Author Becomes Character

By ShairaMaeMafe

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Awakening to find myself in a world teeming with magic, dragons, and fantastical wonders was like stepping in... More

Chapter 1: Reincarnation
Chapter 2: Family
Chapter 3: God Blessing Ceremony
Chapter 4: Resolution
Chapter 5: The Nobility's Hobbies

Chapter 6: The Final Exam

3.5K 173 20
By ShairaMaeMafe

Venturing into the depths of the forest marks a pivotal moment in my journey, a stark departure from the familiarity of city life that once defined my existence on Earth. In the urban sprawl, my days were consumed by the quiet solitude of writing novels and the rigors of academic study, leaving little room for physical exploration.

Yet, as I step beneath the canopy of towering trees, I am greeted by a symphony of rustling leaves and the earthy scent of damp soil. Each step forward feels like a revelation, as if I am unraveling the mysteries of an ancient world hidden from my view.

The sheer abundance of life teeming around me ignites a sense of wonder that I never knew existed. From the delicate flutter of butterflies to the distant call of unseen creatures, every sound and movement seems to whisper secrets of a realm untouched by human hands.

And as I reflect on this newfound connection with nature, a profound sense of empowerment washes over me. No longer confined to the pages of my novels or the confines of city streets, I now possess the knowledge and skills to navigate this untamed wilderness with confidence.

With each passing moment, my excitement grows, fueled by the realization that I am no longer a mere observer, but an active participant in the vibrant tapestry of life that surrounds me.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, our journey through the forest remained eerily devoid of life. Despite our steady pace and vigilant observation, not a single creature stirred, nor did the foliage betray any hint of movement. Frustration gnawed at the edges of my patience, and I couldn't help but cast a pointed glance back at my brother, Calvin, trailing not far behind.

"I didn't do anything!" he exclaimed.

With little recourse but to trust my brother's guidance, I pressed forward into the depths of the forest, my footsteps echoing softly against the underbrush. As I ventured deeper, a flicker of movement caught my eye, drawing my attention to a distant silhouette swaying amidst the shadows. Heart pounding, I crept forward with practiced stealth, using the cover of the trees to conceal my approach.

As I drew closer, the figure raised its head, alert to my presence. In the dappled light filtering through the canopy, I discerned the graceful form of a deer, its delicate features etched against the backdrop of foliage. With bated breath, I watched as it surveyed its surroundings before returning its attention to the verdant feast laid out before it.

Seizing the opportunity to draw nearer, I inched forward, my hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of my sword. But as I raised the weapon, the sunlight caught its gleaming edge, casting a brilliant reflection that shattered the tranquility of the moment. With a startled leap, the deer bounded away, disappearing into the shadows with effortless grace.

Cursing my misfortune, I lowered my sword, frustration coursing through my veins. Yet, even as disappointment gnawed at my resolve, I knew that this encounter was but a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of the forest. With renewed determination, I steeled myself to continue the hunt, each step forward a testament to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

Amidst the echoes of my own frustration, a ripple of laughter cut through the silence of the forest, emanating from behind me. Brother Cal's jovial voice echoed through the trees, a stark contrast to the solemnity of our surroundings. Irritation prickled at the edges of my patience as I turned to face him, a scowl etched upon my features. Yet, despite my best efforts to convey my annoyance, his laughter only intensified, echoing through the stillness of the forest like a raucous chorus.

With a resigned shake of my head and a weary sigh, I turned away from his mirth and resumed my solitary journey into the heart of the wilderness. Each step forward felt heavy with the weight of my frustration, yet I refused to let it deter me from my purpose.

As I ventured deeper into the forest, the passage of time seemed to blur into a hazy continuum, marked only by the rhythmic cadence of my footsteps against the forest floor. It was not long before another silhouette caught my eye, a faint movement amidst the shadows beckoning me forward.

With newfound caution born from my previous misstep, I approached the figure with painstaking care, every movement measured and deliberate. Each step forward was a testament to my resolve, a silent vow to learn from past mistakes and approach this encounter with the utmost care and precision.

It was a medium-sized black rabbit, and I believe it was called Rabbimon. It's a Rabbit monster, the lowest type of monster. I'm not sure who came up with the name, but it was so bland, I mean, couldn't they come up with something better? It sounded both cute and stupid because of the name!

The Rabbimon is devouring a deer, I think this is the deer that got away from me earlier?

With swift precision, I brought my sword down upon it the moment I drew near enough to sense its flesh yielding effortlessly, as though it were butter beneath the blade. The revelation of its razor-sharpness caught me completely off guard!

The Rabbimon was sliced into two without a sound.

I whisked my sword to the side to remove the blood.

"Wow, clean, I guess the blacksmith did like you" Brother Cal said while examining the carcass of the Rabbimon

"Don't go near that shop or near that blacksmith again" Brother Cal said in a warning tone

I merely rolled my eyes at him and took the Rabbimon's lifeless carcass and placed it in my space bag. This bag was one of the first items I requested after hearing about it from Brother Cal, so Dad gave it to me as a gift for my 16th birthday; he even joked that a castle could fit within.

or maybe it can? I don't know. Maybe he just meant it metaphorically.

"Wow, my Sister is a natural-born savage! She's not even afraid of blood," Brother Cal said as he examined my bloodied hand.

I walked towards him and wiped my hand using his royal blue cape

"Ah!" He shouted and jumped backwards

I just grinned at his expression; he appeared surprised, furious, angry, and disgusted all at once, while clutching his cape and looking at the blood smeared on it.

Brother Calvin wears a special cape that is tied to his armor. When I asked him what it was for, he simply said that he enjoys it because it makes him appear like a hero.

Even great mythical heroes and empire founders are depicted in literature, paintings, and sculpture as wearing capes. That was one thing this world shared with Earth.

The hunt went smoothly and I now have 4 bodies of different creatures, a Rabbimon, A Deer, a Bird, and a bear. The bear attacked me first so I killed it.

this seems so easy and no fun at all, so I tried to find something more aggressive like lion or a tiger or something!

I took a closer look around and noticed fairies flying around, but they didn't approach me; instead, they just spoke among themselves.

I was focused about the fairies and didn't notice the small hole in front me. I was already plummeting before I knew it.

I looked above and saw Brother Cal's panic stricken face

"ANYA!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the cavernous space, but I had already distanced myself from the small opening. As I surveyed my surroundings, it dawned on me that I had stumbled upon a Cenote, its depths extending far beyond my plummeting descent. Yet, before I could fully grasp the gravity of my situation, I plunged into the icy embrace of the water below, my senses alert despite the sudden immersion.

In the dimness of the underwater world, illuminated solely by the faint glow emanating from the aperture above, I found myself confronted by an enigmatic figure. Its sinuous form glided effortlessly through the water, its predatory movements evoking a primal fear deep within me. With teeth bared and eyes fixed intently upon me, it closed in with calculated precision, akin to a hunter closing in on its unsuspecting prey.

Its mouth is as big and elongated as a crocodile, its teeth were as sharp as those I saw in shark movies, it has two hands with three webbed fingers with enlarged claws at the first digit. It also had a sail like projection on its back.

As its vast open mouth approached, I swam as fast as I could to the shore. At the very least, I have a better chance while I'm on land than when I'm in the water.

I swam with all my strength and made it to shore in time, but I didn't have time to rejoice because I'm not sure if that creature can walk on land! I dashed to the farthest rock wall and turned around, only to see the monster emerge from the water on its two hind legs!

I positioned my sword ready to fight. I do not have a choice!

" ANYA! Where are you?" I heard Brother Cal's voice from the hole but the hole is too far from here

"Brother! I'm..." I stopped and thought if I should say I'm fine, since I know that I'm not!

"Brother! there's reptilian monster in front of me!!" I shouted with all my might and thank goodness the Cenote cooperated by amplifying my voice.

"WHAT?! I'm getting down!" He shouted

" NO! Find mom and Dad! if we are both stuck here, they wont find us!" I shouted back

" URGH why do I have fire aptitude? why can't I have air?! or at least water" Brother murmured above

" BROTHER HURRY! I don't know how long I can fight it" I shouted and heard him walk away

My body is on the verge of collapse; it's as if every sinew and muscle fiber is stretched to its limit. Just consider what I've endured – an arduous trek from camp, the relentless pursuit of monsters and prey, culminating in a harrowing encounter with a bear, of all creatures! The adrenaline-fueled struggle left me battered and bruised, my skin marred by the beast's savage claws. And then, with what little energy I had left, I plunged into the frigid depths, swimming what felt like an eternity through murky waters.

Now, every movement sends tremors through my weary frame, a testament to the immense strain I've endured. My lungs burn with each labored breath, my limbs heavy with fatigue. The wounds from my battle with the bear throb incessantly, serving as a grim reminder of my vulnerability. It's a miracle I've made it this far, but I fear my stamina and strength are waning, teetering on the brink of exhaustion.

despite all that, I still plan to fight this Crocodile dinosaur.

As the creature lunged toward me, its gaping maw a menacing sight, I knew I had to act swiftly. With a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins, I instinctively reached for the small button embedded in the hilt of my sword. The thought of engaging in close combat with such a formidable foe sent a shiver down my spine – I couldn't afford to risk injury, not when my life depended on it.

With a deft motion, I activated the mechanism concealed within the hilt, and in an instant, the once rigid blade of my sword transformed before my eyes. Like a coiled serpent ready to strike, it unfurled into a sleek and deadly whip adorned with gleaming blades. This was no ordinary weapon; it was my prized possession – the Whip Sword, christened by its creator as Valentina.

Named after its graceful yet lethal nature, Valentina was more than just a weapon; it was an extension of myself, a testament to years of training and craftsmanship. With Valentina in hand, I felt a surge of confidence coursing through me, knowing that I wielded a tool capable of dispatching even the most fearsome adversaries from a safe distance.

With lightning reflexes, I leaped to the side, narrowly evading the snapping jaws of the monstrous creature. A sickening crunch reverberated through the cavern as the beast careened into the unforgiving stone of the cenote's wall, shattering a sizable section upon impact. My heart pounded in my chest as I surveyed the aftermath, my breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Despite the chaos and destruction wrought by its collision, the creature emerged unscathed, its primal gaze fixated squarely upon me. My throat constricted with fear as I beheld the crack in the wall, a stark reminder of the brute force possessed by my adversary. The enormity of the situation sank in as I realized the dire predicament I now found myself in – trapped with a relentless predator, its hunger undiminished by the failed assault.

I stepped back subconsciously as my body trembled at its murderous intent. Despite my terror, I swung the whip sword with all my strength at the creature, and it wrapped around it. I felt a little ecstatic, although it was a fleeting emotion. The creature released itself with tremendous force, shattering my whip. The blades that originally surrounded the whip have now become plastered to its skin, but not a drop of blood can be seen. I took another step back, and the monster took another stride forward. I glanced about for something to use as a weapon but couldn't find anything.

Just as I was about to give up, I noticed a little cavern to my right, a short distance away. I returned my gaze to the beast, which was now standing on all fours, ready to attack me with all its might. It's either now or never!

I dashed towards the small cavern on my right, my body aching from the wounds I've received, and pushed myself even harder after hearing the monster's tremendous foot steps behind me.I squeezed myself into the little tunnel and discovered a hole above my head, so I reached up and climbed with everything I had. I felt my skin being wounded by jagged pebbles surrounding the hole, but I disregarded the agony and kept climbing squeezing myself just to hide myself from the monster.

I climbed up more using the narrow hole and reached a pitch black space. I stayed there and looked down the hole I came from and saw the snout of the monster.

Good, I managed to escape from the monster, now I just need to wait for rescue to come.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked around me.

I can't see anything!

I tried to concentrate on my other senses to know if there's another monster around but heard nothing, so I used my sense of touch and found a wall covered with bumps as hard as rocks. I then remembered how small the cavern below was, maybe this space is just a tad larger than the cavern below?

I leaned my back on the wall and calmed my heart.

But then the wall I was leaning on shifted. When I gazed at what I thought was a wall, I was shocked to death but frozen in my position. It is now staring at me with large yellow reptilian eyes.

"What is a mortal doing in my lair?" a booming voice inside my head suddenly said

I flinched from shock, and saw red light coming from the body of the huge monster. The light from inside its body illuminated the cavern and I now see his true form

white reptilian skin, folded bat wings, Huge Tail wagging slowly, I gulped a huge lump of saliva when I realized what the being in front of me is.

It's a dragon!!

"You dare trespass in my territory!" the red light inside its body illuminated further and crept up to its mouth, and smoke came out from its nose.

If that is what I think it is, I will die here without a trace! so I started to think of something.

"I-I just hid, to ran away from the crocodile monster in the Cenote, I didn't know it was your lair, I don't even have a weapon, look!" I shouted out of panic and raised both of my hands in the air.

the red light slowly dimmed

"hmm, are you telling me that you just found my lair by accident?" the dragon asked

"Yes Sir" I said without thinking

After staying in this world for 16 years, I learned that Dragons are extinct and there are also little to no document about them. Dragons used to be the rulers of this world, but then they went extinct for some reason, They said that Dragons went to another world, some also said that they just died as punishment for the things they did wrong, There are a lot of speculations about their disappearance, but one thing is for sure, they are Humanity's enemy just like the stories I read on earth. So I cannot blame this Dragon if it is wary of me.

" Hmm, You know that I will not let you go now that you know where I live right?"

That's also what I feared

"I promise I wont tell anybody!" I said out of panic

"Empty promises, that's what your kind is good at"

The Red light illuminated strongly once again.

"I promise with my blood, bones and soul that nobody will know about your lair's location" I said.

"Promise using the Covenant's Vow and I will believe you" The Dragon said

I bit my lip at that. Covenant's Vow is a vow made using magic that binds your soul to the natural laws of this world, so if you break that promise you will be deemed as something out of order which is against causality and hence will be eliminated so you die. I have something like this in the novel I was writing so I know the tricky part about the Covenant's vow. It can only be used by beings that can utilize magic, not everyone knows about that cause nobody knows about the mechanism of how the Covenant's Vow works, I know it because I read it in one of the researches in the palace that they regarded as trash and remembered that I had also thought of something it in the novel.

Honestly, after living for 16 years in this world, some part of me is convinced that I am inside the novel that I wrote but then nothing really validates my hypothesis making it sound ridiculous.

It all started after I heard about the auction house the nobles were so fond of, anyway nothing is really certain so I just shrugged the idea off.

Going back to the Covenant's Vow, I tested it after reading the research paper. I made a vow never to eat cake again in my life, but then after eating one nothing happened. Why? because I'm a magic less princess.

Let's only hope dragons can't read our minds or determine if we're lying or not.

"Then I will just kill you!" The Dragon opened its mouth in my direction so I panicked

"Under the law of this world I Vow never to tell anyone about this place" I said without hesitation

The Dragon closed its mouth and observed me

"Good" It said and closed its eyes once again

I just stood there in a pitch black cavern with nothing to see and nothing to hear once again, The only thing I can hear is the beating of my heart

I tried to slowly descend using the narrow hole I used earlier but then a voice resounded in my head once again

"Did I allow you to leave?"

I crawled up again, but as I got to the top, a brilliant light greeted me.

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