Playing Hard To Get (A Justin...

By BelieberSince2010

112K 1.6K 148

Justin Bieber is used to getting what he wants, including girls. He takes a liking to a girl named Reamy(Ray... More

Author's Note.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21. NOT.

Chapter 20

3.8K 56 3
By BelieberSince2010

Reamy POV:

                I woke up wrapped in Justin's arms, feeling like the happiest girl in the world. I had no regrets about last night. I looked up to see his peaceful face. He had a smile spread across his face. Not wanting to wake him up, I carefully tried to wiggle my way out of his firm grasp, but he only held me tighter.

"And where do you think you're going?" I heard him say. 

He still had his eyes closed. "I don't want to lie in bed all day..." I mumbled. 

"Why can't we?" he whined rubbing his eyes. 

"Because you have things to do. Now get up!!" 

He shook his head and closed his eyes again. I slowly climbed on top of him and planted tiny kisses up and down his neck...Nothing...I bent down and kissed him on the lips, and instantly he started kissing back. Bingo! I climbed off of him and made my way across the room. 

"You're an evil woman." He called after me. 

"Yeah, well this evil woman is about to get in the shower, coming or not?" I said grabbing some clothes. 

He raised his eyebrows at me in surprise. He nodded and darted into the bathroom after me. I giggled at his eagerness. At first I thought he was going to let me have a normal shower, boy was I dead wrong. We ended up having sex, despite my soreness that was still present from last night. 

We quickly got out and got dressed and made our way to the living area. I sat on the couch next to Chaz who was deeply engrossed in the episode of SpongeBob he was watching. 

I quickly checked my twitter.

Me: is it just me or is the sun a bit brighter today? 

Katyperry: someone's extra happy today, @RayRay, care to explain?


Me: @Katyperry, I'll text you later. If I say it over twitter, Justin's fans are going to kill me o.O


Fan:  @Justinbieber has really changed; he's not the sweet Canadian boy we once knew :( 


Fan: what happened? #JustinChanged


Fan:  we don't know you anymore...#JustinChanged

Soon enough it became a trending topic.

RyanB: how can you say someone changed when you barely knew them? You don't know the Justin I've known for my whole life.


Chaz: RT how can you say someone changed when you barely knew them? You don't know the Justin I've known for my whole life.


Me: Everyone changes, it's called growing up & and by the looks of is, most of you have a lot of maturing to do...


Justin: RT how can you say someone changed when you barely knew them? You don't know the Justin I've known for my whole life.


Justin: RT everyone changes, it's called growing up & and by the looks of is, most of you have a lot of maturing to do...


I got off of twitter and made my way to the kitchen where Justin was standing. I wrapped my arms around him and whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry about it, Justin. They'll come around." I said. “Oh and I want you to have this.” I said taking my purity ring off and sliding it on his ring finger.

He looked at me and smiled. “I love you, Reamy.”

“Love you too, Justin.”

"Well guys we got to get to the venue, let's go." Kenny said leaving the room. 

I unwrapped my arms from Justin's waist and we walked hand in hand to the car. 

"Why are you so quiet?" I said nudging him in the side.

He shrugged. “I don't know. I've just been thinking a lot..." he says.

We got to the venue after a painfully silent car ride. I as usual sat in the 'pit' as Scooter likes to call it. I watched him rehearse, and I never realized how much work he puts into all of this. He makes it seem so easy when in reality; it's probably the hardest thing a person can go through. I was infinitely proud of him. And I still can't believe that he's all mine. 

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket, tearing me away from my thoughts.


From: Katy Cherry :)

To: Ray bear 

Kay, so what's happening with you and Bieber? Let me finally gave him some of your goodies?

I laughed at her odd humor.

From: Ray Bear

To: Katy Cherry

Um yeah I guess you could say that.


From: Katy Cherry

OMG!! I knew it! So how was it? Oh better yet, how was He? ;)


From: Ray Bear

I'm only telling you this because you're like my BFF and I trust you, but it. Was. Amazing! He was just incredible. Let me tell you, he was a lot bigger than I thought he would be. I was afraid he wouldn't be able to get it in there, lol 


From: Katy Cherry

Wow! Trust me this is just the beginning, now he'll want sex all the time.


From: Ray Bear

Oh Lord! 

I put my phone back in my pocket and made my way to the stage.

Justin was lying on his back in the middle of the stage saying random things into the microphone. I sat down next to him.

"Hey sexy mama." he said, his raspy voice booming through the arena.

I giggled, “would you turn that thing off."

He chuckled and flicked it off. He stared at me for the longest time; I started to think there was something on my face.

"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, and I'm so lucky to have you..." he said.

I blushed and leaned down to kiss him, our lips moving in sync. He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me into his lap without breaking the kiss.

He wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs wound his waist. He stood up and began walking with me still attached to him. I broke away.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Dressing room." He smirked.

I reconnected my lips with his. We finally got to his dressing room; he closed and locked the door behind us. He gently placed me on the couch and hovered over me. I could feel his tongue glide along my bottom lip. I decided to tease him and keep my mouth closed. He started massaging my sides, making my shirt ride up. He dug his fingertips into my sides casing me to moan. He took this chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. Oh I would get him back for fingers found their way into his hair, tugging at it. 

Before I knew it, all of our clothes were on the ground. Justin was biting at my sweet spot sending chills down my spine. 

"I want to see your peacock, cock, cock, cock. Your peacock, cock. I want to see your--"

My phone began ringing. 

"Just ignore it." Justin mumbled against my neck.

"It might be important." I said answering my phone.

Justin kept kissing my neck, not intending to stop.

"Um h-hello?" I answered. 

"Hey Reamy..." it was Olivia; I haven't talked to her in so long.

"H-how are you?" I asked trying to keep my composure.

"I'm good, I actually wanted to talk to you..." she said shyly.

That's when I felt Justin's finger inside of me. I let out a soft moan.

"Reamy, you okay?" She asked.

"Oh, Uh yeah. What do you want to talk about?" I asked.

"Look I'm sorry for getting mad at you, I guess I was just jealous." she said.

He added another finger and increased his speed. Not caring if I was on the phone. I started breathing heavily, knowing I was about to hit my climax, when all of a sudden, I felt Justin pull out his fingers. He smirked at me.

"If you get off the phone we can do a lot more..." he whispered. 

I rolled my eyes. "I can understand that Livy but why didn't you tell me in the first place?!" I asked.

Justin then snatched the phone from my hand and put it up to his ear. 

"I'm sorry Olivia, but Reamy is very busy with me at the moment, but you can call her back in about..." he paused.”An hour or two." he said before hanging up.

He reconnected our lips as He slowly entered me. He started thrusting slowly.

"Fasterrr..." I moaned in his ear.

He picked up pace and began pounding into me, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I could feel him going deeper with each thrust.

I think we did it two times in that hour and a half. We both got dressed and made our way back to the stage area.

"You, where have you two been for the past two hours?" Scooter yelled as he came towards us. 

We both glanced at each other. 

"Um, just spending quality time together before the show..." Justin said. 

Scooter stared at us for the longest time before giving up and walking away. Justin was whisked off to wardrobe to get ready for the show that was in an hour. I found Ry Good sitting in the balcony with his laptop in the arena and sat next to him. 

"Hey, what are you doing way up here?" I said. 

He looked away from his computer and smiled. 

"Just thinking ya know?" He said. 

"Yeah, sometimes you just need to take a step back and think." I said. 

"Exactly!" He says. 

I carefully examine him. He is always so happy; it makes everyone else want to be happy. His hair was going in all different directions, now I know where Justin got that idea from. He doesn’t even have to open his mouth for him to make an impression on you. 

"Why are you staring at me like that? I know I'm sexy and all but..." He joked. 

"Just looking...we're like still best friends, right? Even after everything?" I asked. 

"Of course!! I could never not be your best friend." He said. 

I giggled at his wording. I leaned over the computer to see what he was doing. Twitter of course, it was an addiction to everyone now. 

We took a few goofy pictures and tweeted random things. 

Me: RyanRice & ReamyRoma---www.twitpic/4534 

It was a picture of us where I was squinting my eyes and sticking my tongue out and he looked like he was yelling.

Ry: Is it me or do I just have more swag than usual? 


Me: Did anyone notice how much of an innuendo Peacock by @KatyPerry is? 


Scrappy: Something about watching two teenagers make out upsets my stomach


Justin: You can have my heart or we can share it like the last slice ;) 

KatyPerry: @RayRay, just now noticing that?

Me: I'm so happy I have my best friend back :) 

AdamLevine: @RayRay um you mean me right?

Me: What? @Adamlevine I haven't talked to you in ages! 


Adam: @RayRay you're the one who dropped off the face of the Earth. O.o Oh I have a surprise.


Me: @Adamlevine ooo what?


Adam: @RayRay Tell you later

Ugh wow, why couldn't he just tell me?

Ry and I picked our stuff up and went down to the stage where they were just finishing sound check. I went backstage and wished Justin good luck before the show.

Justin had a great show as always. Everyone was packing up and I Chaz, Selena, Ryan, Justin and Ry good were sitting around talking.

"So Reamy I have some good news for you!" Ry Good said.


"Maroon 5 is joining the tour with Justin." he said.

"Aw yes!! This tour just got more beast!" I said. Everyone looked at me like I was mental.

"Why is it good news for Reamy?" Justin questioned.

"Well she's like BFF's with Adam Levine." Ry Good said in a high pitched girly voice.

I rolled my eyes. "He's a close friend of my parents. So I've known him for a while." I said.

"That's awesome." Chaz said.

"So that's what those tweets were about...” Justin said.

"You were creeping on my twitter again?"  I laughed.

"Of course." he laughed. 

Later at the hotel, I was chilling in the living room with the guys. I decided to text Olivia and apologize.

To: Livy

I'm so sorry Justin hung up on you earlier. And I forgive you, we all get jelly sometimes

To: Ray

Thank you so much. And you and Justin weren't doing what I think you were doing were you?



To: Livy



To: Ray

What happened to your promise, to God and your parents? You’re just going to give it up for some puppy love you think you have for some pop star?


That got my blood boiling. Can she ever be happy for me?

To: Livy

My promise was to give myself to someone I truly love. No matter what you or any other jealous bitch thinks about that, I will not regret what I did. If you can’t be happy for me, then I can’t see us being friends anymore. Ever since we met Justin in that park, you’ve been so hostile towards me. And no matter how many times you say you’re sorry…it’s just not going to fix anything.


To: Ray

God, he has changed you…do you have any self respect anymore, or has Justin taken that away from you too? You need me Reamy, whether you want to admit it or not. When you get back home, no one will want to talk to you. You’re all over magazines and TMZ. We’ve all heard about you…I’m the only one who would want you.


To: Livy

You know what? I have better things to do than argue with you. Just know that this friendship is over. And you will be sorry Olivia. What goes around comes around bitch.

Later Scooter talked to all of us about heading out to Japan tomorrow for the last few stops of the tour. Maroon 5 is coming from Australia and meeting us in Tokyo and joining us to finish the tour.

We were going to meet the guys at the airport when we land and check into a hotel.

We finally got off the plane and got our luggage, Justin and I stopped at a McDonalds to get a quick bite to eat. Then I saw Adam and the rest of the band come out of the terminal. I sat my drink down and ran towards them. 

"Adam!" I say as he pulled me into a bear hug. He lifted me off the ground a spun around.

"God I feel like we're in some cheesy romantic movie." He said, putting me down. "Wow, I haven't seen you in forever!" he said.

“I know! I missed you and your weird comments." I say laughing.

"And I've missed your rude humor, now come on I'm ready to get out of here." he says linking our arms together. 
We followed the rest of the crew out of the airport and. Headed to the hotel. We were in Japan, the last few stops of the tour. Justin would probably go back to Atlanta. Chaz, Ryan and I would go back to Stratford and most of the rest of the crew would go back to Los Angeles, including Ry good. I'm going to miss everyone. But can Justin and I really have a long distance Relationship? I don't think so...

We all got to the hotel where we had a whole floor to ourselves. Pattie insisted that Justin and I get separate rooms. We all went to our rooms. I plopped on my bed and checked my twitter.

Me: Landed in Japan. Our last few stops are here, then it's back to Canada for me :(

Justin:  #MyWorldInternational is almost over, had some really good times, met some really cool people & fell in love with @RayRay :)

Chaz: @justinbieber so you're cheating on me with @RayRay?

Justin: @Chazsom3rs dude I worry about you...

RyGood: AW COME ON! #MyWorldInternational can't be over!

Chaz: @Thatrygood dude, chill. I know you're upset because you won't see my beautiful face anymore

I laughed and put my phone back in my pocket and made my way down the hallway. I was on my way to Adam's room when Selena stopped me. 

"Hey Uh have you seen Pattie?" She asked.

"No, not since we got here, sorry" I replied.

"S'okay, where are you going?" she asked.

"Oh to Adam's room to catch up, haven't seen him in a while..." I said.

"Alright..." she said walking away.

I made it to Adam's suit and knocked on the door. He opened up and ushered me in.

"Awesome room." I said sitting on the couch.
He nodded and sat next to me.

"I heard about your dad, he's doing okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, a lot better actually. My mom didn't even come to see him, she never even calls anymore." I said leaning into him. 

“I talked to her just last week, she regrets not being in your life like she should." he said. 

I scoffed "Yeah, right" 

"It's true. She wants you to come live with her in L.A." he said.

I was taken by surprise when he said that. Would I want to go live with my mom?

“I think I need some fresh air, I'm going for a walk." I said getting up.

"Well I'll go with you; I don't want you out alone." He says following me.

We walked the streets of Tokyo, talking, laughing and catching up. Adam was always someone I could talk to. He was like a big brother to me. He has always been there for me and my family. He was the shoulder I cried on when my parents got divorced, he was the one who helped me with my addiction. I loved him like family.

“You know, Olivia had a fight. We’re not friends anymore. She looks down on me because I gave my virginity to Justin.” I said, tears streaming down my cheeks.

He intertwined our fingers. “Reamy, she wasn’t your friend if she was always putting you down. She isn’t worth your time, so don’t cry over her. You’ve always got me, and over a hundred people back at that hotel that care so much about you.”

He was right; the crew had become my family. I cared about them and they care about me as well. And in reality, they were all I need.

“You know what? I want to live in California with my mom. But of course I want to go back to school while I pack all of my stuff.” I said.

“What about your dad?” He asked.

“I’ve lived with my dad for most of my life. I want to have a connection with my mother again. And this is the only way.” 



I finally fixed it!

Thank goodness!

haha I hope y'all liked it!


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