Broken Angel

By Ezynnn

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Sylvia Olvera......the one who is always seen as weak........ the one who is always being taken advantage of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

228 44 44
By Ezynnn

Alexander's POV

"Dude,your dad has brought another slut to his house and I don't think he's letting this one go anytime soon." Andre said.

I had been on a trip for two months now in Mexico so that I could make business deals for the cocaine I was about to sell. And now Andre was telling me about Dad's new slut. Andre was my best friend and I told him to keep an eye on my Dad. I didn't expect him to get another woman.

"But dude she's sexy. I don't really blame him."

"Since when did this start? For how long now?"

"Well,let's say two weeks."

"Then there's still hope to get him to change his mind. Thanks for the info bro."

"No problem. So when are you coming back? I really miss you."

"Stop talking so gay." I said and we both started laughing.

"I'm coming back today."

"Woohoo! Nice. See you soon. Gotta go now. Bye."

"Bye."I said before Andre cut the call. As I was about to drop my phone,another call came in. This time it was from Dad. I quickly picked the call.

"Son,how are you doing over there?" Dad asked. I could tell he was very happy.

"I'm good Dad. You?"

"I'm good son. Well I have something important to tell you." He said and I guessed it was about his new woman.

"Go on Dad. What's up?"

"Well since you are coming back today,I organized a special dinner for the whole family because I am inviting someone special and I want you all to meet her."

"Another woman father? We talked about this."

"See you during dinner. And tell Ross about this too." he said,clearly ignoring me.


"You have heard me Alex. Goodbye." Dad said and cut the call.

Dad was such a fool. How could he do this? I didn't want Dad to fall in love again after what his other lover did to him.

"Honey." I turned to the bathroom door and saw Devana,interrupting me from my thoughts. She was standing naked in front of me. She was the most glorious and exquisite human being I had ever laid my eyes on. I loved her. No one was more beautiful than her. No one!

"Stop staring. Look at me.", she said. I knew she was teasing me.

" Baby we are having a special family dinner this night."

"Special dinner? For who?", she asked as she tied a towel on her body.

"My dad said he has a special guest this night and he wants us to see her. Since we are going back to Columbia today,he insists we attend."

"The guest is a woman?"

"Yes Dev. The way its looking now,he wants to bring another woman into his life."

"What! That can't happen Alex. You can't let that happen."

"Devana what are you saying? Since when did you ever care about my Dad?"

"I do care Alexander. If he brings another woman,all she will do is ruin his empire and take over my business. What will happen to us?"

"Oh I see. The money is all you care about." I said. I wasn't really surprised. Sometimes I wondered if she really loved me or she was just with me for the money. It would break my heart if she was just with me for the money. I really loved this girl. She made me go crazy.

"No Alex. You are misunderstanding me." She said as she was taking few steps towards me. I knew where this would lead to. She leaned on me and was caressing my face. I could feel her soft breasts on my chest and all I could think about now was sex.

"Don't misunderstand me honey. I don't mean it that way. I do care for your father." She said and stood up. She removed her towel and I saw her glorious body. Her standing firm breasts were so beautiful. Her whole body was magnificent.

"You want me honey?" She sat down on the bed.

"Come get me." Immediately she said that I didn't hesitate and clashed my lips with hers. She always did this and I always fell for it. Well we were going to get married soon and I couldn't wait to have her with me forever.


"I love this jet so much." Devana was squealing like a child. This wasn't the first time we had used my private jet but she always behaved like this was her first time here.

"Honey why don't you buy me my own private jet?" Devana said.

"We can use this one together."

"But what if I have to go somewhere important and its already in use? I don't want to go on a plane and sit with old and ugly people."

"Don't worry I will think about it." I said. I didn't want this matter to turn into a fight.

"Thanks honey. Adriana!!"

"Calm down Devana. Your voice can break the windows."

"Haha so funny.", she said and Adriana came rushing in. Adriana was Devana's personal maid. Devana chose her because she said that she was the most beautiful out of all the maids and she didn't want ugly ones. And she was not wrong. Adriana was very beautiful. She was from Ethiopia and was forced to work with us by her Dad. Sometimes I actually pitied her.

" Get me a cup of orange juice. I'm thirsty."

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"If there was anything else I would have said it right now. Go!" ,she said and Adriana scurried off. Devana turned back to me.

"Honey have you told Ross about the dinner?"

"Yeah. He's already at home."

"Oh. OK.", she said turned her attention to her phone.

Few hours later,Devana and I arrived home and greeted my Dad. This was the first time I had ever seen my Dad all smiles and happy. It must be his new catch. I wonder what she did to him.

" Welcome son. Its nice seeing you again."Dad said as he hugged me. I really did miss him. He turned to Devana.

"How are you Devana? Hope you are taking good care of Alex?"

"Yes sir,of course.", she said with all smiles.

" Well the dinner will soon start. Ross is upstairs preparing. I think you should do the same too."he said and left.

"Let's go Alex. I don't want to upset my dear father in-law."

"OK then. Let's go." I said. Devana ordered Adriana to carry our bags upstairs.

"Let's go." Devana said, dragging me upstairs.


It was already 8pm but I wasn't done dressing up. I didn't even care about the dinner but I was doing this for Dad. Besides that,I wanted to see the slut Dad had brought home. I had finished dressing up and was spraying my perfume. As I was spraying it,I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said and dropped the perfume.

"Sir,your dad requests for you and Devana." Adriana said.

"We are on our way. You may leave." I said without giving her a glance and she left.

"Devana, let's go."

"OK honey.", she replied and came out of the bathroom with her beautiful dress. It was a red dress with beautiful diamonds on it. It was sleeveless and revealed her cleavage. I bought this dress for her when we were in Mexico but I didn't know it would fit her this well.

" You look perfect Devana."

"Thanks. And you don't look so bad yourself.", she replied.

" Shall we?"I said,holding out my hand.

"Let's go then." She took my hand and we left the room. We went downstairs and straight to the dining hall. I opened the door and saw Dad sitting beside the slut. I also saw Ross conversing with her. He was such a nitwit. Why would he be talking to her? And she looked so young. God knows she could even be younger than Devana. This was the first time Dad had gone after someone who was so young.

Devana and I approached the table and that was when we were noticed.

"Sylvia." Dad said as he stood up."Meet my son Alexander." He said,gesturing towards me.

Hmm. Her name is Sylvia. I hate to admit but she was quite pretty.

"And this is his fiancée Devana." He said again.

"Nice to meet you. Your father has told me a lot about you." The Sylvia lady said as she stood up and stretched her hand to me for a handshake. I didn't want to seem rude and accepted her handshake.

"Nice meeting you too." I responded.

"Hello Devana. Also nice meeting you." She said as she turned towards Devana.

"Nice meeting you too." Devana replied.

"Since everyone is getting to know each other,let's sit down and eat. We wouldn't want the food to get cold." Father said and everyone took a seat.

We had started eating and Dad started a conversation about his business. I really wasn't paying that much attention because I was feeling uncomfortable. I didn't want this woman here. I knew she was bad news.

"Alexander aren't you going to say anything?" Father asked and all eyes turned to me.

"No Dad. Nothing important to say." I replied.

Dad continued talking about business and then drifted to his lame jokes. Well it was funny at times. He said a funny one and everyone burst out laughing. Sylvia's laughter was destroying my ears. It was so obvious that she was faking it and I couldn't take it anymore.

"Please stop pretending like its funny because I know you are just pretending! Dad this woman is pretending!" I blurted out and the hall was silent. All eyes were on me.

"Alexander what are you doing?" Dad said while giving me a death glare. But I didn't give a damn. How could he believe this woman? She was a fake.

"I'm leaving. I can't stay here anymore." I stood up.

"Good night." I said and left the dining room.

So what do you guys think? I would really appreciate it if you vote and comment. Thank you guys!!

Love you all❤❤❤❤

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