Skaia | Inazuma Eleven Go Gal...

By Myra21126

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Hanatsuki Luna is the 12th member of the Inazuma Japan. She is fighting along side with Tenma and the others... More

OC Basic Information
Chapter 1- The Newest soccer player
Chapter 2- The Worst! New Inazuma Japan!
Chapter 3- Foreboding Dark Clouds! The World Tournament Opens!!!
Chapter 4- The Same Question All Over Again!!!
Chapter 5- Her Own Worth
Chapter 6- A Small Change

Prologue- The Mysterious Meteor

408 15 6
By Myra21126


"Later on we will see a meteor just right before our eyes. I'm sure this is going to be pretty and shining so brightly! " The reporter said on her news

"Mom let's go outside! I want to see them closer!" A 4-year-old boy said

"Alright sweetie let's go the park." The mother said as the kid was jumping happily


"Be careful now sweetie. You don't wanna trip." The mother said


They sat at the grass area where they could have a better view of the meteor. It was shining so brightly. The two admire the beauty of it as the child noticed something.

"Mommy... Is that purple light coming towards us?" The child asked

"What are you talking about sweetie? That's impossible! Meteors rarely land on earth." The mother replied

"Look!" The child pointed towards the purple light that's getting bigger and bigger. The woman became more and more worried as she saw getting bigger. She suddenly realized that it's going to hit the ground. She carried her son as she ran as far she could. Not long after a loud crash was heard. The Mother tripped due to the impact from the meteor.

They both got up and stared at the sight before them, a meteorite shining beautifully in purple with something white blinking at the center of it. The son stared at it as if he was lured by it. He steps forward with a thought of wanting to touch it.

"Son stay away from it!" Her mother called, but the child didn't listen as he proceeds to walk towards it.

When he was only a few meters away, he heard a cry. It alarmed him that there's someone near. Not knowing what to do he called to his mother.

"Mommy! Mommy! I hear crying!" The kid called

At instinct, her mother went towards his son to hear cries; cries of a baby to be exact. They looked around the meteor to see that there was a baby beside the meteor this whole time. The mother picked the baby up and try to calm the baby, but the baby won't stop crying. She decided to call the police. She pull out her phone from her pocket and dialed the number.

"Hello?" A man spoke

"Hello Officer." The Woman replied


Not long after the police arrived. The police began asking questions to the mother and child about what happened no too long ago. Despite what happened, the child didn't seem to be traumatize about it, instead he was so happy seeing what once was a meteor up close. They both explained their perspective. The biggest question is this:

Where is the child from?

This news spread around the world. The mystery of the meteor child is not yet solved. Some people suspected that she is from another planet while others deny it. No one knows what really happened. This news went on for 3 years until one day, the child was brought to a lab to grab some DNA. The scientist thought that it's time to put an end to the theory of the so called "alien child." He gathered a strand of the child's hair, a drop of blood, and the child's saliva.

You must be wondering, where is the child during the last three years? Well... let me tell you.

After the news about the meteor, the child was brought to an orphanage. The caretaker warmly took the child under her care. She loves taking care of babies watches them grow up. She took the baby and put it in a crib. The baby is a girl that doesn't have a name yet.

A week later, the results are here. The scientist announces that there's nothing from the child. The child is a pure human. Nothing different from her. Her blood is human, her hair is very human, and even her DNA shows she's human. Another thing that the scientist noticed was the there is some kind of a birthmark on her right upper arm, but he thought it was not important.

(Insert the appearance of the birthmark)

This news was announced to the whole world. With that problem cleared, it only leaves one more question.

How did the baby got there during the meteor incident?

No one knows....

As time passes by, the news about the meteor starts to fade. The people continue doing their usual routines. The caretaker is still taking care of the child which is four years old now. Last year, when the news of her being pure human was announced, the caretaker decided to officially adopt her. She named the child Luna. Luna is now a part of the Hanatsuki family. She is currently living in the orphanage along with the kids there, but she has her own room there.

As Luna grows up, she developed skills at such a young age. At 5 years old, she learned to draw little things. At the age of seven, her music teacher complimented her vocals, and she also became sporty that she loves to play soccer as a hobby of hers. Her skills in soccer exceeds the skills of sporty boys in her class that could go on a one-on-one with a soccer club member of her school. Soon she starts loving it even more, and trains harder to become a soccer player.

"Okaa-san! Okaa-san!" Luna excitedly calls the care taker otherwise known as her new mom

The care taker rushed down the stairs to see Luna waiting by the door being all jumpy and active.

"Luna you're back. How's school?" She ask

"It was fun!" She happily replied

"Okaa-san I want to play soccer! Soccer is fun!" She told her mom

"I see. That's good." Her mom replied

"I'm going to my room now," She said as she rushes to her room

"Don't run in the house!" The mom shouted then she went back doing laundry

Months passed by as the Luna grew she starts watching soccer matches on the television. She admired the game maker, Kidou Yuuto, and the whirlwind defender, Kazemaru Ichirouta. She admires how Kidou observes his opponents carefully and easily gets past them, and admires Kazemaru's speed, and agility.

One day I will become a great soccer player like they are! I'm sure of it! 

On her 11th birthday, her mom has surprise that she prepared for Luna. Luna on the other hand is still at school. She is walking along the hallways. Some people would greet her happy birthday. She is slightly known at school for her talent, but that doesn't mean she's the most popular one. She's happy that there are who knows about her birthday, but she doesn't show it that much. She's actually more excited of going home to watch more soccer matches than being at school.

When she got home, she was greeted by her mom. She threw a very small party just for the two of them. She has never more happy than her entire life. She was already aware about the truth. She knew that her real family is still somewhere out there, but she's happy for what she already has.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." Her mom greeted

"Thanks mom!" Luna happily replied as they both sat on a chair in the dining room

"Sweetie I have a surprise for you." She said

"Really? Where?" She ask feeling excited for the surprise that is waiting for her

"It is under the table." Her mom said

Luna ducked under the table to see a gift wrapped in purple wrapping with silver stars on it. She went out of the table along with the gift, and without hesitation she opened it. Inside the gift was something she's been wanting to have for years, a soccer ball, to play more. She thought of soccer as a hobby that she loves to do, but she wants to be as good as the famous soccer players that she admires.

Luna love playing soccer. Even if she wanted to play soccer, her passion is set onto something else. She dreams of  becoming a performer in the future. As she grew up, many people complimented her on her skills that motivate her so much. Later on, her passion is set on singing and dancing. Soccer is a hobby to her that she wants to be really good at. She went in various competitions, and won in both dancing and singing at the age of 10-12. 


She is currently 12 years old, and now becoming a junior high student. Just like most people, they wanted to go to the school they idolized. She wants to study at Raimon Jr. High. A fact for everyone is that no gets everything they want. In the end, she's studying at Tengawara Jr. High.

The reason she studied there is because of distance. Her mom chose a school with a good soccer reputation that is close to their home.

Today is an another day of classes. Another day of her of being late again. She may be a very bright girl, but she is lazy in terms of getting up early.

"Luna wake up! You're gonna be late again!" Her mother called

Unfortunate to her, she isn't easily waken up by shouting. She's usually wakes up if someone  shook her. The chance of her waking up by shouting has probably only 10%. When she realize that Luna isn't waking up, she rush upstairs, and immediately shook her.

"Wake up Luna!" Her mom shouted as she shook Luna

She's slowly reacting. She open her eyelids as she gets up.

"Morning mom... what time is it?" She asks as she yawn

"It's 7:30am Luna! You're going to be late for school again!" Her mother said

"School? Isn't today sunday?" She ask slowly falling asleep again

"Sunday? Today is monday, and you're going to be late again!" She scold

When Luna heard what her mother told her, she rushes to the bath, and took a quick shower. She wore her Tengawara Jr. High uniform, and downstairs. 

"What time is it?" Luna asked

"It's 7:47. You only have 13 minutes to get school. You're lucky that the school is close. Go eat along the way before you get late again." Her mother said as Luna ran with bread on her mouth, and her bag in hand to school.

(Insert a photo of Luna going/running to school) 

She ran as fast as she could. Time is ticking. Fortunately, she was able to reach the school grounds at 7:59 am. She barely made it to school. When she arrived, she was greeted by her best friend named Seikatsu Natsu.

"Luna you scared me." Natsu said

"Sorry." Luna reply rubbing the back of her head

"Please don't do that again. This is the 59th time for the whole school year. You need to wake up early to be on time." Natsu scolded

"Yes mom." She jokingly replied as they both went to class.

"Hanatsuki-san!" Someone called 

The two friends turned around to see Yumeno Nanami, the student body president of the school in the junior high division. The two girls didn't expect her to approach them.

"Yes?" Luna ask

"The principal wants to talk to you at lunch time. Don't be late." She said as she turned around, and starts walking away from us

"Well that's weird." Natsu commented

"Yeah. She never approaches us before also I'm being called by the principal." Luna replied as they went in the classroom

"Oh yeah so why did the principal want to talk to you?" She ask

"To be honest... I don't know." Luna replied


Morning classes ended. It is now lunch time. Luna is now in front of the Principal's office. Her hands were shaking a bit. She is slightly nervous, and she literally has no idea what's going on. She took a deep breath before stepping in.

"Hanatsuki-san you're here. That's great!" Kuraiyama-san (The Principal) said

"I'm here... so what did you call me here for?" Luna ask

"Greetings Hanatsuki Luna." A deep voice was heard

"What? What's going on?" She ask

She turned around to see a tall old man with white long hair tied in a pony-tail and a beard. He wears a light-blue suit with a black tie with blue dots on it. He wears black sunglasses and has a big scar on his right eye. The guy slightly smirk, and asked...

"Do you play soccer?" 

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