
By eyescloseddreamsopen

1K 68 18

Fame, fortune and the whole world loves them. Hugo and Mae are madly in love with each other, from elegant d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 26

12 2 1
By eyescloseddreamsopen

... I am permanently in love with you, always and forever

H x

I stare at the piece of paper with all of Hugo's innocent and loving words scattered across it in black ink. I look up to meet the man who has just made me feel more loved than any girl could imagine. I feel like the girls in the movies who get their true loves kiss to bring them back to life. Words haven't left my mouth, frankly because I can't think of the right once to use to solidify the way I feel. I look up to meets Hugo's eyes, he is still in the same place and hasn't moved since he first gave me the note. I place the note on the bedside table next to my phone and move myself close to him. I gently reach out for his hand and take it with mine. The other hand moves to his cheek, my thumb lightly traces his skin. My emotions get the better of me and this overwhelming feeling inside becomes extrinsic as a single tear runs down my face. "I love you" Is all I can manage to say as I look into Hugo's blue eyes as he sits so perfectly across from me in nothing but his boxers. Hugo pulls his hand out of mine and wraps his large arms around my body instantly making me feel safer. "I love you Mae" Hugo says into my neck.

The morning comes around quickly as do the 'goodbye's and see you soon' speeches from Jay and Naya. Hugo and Jay have a private talk and decide to squash the misunderstanding that happened between them and hug it out, I am so thankful that Hugo has Jay and vice versa. The airport was just as busy as usual and Hugo and I walked hand in hand through the crowds and paparazzi just like we have been doing after confessing our relationship publicly. The long flight back to London was as exciting as it can get, Hugo was on my flight this time, unlike on the way here, as we can be seen together now. We are now in the taxi in central London traffic on the way back to our house. The drive would normally take around an hour, however with London traffic it could take up to 3. We have been in the taxi for roughly 40 minutes and Hugo has fallen asleep, I adjust his neck back to a normal position as it had slipped to a more uncomfortable position in his sleep. I continue to listen to my music through my headphones too loudly and quietly sing along with a few weird looks from the driver through the wing mirror.

Finally, we arrive back to our house, I wake Hugo up with a gently touch, when then didn't work I resorted to a harder push to then a kick and finally he woke up. "Leave me alone for god sake" Hugo grumpily moans. I roll my eyes and get out of the taxi, making sure I slam the door, which seems to wake Hugo up for good. The driver already has the boot up and is taking our cases out of the car. Looking at my two cases on the floor I wonder why I did pack so much for a short trip, but I am a girl and I was going to the Met Gala. With that thought I justify myself with a small discrete nod. At this point Hugo has returned to the back on the car and lifts his suitcase out of the boot and gives me a cheeky smile. "Thanks mate, have a good one" Hugo says to the taxi driver with a handshake while he pays our taxi fare. We begin to make our way up the large drive and into the house. Hugo has his suitcase and one of mine as a true gentleman he is. The house is cold, yet just as clean as I left it only a few days ago. Hugo's father is visiting tomorrow with his new girlfriend so I made sure I wouldn't have to clean before they arrived. Although I have met William many times, he still makes me nervous because he is always so polished and perfect. I have only seen him out of a suit on a few occasions so I presume his girlfriend will be nothing but perfection. It's almost 7 pm when we arrive home and Hugo has made it very clear that he is hungry, I decide to make a homemade lasagna, much to Hugo's objection as it takes a while to make. We spend the rest of the evening laughing watching tv and eating the lasagna. I decide on making chocolate brownies for William and his girlfriend's visit as a way to a girl's heart is through her stomach. I get on really well with Hugo's mum, Tracy, therefore I want to make sure I do the same with Williams partner.

Hugo and I both sleep through our alarms and way into the morning, which is unlike me, however the short trip still didn't defeat the jetlag. Hugo wakes up later then me and he meets me in the kitchen. "Morning baby, how did you sleep?" Hugo says whilst placing a kiss on my lips pushing me against the counter. As his finger traces the bottom of his T shirt which I am wearing. Our kiss breaks as a result of my smile. He looks incredible in the morning; his hair is loose and his body is on full show as he wears just his boxers showing it perfectly chiselled. I will never get used to waking up next to him or understand that I am the one he kisses and he is the one I come home to. "I did, I know you did as you took up the whole bed you arsehole" I say playfully pushing him away from me to return to the eggs cooking on the pan. Hugo holds his hands up innocently and begins to make himself a drink. "What time is your dad coming, what's his girlfriends name?" I ask as I remove the eggs from the pan to put them on a plate. Hugo sits at the table ready for me to hand him his breakfast as I do every morning. "At 12, so in an hour, he didn't tell me, on the phone he was too busy rambling about a new apartment block he has just bought, he didn't even ask about the Met, the idiot" Hugo says taking the conversation more bitterly. I rub the back of his neck to comfort him whilst placing his breakfast Infront of him. As we woke up later than expected I have to begin cooking the lunch now, I decide to miss breakfast so I will be hungry when they arrive. I am making a roast dinner even though it is a Wednesday.

The hour has passed quickly and lunch is almost ready, whilst the meat is in the oven, I decide to get ready. I wear some smart, yet casual looking trousers paired with a channel jumper that was gifted to me by the brand a few months ago on a photoshoot. My hair is down and natural with loose curls, I decide to only wear mascara and some concealer as I still haven't finished cooking, I worry a full face of makeup won't leave the kitchen looking nice. When I return to the kitchen, I walk past the lounge to see Hugo spread out across the sofa wearing grey jogging bottoms and a black t shirt with his cap on backwards. I enter the room, "aren't you going to put something nicer on, your dad is always in a suit babe" I say but as I try to be serious my smile steals my serious face as he looks so god damn hot. "What do you mean I look great, oh no you're right I'll put my watch on" He says sarcastically with a wink. As Hugo returns from upstairs now wearing his watch, he looks even better, the phone rings. Hugo answers and tells me that the gate keeper who runs the gate to the estate we live on has let his father in. Shortly after that the doorbell rings, all of a sudden I get excited and intrigued on the type of woman William has fallen for, or how a woman has possibly distracted him from work. I notice Hugo roll his eyes and smirk as I practically run to the door to find out. Hugo goes into the lounge to put on the sport channel for when his dad comes in and complains that it isn't on. I open the door to meet a stunning blonde bombshell wearing a tight bodycon dress and heels, I instantly feel underdressed. I wonder how she is wearing such as short dress in the beginning of May as the weather is still adjusting from winter to spring. William, as expected is wearing a suit, I presume after being here he will return to work so the humour that he is wearing a suit to come for a homemade lunch disappears. They make their way into our house hand in hand after warm smiles and welcoming hellos. I notice that she is younger than William, a lot younger. "Hi I'm Olivia, thank you for having me, your house is lovely" The stunning blonde says whilst giving me a warm hug, I instantly like her. We exchange a few obnoxious and classic girly lines such as 'no you look lovely' 'no you are pretty' whilst I take their coats and point Olivia in the way of the bathroom. At this point Hugo joins us, him and his dad exchange a hug and a few cheeky comments. Hugo and William are really close, I can tell Hugo misses him and gets frustrated when he works all the time, but they have a good relationship, making me miss my dad a whole lot more. "So, where's the woman, you scared her away already?" Hugo says with a laugh and a push to his fathers' arm. "Hugo! Don't say that" I say trying to put Hugo in his place, yet fail miserably when I get a wink back. Hugo moves behind me and places his arms around my neck resting on my shoulders. He kisses the top of my head as I roll my eyes in frustration of how easily he can win me over and get back on my good side. "He is yet to scare..." Olivia says whilst walking back into the hallway, yet her sentence is cut short when she gets a glance of Hugo. Immediately Hugo's arms resting on my shoulders become more tense. As Olivia is much younger then William I presume that she knows who he is or has seen his movies.

"Olivia?" Hugo says in a louder voice. I turn around to face Hugo, then William who has the same expression of confused as I do, to then finally Olivia who has taken on the same shade of red on her cheeks as her dress. "You two know each other?" William asks innocently looking in between the awkward stare that Olivia and Hugo share. "Eh, yeah we used to go to school together, erm well not together she was my teacher" Hugo says unconvincingly. "Well that's great then, less 'getting to know each other' conversations then" William says as he walks into the lounge with Olivia quickly behind him "Footballs on son, grab me a beer, I'm taking the afternoon off!" William says as his voice travels through the hallways from the lounge. Hugo follows me into the kitchen, to get his dad a drink and for me to keep working on lunch. "So, you and Olivia where on a first name basis, what happened to the Miss?" I ask nosily whilst opening the cabinet which held the dishes. Hugo lies, "Everyone called her Olivia" 

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