. His mother smiles as she leaves the room, Jimin and Jeongguk turning to each other in confusion.

"Your mom has never made me leave," the blonde whispers, flabbergasted. Jeongguk nods confusedly. Slowly, his eyes grow wide in worry and he grips Jimin's shoulders.

"What if she knows?"

"Don't be crazy, Gukkie." Jimin shrugs the younger off and turns to Taehyung, who is sitting on the bed in silence. "Can you give me a ride home?"

Taehyung nods with a hum as he grabs his stuff. Jeongguk chews on the inside of his mouth, causing the oldest boy to sigh.

"Gukkie, she didn't seem upset or anything. I'm sure it's fine."

"For once, Jimin's right," Taehyung says, doubling over when said boy slaps his chest. Jeongguk giggles and shakes his head.

"We'll see you tomorrow," Jimin smiles. He leans in, planting a small kiss on Jeongguk's lips. The younger smiles and then Taehyung kisses his temple, and his smile grows even more.

They walk together down the stairs and wave goodbye. Jeongguk closes the door behind them, smile dropping instantly. He subconsciously pouts and drags himself into the kitchen, where his mother is sitting at the table, reading.

"What is it that we need to do?" he asks with a forced smile.

The lady looks up and sets her book down. She gives Jeongguk a tight lipped smile as she takes her glasses off and motions him to sit down. "I just wanted to talk to you about something."

Jeongguk nods, gulping down his fears. "Okay."

"Listen, your father and I have been discussing," she begins, somewhat hesitantly, "and we think it's best if Jimin and Taehyung don't come over every single day."


"It's not that there's anything wrong with you being friends with them. You know Jimin is like another son to us," Jeongguk's mother smiles, resting her hand over her son's, not noticing how tense he is. "It's just that you're always with them these days."

"Jimin and I have always been like that..." Jeongguk trails in a questioning tone. When his mom struggles to answer, he frowns. "Dad did this, didn't he? Because he doesn't like Tae—"

"Jeongguk. Your father and I both discussed this. We just think that you should take some time to yourself. Focus on school or getting ready for college—"

"School? Mom, I have perfect grades," Jeongguk argues politely. "And I already finished my college applications over the summer, I'm just waiting for the acceptance letters."

"Okay, I get it," the lady sighs. Jeongguk deflates a little, furrowing his eyebrows. He follows her every movement with his eyes, noticing how indifferent she is to the topic.

Almost like she doesn't one hundred percent agree with her own words.

"Jeongguk, you're just always with them. You see them every day at school, after school, and you're over at Taehyung's every weekend. This has been going on for about two months. The only time you're not spending with them is when you're asleep."

That's what she thinks.

"All we're saying is for them to just not come over every day," she continues. "You'll still see them at school, and on the weekends. They can come over a couple times during the week... just not every day, okay?"


It's not okay.

Jeongguk already hates being away from Jimin and Taehyung the small time he has to be. Now his parents expect him to spend even less time with them.

But he can't argue. He just has to obey his parents. So he bites his tongue.

"Yes ma'am," he grits his teeth. His mother doesn't notice and just gives a small smile, patting his hand.

"It's okay, my little Cookie."

Jeongguk forced out a smile at the old childhood name. He subtly rushes out of the kitchen, fists slightly clenched by his sides.

He wants to yell and scream so many things. Wants to tell his mom that he doesn't want that. Wants to cry that she wouldn't understand.

He can't say what he wants.

He's been living in some fantasy world, and now he's trapped in the cold, harsh reality. He can't do what he wants.

This is his reality.


"Do you wanna come in for a little bit?" Jimin asks, hopping off the motorcycle and handing the helmet to Taehyung.

"Nah, it's fine. I'm getting Yeontan this weekend, so I need to clean up some anyways."

"Yeontan!" Jimin squeals, smiling brightly. "Gukkie and I haven't gotten to see him in so long."

Taehyung chuckles, putting the spare helmet into the compartment under the seat. "You saw him a couple weeks ago."

"Yeah, but we've only met the dog like twice. And both times, you had to take him back to your grandma's so we didn't even really get to spend time with him."

"Well this time, he's staying all weekend."

Jimin instantly smiles again, hopping a little in place. "Really? We'll get to spend the night with Yeontan?"

"And me—"

"But Yeontan?!"

Taehyung stops with a pout, daring to smile. "I'm really feeling unloved today."

"You'll be fine," Jimin teases, patting Taehyung's cheek. He goes to lean in, but Taehyung backs away, clearing his throat.


Jimin steps back, nodding to himself. They can't do that outside in broad daylight. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"Happy birthday, love."

Jimin smiles and begins walking to his door, watching Taehyung take off out of the driveway. He sighs, taking his keys out of his pocket. But when he grabs the door knob, he pauses.

It's already open.

"What the fuck?" he mutters, stepping inside slowly. Everything looks normal, but he still clutches the key in his hand, and his phone in the other.

Nothing is out of place, but he also doesn't see his parents in any of the main rooms.

There's a small rustling sound coming from the hallway and Jimin turns around, slowly, taking small, silent steps. He hears hushed voices and gets even more nervous.

Suddenly, a figure comes around the corner from the hallway, and Jimin screams.

His mother jumps, clutching her robe even tighter. But Jimin already saw the lace lingerie, and he wants to bleach his eyes.

"Oh my god!" he yells, turning around and walking away.

"Jimin calm down—"

"Why are you wearing that?!?"

The lady sighs, causing her son to slowly turn around, looking her in the eyes. She looks terrified, fear mixing with worry. "Jimin—"

"I heard a scream," a voice says, and both of them freeze. A man comes around the corner, shirtless, and a baseball bat in hand. "Is everything okay?"

Jimin's confusion only grows as he looks at the man.

That is not his father.

"Who the fuck are you?" he spits.

"Language—" his mother tries to warn, but he brushes it off.

He feels his blood boiling.

"Oh," the unknown man gasps, dropping the bat and looking to Jimin with a smile. "You're Jimin."

Jimin blinks at the man. He turns to his mother with an incredulous look, and she's holding her head in her palm.

"Who is this?"

"Jimin," she breathes, clearly distressed. "This is Changho."

Once again, Jimin says nothing.

He just stares.

The shirtless man, Changho, steps forward with one hand extended out to Jimin. "It's nice to meet you."

Jimin looks down at the hand, then back up at the man, then to his mom.

Jimin's not dumb.

It's bluntly obvious what's going on, and he feels absolutely disgusted.

He's never thought his mother would be the kind to have an affair. But now he's standing in front of a random dude that his mom has been fucking for who knows how long.

And how the hell is this man being so friendly? Like Jimin didn't just find out his mother is a cheater.

He pushes the hand away and storms past his mother. She doesn't even try to call him back, and he thinks that's a smart move as he goes to his room, slamming the door shut. The house practically shakes with how hard he slams the door, but he really just doesn't care. He locks it and throws his bag onto his bed.

His face feels like it's on fire and he knows he probably looks like he wants to kill a bitch. Before he can think of anything else, he kicks the side of his bed.

Though, he immediately regrets it when his foot hits against the wood, pain striking him. "Shit!"

He falls into his bed, holding his foot until the pain eases off.

He's always looked up to his parents.

They have both been so hard-working and driven— people say that's where Jimin gets his determination from. They always supported him and his dreams. They're his parents, after all. They took care of him and raised him to be kindhearted and understanding.

As a child, Jimin was close to his mom and dad, more so his dad. His dad taught him to play soccer and they would hold matches in the back yard. On rainy or cold days, they would set up the game inside, even if they got scolded by his mother.

They were a happy, loving family.

When they started arguing, Jimin thought it would blow over. But it felt like day by day, it only got worse.

Continuous fights about money and attention and work. It felt like a cyclone for Jimin— being thrown in every direction, trying to help.

But he just couldn't.

He's put up with it for almost two years now, and every day, he's felt his respect for his parents decrease with every single shout or curse they've thrown at each other.

Now, he feels no respect for his mother.

Speaking of the devil, she knocks on the door a few times, trying to talk to him, but he just puts on headphones and blocks her out.

Before he knows it, the sun is set, and the only light in his room is the street lights coming in through his blinds. He slowly takes his headphones off, finding it eerily quiet.

He turns the light on and sits back in the middle of the bed. There's a small vibration and he looks over at his phone, seeing a message Taehyung has sent in their group chat.

'Bun, what did your mom need you to do?'
'Jimin, are you there?'
'It's been an hour. Are you two okay?'

He types back the simplest reply he could, not in the mood to talk to anyone. And for Jimin to not want to talk— especially to Jeongguk and Taehyung— means that something is definitely wrong.

Right as he hits send, there's a knock on his door. He stops and narrows his eyes.

"If it's mom, go away."

There's a small silence before a voice speaks up from the other side of the wooden door. "It's dad."

Jimin's eyes widen for a moment, until he gets confused again. He shuffles off the bed to the door. "Just you?"

"I promise," his dad's voice says, and he opens the door, letting the man walk in before he closes it again.

They sit down on the side of the bed, Jimin's expression void of emotion. His hands jitter by his sides, but his face doesn't give away any of his feelings. He feels too many emotions for even one to be shown.

"Your mom told me what happened," his father begins. "I'm sorry you had to find out that way."

Jimin looks up at this. "So you've known?"

"We um... we made an agreement a few months back that we were allowed to see other people."

"And this Changho guy...?"

"He's your mom's boyfriend," the man nods. "They've been seeing each other for about a month."

"Have you been seeing anyone?"

His dad hesitates at the abruptness of the blonde's question, but then he shakes his head. "No. Um... i-it just didn't feel right..."

Jimin tongues against his cheek, processing this. And god, he feels like a fool.

"Wow," he scoffs. "So all of this and you guys decided to just keep me in the dark about this? This effects me too!"

"That's why we didn't tell you, Jimin. We wanted to wait until you graduated so that we wouldn't ruin your childhood."

"You already did by fighting twenty four-seven!" Jimin snaps. His father looks down with a sigh, hands clasped in his lap.

"Money is just hard to come by these days, Jimin. We're trying, but your mother still thinks that she shouldn't have to work, that I should be the provider. And I wish I could but—"

"This is about money?" the boy almost scoffs.

All this shit... about fucking money.

Of course.

"The root of it, yes," Jimin's dad says sadly. "W-We've been wanting to get you a car... but we just can't."

"I have Jeongguk and Taehyung—"

"You shouldn't have to rely on your friends for this stuff. We're your parents, but it seems like those two do more for you than we do."

Jimin looks away at the clock, almost shocked that it's so late in the night. He nods and takes a deep breath, turning back to his father.

"I understand that money doesn't just grow on trees. Did you two seriously think I would be mad because you couldn't give me everything I want? Money is nothing to ruin a marriage over. That's called greed, dad— when money is more important to you than the people you love. On top of that, you two didn't even tell me."

"We thought maybe if we waited until you went away to college, it would be easier for you," he explains. "I'm sorry. We were just trying to look out for you. We thought a divorce would ruin your senior year—"

"Divorce?" Jimin chokes.

His dad gives him a small confused look before he nods, reaching out to hold his son's hand. "We agreed on a divorce last year. We just weren't planning on making it legal until you were aware and everything."


And that's all Jimin says, eyes fixed on the wood floors.


"Good that you two are getting divorced," Jimin clarifies, tone still snappy. "You guys fight all the time anyways. You aren't happy. So don't feel forced to be together."

"A-Are you sure? You're okay with this?"


The man nods again, clearing his throat. He looks up to give Jimin a small smile. "I'm happy this isn't negativity effecting you."

Jimin almost rolls his eyes at that. Since when have his parents been mindful of what could negatively effect him?

"I understand," he says instead, shrugging a little. "You should be able to be with someone who makes you happy. And I love you both enough to accept that."

Jimin's dad tilts his head slightly. But before he can question, Jimin is standing up.

"I still don't want to talk to mom tonight," he states. Maybe his mom wasn't one hundred percent cheating since it was agreed to be okay. But something about her bringing that man into their house, behind her son's back, just doesn't sit right with him.

"That's okay," Mr. Park says, standing up as well. "But you need to eat—"

"I'm not hungry."


"I'll be fine," the boy interrupts, holding the door open for his dad to leave. The man takes that as his cue, but he pauses at the doorway, turning around.

"And happy birthday, son."


"I can't believe your mom said that," Taehyung groans, wrapping his noodles around the chopsticks, shoving it into his mouth. "I thought she loved us."

"She does," Jeongguk sighs. He looks down at his food, but he doesn't have much of an appetite.

The three boys are sitting on the floor of the old band room, eating lunch. They'd stopped eating in the lunchroom a couple weeks ago, chosing the most exclusive place in the school.

It's nice having another place to themselves.

"Yet she doesn't want you with us?"

Jeongguk shuffles a little, sitting on his legs. "It's not that she doesn't want me with you guys. She just doesn't want me with you guys... as much. It's mostly my dad anyways."

Taehyung just rolls his eyes.

Jeongguk looks down, but his eyes trail to Jimin, who's been picking at his food in silence. He watches the blonde lazily twirl his noodles, looking in a daze.

Taehyung notices too, and frowns. "Baby, you've been quiet today. Is everything okay?"

Jimin nods— but it's the least convincing nod they've ever seen.

"Chim, you know you can talk to us," the youngest pouts.

Jimin gives a little smile at that, then lets out a deep breath. "Well you know I went home early yesterday," he begins, and the other two nod. "Okay, well umm... it's j-just that um... I-I umm..."

"Love, what happened?"

"M-My mom had her-her boyfriend over," he stutters out, that one damn word coming out so bitterly.

"Boyfriend?" Taehyung and Jeongguk gasp in unison, utterly confused.

Jeongguk pauses, stumbling on his words for a moment. He moves over to sit right next to Jimin. "You're mom's having an affair?"

"No," Jimin sniffles. "They made an agreement a few months ago that they're allowed to be with other people."


"Until the divorce gets finalized," he blurts out. The other two sigh, not surprised by the information.

Jeongguk grabs Jimin's smaller hand into his own and lays his head on the boy's shoulder. Jimin rests his head on top of the other boy's and closes his eyes. He and Jeongguk have always hugged and comforted each other.

But like most things lately, this time feels different.

There's something so much deeper to it than just friendship. Jimin feels himself almost smile, squeezing around Jeongguk's fingers.

"I can't even imagine how that feels," Taehyung soothes, rubbing the boy's back.

"Don't feel sorry for me, Tae," Jimin says quickly. "You've been through way worse."

"That doesn't mean that what you're going through isn't important."

"It's fine, I promise. They don't love each other anymore, maybe they never really did, who knows? Point is, they shouldn't feel pressured to stay together just because of me."

Jeongguk and Taehyung share a look before the older nods, reaching out to hold Jimin's other hand.

"Just... Just make sure that you talk to us if something is bothering you, okay, love?"

Jimin nods, laying his head back against Jeongguk's, nuzzling into the black hair. "Thank you."

After a moment of silence, he clears his throat, speaking up before he can stop himself. "I don't want my birthday presents."

"What?" the other two squeak in surprise. Taehyung leans up to look the blonde in the eyes, while Jeongguk just lifts his head slightly, staring at Jimin's side profile.

"Love, what are you talking about?"

"My parents are getting divorced because they let money be more important to them," Jimin snickers painfully. "They rather have expensive things over the happiness of just being together."

"Money can do that," Taehyung mumbles absentmindedly.

Jimin straightens his posture and says with purpose, "Well it's not doing that to us. I don't want my presents this year. Money doesn't matter in this relationship."

"Relationship?" Jeongguk echos.

Taehyung's fond smile drops and is replaced with a pout. "Wait, this means I have to return the Rolex?!"


"I'm kidding!" Taehyung chuckles, and Jimin shakes his head with a smile and looks down at the floor. Taehyung locks eyes with Jeongguk and mouthes, 'No I'm not.'

Jeongguk giggles a little and looks up at Jimin. "Chim, it's okay to have presents on days like these, though. That doesn't make you greedy."

"Yeah. You were so excited for your gifts yesterday. Being happy about a couple gifts for your birthday doesn't mean you prioritize material things, love. You're not that superficial."

Jimin quirks an eyebrow. "That?"

Jimin doesn't even have to make a move before Jeongguk is leaning forward to slap Taehyung's leg for him. "Thank you Gukkie," he smiles, the younger blushing and laying back into his shoulder. "It just... it doesn't feel right this time. I don't really want presents. I just want to spend time with you guys— that's worth more than anything money could buy."

Jeongguk and Taehyung both smile, wrapping back around the blonde, who's lips curl up in content.

"Even a Rolex?" Taehyung says hesitantly, getting nudged in the stomach.

"Fuck you!"

They stay wrapped around each other, sitting on the hard, maroon carpet of the abandoned room, until they're forced to get up by the bell.

Then, once again, it's back to reality.



well that had some... emotions...

so today, I offer you queen Yiren🥺💜

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