
By SohiniModak8

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Featured by WATTPAD ASIAN FANTASY Thoughts are quite dangerous things; fleeting one moment and drowning us t... More

Characters and Cast
🔹️Achievements 2.0🔹️
Lost and Found
Strange Sheila
Looming Troubles
Wrong Time and Wrong Tongue
Go with the Flow
A Definitely Defining Dinner
Salvation in Shyam
Tested and Tangled
Venture to Varnavat
Of Base Schemes and Beginnings
Unravelling Ruses
Facing Losses and Flames
About Digging and Disguise
First Feelings and Forests
The Deceiving Damsel
A Dead King's Damned Sister
Besotted Beloved
Living with the Rakshasas
Of Fatherhood and Farewells
The Journey Continues
Delivering Doom and Awaiting Destiny
Impending Heartbreak
Sworn Words and Shattering Souls
Intervening Fate
Inception and Obsession
Interlude : Letter to a daughter who is going to get married soon
Haldi-laced Anticipation
Seven Steps to Eternity
Testing New Waters
The Inevitable Union
Dwarka Beckons
Bonds of Love and Blood
Of Spars and Fights
The Divine Deluderess
Sweet Illusions
Assertion and Reasoning
Fraying Edges of Sanity
Of Awaited Awakenings and Waking up
Tainted, Told and Twigs
The Scamming Scheme
First Step to Success
Sweet Surprises
Mingling Breaths
Interlude : Last week in Dwarka
Stilted and Souring Relations
Turbulent Times
Distorted Desire and Partial Punishment
From Partisan to Partition
Of Conflicts and Commensal
Calculated Conversations and Conspiracy
Tales of Palaces
Ambiguous Anonymity
To Remain Steadfast
Unveiling Faces
Price of Secrets
Leaving Hastinapur
Her Child of Past and Present
Knowing and Making History
Dying Embers
Beyond Dilemmas; With Faith
Old Wounds and New Blisters
Mare's Nest
Past times and Pastimes
The Art of Eavesdropping
Uncertainties and Unresolved
Between Cauterize and Burn
To Heal
A Curse Among Blessings
The Accused
Uncharted Consequences
From Her to Her
A Blossom of Winter
Fair Travels, Friend
Epilogue: Unsaid, Never Unheard
//Dhi Turned One//

Revealed Reasons and Some Solutions

3.8K 272 168
By SohiniModak8

A.N. - Please make sure to read the author's note at the end of the page.

"Gopal, who or what brought me here?" asked Abhijishya as they walked towards the living room which connected the five rooms of five Pandavs.

"The Kal Chakra is pushed forward by four beings. Satya, Treta, Dvapar and Kali. In kaliyug, Satya and Treta stayed asleep as they remain now. But Dvapar didn't want to sleep while his companion Kali ran rampant and enjoyed everything. The disease you faced was created by Dvapar in an attempt to spite Kali and bring the end of Kaliyug much sooner. Kali didn't like such interference and banished Dvapar to hell. Dvapar escaped hell but needed a vessel, someone's body he can take control of to survive and experience life once more. He chose you. Your time of birth, rashi, nakhatra, gotra everything is exactly the same of that of Dvapar when he was created by Brahma Dev. One of Kali's strongholds is gambling places which you were passing by. Kali came to know of Dvapar's plans. So he tried to kill you. Dvapar, in an attempt to save his vessel wanted to travel to a place where he is stronger than Kali which is the Dvapar yug. In the struggles between two demons, you made it through but Dvapar didn't manage to follow as his past self was obstructing him unknowingly. That's why you appeared in the middle of the sky over the forests near Hastinapur as Dvapar has his strongest influence on the Kuru dynasty as it will be the centre of transmigration from one yug to another. When you appeared, the world appeared as if it would end. The earth quaked, winds howled, there was thunder and lightening. A break in time cannot be allowed to exist so the cosmos readjusted and you were woven into the this time or else you would've stopped to exist," Krishna explained.

Abhijishya gulped. That... that was a lot to take in. She felt a bit shaky. 'A few days ago if someone told her, there were demons moving around and she would meet Gods and Goddesses, she would've asked them which high quality weed they had smoked.' "What does.." she cleared her throat," What does all this mean for me?" She questioned feeling uncertain and insecure.

"What all this, sakhi?"asked Krishna even though he knew what was going on inside Jessy's mind.

"I mean, I am here and I don't have any family. I have no knowledge. No goal. And and I know what the future holds. The war... it needs to happen, doesn't it Gopal?" she asked her Gopal.

"I am your family here, sakhi. You already know family doesn't necessarily mean someone has to be related by blood. Family are the people who accept us, love us and care for us as we accept them, love them and care for them. As for knowledge, it is all around you. You just need to acquire it," smiled Krishna.

Abhijishya let a genuine small smile light her face.

"And the war... you already understand that it is unavoidable. People have forgotten the meaning of dharma sakhi. They think following traditions is only dharma. You already know it is inevitable," said Krishna solemnly.

"Yes, I understand. I promise I won't do anything to stop the war. I just hope I have the resilience and courage to endure the guilt I will feel afterwards," sighed Abhijishya.

"You have always been intelligent Abhijishya. You can differentiate between right and wrong. You will endure. You have to make choices too when the time comes. Do your duty Abhu, without worrying about the consequences. I shall always be there when you need me," said Krishna and placed his hand on Abhijishya's shoulder.

Then they entered the room to find Kunti giving prasad to Pandavs.

"Pranipaat Bua," he turned to Yudhisthir "Pranipaat Jyesth, Bhrata Bheem"

Kunti blessed him while Yudhisthir and Bheem greeted him.

Abhijishya too greeted everyone and they returned the gesture.

"Madhav, you, here so suddenly?"asked Arjun.

"Why? Can't I just visit my bua and my friends?"smiled Krishna.

"Of course Madhav. How have you been? And how is everyone in Dwarka?"enquired Arjun.

"Everything is well in Dwarka. I was actually worried for a few days," said Krishna.

"Why, Vasudev?" asked a curious Sahadrv.

"For sakhi Abhijishya. I was on my way meet another sakhi of mine. Hastinapur was on the way so I decided to visit you for a while. Imagine my surprise when I found Abhijishya here. She had been missing for quite some time," replied Krishna a bit dramatically.

Abhijishya was amused.

"Where is she from Vasudev?" asked Bheem.

"Why don't you ask her yourself, Bhrata Bheem." said Krishna.

"But Vasudev, we don't know her tongue," said a confused Nakul.

"I can speak your language now, Rajkumar," chimed Abhijishya.

"But how?"everyone looked astonished.

"I was tired of not understanding of what being said around me so today morning I prayed to Bhagwan Narayan. Hearing my pleas, he sought the help of Devi Saraswati who granted me the ability to speak, read and write any language of Aryavart efficiently. This happened right after you left Mata Kunti," Abhijishya said.

"Praise be to Bhagwan Narayan," Kunti closed her eyes and took a moment to thank Him.

"Let's talk as we eat. We are almost late for breakfast," said Bheem patting his stomach.

Everyone chuckled. "I must take my leave,Bua. I have to set out right now to reach my destination on time. But as I am not going to Dwarka I cannot take sakhi with me. Abhijishya, what do I do now?" asked Krishna with a mock worried face.

Abhijishya rolled her eyes. She never knew Gopal could be this dramatic.

"She is like my daughter now, Krishna. She can stay with us. No need to worry about her." Kunti said caressing Abhijishya's head who smiled happily in turn. "I wish you would atleast have had some food before leaving, Krishna."

"The kheer and laddoos were more than enough, Bua. Pranipaat. We will meet again Panduputron,"smiled Krishna.

"Do you have to leave?" Abhijishya pouted.

Meanwhile, 'Sweet' thought someone else and stared at her dreamily. Sahadev glanced at Bheem and gestured towards Nakul. Bheem looked at Nakul staring at Abhijishya with a dopey smile and clamped his hand on the unsuspecting Nakul's shoulder,"You are looking a bit lost there, Nakul."

Nakul yelped in surprise. "What are you even talking about, Bhrata? I was.. uh.. I was thinking about tomorrow. We will be leaving for Varnavat. I can't wait for a nice vacation."

"Riiight. Can't wait for vacation as Abhijishya devi is coming along," teased Sahadev.

"No. It's nothing like that. Move your arm, Bhrata I can't hear what Vasudev is saying," Nakul removed Bheem's hand. Yudhisthir wondered what was going on with his brothers as both Bheem and Sahadev sniggered and Nakul looked a bit ruffled. He'll have to ask Sahadev later.

"_must go to the aid of my sakhi."

"Yagyaseni?"asked Jessy.

"Yes. Take care of youself, sakhi. Think with a cool mind and remember your sakha will always answer your call," Krishna said with a smile.

"Madhav, let me accompany you to the gates," said Arjun.

"It is fine, Parth. I wish to meet Mahamahim before I leave. You join your brothers," said Krishna and bid them goodbye.


The pandavs sat down on one side of the table. Abhijishya helped Kunti serve the food. This time they joined the Pandavs and took their seats opposite to them.

Breakfast consisted of milk, a lot of fruits, sweets and something that look like a porridge topped with various types of nuts.

They thanked God for food and started eating.

"So putri Abhijishya, tell us about your homeland and how did you neet Krishna," Kunti asked curiously.

"Gopal knew me from my birth and I met him when I was a child. Then my family had to move far away to Singur. There we speak in Bengali, English or Hindi. Only the brahmins know Sanskrit a bit. My father worked for the state. My mother was a simple housewife but she taught children at home. My sister had only started going to gurukul," Abhijishya told. It was all true. She just spoke the ancient equivalent to her modern life.

"State? What is that?"asked Yudhisthir.

"We did not have a king or any royalty, Rajkumar. It was run by a council of ministers who were chosen by the people every 5 years," explained Abhijishya.

Everyone looked very curious. "Then doesn't everything descend in chaos? Won't there be too many opinions and too many decisions?"asked Sahadev. It was difficult for them to imagine a place run by no king.

"Well, there were disagreements and protests. It took months to reach a decision but I think it is better than giving absolute power over to a person. Power in the hands of a corrupt person can bring destruction upon the nation. So no one was above law there. Everyone was encouraged to go to gurukul. Both men and women could work and earn money. Our chief minister was a woman," Abhijishya said.

"It's very different from Aryavart then," said Arjun thoughtfully.

"Yes. It didn't matter which caste one came from or who their parents are, as long as one had talent and capability one could be anything. Of course, if parents were well respected in society it did have it's advantages," Abhijishya's mind drifted to Karna.

"How did you end up in the forest, Abhijishya?" asked Nakul. Sahadev noted his lack of devi honorific and simpled smirked.

"I was going to my friend's house. I suddenly was lifted by my neck by an invisible attacker. That is all I remember. Afterwards I woke up here. I could never thank you enough for taking care of me and letting me stay. I shall be forever grateful," Abhijishya bowed her head in respect.

"You are a part of us now, putri. No need to thank us," Kunti said kindly with a gentle smile.

Abhijishya smiled gratefully.

"You have given me a lot to think on, Abhijishya devi," said Yudhisthir with a thoughtful look on his face.

"I insist all of you to just call me Abhijishya. It feels strange being called devi. I am just human; not any goddess,"Abhijishya insisted.

'In my eyes, you are one.' thought Nakul.

"And Rajkumar Yudhisthir, do not think too much about what I said. Our state had a completely different system. It also had its flaws, corruption and the poor people suffered. I believe you will be a kind and just king who will listen to his council and people. Though I do think if there was a council headed by royal women, then more women could come forward with their problems without hesitation," advised Abhijishya.

"Your idea has merit. I shall discuss this with Pitamaah and Kakashree," said Yudhisthir.

"Putri, earlier you seemed very distressed. How are you now? Is there anything we can do for you?" asked Kunti kindly.

"I.. well.." Abhijishya took a deep breath. "I cannot go back to the state because it doesn't exist anymore. My family, friends everyone is gone. Earlier I asked Gopal to help me return home but he said that everything and everyone is gone now. I am here because of that incident or else I wouldn't exist too," she let out a watery smile.

"Gone? How?" asked a disturbed Bheem.

"Who has ever won the battle against time, Rajkumar Bheem." She let out a bitter laugh. "There was a strange disease spreading fast amongst the people. We had no cure. Many people were dying. The water became contaminated. I thought atleast I would have something to go back. But what can do I ? Life goes on. I can either find a new purpose or spend the rest of my life cursing my fate. It is better to adapt and move on." She sighed.

Nakul flinched at the bitterness and his heart clenched at the tears she discreetly wiped. Part of him was in awe. He couldn't imagine to keep living if his mother and brothers were gone. She is so strong. Any man or woman would have broken down.

So he said with all the sincerity he could muster,"You have us now. ( me he wanted to say) You have your friend Vasudev. We are your family from now on so don't think you are alone."

Abhijishya's eyes widened and her heart warmed at his words. She let out a watery chuckle and nodded her head. She whispered,"Thank you."

Then they all parted ways to attend to their duties and weapon practice. Kunti asked Abhijishya to accompany them to Varnavat. So she decided to pack her things.

She knew the fire would engulf everything so she didn't pack any heavy jewellery or the nicest clothes. Even though she could refuse to go along with them, her conscience wouldn't allow it. She knew they would be alive but she just needed to make sure they really did survive. She was also excited to meet Hidimba and Draupadi.

She decided to spend the rest of the day with Dussala who was surprised to see her speak Sanskrit. They chatted in an amiable manner. Dussala showed her around the royal garden which was full of various herbs and flowers. They became quick friends. Abhijishya had a great time. She came to know that Dussala was genuinely looking forward to marrying the Sindhuraj.


"I have always known that either I had to choose a husband from the kings and princes present on my swayamvar or marry who my brothers' choose. Bhrata Duryadhan wants me to live comfortably. After hearing about him from Bhratashree, I've started to think of him as my husband. We exchanged a few letters. Please don't tell alone, sakhi." Dussala said with a blush and a pleading tone.

"I won't tell. So, looove letters huh?" teased Abhijishya.

Dussala was blushing so hard that the tip of her years were red. She ducked her head in embarrassment.

"Areh show me your face," Abhijishya touched Dussala's face and made her look at her.

She said softly," I pray you have a very happy marriage. May you always rule your husband's heart and never leave his thoughts." Abhijishya knew that even people with skewed morals who have committed crimes were capable of love. She didn't know how Jayadrath would treat her but still she wished the brightness in Dussala's eyes didn't fade before time. She would be heartbroken at his death but it was inevitable. Afterall it is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. She hoped she could forgive herself of the fact that she had known and yet had done nothing.

"Sakhi, you have stay by my side during my marriage" Dussala proclaimed.

"Areh, whether I remain by your side or side not, my best wishes will be with you. Now come on, you said you'll show me your parrot," Abhijishya pulled her along.

"Yes, yes come on," Dussala saod enthusiastically.

Both remained unaware of another pair of eyes admiring Abhijishya from afar.

A.N. - I know this chapter is quite a bit longer than the previous ones but I really wanted to write the interaction between Abhijishya and Dussala.

Now I have decided to declare the pairing and it is -


Quite a number of you will be disappointed because I got plently of requests for Arjun. I asked you guys for the suggestion because I couldn't decide who I wanted as Abhijishya's lover.

Reason why I didn't choose Yudhisthir - Abhijishya is a 21st century girl. That means she is spontaneous and has a greyish way of thinking. Hence, conflicting views. There will be times where Abhijishya will manoeuvre situations in reply to Shakuni's plots. And 2nd reason, I get major brother vibes from Yudhisthir.

Reason why I didn't choose Bheem - We have to keep in mind that Abhijishya is a modern girl so she won't do well sharing her lover with 3 other wives.

Reason why I didn't choose Arjun - Same reason as Bheem. I didn't know how to fit in Abhijishya along with 4 other wives of Arjun.

So that leaves Nakul and Sahadev. Both had one other wife than Draupadi. I decided it would be either of them.

Reason why I didn't choose Sahadev - He gives me younger brother vibes. Lame reason I know. Sorry.

I had thought about Karn too. But he also had 2 wives and honestly the wattpad is full of Karn x oc stories. So I decided to forego that.

Now if you are curious, why I didn't pair Abhijishya with any of the kauravs... well the war duh. She will side with Krishna.

Both remained unaware of another pair of eyes admiring Abhijishya from afar. - I'll give a shout out to anyone who can guess right the identity of the secret admirer.

I hope you don't stop reading because I didn't pair Abhijishya with Arjun.

If you liked this chapter then please vote and comment.

What do you think of the story so far? Please let me know.

Until next time,

Byeee :')

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