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By sumire_gankona1516

372 11 0

๐ด๐‘ ๐‘’๐‘ฅ๐‘ข๐‘Ž๐‘™ ๐‘ฅ ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘ข๐‘๐‘ข๐‘  ๐ด๐‘ˆ ๐‘คโ„Ž๐‘’๐‘Ÿ๐‘’ ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘๐‘ข๐‘๐‘ข๐‘  ๐‘’๐‘›๐‘‘๐‘  ๐‘ข๐‘ ๐‘ ๐‘ก๐‘Ž๐‘ฆ๐‘–๐‘›๐‘” ๐‘ค๐‘–๐‘กโ„Ž ๐‘กโ„Ž... More

A/N but the author is on crack
No touchy on 3 am, stranger!
You suffer from inner demons? Me and mine are cuddling
No touching my cHiLD-
wHat dO YOu MeAn a FuCKiNG vIsItOr?!
It isn't gay to cheat on your man if it's with a demon
Demons will save you when Jesus can't

Fav meal? Kid's souls, thank you very much

37 2 0
By sumire_gankona1516



Jungkook was the first to wake up, again, and stretched his body out as much as he could, not to wake the incubus up. Taehyung gradually woke himself up too and looked up at Jungkook. "Hii.." He said with a small smile. "Hi" Jungkook gave a faint smile back and looked down at the demon before gently moving his arms away and sitting up on the couch to stretch. Taehyung softly giggled, sitting up too. He rubbed his eyes with a yawn, waking up more. "How long did we sleep..? What time is it?" Jungkook looked up at the digital clock on the TV stand and stretched his arms put above him. "About 3 hours, it's 12 pm now," he said quietly in an after-sleep voice. Taehyung shrugged. "Hm.. not too bad. I'm bored now." He mumbled with a suggestive smile. "What else can we do?" Jungkook yawned, waking up more, and looked at Taehyung, not noticing anything with the smile. "What do you want to do?" "Hm.. why don't we go out?" He asked with a head tilt. "You know because you humans like to socialize." Jungkook hummed and got up to get to the kitchen and open the fridge. "Sure, but we're gonna have to go grocery shopping" "Ooh! Food? That means more souls for me.." He giggled evilly. Jungkook smiled and chuckled. "Don't get caught, there are cameras" he said and went to his room to get ready, picking out an outfit.

Taheyung rolled his eyes. "They'd fall to their knees for me before they could even catch me." He giggled, batting his eyelashes with a charming smile. Jungkook sighed softly. "Whatever you say" he put on black ripped jeans and a cotton shirt, along with a black mask to cover half of his face. Taehyung was already dressed and didn't really bother to wear a mask. He waited by the door, impatiently bouncing on his feet. Jungkook fixed his hair and sprayed a bit of cologne, taking his backpack and putting his wallet in the secret pocket and walked up to the door, nodding to Taehyung as he opened the door and locked it after they both left, putting the keys in the secure pocket as well.

Taehyung giggled, skipping by Jungkook's side as they went down the hall. "So where is this grocery store you speak of? Oh my gosh, do you sell souls there??" Jungkook smiled as he walked down the hall, getting into the elevator. "A small walk from here, oh, um, last time I checked, they didn't" he chuckled softly and pressed the button to the ground floor.  Taehyung rolled his eyes. "That's stupid. What if someone is craving a soul?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Well, humans normally don't believe demons exist" Jungkook chuckled and ruffled Taehyung's hair gently. Taehyung nuzzled into Jungkook's touch. "But souls are tasty... that's sad.." "I wouldn't know" Jungkook pulled his hand away as he stepped out of the elevator and walked out of the apartment complex, heading towards a shopping square.

Taehyung skipped behind Jungkook, softly giggling. "That's sad.. there aren't any children here... I was really hoping to lure some because their souls taste the best~!" Jungkook stopped walking for a second and turned to Taehyung. "Wait. Don't you take souls by kissing..?" Jungkook's face turned worried as he clenched his jaw nervously. "Yeah..?" He said with a head tilt. "Don't worry, I have a different way of drawing kids in. They think I'm a fairy, and if I give them a kiss, they will get magic powers." Jungkook pursed his lips together, nodding as he continued walking. Taehyung rolled his eyes, intertwining his and Jungkook's hand. "Aish, don't judge me. I'm just telling you. Yes, I give kids a kiss. No, it's not sexual. Just a lil' peck and their soul is mine." "Wow, poor kids" he sighed and looked around before slowing down to be walking next to Taehyung as they approached a bustling with people shopping square. 

Taehyung cringed as he saw an old man look at him. He gagged, and grabbed Jungkook's hand, sticking to his side. "Ew.. nooo.. I hate old people.. they're so.. old.." He whined. Jungkook took Taehyung's hand gently and giggled. "Wow, that sounds like real deep meaningful philosophy" Jungkook teased, looking for the grocery store. The human his eyes as he spotted a small grocery store and pointed to it. "There!" He raised his eyebrows and walked in.

"Oh my gosh- is that a child I sense?" Taehyung asked, voice filled with excitement. "Oh, Jesus" Jungkook muttered and let go of Taehyung's hand, looking around as he clenched his jaw. "We're in public, you know?" He looked tensed up. "Does one die after their soul is taken?" "No, you dummy. They just become heartless and depressed!" He giggled. "And like literally all of their personality goes bye-bye. And kids have the most personality.. so much energy, it's like having a sundae on steroids." Jungkook gulped and nodded, clicking his tongue. "I see..." he looked around the store they were in. "I'll go look around, I think you will be able to find me here, don't go too far from around here, kay?" Taehyung nodded with a giggle. "Okay! Ciao!" He said, skipping off to see where he sensed the child, who seemed to be wandering the store alone.

Jungkook got a basket and went into the fridge aisle, pouting as he looked over the milk products and grabbed some milk, not forgetting to grab a couple of bottles of banana milk. He then got a bit of yogurt and put everything in the basket. He clicked his tongue before going over to another aisle to pick up a pack of minced meat and headed over to the snack aisle to grab crisps and popcorn, a tense smile on his face. Jungkook hummed a tune before stuffing the snacks in his bag and going over to grab a couple of kinds of instant noodles, sighing in worry before he went into the meat aisle, then going to look for Taehyung, lips pouted out.


Taehyung soon made his way over, a few isles down. He slowly advanced over to the child, before kneeling down in front of the young and bright soul. "Ar-are you a fairy..?" The innocent child asked, not a parent in sight. "Sure," The demon nodded his head, speaking softly in his rather sweet voice. Taehyung soon took the child's soul with a small peck on the lips, his eyes glowing brighter for a second as he had the soul filled with energy. The demon sent the soulless child off the other direction. He ran over to Jungkook, squealing and jumping onto him, full of energy.


Jungkook smiled at Taehyung, but almost fell over and held onto a shelf. "Yah!" He held himself up and got back to standing, petting Taehyung's hair. "Taehyung, jeez" he exhaled in relief and fixed his shirt. Taehyung giggled, looking at Jungkook with glowing pink eyes. "Hi." He smiled, clinging onto Jungkook. "I feel refreshed." The demon giggled as Jungkook sighed and ruffled the boy's hair, looking into his eyes before fixing the hood of his hoodie. "I'm glad," he said with a small smile. "Is there anything you want?" He asked, glancing around the store and looking back at Taehyung. "Nope! I'm okay." He giggled, softly smiling. He would probably be okay for a couple of days from consuming such a young soul full of personality and energy. Jungkook nodded again and decided to go to get a chocolate bar or two for later. He put them in the basket and walked over to the checkout and pouted as he put all the products out and swung his backpack over his shoulder to take out the wallet. The human quickly paid for everything and stuffed the products into his backpack with a small smile on his face before walking out of the store with Taehyung.

"Anywhere you want to go?" he looked at Taehyung questioningly. "What can we do here?" The smaller asked, tilting his head with a smile. "Looks like a lot."
"We can get you some clothes" he looked at the demon with a smile and fixed the boy's hood over his horns again.

Taehyung intertwined his little hand with Jungkook's big hand, leaning over into his bicep. "Okay, let's." He softly giggled, his eyes looking up to the place filled with lights and people.

Jungkook smiled a bit brighter and squeezed Taehyung's hand gently before heading over to a large clothing store. The place was a bit chilly, but semi-packed with people and fully lit. "Here we are" the human fixed his backpack. "What would you want to buy? We can look together or you can look around by yourself"

"No! Come with me." He giggled, pulling Jungkook's hand as he went further into the building. He furrowed his eyebrows, pulling out a shirt with a cute cartoon devil on it. "Is this really what you humans think the father of all evil looks like..?"

"Okay" Jungkook nodded and walked after Taehyung, following him into the store. He stopped and stifled a chuckle at Taehyung. "No, not most people anyway. People just like making anything cute. In reality, most don't believe in demons and angels and so on" he smiled softly at the sight of the short demon with furrowed eyebrows.

Taehyung frowned. "Ouch. That hurts. I do exist, thank you very much." He huffed, putting the shirt back. "Humans," He said with an eye roll. "so naive."

Jungkook chuckled quietly and rubbed Taehyung's shoulder comfortingly. "Jeez, don't be mad like that" he smiled softly and glanced around the store with a small hum.

"Well, I'm not gonna be nice to you humans if all you do is discriminate our kind." Taehyung huffed, crossing his arms, glowing eyes staring at the floor.

"Aw," Jungkook frowned and reached his hand under Taehyung's hood to pet him between the horns.

Taehyung looked up to Jungkook with a pout. He blushed, shaking his head and turning around. "So I don't know if you would be able to find my style here."

"Hmmm.. what is your style?" He smiled softly and pulled his hand away when Taehyung turned around.

"Hell." He simply said, turning and looking back at Jungkook. "Simple."

"Wow that gives so much detail" Jungkook pursed his lips together.

"It sure does." Taehyung giggled, before wandering off further into the store in search of something that would surely catch his eye.

Jungkook followed after Taehyung, deciding that losing a demon in a clothing store would be an awful idea.

He ventured further into the clothing store, before getting to the darker colored clothes that seemed to suit him. More or less that he actually liked.

Jungkook followed after the demon, smiling as he watched him picking the clothes. It was quite a cute sight, with Taehyung's brows knitted together and his cheeks puffed out as the demon was focused.

Taehyung finished looking for all his clothes and was pretty satisfied with quite a few articles of clothing. He walked over to Jungkook, lots of dark articles of clothing over his shoulder.

Jungkook watched as Taehyung walked over and nodded. "That's everything?" He asked with a smile.

Taehyung nodded with a soft smile. "Yup!" He tilted his head. "Are you sure you can get this for me..?"

Jungkook gave a soft smile back and took the clothes from Taehyung, heading over to the paying desk. "Mhm, it's not a problem" he nodded and cheerily put everything down between the employee and himself to pay.

Taehyung hugged Jungkook, looking up to him with his glowing eyes. "Thank you." He mumbled.

Jungkook smiled and nodded, taking the bags of clothes as he gestured Taehyung to follow him out of the store.

Taehyung skipped out of the store behind Jungkook, softly humming to himself and grabbing Jungkook's free hand.

Jungkook intertwined their hands and walked back to his home with a bright smile on his face, the bags not being too heavy for him, thanks to his build.

"How's the human world so far?" He teased and looked at the small demon.

"Terrible. You don't sell souls in stores, it's a no for me." He mumbled with an eye roll, putting one foot in front of the other. "I'm critiquing it to the last atom. By the way, what the hell is this common core math shit?"

Jungkook smiled and giggled "You can't do maths?" He teased and laughed softly before stopping to take his card out and scanning it to enter the apartment complex.

"Why bother? I don't need it." He mumbled with an eye roll. "It's useless. Now speaking all different languages in the world? That comes in real handy."

"You know all the languages?" His lips made an 'o' shape and his eyebrows rose up in surprise. "Wow~"

"Yah-huh!" He giggled. "Estas fumando caliente." He giggled, looking at Jungkook and raising his eyebrows.

Jungkook tilted his head to the side slightly "Huh?" He pouted questioningly "What does that mean?~" he whined and looked back at Taehyung as he walked to the elevator.

"Nothing!" He giggled, wiggling his eyebrows. "I just called you smoking hot in Spanish take the compliment you human."

Jungkook huffed and a light blush crossed his cheeks. "Gah you got me flustered, demon" he teased and ruffled Taehyung's hair with a small smile. "I'm not though" he giggled and pressed the button to his floor.

"Oh, hun, yes you are," Taehyung mumbled, eyeing Jungkook's muscular body from head to toe. "I want you to fuck me-" He whispered. "I mean what-"

"No I'm not" he huffed and turned to Taehyung as they left the elevator "Huh?" He questioned and tilted his head slightly to the side. "What'd you say? I didn't hear" he pouted and set the bags down before he unlocked his apartment.

"Yes, you are." He giggled, walking through the door to Jungkook's apartment. "I said nothing~!" He dusted his shoulders off, walking into his room.

Jungkook pouted and brought the bags in, locking the door after he entered as well. "Whatever then" he huffed and carried the bag with groceries to the kitchen to put everything in the fridge and the upper drawers. "Is my room comfortable?" He said a bit louder from the kitchen for Taehyung to hear.  

"Yes!" Taehyung answered, crawling onto the bed and nuzzling into the covers. "I wuv dem." He added, yawning because it was too comfortable.

"Just don't lay down in the middle- thanks" he smiled and laughed quietly before picking up the bags of clothes and walking to his room.

The human smiled at the sight of Taehyung nuzzling the covers and looked at the closet, opening it with a pout. "You can have half of the closet I guess," the human said as he started moving stuff to free the said half of the closet.

"Yay! Thank you, babe!" He giggled, rolling over on the bed and propping his head up with his hands. "You're too sweet." He added, looking at Jungkook with dreamy eyes.

Jungkook smiled and blushed faintly. "Don't call me babe~ we're not a couple" he huffed and refolded the clothes from the bags to put them in the closet neatly. "Thanks" he giggled shyly before closing the closet and turning to look at Taehyung softly.

"No? But we could be.." Taehyung suggested, raising his brows. "C'monn! Am I that ugly?" He asked with a head tilt. "Te llamaré Papi." He muttered again in Spanish. 

Jungkook pouted. "No you're not ugly at all, just" he sighed and sat next to Taehyung on the bed. "It's not that easy, you know?" He frowned and tilted his head. "I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship, especially that, well, you know" he frowned and stood up. "I'll be cooking" he smiled sadly and walked out of his room to the kitchen, deciding not to ask what Taehyung said in a foreign language

Taehyung deeply sighed, facepalming himself. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He mumbled to himself. "Nobody wants to be with a snake who is literally a demon." He mumbled to himself. "A seducing demon at that.." He added, pulling at the horns on his head. He wished he could be human sometimes.

Jungkook sighed softly as he walked to the kitchen and took some bacon, mushrooms, and garlic from the fridge and opened a drawer to take out some potatoes.

He got lost in his thoughts as he washed and cleaned the potatoes and washed them to put them in a saucepan and put the lid over them as the water started bubbling up.

"Tae, don't be upset, okay? It's nothing about how you are, alright?" He said softly with a slightly louder voice as he chopped up the mushrooms and garlic.

"Yeah.. sure.." Taehyung muttered, standing up. "I'm gonna go... for a walk.." He said, walking out of the room and over to the door. He just wanted to clear his mind. Or think. He wasn't sure. "Thanks for the clothes again."

"Okay! Be back in an hour max" he smiled and turned off the stove. "The food will be ready by then" he gave a friendly smile. "Stay safe, Tae" he waved as he saw Taehyung heading for the door, not quite grasping yet that the demon was in a bad mood.


Taehyung deeply sighed, walking out the door and closing it behind him. He stuffed his small hands into his pockets, looking down to his feet as he walked. He really wished he wasn't a demon and could at least try to see what it was like to be a normal human. Taehyung knew that everyone, especially in the supernatural world, labeled him as a whore, or slut. The incubus slowly walked down the street, further from Jungkook's apartment building. He deeply sighed as he thought, thinking deeply. He mindlessly droned on, walking further out. At this point, he wasn't sure where he was going, but he didn't care. Taehyung didn't feel wanted. All he was supposed to do is seduce humans and consume their souls, and be a demon.

Taehyung continued on his way down the street, until he turned down another street. This one was actually a ghost town like everyone disappeared here. "Hm.. weird.." He muttered to himself, cocking a brow. "Hello..?" He softly called out, his glowing pink eyes searching around for any souls down this street.

Taehyung looked down to his feet again, a depressed sigh slipping past his lips. He suddenly felt a pair of eyes on him, causing his head to snap in that direction. There stood a rather tall man, leaning against the brick wall. "Hello there, little one." His tone was suave and smooth. Taehyung curled his lip. "I-I'm not little! What do you want?" The strange man raised his head up, his eyes flashing with a red color. "Damnit.," Taehyung muttered under his breath. It was a crossroads demon. He got off the wall, taking long strides forward. The incubus packed up in fear, eyes widening. "H-hey, st-stop.." Taehyung found himself pinned against a wall, both his horns being grabbed. This demon didn't particularly have a consideration about Taehyung's horns either. "Ouch! Stop!" He gasped, being lifted by one of his horns. The smaller gasped as he was literally choked against the wall. "Wh-why are y-you doing-.. th-this.." He choked out, whimpering as the demon that was stronger than he finally released him to let him speak.


Jungkook hummed to himself as he added the mushrooms and garlic to the potatoes and took a spoon to mash all of it together. He turned on some music to play in the background and took a big plate to line up the bacon and wrap it around the small spheres of potatoes he shaped with his gloved hands until he heard his phone ringing in the background.

He turned off the music and ran over to get his phone, frowning as he saw the caller ID and picked up. "Hello..? Why are you calling? You ran away again?" He sighed and tapped his foot on the floor. Jungkook huffed with a pout. "Jimin, look, now's not a good time, how do I say this..?" He heard shouting on the other side and slightly moved the phone away, the loud noises triggering him into slightly tearing up. "J-Jiminie, I'm sorry, b-but I have an h-housemate right n-now" he gulped and shut his eyes. "N-no, we a-aren't dating... and we aren't either, please, now's not the good time to-..." he listened as the shouting leveled down to cries and spoke softly. "Come over tomorrow at 2 pm then... okay?" Jungkook sighed and held his nose bridge and nodded. "Okay, see you tomorrow, angel" he forced the last word out of himself and huffed as he hung up and threw the phone away, then went back to the kitchen to put the potato and bacon spheres into a small tray and in the oven, looking at the floor with a frown.

The human was in thought as he waited for 35 for the food to prepare, the scent of meat soon filling the air. He gulped down the knot forming in his throat and muttered to himself. "Where's Taehyung?" He remembered earlier before the demon left and clenched his jaw. "Did I hurt him..?" He whispered to himself and propped his head on his cheek. "Shit..." he gripped his own hair and shook his head. Jungkook soon heard a "Ding!" From the oven and looked at the clock- it was about an hour since Taehyung went out. He felt a bundle of worry in his gut but decided to wait a couple of minutes more before he was gonna get out, hoping to find him quickly, which was quite unlikely in his case, but he still hoped the demon was safe.

Jungkook groaned "Fuck it" and threw on his coat and shoes, since he didn't change his clothes, and walked into the cold outside, locking the apartment behind him, figuring that the oven will keep the food heated for a while.  He walked out quickly, scanning his card to get out and put it back in his pocket. The human first decided to check the shadiest of places one could get to without knowing the area. Jungkook ran his hand through his hair and hurried along the sidewalk. The human called out "Taehyung!" As he looked into empty alleys upon alleys, looking into dead ends as worry crawled over him almost entirely, all his muscles tensed in a panic as he kept calling for Taehyung, each time louder and more tensed with worry and fear.


Jungkook heard whimpering in an alley several feet away from him and dashed forward- deciding whether it was Taehyung or not, he would help. "Tae!" He called out as he ran into the alley, gasping at the sight. He ran forward, shoving the demon away from Taehyung by the horns. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" He yelled, throwing the tall demon to the ground.


Love y'all readers! Don't forget to vote and comment❤︎

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