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By clumsilyricho

71.7K 1.2K 394

เผ„ Sarah and John B wash ashore in the Bahamas after two months of being at sea and find out that everyone pre... More

โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น cast ! โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น disclaimers ! โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น mixtape !โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น extended summary ! โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น rich girl โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น astronomical grapes โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น damsel in distress โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น sleep swimming โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น Compromising positions โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น feeding the zoo โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น sexy mattressโ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น Childhood regrets โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น Ignorance is bliss โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’
p r o g r e s s r e p o r t

โญ’โƒ.โœฎ:โ–น trust issues โ—ƒ:โœฎ.โƒโญ’

3K 75 19
By clumsilyricho

We arrive back at my house and all the boys walk off, ditching us with the mattress, "you've got to be kidding me" Sarah exclaims loudly, waving her hands in the air in exasperation, "why have they just fucking ditched us with this!" Kie groans loudly and i laugh hysterically.

"You know what, fuck it, we don't need them" I say, I make a move towards the strange ropes that held it in place, "what are these even for?" Sarah questions picking up one that I just unlatched, "keeps it in place" Kie says and Sarah just flips it over in her hand before throwing it back down.

She starts to head inside and me and Kie protest loudly, "No way in hell your  ditching us with this" I scream and Kie nods her head in agreement, "oh come on its a mattress, I could pick them up when I was twelve" she waves off and me and Kie look to each other, nodding in agreement at our similar idea.

"You do it by yourself then"  Kie tells her as we both walk past her into the house, "Oh come on" I hear her yell through the open door way, me and Kie both share a laugh and I jump over the back of the sofa sitting next to JJ.

"Hello?" he asks and I look over to him and laugh, "where's the mattress?" he questions slightly embarrassed, "well all you dicks ditched and Sarah tried to so me and Kie did instead leaving Sarah with it" I explain simply and Kie passes me a beer and I lean behind JJ to grab it, "you left Sarah to deal with it?" John asks worriedly and I laugh at his tone of voice, "good god Johnno, be more of a simp".

He scowls at me whilst Topper and Pope chuckle loudly at my statement, Kie grins widely and JJ quietly laughs next to me.

"Off he goes to help his princess" JJ whispers into my ear as John runs out the door to help Sarah, "he so underestimates her, she can handle herself" I raise the bottle to my lips whilst JJ just grins at me.

John carries the mattress through the door and leans it against the wall as Sarah follows behindhim shutting the door after them, "and like that, hes fallen in her honey coated trap" Topper yells and I laugh loudly, "whats that suppose to mean?" John yells defensively and i roll my eyes and rest my head on the back of the sofa.

"It doesn't mean anything John B, it was a joke" Sarah whines, squeezing into the slight gap between me and the armchair, I shuffle over to give her space, she nicks the beer out of my hand and I lightly slap her on the thigh, she hums out a laugh in response and takes a large swig of the beer before handing  me it back, JJ moves his shoulder and I look over to him, he nods his head at my beer, "oh yeah sure, go ahead" I offer to the beer to him.

"Oh so he can have the beer yet I can't" Sarah complains jokingly, "yeah i'm against ugly people drinking my beer" I respond and she scoffs loudly, "please" she whines and I laugh loudly, "what do you mean please? look at this cutie" I squeeze JJ's face and he whines and slaps my hands away causing me and sarah to laugh louder.

"I ain't cute, men aren't cute" he grumbles and everyone roars with laughter, "aww did i insult your manhood" i mock griining at him and he laughs slightly and shakes his head.

I grab my beer back out of his hand just as he goes to take another swig and he pushes me in the shoulder, I laugh and elbow him in the ribs "not a lot to insult anyway" I mutter under my breath taking a sip of my beer, I know thats a lie but he doesnt know that I know.

"Yeah you wish" he mutters lowly and grabs the beer bottle out of my hand, taking a large swig while keeping eye contact, for no explainable reason at all, it felt more intimate than it should of done, I swallow and turn my head away from him.

All of us are crowded round my living room, Topper being the fat lump he is takes up a two seater sofa for himself, John sits in an armchair on his own, Pope and Kie share a sofa between themselves, the pair sit on the sofa giggling and grinning and Me, Sarah and JJ share a two seater sofa due to Toppers inability to share.

I push myself of Sarah and JJ's legs and walk over to Toppers sofa, "quit man spreading let me sit" he whines but still doesnt move, I push his leg to the side and he punches me in the ribs, "ow! you prick!" I yell and yank his hair, "OW" he screams and smacks me in the head, "I swear to fucking god!" I yell and start punching him, he returns the favor "hey! hey! quit it you two" Sarah yells knowing how explosive mine and Toppers fights end up being.

I do as said but Topper gives my hair an extra tug, "Topper!" She scolds and I grin at him victoriously, he scowls back at me.

"Anyway, you all aren't here for a vacation right, your here for your gold, therefore we need a plan" I rub my hands together and they stare at me eyes wide, "you know about that?" Pope asks confused and I look over to Sarah and laugh, "you didn't tell them I knew?" I ask her before turning my attention to John who just shrugs his shoulders and takes a sip of his beer.

My eyes flirt back over to Sarah who just grins at me sheepishly, "well, I know about your gold" I state and Pope laughs at the late piece of information, "I have the night shift tonight, Sarah is there anywhere I should look?" She shakes her head after thinking about it for a couple of minutes, "no, he wouldn't hide that in the house" she tells me exhale loudly.

Leaning back I rest my head against the back of the sofa and look up at the ceiling slightly, "you could check his office, he might have left some papers lying around" she offers and I just nod my head slowly.

"Wait do you think you could get us in?" I hear JJ ask and I lift my head up from the back of the sofa, "potentially, no one that would recognize you is home, Maria doesn't have the night shift, it should work" I nod pointing to JJ slightly nodding in appreciation at his idea.

"But it could only be me and Kie, I only have girls uniform" I whisper slightly defeated looking over to Kie but she smiles at me content, "no, that would work" she says and I look at her doubtfully, "wouldn't more people be better?" I ask dubiously and she laughs, "trust me when I say Pope is the only useful boy here" a chorus of complaints come from the three boys that had been insulted and Pope beams at Kie in content.

They are a sweet coupling, They're lucky that they found each other, it seems like they're soulmates.

"I could pull off a maids uniform" JJ remarks loudly, we all stare at him before bursting out into laughter, "I'm not sure you could pull off anything" I mutter in response and he glares at me before muttering something under his breath.

I can't quite catch what he said but it seems Sarah did as she splutters out a loud laugh at his recent words, I narrow my eyes at her and she raised her hands at me before mouthing that she will tell me later.

"So it's settled, me and Layla will snoop around and you guys just sit here and wait" Kie agreed and I nod at her and smile, "we better go get ready" I tell her and we both hop off our individual sofas and run upstairs into my room.

I spin her round by the waistband of her shorts and look at her once we get into my room "you look to be about the same size as me, tiny but taller but that's ok" I add and she laughs slightly at my vague assessment.

We both slip into the uniform, it is a tiny bit too short on Kie so she has to keep pulling it down but that was expected due to the height she has on me.

Reaching the bottom of the steps JJ lets out a low whistle and mutters something about sexy maids uniforms which in turn causes me and Kie to share a glare with him.

Topper jumps up off the sofa and walks towards the door, slapping JJ in the head as he walks past "what was that for man?" JJ asks shaking his head slightly, to right his hair, "for disrespecting my cousin" he responds before turning his attention back onto me and Kie, "I'll drive you" he grabs the keys out the pot before I can protest.

I roll my eyes and follow him out the door, grabbing Kies hand and pulling her with me, "later alligators" I shout through the open door, JJ replies "in a while crocodiles" just before I shut it, I laugh slightly to myself before jumping in the back of the truck as Kie and Top sit up front.

I hum the sweet tune of the dwarfs working song from Snow White under my breath as the two up front sit in silence.

Kie hops out first at the gate and I lean forward in the seat to Top, "you off to look at the house?" I question him and he nods his head, I smile sadly at him "ok, well pick us up at 10" he nods his head slightly distracted.

I lean over and give him a hug, "if your off on the property be careful" he mutters a reassuring "I will" back, I hop out of the tuck and stare after the truck as it drives round the corner to our old holiday home.

I suck in a deep breath and turn to Kie with a forced smile, "lets do this inspector gadget" she looks at me confused and I just wave her off and shake my head.

I punch us through the gate making a simple lie up to Barry that Kie is just a friend who's helping me get my job done quicker, he doesn't take much convincing, Barry trusts me and I may have just taken advantage of him, that may make me a bad person.

We go through the gate and I lead Kie into the tiny servants quarters where you can get changed or just leave your stuff in your locker, I grab a couple of cloths and Chuck one to Kie before opening up the door to the main house.

"Study?" Kie asks being quite visibly lost in the house which is foreign to her, "yeah come on follow me" I lead her up the main staircase and point her in the direction of the corridor to the left, "last door on the right, I'm just gonna look down here for a sec" she just nods and I walk down the corridor straight ahead of me, I drag my hands along the wall like I use to when I was younger.

I reach the door of Sarah's room, I slowly twist the handle and go inside, my breath catches briefly as I take in the familiar surroundings, nothing has changed, I let out a short breath that I was holding as I let my eyes take in everything, for a brief moment it feels like I'm a little kid again, like nothing has happened, my parents are yelling downstairs that we need to go and I'm hiding under Sarah's bed giggling as she fails to lie, she improved with age.

I sit on the bed and let out a tiny laugh, I haven't been in the room since I was 12, the bedrooms are off limits to cleaners and me and Sarah use to explore outside a lot.

Running my hands over the sheets a small tear rolls down my cheek as I think of all the memory's that's have emerged from a dark crevice in my mind, I twirl in the centre of the room before walking to the wardrobe, I originally came to get her some clothes but I had got caught up in my own mind.

I pick up a black duffel from the bottom of the wardrobe and grab a couple of tops and shorts and a few dresses, that's when I see the handle to the secret door in the back of the wardrobe, it wasn't much of a secret, just a crawl space between Sarah and Rafes room, Wheezie was still quite young when I was last here so she was in the opposite wing with her parents.

I notice the keypad that has been put on the side, I push the clothes to the side so I can get a better look, that was never there before, I grab the bag and exit Sarah's room to go into Rafes so I can check if it's on both sides.

Kie must still be in the study as I haven't seen her in a while, I drop the bag next to the door and open it up and walk in, not bothering to check if anyone is watching, I'll probably be fired if anyone notices that Sarah's clothes are missing anyway.

Yoooooo so like sorry I've been dead, just been living or whatever, I'm back now anyway tho so it's all chill, if you haven't realised I'm not the best at updating but I do update, also sorry this is kinda a filler, I think I'm not sure.

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