met the guy of my

By washdoll

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Beatrice has a normal family life, parents go out, sister gets babysat over the road, and she and her brother... More

chapter one-The book

Chapter 2-The first meeting

59 2 2
By washdoll

So here is part 2, I hope you like it. Its a bit of a transition chapter with a surprise at the end. So please comment and vote, even if you hate it :) 

‘well we can’t stay up here forever, I don’t know what to do , I mean do the people here even recognise us, or are we just strangers?’ Bradley questioned


‘I know what you mean, are we related to them, I’m guessing we are rich and people here seem to recognise me’ 


‘we’ll how come nobody has recognised me, or at least been nice to me’


‘maybe you’re the stable boy who sleeps with the pigs’ I joked and nudged him with my elbow. Bradley just looked back at me with a face that was in no mood for laughing. Rubbing my eyes I contemplated our next move, do we face these people or do we just leave without them knowing. Before I could tell Bradley of any idea I had we heard voices travelling closer to us. Then the door handle turned slowly and we were face with a sour faced women and the lady that was in my room earlier. They both just stood there staring at me in shock. Panic was growing inside of me and I looked over at Bradley to see if he felt the same. He did. They looked like they did not recognise us at all, my god we’re in trouble. 


‘What on earth are you doing in here, you now that you should not be in here at this time of the morning, and look your sister is not even dressed. I expected more of you Bradley, you should know how to respect a lady’ They knew us, and in this era me an Bradley are still related.  Thank goodness.  Then all of a sudden I had an idea.


‘What‘s the date?’ with this question me and Bradley could figure out where we are and what year it is, ridiculous as it sounds. 

‘what is the date…?’ then she paused.

‘ma’am’ . I guessed, Maybe if I copy the girl that was in my room before then I may blend in a bit 

More, but no such luck. This women is just laughing at me, how rude. 

‘why don’t you try calling me mother and ask the question again’  a English accent was clear and

she sounded very posh.


‘MOTHER’ Bradley and I both chimed in together, I try to look at Bradley for reassurance but he

seems to be panicking just as much as I am.


‘Of course, and I am very proud of both of you, now what is all this nonsense with the date. The

date is the 12th of may 1964, exactly two weeks before the may ball’ she spoke with a smile, and

seemed to get a little giddy over the fact that a ball was coming.  ‘now Bradley you head on back to

your chamber and get yourself in a decent state so that you may join us on the patio for breakfast’

and with that she dismissed Bradley. I was holding onto Bradley’s hand so tight that he had to pry

my hand from his. I do not want him to disappear and leave me alone with these two strangers. I

guess I have no choice as ‘mother’ was just stood there glaring at him.

Bradley looked at me and gave me a little nod and a smile, I really hope he comes back later.


After he had left the room the lady who looked underdressed compared to my ‘mother’ asks me 

‘do you wish for assistance from me today, or would you care for your mother to help you’. Well I

definitely don’t want to be left alone with my mother, she might start talking to me about thing,

and I won’t have the foggiest what she is on about.

‘If you don’t mind mother, I would like the help from her today if that’s okay’ I said pointed at the

women who I guess was like a maid/nanny.  

‘darling do not point it is rude, and try not sound so common when I next see you’ and with that she

left me. And with that she left. Pompous old trout, who is she to call me common. Well actually my

mother, but she isn’t real. 

‘have you selected a dress for today miss, may I suggest the gold and cream one that master Davies

recently gave you’ She had an accent to her voice, she kind of sounded like something out of Oliver.

What was she on about, who’s Master Davies? And what dress?

‘oh miss I am so sorry for speaking out of line, I meant nothing by it I just thought…oooh silly me

There I go again thinking. I am so sorry I just…’


‘stop’ I thought it was time to interrupt her rambling. ‘please stop you have no need to apologise, I

will go with whatever dress you think is best, I’m not thinking straight today and I believe your

decision would be best’ I hinted towards the wardrobe. ‘shall we’ She just laughed at me.


‘don’t be silly miss, you don’t change in here we will go to your personal dressing room and get you

all sorted’ she began to make the bed I was just laying in. 


‘don’t bother with that, I never do that at home, mum always tells me to but I just don’t think its

worth my time. I will just go and mess it all up later when I get back into it’ Ooops, I just went and

dropped myself in it. She is now looking at me like I am a complete nutter.


‘miss I hope you don’t mind my brashness, but are you feeling okay. You just seem a little different.

Are you unwell?’ she suggested.


‘no no I’m fine’ I insisted. ‘just leave my bed till later, I wish to be dressed now, so that I may join

the rest of the household from breakfast’. I’m getting the hang of this speaking posh and being

rude business. Even though I feel guilty for treating her this way, but yet she just dropped what she

was doing, smiled at me sweetly and guided me to the room. 

When I walked in I felt my jaw drop, the room was bigger than my bedroom at home. There was

clothes hung around the room, some funny cage things that looked like skirts. The room was very

Minimalistic, there was not much furniture except a chaise lounge, which was royal red and at the

far end of the room. The other thing in the room caught my eye instantly. The was a stunning

partition, I guess it was for me to dress behind. It has a black background probably made of wood,

with an intricate gold pattern of flowers twisted up it. 

‘so are we going for the gold dress today miss’ 


‘would you mind if I had a look at them first before I decide’ I questioned while admiring everything

around me, I feel like a kid in a candy shop. I looked up and she nodded at me.


‘what is your name by the way’ I asked the women who was standing there so patiently. She was

avoiding eye contact. So I prompted her ‘well?’ 


‘I beg your pardon miss, but I do not think it is very moral of me to become to acquainted with you’

what the hell is she on about. ‘ just tell me your name’ I chuckled. She put her head down and

quietly muttered 

‘my name is Constance miss’ 

‘what a lovely name’ I spoke softly, reassuring her that she was not in trouble. WOW I have found

the dress. It was folded up perfectly sat on top of a trunk. The richness of the red was beautiful and

the lace decoration would be very elegant. ‘how about this one for today’ I prompted towards the


‘as you wish miss’ I watch her pick up the dress delicately as she hangs it over the chair. I see that it

is quite large, which may be an issue if I have to wear that bird cage thing underneath it. She walks

over to me with some clothes in her hand. ‘you can change into them behind the screen’ I take them

just to be polite. I will examine them further in a minute. When I am hidden behind the partition

screen I shake out the clothes given to me an instantly notice they are undergarments. Silky, ugly

things. They were like trousers from the panto. What the hell, I don’t want to make a fuss.

Constance came round the corner with what I’m guessing is a corset. 


‘miss why have you not changed yet’ looking down at myself I know that I put on everything that

she gave me. ‘you have not taken off your sleepwear, the top needs to come off so you can change

into your corset for the day. Just to inform you Master Davies will be joining your family for

breakfast’  She enthused. ‘so get to it, get changed quickly’ Please tell me she is joking, I’m not even

wearing a bra, I don’t even think they exist yet. Yet she is still standing there. So, I turn around so

she can’t see, and lift the top over my head. I’m mortified, She then places the corset round my


‘I’ll just tie this up quickly as we are in a rush’ and as she started to pull on the ties I felt all of the air

get squeezed out of my body. Was it meant to be this tight. I feel a little short of breath, please

don‘t let me pass out. ‘ you okay miss’


‘fine’ I even struggle to speak.  I had to step into the dress and she did it up in the same way, with

another bloody corset. I mean do they really care this much about looking skinny, that they just

stop breathing. Now that we are done she is putting on my shoes. Constance also gives me a pair of

black gloves to wear, which I quickly slip on my hands, They fit tightly as well.  Fortunately I do not

have to wear the cage as the dress has many layers to it.

‘I notice that your hair is still curled well from yesterday, so I will just pit it up and add a hat for

Decoration’ I just watch her play with my hair, as if she has been doing it for years, but that’s not

possible is it. I haven’t been here for years. Have I? When she is done I have a quick look in the

mirror and to be honest I am shocked. I never knew that I could look this pretty, I feel like a proper



‘off to breakfast then’ and she guides me down the staircase at the end of the hallway. We come to

a large door and she gives it a push and it swings open. I step outside and notice that Bradley is sat

at the table with a bunch of other people, making conversation and laughing. How can he be

having fun. He then looks up at me and then he looks confused, as if he does not recognise me. I

smile inwardly to myself, I don’t think I really recognise myself. I walk, or should I say waddle, over

to the table and take a seat in the spare chair. As I am about to sit down, I notice all the gentlemen

stand up, and they are all looking at me. So casually I just sit down and they do they same.

Conversation continues.


‘good morning my dear, so glad that you join us.’ This man sat at the head of the table and spoke

with such authority and dignity, that even though I don’t know him. I know well enough that he is

to be respected. 

‘So please to make your acquaintance’ I sweetly spoke with a smile. Bradley looked surprised that I

could speak like them. Well I have done my homework, All that reading paid off. I notice Bradley

making signs at me, he’s trying to tell me something. He points to the man at the end of the table,

and tries some other action. I just don’t understand it, so in the end he gets frustrated with mean

tries mouthing it instead…..further, no that can’t be right….Fart…farthe…farther. OMG that man at

the end of the table is our farther. Before I can even get over the shock a man to the side of me

starts to speak to me. 


‘may I say you look very beautiful today’ My god his voice could melt butter. 

‘why thank you’ I blush.

‘Oh look at you two, your so made for each other’ My ‘Mother’ speaks from across the table, she is acting like a drunk mum at a disco. Such an embarrassment, I blush deeply and go to kick her when I realise that’s not  lady thing to do. So she continues. ‘no wonder you two are to be married’ she sighs.

‘MARRIED’ Bradley and I repeat. 


So was it what you expected, tune in next time :) 






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