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4K 179 62

[haikyuu x oc story] DISCONTINUED โ๐ˆ๐ญ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ญ. ๐ˆ'๐ฆ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ซ๐ซ๐ฒ.โž In which Kana Yuki... More



501 21 15

"I'm Yuki, Nice to meet you!~"

    Not long after introducing herself, Yuki bid goodbye to the team, chuckling after seeing the two volleyball idiots on her way back.

     Yuki was quite happy on her way back home, humming to the music she was listening to, almost falling off her skateboard in the process of turning in a corner, because of how jolly she is.

     Yuki turned on the lights as she arrived in her apartment, her phone suddenly lighting up as she received a message. When she opened it, she recognized the name and texted back almost immediately. Also changing his contact name after replying, to avoid confusion.

     It was from Photographer Ahn, a Korean phtographer that is currently staying in Japan. She had met him by chance when she was passing by a shooting.

     Since Yuki was a model, she had met many famous photographers and agencies, even some that came from other countries. She wasn't in an agency though, in fact, her modelling was managed by her friend, who was the reason she was modeling in the first place.


안녕하세요 유키씨.
이것은 사진사 안입니다.
일요일에 만나요.
Hello Ms. Yuki.
This is Photographer Ahn
Let's meet on Sunday.
Is that okay?

, 괜찮습니다.
우리 몇 시에 만날까요?
Yes, that's alright.
What time will we meet?

오후 시에 만나요.
We'll meet at 1PM.

Thank you.

     Yuki suggested that she converse with the Korean photographer in his language before, since she thought he could be more comfortable that way.

     Yuki knew Korean because she had a friend that spoke the language and offered to teach it to her. She knew 3 languages which makes her trilingual.

     Ending their conversation, Yuki placed her things gently to where she usually kept them and changed out of her uniform to some comfortable clothes, also taking off her beanie and the brown colored contacts she wore earlier.

     She decided to wear colored contacts to cover her blue eyes, figuring that it would be helpful to lower her chances of being caught.

     She would've worn glasses that she had bought too, but her ears were tucked inside the beanie making her choose not to instead.

Taking her phone once more, She scrolled through her contacts and dialed the number of a certain person.

After a few rings the person finally answered, "H-hey Yuki. Why are you calling me?"

"You know exactly why, Kirari-san" Yuki said slowly, emphasizing 'exactly' and 'why'

Her aunt just sighed, "You already know why I did it. You should interact and befriend others Yuki. What happened to Yua was not your fault, she and Rei wouldn't want you to be alone, isolating yourself from everyone." Yuki flinched as her aunt brought up a sensitive topic.

"...I wasn't going to. That's why I went to Karasuno in the first place anyway."

"I just wanted to make sure you would. Anyway, I have to go now Yuki. Take care, and good night."

"Okay... good night, Kirari-san.." Yuki said, ending the call.

After the call ended, she ate the dinner she made for herself and soon went to bed.

'That was one hell of a first day...' She thought as closed her eyes, as a smile slowly made its way to her lips.

'I really hope you'll wake up soon Yua'

- - -
Yuki's POV

     I groaned and sat up as I heard my alarm ring loudly. I sighed as I quickly turned it off and went to the kitchen to make my breakfast and lunch before I prepare for school.

     It was quiet as I cooked, only the sounds of the egg sizzling and vegetables being chopped were heard. After a while, I finished cooking and prepared my bento, eating the extra food that was my breakfast.

     After eating, I grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom to shower, after 10 minutes I was already done showering and went to get dressed. I put on my uniform and contact lenses, and grabbed a beanie, putting it on and checking if my hair was visible.

     After making sure that it wasn't, I took my skateboard and rode it once again to Karasuno. It wasn't long before I arrived.

     I made my way towards my class and sat on my desk once again. I took out my earbuds and placed them on my ears, moving my beanie a bit doing so. I took them out when the teacher came, I already the lessons that were being taught and I closed my eyes out of boredom.

     I zoned out the voices of my teacher and just doodled on my notebook. I accidentally slept through the classes because of boredom not even realizing that I did, until the bell rang indicating that it was lunch and woke me up.

     I just sighed and ate my lunch inside the classroom once again. After finishing my lunch, I had already drank the milk that I packed but I was still thirsty.

     I got up, deciding to buy milk from the vending machine, coincidentally meeting Kageyama.

'It's the scary girl...' I could almost hear him say it, but pushed the thought out of my mind and bowed my head slightly in acknowledgment, him doing the same.

"—Are you, playing volleyball to defeat Kageyama?" That voice, it was Sugawara-senpai.

     This sparked an interest me. I looked at Kageyama as he listened in to the conversation after hearing his name mentioned.


     I slightly peaked in the corner seeing two boys that I met yesterday, talking.

'He still practices in his lunch break...'

"Um... I want to... be as strong as someone who can beat Kageyama" Hinata replied.

"Then I can definitely play against other strong opponents on equal footing! I won't lose so easily!"

'This guy must be good for orange-san to talk about him that highly' I thought as I looked at Kageyama who was now sipping at his milk.

"I, don't want to lose anymore!" I smiled slightly, amused.

     Kageyama turned around and left with a glare on his face. To be honest, I wasn't sure if he was actually glaring or if it was just his normal face expression.

"In other words, in Hinata's mind, Kageyama holds the position of 'The Strongest Player.' "

"Huh?" I blocked out the rest of their conversation as I poked my straw on the carton and drank my milk, walking back to my classroom.

     Classes started after and once again, I was bored. I didn't sleep this time though, instead, I just stared at nothingness. After classes ended, I packed my things, and went to where the 3rd year rooms are, much to people's confusion.

     I walked through the corridors as some of the third years glanced at me probably wondering why there was a first year there.

"Excuse me. Is Shimizu Kiyoko-senpai here?" I asked knocking in the door searching for the beautiful third year manager.

"I'm here." My eyes landed on the beautiful manager as I get awestruck for a moment. I mean, who wouldn't?

"Hello, I'm Yukina, a first year from Class 5. I'm joining the club as another manager, nice to meet you Shimizu-senpai" I introduced myself before continuing,

"Daichi-senpai told me to talk to you and introduce myself because I left early yesterday. I look forward to working with you senpai" I bowed and smiled softly at her.

"Oh, he told me about you. Just call me Kiyoko, I look forward to working with you as well" She gave me a smile, I swear, I almost got blinded.

     After introducing ourselves, Kiyoko went to go get her bag and walked home with me to talk about what I'll be doing in the club.

     I told her that I didn't know a thing about volleyball and was afraid that I'll only be a burden to them but she reassured me that it's fine and that she'll be there to guide me. That made my heart ache in gratitude, she was really kind and I got comfortable with her in no time.

     After explaining what we'll be doing in the club, we started to talk about random things like our hobbies and what we like, laughing at some funny memories we talked about.

     I accidentally called her Kiyo-chan and surprisingly she didn't mind the nickname and liked it instead. So I told her to call me Yuki-chan in return, hesitating slightly but her smile made it go away, making me happy when I saw her nod.

"I need to go that way Yuki-chan, thanks for walking with me, I really appreciate it." she said with a smile. I nodded in response and smiled, waving at her figure which slowly faded away.

     I rode my skateboard in the opposite direction and headed towards my apartment. I arrived shortly after and did my usual routine of changing clothes, eating dinner, and doing my homework.

     But this time, instead of sleeping straight away, I took out my phone and studied on how volleyball works and wrote it down on my new notebook. I didn't want Kiyo-chan to be burdened by me so I studied hard.

     Later on, I started to get sleepy so I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

     I turned off my alarm as I woke up and got out of the bed slightly annoyed, since I wanted to sleep more, but shook it off and prepared for the day.

     I cooked breakfast and packed by bento once again and showered and got dressed afterwards.

     I got my skateboard and quickly went to karasuno. I noticed that I sped past a blond and a green-haired male on the way but that thought quickly disappeared as I arrived in Karasuno. I got off my board and went inside the school, heading to my class immediately.

     I took out my notebook and phone and watched some volleyball videos, writing down notes after learning some things, while waiting for the teacher to arrive. I did the same on lunch break, eating while watching some volleyball videos that I downloaded at home.

     I put my phone back once the bell rang and listened to the lectures despite my shutting eyes from boredom. Eventually, my brain gave up on trying to listen and wandered off to dreamland.

     I woke up as the classes finally ended. I packed my things in my bag and took my skateboard with me, exiting the school and riding it on my way home.

     As I was going home, I took a different shortcut and saw a few kids playing volleyball in a park. I smirked as I thought of an idea when I saw there were a few skateboards near them.

"Hey kids! Yeah, you guys there!" I shouted as I made my way to them. They stopped playing to listen to me.

"Is there something wrong?" One of them asks in bewilderment, they were just playing volleyball and then a stranger suddenly approached them, who wouldn't be confused.

"No, no, no—" I shook my head fast in denial.

"I have a deal to propose." I smirked before continuing,

"Teach me how to play volleyball and I'll teach you some skateboard tricks, what do you think?" I suggested as I smiled, proud of my silly idea.

One of the kids suddenly scoffed, and that made me raise an eyebrow at him.

"We don't need you to teach us, we're probably better than you anyway" He said arrogantly, one of his friends nodding in agreement.

"Oh yeah?"

     I smirked as I got my board and ran start, I did a kickflip and jumped over a few obstacles with an ollie, I went back to them and got off my board, kicking the tail, getting it back to my hands.

     All of them had their mouths and eyes wide open as they stared at me. I just simply laughed at their reactions, finding it cute.

"So, deal?" I offered my hand. They got out of their shock as they silently whispered a few words and went back to me smiling,

"Deal." One of them shook my hands as they smiled at me.

"I'm Ume!"

"My name is Haru"

"I am Kentaro, call me Ken!"

"...I'm Ryo"

"Nice to meet you!" The four said in unison.

"I'm Yuki, nice to meet you!~" I introduced myself to the four. I told them my real name since they were only kids, they wouldn't know who I am anyway.

     I learned that the four were together since they could walk since their parents were good friends, I also learned that Ume was a girl, I apologized because I assumed that she was a boy, but she shrugged it off telling me she was used to it. Ryo also apologized about his attitude earlier, I only smiled and told him it was fine.

     Ume was the tallest despite being the girl out of the group, Haru and the others were also quite tall, Ume was only taller by a few centimeters.

     After that they first taught me how to receive the ball. Haru spiked it and Ken received it. I was surprised because Ken's receive was good and how Haru spiked the ball, Haru was really strong for his age.

    I copied Ken's receiving form, Ryo correcting some mistakes I did and Ume explaining to me how I would do it.

"How are you four so good at volleyball?" I asked, quite amazed at them and their knowledge about volleyball. They smiled cheekily,

"Our parents are volleyball players!" My mouth formed an 'O' as I realized where they got their skills from.

"Our moms were volleyball teammates, and they taught us everything they knew that we can manage for now." Ume explained with a smile. I was really lucky I made the deal with them.

"Okay! Try to receive my spike Yuki-nee-san!" Haru exclaimed, I grinned at the challenge and shouted an 'Okay' to them.

     Ryo tossed the ball as Haru jumped and spiked the ball to me, I positioned my arms like how Ken did it and how Ume explained to me and received the ball perfectly.

     The four were clearly shocked and proud at what I did and I simply chuckled at their reactions.

"Are you sure you're a beginner nee-san?! That was a perfect receive!" Ume exclaimed in shock the others nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I am. I just learn quickly." I smiled and winked at them proudly.

     After that they continued to teach me and explain the rules and how I'll position my feet, arms, and legs when I receive the ball.

     I was starting to sweat from all this, so I took my beanie off, revealing my long, snow-like, white hair that fell down gracefully from being kept in a bun, the others paused and looked at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Whoa! You're really pretty Yuki-nee-san!" Ume and Ken exclaimed together, the other two nodding their heads fast in agreement. I only laughed and gestured them to let us continue practicing, thinking they were just kidding.

     After some time, I got the hang of it and learned how to receive it, now also knowing the positions like libero, setters, spikers, and more.

     After they taught me how to receive, I then taught them some skateboard tricks starting with ollie since they requested it.

     When the sun was setting, we bid goodbye and rode our skateboards, home in different directions, agreeing to meet up the next day.

     As I got home I changed, ate, and did my homework and watched some volleyball videos after, then slept when I got tired.

     The next few days went by like usual, I went to school, met up with Ume and the others for our deal, and went home.

     It was now Friday afternoon, I had learned the rules of volleyball and how to receive, toss, spike, block, and serve. The four kids were surprised by how much I learned in a short span of time.

     I taught them quite a lot of tricks that I knew, and even taught Ume how to longboard. We were satisfied with the information that we learned from each other and ended our deal, since I had learned volleyball and they were going to be busy with school.

     We bid farewell to each other, Ken was even crying saying that he was going to miss me which resulted to the four of them crying and me panicking what to do. Eventually they stopped crying and we were now laughing.

"I'm also going to miss you four." I smiled at them, they became quite important to me in a short time.

"Take care okay? Take care of each other, and don't forget nee-san." I patted their heads and hugged them each.

     They went home in their skateboards as I waved at their disappearing figure, I stood up and also went home.

     When I arrived at home, I placed my things down and went to change. However, when I tried to check my phone, I couldn't find it anywhere. It wasn't on my bag and my pocket. After I double-checked I also saw that my notebook that had volleyball notes was also missing.

     It was getting dark but I still rushed with my skateboard to the park, where I and the others practiced but my things weren't there. I then sped up to Karasuno with my skateboard.

     I went to my classroom and saw my notebook and phone on my desk. I let out a breathe of relief seeing it safe and untouched.

     I quickly retreated to go home but as I went out I saw four boys outside. I recognized the two were Hinata and Kageyama, but I didn't know who the two others were.

     I saw the tall blond holding a volleyball in his hand, Hinata trying to get it from him.

'They must've been practicing...' My eyes went to the four of them.

     I went up to them, close enough to hear their conversation, but they still didn't notice my presence.

"G-give that back!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Isn't it time for elementary schoolers to be heading home?" The tall blond teased.

'Okay that's rude' I thought slightly offended, since I was around Hinata's height. Actually, probably the same.

"Who the heck are you?!" Hinata shouted clearly irritated.

"The 'other 1st years' intending to join the club... huh?" Kageyama commented.

'Damn, they're also first years? They're huge' I thought, as my eyes go wide.

"Oi! I'm talking here!"

"How tall are you?" Kageyama asked the tall blond.


'Poor Hinata... being ignored completely' I almost chuckled but held it back.

"Tsukki is 188 cm! That's almost 190 cm!" The other green-haired first year exclaimed.


'I feel you, Hinata...' I thought, also kind of shocked.

"Why are you bragging about it Yamaguchi?"

"Ah, gomen, Tsukki!"

'Woah that was kinda cute- wait what?'

     I lightly slapped myself to get that thought out of my head. But, unfortunately, it got the attention of 'Yamaguchi' who was now confused at my sudden appearance.

     I placed my finger on my lips, gesturing him to be quiet.

"...You're Kageyama from Kitagawa Daichi aren't you? Why is one of the elites attending Karasuno?" 'Tsukki' teased.


"OI!" A sudden shout interrupted the two taking the attention away.

"Tomorrow, we definitely won't lose!!" Hinata exclaimed shouting to the tall blond quite bravely.

     Ah, that's right. Kiyo-chan told me that there was going to be a 3-on-3 match between the first years tomorrow.

"...Ah, right" I raised my eyebrow at the tall blond's response.

"I don't know if it's an important match for you guys, but for us, there's more of a 'well whatever' feeling. We're not hung up on winning or losing, so if it'll be troublesome for you guys to lose..."

"How about we... throw the game for you?" That seriously pissed me off, even though I wasn't the one he was talking to.

"What the hell?!"

"...Whether you throw the game or go all out, the fact that I'm going to win won't change"

"You mean we!" Hinata interjected.

"Haha! That's some confidence! Just what you'd expect from a 'King!' "

"Oi, quit it with that!" Kageyama was pissed off.

"Ooh, so it's true!" The tall blond exclaimed.


"The rumor that you dislike being called 'The King of the Court'."

"It's fine isn't it? 'King' is a cool nickname! It fits you perfectly, 'Your Highness!' "

"...What the hell is with you..."

"...I saw the prefecture semifinals" Kageyama was taken aback by the blond's sudden statement.

"With such self-centered tosses, the rest of the team sure tolerated a lot. That would've been impossible for me."

"...Ah!" The blond exclaimed as if realizing something before continuing, "What they weren't able to tolerate was a guy like you."

     I was shocked as Kageyama grabbed the blond's collar, I dropped my things as I ran in between the both fast, pushing them away from each other.

"Yukina-san?!" Hinata exclaimed in shock.

"Look, I don't know what's going on but that's enough, you're being too much" I said sharply as I faced the blond first year.

"Oh who's this? Another chibi?" I ignored his comment and stayed silent.

"...We're done here" I heard Kageyama say as he walk away, I sigh as I walk back to my dropped things and picked them up, kicking the tail of my skateboard to hold it.

"Running away? The 'King' isn't such a big deal after all, huh?~" I heard the tall blond mock again which made me sigh.

"In tomorrow's match, we'll win against Your Highness, and..." He threw the ball behind him but he cut himself off in shock when he saw Hinata jump high getting the ball.

     I was also shocked, I never saw someone else jump that high, because I always jumped higher than everyone else, so it's a first.

"Shut up with all that 'King' and 'Your Highness' stuff!!"

"I'm, here too!!" Hinata exclaimed.

"I'm gonna hit the ball above that head of yours in tomorrow's match!" He continued.


"Uugh— w-what the hell... y-you wanna go, d-dammittt?" I chuckled at the sudden change of Hinata's attitude, obviously intimidated by the tall blond.

"Let's be fair, have fun, and not go overboard," The blond smiled before continuing,

"It's just club activities, after all."

"What do you mean 'just' club activities?!"

"It means just what you think it means... well, until tomorrow, then." 'Tsukki' and 'Yamaguchi' then started to walked away.

"Oi, wait a sec, dammit!"

"Who the hell are you guys?!"

"...First year, class 4, Tsukishima Kei" He answered after pausing.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi, also a first year in class 4."

"Starting tomorrow, we're teammates. Ah, we'll be opponents tomorrow, though."

"I'm looking forward to seeing the 'King's toss' " After that the two left.

"What the heck, what a nasty guy!! Tomorrow, we're definitely gonna knock him down a peg!!"

"...Don't just go saying whatever you want!!"

"Well then, now that the drama's over, see you tomorrow." I was about to get on my skateboard, when Hinata suddenly screamed 'Wait!'

"What?" I asked kinda startled.

"What are doing here Yukina-san? I thought I already saw you go home earlier."

"Really? Stalker much?" I smiled seeing him all panicky.

"I'm kidding. I left my phone and some things and went to get it. It's important" I saw him nodding in response.

"Well, goodbye~" I rode my skateboard, catching up to the other tall first years that left earlier, meeting eyes with the two of them, when I glanced their way, before speeding off home.

'Well that was interesting...' I thought as I slid off a railing with my skateboard, finally arriving at my apartment.

     The sides of my lips turned upward slightly as I thought about the upcoming match tomorrow as I went to bed and slowly went off to dreamland.

- - -

Important Note: I am not fluent in Korean whatsoever and only wrote based on what I know and learned. Feel free to correct me if you notice grammatical errors and I will change them right away!

Thank you, take care, and I love you all!~♡

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