The Runt

Por letsread_32

233K 7.5K 1.6K

"I don't know why he makes such a big deal about my absence. He has all these other pack members around him d... Más

Chapter 1 intro
Chapter 2 playground
Chapter 3 the fight
Chapter 4 the fight pt:2
Chapter 5 pack meeting
Chapter 6 friday Night football
Chapter 7 friday night football (after party){Alex}
Chapter 8 Friday night football(After party){Reese}
Chapter 9 Reese's birthday{Alex}
Chapter 10 Reese's birthday{Reese}
Chapter 11 come back to me
Chapter 12 A Witch
Chapter 13 Mag's + Tea
Chapter 14(Reese and Alex)
Chapter 15 Out run the alpha part 1 (Alex)
Part 17 The calm before the storm.

Chapter 16 out run the alpha part two(Alex)

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Por letsread_32

New chapter!!!

Part 2
in the forest, there was no sound to be heard Uther then purpose-filled paws hitting the hard ground and the occasional snarl from behind. my body felt like liquid as I speed through the underbrush. all fast-moving parts and quick instincts. Reese was keeping pace with me,No matter how fast I ran or how in vain I try to loose him. Every tree I dodged and fallen branch that a jumped over, he was there right behind me never once faltering. every bark from him was a command that I could translate. "STOP" "COME HERE" "MATE"

My mind was going wild, what do I do. I need to lose him and fast. I jump a small cliff that was over the stream going through the woods, Duck under fallen tree stumps, swing my body in sharp angles to change my running position. I even slow a bit to make Reese think I was giving up only to roll away tripping him in the process, then run in a different direction. No matter how much I did to lose him, Reese matched me step for step, stumbling somewhat when I would change my tactics but recovering quickly. And staying always just a hair's breadth away it felt like.

I jump over a rock and my side starts protesting the action, as my paws hit the ground I fell the initial adrenaline numbing my body starts to wear off. like fire Pain erupted from the spot's where my Wounds where most terminal. And it feels like I have to push that much harder to keep my body moving.

I take a glance back behind me. But Reese was not pursuing me anymore. My animal brain doesn't work like a normal human brain, and at the site of no more predator perusing me, I start to slow to a light jog as a way to catch my breath. It was quite in the woods, too quite. It was the type of quite that happened right before a predator Caught his pray.

I didn't feel the attack from my side at first. One minute the world was still and quiet, the next I was rolling down a slope with a dark figure not fare behind me. As I stopped my descent I was panting heavily. The black wolf was atop me pinning me to the ground. I hated that I felt trapped, but I hated even more that I wasn't afraid of the predictor above me. I wanted to be afraid. I wanted him to feel vial and rotten to my sense. I wanted all the emotional pain he caused me over the years to clump together and stick to my skin and save me from my self. I didn't want to feel safe as he lay atop me snarling, staring down at me. Reese kept a large paw on me as we shifted, blunt meat and claws turning to long fingers in a matter of seconds.

He was standing over me glaring daggers. " you are in so much trouble runt." He said with all the anger I knew was flowing inside him at the moment. Reese stayed glaring over me for what felt like an eternity before putting his hands under my body, one quick swoop, and Reese has my one hundred and fifty-pound wolf over his shoulder like it was nothing. He starts walking and it was only when the trees and rocks around us weren't blurring past in my speedy hast Did I notice how familiar the part of woods we where in where to me. I let out an exasperated sound of frustration and pain. My side was still hurt but I gritted through the pain.

Reese is silent as he takes the ten-minute walk to his backyard in long strides. I was nowhere near the alpha manner when I started running. He must have been leading me in the direction of his manor the entire time, he was chasing me so he could lead me closer to home. I'm angry but I can't even say I'm surprised.We brake the tree line In a matter of minutes. We enter the house through the back entrance not looking at the pack members we passed, even when all eyes where on us.

Reese wasted no time in putting me in a room with two sets of clothes already folded on the bed. He plopped me down on the bed, taking one of the sets of clothes for himself. Not one word came from him as he did so. He had taken back control of his body from his wolf but as I turned to face him looking at his eyes I could still see hints of dark orange in his Iris. Meaning his animal side was fighting to come out. he didn't even send a glance my way. He just took his pile of clothes off the bed and made his way to the door. he finally broke the silence as he made his exit.

"Get dressed and Don't leave this room." He kept his words short but I could still feel the coldness in his voice. He walked out of the room and closed the door behind him, I heard a click not a moment later and knew that I was locked in. I let myself shift and cry out my frustration. I'll never be able to leave now. I'll be trapped for the rest of my days, miserable with a mate that wants to control me. I'll be locked away probably in this same room for who knows how long. I let it all out until I feel sleep take me.

I woke up warm and sated after my crying fit. I uncurl from my fetal position to find a blanket had been placed over my naked form. I almost roll my eyes when Reese's scent assaults my nose from the Cotton in my hands. He know doubt gave me the blanket from his room to cover my nakedness, but also to put his sent on me. I would be lying if I said I didn't take a second whiff of the comforter, before unwrapping myself and unfolding the large sweats and a hoodie that must also be Reese's from the sent. take a quick shower and dress in the clothes given to me. I walk into the room and find a book by a chair in the corner of the room. It wasn't there before so Reese must have left it there. With no other option to pass the time I open the book and start reading.

One hour had passed and still no Reese.  Not even alpha Zack or even Luna Melissa has come to check on me. I want to leave this room but there was no way out. I could senes that the door was being guarded from the outside of the room. By who I have no clue, But the two sets of feet always shuffled occasionally as time ticked away. The windows on the opposite side of the room where locked and had alarms installed to protect against intruders. there was no way I was getting out of this house without being noticed. I lay back on the bed and put my hands to my face what's going to happen to me now. Will, he put me to death? Worse, will he keep me alive.

An hour of thinking the same thought over and over in my head. I started to get angry. How come I have to go through hell just because Reese so happens to be my other half? Why goddess,I didn't ask for him. I didn't ask for any of this. If only I had run a little faster I wouldn't have to deal with any of this. A click at the door sent me shooting from the bed I put my back to the wall readying my self for whoever was behind that door.

Two gourd's opened the large oak door's allowing Luna Melissa comes into the room quietly. And my heart sinks at the sight of her. Anyone and I mean anyone else and I would have been fine, but at the sight of her I almost break down again. I betrayed her with my actions. I betrayed the pack. I expected her to be angry or to cry and make me feel ashamed of myself, but she did none of that. Luna Melissa walked towards me carefully almost as if I would break if she took a step to fast. Ones she reached me she put her hand on either side of my face bringing my forehead to hers. She had to lean down some as she was quite a bit taller than me but she never protested the act. We stayed in the same embrace for as long as felt comfortable. Luna took my hand and started to walk me towards the seating area in the corner of the room. The book I was reading was still on the chair where I left it and she gingerly takes it and placed it on the table sitting in the now empty seat. I take the seat beside her, and she takes my other hand, silently looking me in the eye.As if trying to form her words carefully before she spoke
" Why did you run away Alex?" Luna Melissa asked, she never was one to beat around the bush or sugarcoat her words.

I take a moment to really think about my answer trying to find the most honest reply. In my head, there were so many reasons as to why I ran, but there was one emotion that connected all my reasons together, so I tell her truthfully. "I was afraid," I say, holding some truth for myself. Her gaze was gentle but calculating as she ponders my words. "scared of what Alex? Of someone in the pack?" she asked. She wanted to make sure I wasn't being hurt in any way. She was protective like that. "I was afraid of Reese not letting me leave the pack ones he was alpha, luna, I saw no other way at the time." I say speaking truthfully.

I wish you didn't feel that way Alex and I wish you would have come to me sooner about my son, we could have found better Solution, because what you did was wrong, I know fear was clouding your judgment but That doesn't change how reckless you're actions were on that night. You could have been killed, you were significantly injured, and if Reese and the other boys hadn't found you would have died." She paused a moment wiping her eyes with her two pinky fingers. I could tell she was getting ready to deal the killing blow.

" you know...I've known for some years now who you were to my son. I always kept my eye on you, I made sure to grab you whenever I could, to help me with nurturing the pack. Whether it was cooking for the pack members who couldn't, or caring for the young while their parents were out hunting. You did each task with me without complaint. You even had a smile on your face because you were made to care for others. I think of you as my own, and damn it Alex you are my own. To see you like that in the medical cabin, it almost broke me, Alex."

She pauses to wipe her face, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't wiping away my own tears as well.
" didn't mean to hurt you Luna or the pack by my actions, I promise I will never do something like that again," I say to her.

She stared at me for a long moment as if I had said something I shouldn't have. "But Alex you did do the exact same thing, again." She glared at me and I felt every word. " the second you woke up you ran, not even fully healed and in pain, you had to be chased through the forest and forcibly carried back." She barks out furry taking over her one's sad eyes.

I cringe at her words. Knowing she was right, running while I was still hurt was stupid. I didn't even have a plan, it was like as soon as I heard that I Was Reese's mate. It triggered my fight or flight instinct and running was the only thing I could think about doing.

"Luna,... I. I wasn't thinking and.." she holds one finger up as if senescing that's my ramblings were going nowhere. I close my mouth out of the respect I have for her and wait for her to speak. "before you tell me whatever story you think I will believe, I wasn't finished. I wont to know the reason why you ran again while you weren't fully healed" She asked in a calm tone.

"Same Reason I guess," I say clasping my hands together I couldn't look luna in the eye as I spoke. "now that I'm Reese's mate, he's going to be more controlling of my life then he already has been, luna."

Luna Melissa nods her head and puts one hand over my clasped ones. She squeezes as a way to comfort me. "My son has always been too afraid to let you out of his sight. He believes if your not around him you would be around someone else. And the thought of that drives him crazy. He gets it from his father's side of the family." luna said this with a glare.

"they are A long line of traditional Alphas, possessive and dominant, This is no excuse for him, I only bring it up because I've had similar problems with Zack in the past, I wish you would have come to me sooner, We could have found a more healthy way of dealing with the situation then to run away. I can forgive you for running away the first time. But the second time is going to take me more time to forgive. You where still recovering and could have gotten your self hurt again. Not to mention you ran away from your Alpha and mate. Did you not think of what your absence would do to him. You both may be disconnected at the moment but You are a matted pair, and as a pair the both of you must learn to work on your issues together."

Melissa rose from the chair and made her way to the door she had come in.

"Now it's time to do just that." She said with finality. She knocked twice on the door and it opened, to reveal a pair of guards on ether side of the door. Luna exits the room leaving Alex alone ones again.

Alex only had time to to got from where he was sitting to the bed in the middle of the room when the door opened ones more. He was facing away from the door so he couldn't see who walked in, still he knew that sent better then anyone. He's tried to avoid it for so long and now he can't anymore. He's going to have to face it head on. He turned around and returned Reese's stare. He had changed into the spare clothes laid out for him when they had arrived earlier in the day. The same gray sweats and sweater combo that Alex was currently wearing. They where wearing the same outfit like a damn couple, and it was pissing Alex off. Reese looked as calm as ever but Alex could see the wild in his eyes, his wolf was ready to leap out of his skin.

The silence in the room was just as telling, both stubborn, Nether one of them willing to break eye contact or speak, waiting for the other to break first. Alex was determined to stare the beast down
Not giving in to the alpha wolf. The silence only lasted a moment longer until a roar sounded in the small room. Reese's frustration getting the better of the man,
"Why did you do it,Alex why did you run from the pack ?" Alex could see the hurt in Reese's eyes, he could see there was more that the New Alpha wanted to say but anger and most likely Pride held him back from his true words. "Why did you run from me ?"

Alex was waiting for this moment for what felt like forever, the moment to tell Reese about what a pushy possessive asshole he had become over the last four yours. however after being faced with the exact scenario he had replayed in his head time and time agin, he was at a loss for words. He wanted Reese to understand how frustrated he was with the man, now if he could only make his frustrations into words.

A long silence occurs while Alex thinks about what to say. Reese impatient as ever and irritated, started to speak " Runt, its not a hard fucking question, you ran away from me twice almost got yourself killed ones, do you even know because of your actions more wild Rogue's have entered the south forest? the sent of your blood has attracted them like moths. Why would you run from the pack ?run from me? Do you even know what you are to me? What you are to this pack. How can I keep you safe if you try..."

"Reese shut the Fuck up..." Alex screamed his anger and frustration take over his tongue. He was really trying to make it seem like I was the only one to blame in this situation, did he forget the past four years? He has to know that he's actions are what drove me to my decisions. With a new found fire in his belly, Alex was ready for a fight.

"you don't want to keep me safe, you want to keep me trapped!! For four years I've been under your watchful eye, any guy you deemed a threat you pushed them out of my life. Even one of my best friends. For four years I haven't been your friend, and I sure as hell haven't been your lover. I've been your fucking position, something that you don't want to ever have a life of there own, something that you can control. And Just because we are what we are to each other doesn't give you that right to tell me what to do with my life. I know what we are to each other now, but I don't believe we can make this work. Your too controlling and I'm never going to be the sweet little mate you wanted." Alex let his anger fly like an eagle and felt like he had every right to do so.

Reese's face was a mix of emotions, shame, fear, anger, regret. As an alpha he had never been talked to like this. If Anyone else would even dare try, they would be knocked unconscious, no questions asked. He definitely would never do that to Alex, maybe wrestle with him a little to assert some dominance, but never out right hit him. Reese had to think strategically to calm his strong willed  mate.

"Alex...I know I can be overbearing but you have to understand I just do that to keep you safe. Your smaller then everyone else and some people will try to take advantage of you. I know I've been going about this the wrong waybI've wanted you what feels like forever and I know your prideful and scared." Reese looked into Alex's eyes hoping to convince him of his next words.

"But I promise you Alex, from this day and so on I will show you that I'm worthy of you. I vow to keep you safe and whole for as long as I Live so you never feel like you have to run again."

Alex's face was relaxed during Reese's declaration. The calm before the storm.

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