Loathed Treasure

By FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... More

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 43: Journey
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 31: Frick

4.3K 229 374
By FreshRawRot

~ Athanasia POV ~

How long has it been since I felt like this? 3 Days? Or even a week? Ugh, even the painkillers don't work on me.

"Hannah, have you figured it out?" I sit up from my bed while rubbing my eyes. I had dark circles around it and could barely focus due to the lack of sleep I had.

"Miss. I don't think it's a problem with your body but the mind instead" Hannah frowns and pushes me down onto the bed again. "Can you please tell me what happened? If you don't, then I can't help you" She begged me. Her expression was sad and worried for me.

Should I tell her?

"... It's just a simple heartburn. Isn't there medicine for it?"

Hannah shook her head while telling me it was not just a heartburn but something more. I argued with her about my health and questioned why I've been like this since that day. In the end, she couldn't cure my mysterious pain and forced me to sleep.

~ 3rd POV ~

Diana strokes her chin as she thinks about Athanasia's condition in the office. Ever since she returned from her trip, she noticed that Athanasia was becoming depressed and pessimistic but still she tried to keep her happy personality on. Smiling and laughing around will only worsen her pain as she continues to bury it deeper in her heat.

"... she's heartbroken" Diana figures it out in a snap with a stern face while pointing her finger at nothing.

Lily squints her eyes at her answer in puzzlement. "How can you be sure about that?"

"A mother can always tell and she's in that stage right now!" Diana grins with a thumbs up while staring at Lily confidently and proudly even though she shouldn't because her daughter is suffering.

"Uh-huh," Lily just goes with it and nods. "So what can we do to heal her?"

"Ah!" Diana blanks out with a smile and then a moment of silence passes. "I don't know"

Lily sighs dully at her response. "My Duchess, then I'm afr-"

"Wait a minute!" Diana shouts and jumps up from her chair while beaming at her. Lily shuts her mouth and glumly prepares for her next response. "I figured it out!"

Lily smiled hard in embarrassment. "Oh really? Then what is it?"

"We shall go on vacation!" She announced and Lily stared at her in astonishment.

"I think we should come up with another solution, My Duchess" Lily suggests as she panics about the situation because she knows it won't fix her mood.

"Don't worry! I know what I'm doing!" Diana grins and then runs out of the room brightly leaving behind the dispirited Lily.

'I hope you do....' Lily prays.

*TIME SKIP* - In the Palace -

Jennette takes a walk around the palace with a happy mood, lollygagging around and not careful of her surroundings nor safety. She was just proud of herself protecting Anastasia and keeping her to herself. Tormenting and breaking her as much as she can, Jennette was convinced she was doing the right thing. However, Athanasia was clueless about her manipulations and still heartbroken. Jennette was nearly done with her plan or trapping Anastasia but still had one more problem to deal with.

Jennette stops and smiles as she looks at someone across the hallway. He noticed her gaze and was discomforted by it. Soon they meet each other and they greet each other.

"Princess" Lucas bows and Jennette smirks in appeasement.

Jennette looks down on him. "Sir Lucas, do you have time to talk? Please it's just for a few minutes" She asked.

Lucas becomes suspicious and wary of her expression but nods. "What is it?" He asked in a harsh tone but she gave him an indifferent look.

"What do you think of Anastasia?" She asks an unusual question that makes him confused.

He didn't know what her motive was but answered her anyway. "She's a very intelligent and strong woman that's more worthy of the throne than you"

"Is she now?" Jennette took his answer lightly and began to fantasize about it. "Well she is magnificent in every way"

Lucas was tired of her already and scowled in fury. "What do you want? Still moping around because I don't return your feelings?"

Jennette giggles which bewildered him even though she got insulted. "I just want to see the look on your face when you lose her to me"



Jennette's Stats:

Wait, this girl is a threat?


Lucas glares at the joyful Jennette while containing his magic that was swirling around crazily in his body. He holds in his anger and stays calm. Jennette was enjoying seeing him get frustrated and opened her mouth.

"Anastasia... Why do you even bother talking to her when you no longer meet?" She taunts him as he glares at her even more intensely.

The reason why he couldn't meet her outside the palace nor within the palace was due to his duties. He's constantly working in the tower with more demands coming from the emperor for ridiculous requests. But what he doesn't know is that it is part of the Princess' scheme. She has been keeping him busy while Anastasia visits and so they have not met ever since.

"What gives you the right to meddle in our business?"

"I am the Princess after all and soon the Empress" Jennette crossed her arms. "Anastasia hates you"

"Are you jealous of her?" Lucas clicks his tongue. "Are you really that obsessed with me?"

"No, Lucas. I never liked you. In fact, I despise you" She glares him with a straight face and he reacts indifferently. "Why is it that you get all the time with her and I'm stuck isolated in this palace? Why do you get to be her closest friend and not me?!"

"... That's your problem" He slightly smirks at her face.

"You won't be laughing at me any longer now." She grins. "Anastasia is already mine and I intend to keep it that way"

"Impossible. She was mine from the start and you think I'll let her go so easily?"

"Hehe." She chuckles at him and covers the bottom half of her face. "No. I think she will kick you out of her life instead. She deserves a better partner and that's me! I've been protecting her and all you do is play around!"

"Tsk. You think you're capable of protecting her?" He scoffs.

"Of course I am. I've been doing it all this time, why else would I get rid of those scumbags?"

He stood silently at her statement and furrowed his eyebrows in bafflement. "... Scumbags?"

"Yes, the nobles that suddenly went missing? That was me" Jennette confessed and he was speechless. "But they deserved their deaths! They tried to plot against the Karalis Household! So with my power as the Princess, I used my guards to get rid of them" She was pleased with her own achievement. "Yes... I manage to protect her as the Princess but when I become the Empress. She'll be completely safe by my side"

"You're insane" He bluntly tells her but she didn't care. "You think she'll want to be with you?"

"Indeed she will. And how are you going to tell her? She doesn't even want to see you" He flinches and she bares her teeth. "You already hurt her enough so it's my time to fix her. You better give up and stay away from us, Lucas"

Jennette turns around and walks back to her room with a gleeful face. Lucas sneers at her back while trembling in place, infuriated by her words but denied it. He thought Athanasia wasn't stupid enough to be attracted to Jennette and that the Princess was lying to him. Yet, the evidence added up when he couldn't approach her and only watched her from afar. She looked dejected and dead inside but he couldn't appear in front of her when Jennette was with her all the time. Even her father threatened him not to come near their mansion in exchange for his life.

'I will never leave her side. Not in 100 years nor a thousand.' He vows and goes to the Wizard Tower.


Athanasia visits the palace once again and alone this time. She helps the emperor with his work again like it's a daily routine for her. Though she wasn't as efficient as before because her emotions were in the way of her thinking properly, she still impressed the emperor either way. Once they got to the last project, she let out a heavy sigh that caught his attention.

"... Are you already that bored?" He asked emotionlessly and Athanasia's face turned to disgust as she cringed at his question for no reason. It was uncomfortable enough for her to be in his office.

"No, it's something else" She reads the document as her eyes move side to side, reading each word at a time. "Let's continue working on this. The Princess is waiting for me"

"... huh," He nods and gazes at her. "Is your mother out today?"

Athanasia stops thinking and dazes at him in disbelief, baffled by his sudden question about her mother.

"She's on vacation with my father...." She gives him a weird face but he still keeps his cold heartless expression at her. "They're celebrating their wedding anniversary." She lied.

"Is that so? And they left you to take care of yourself?"

"Yes. I'm nearly an adult already and plus I still have my servants with me"

"... Hm," He comments while staring at her and she breaks into a cold sweat, confused by his expression. "Fascinating"

She twitches her eye while blood rushes to her brain as she gets frustrated by his simple comment. Her vein popped and she hid her angry face behind the documents, holding it up and trembling in place.

'This man!!'


After Athanasia finished her work, Jennette was waiting for her outside the door and they met. Then they walked to the garden while talking about whatever. Jennette finally stops hurting her and convinces her that she's better off with being with her than anyone else. Athanasia thought it was just a harmless and innocent joke that she agreed with it. However, she begins to get wary of Jennette as they talk about odd things.

"I have over 100 maids and even the most advanced group of knights to protect me even at night!" Jennette exclaimed as Athanasia listened closely. "I even have plenty of rooms in my palace too!"

"That sounds luxurious and great, Princess. Although you mentioned it, it seems my mansion cannot compete with yours"

"Yes and also you can always stay here overnight or even live with me when I become Empress!" Jennette said and Athanasia hesitated. "Would you like it if you can live in this place one day?"

They both stopped moving and Athanasia kept her mouth closed as her eyes roamed the area. Then all her past memories replayed in her mind as she continued looking around.

'Father used to say that this palace was meant for me...' She faces Jennette who had a happy expression on. 'But it belongs to Jennette now'

"Hm. That's hard to answer" She said and Jennette gaped at her in astonishment. "Although this place is beautiful and huge, my home holds a more special place in my heart..."

"Why is that?"

"... Because my family lives there" Athanasia smiled softly. "No matter how grand nor small our home is. As long as my family is with me, I'm happy"

".... I see. Well family is important" Jennette agreed with her. 'And soon you'll be a part of my family, Anastasia' She gazed at her in ambition.

"Sigh." Athanasia puts her head down in shame as her mood goes gloomy. "Shall we continue walking?"

"Sure!" Jennette grabs her arm and wraps her arm around it.

They both beam at each other and wander around. Then Athanasia gets the shudders again as her eyes slowly revert to the Wizard Tower. As they continued walking, the pillar slowly blocked the view of it and soon she turned back to Jennette who was still speaking.

'Don't pay any attention to it'

"Ah! I heard your parents are on a trip together so you're basically living alone. Is that right?" Jennette asked and Athanasia nods. "Aren't you scared of being attacked in the middle of the night? Would you like to stay with me in the Emerald Palace for the time being, Anastasia?"

"No need. I'm safe enough in my own mansion. It's big and complex and not very easy to get into" Athanasia answered. "Although I only have maids in my house, I never had an incident within my mansion so I'm sure no one will attempt to break into it"

"Maybe I can send you some of my knights to keep you safe!"

Athanasia rejects her offer and shakes her head. "Thank you but I'm fine with my maids"

"...Hmmm, then can I visit your house?"

"Of course! My parents will be away for about a week or 2 so you can come anytime as long as I'm home!"

Jennette lits up with glee and hops around cheerfully as Athanasia watches her celebrate with a smiley face. Then her sixth sense made her flinch and she turned her head side to side, looking for the source. With her enhanced eyesight, she finally sees a familiar figure walking towards them from a distance far away. Immediately, her instinct was to run away even though it pained her heart.

"Let's go back to your room, Jennette" Athanasia takes her hand and quickly drags her in the hallway.

She took one last look at Lucas and they made eye-contact. She instantly turned away and ignored him as she left the hallway. Jennette was puzzled by her sudden action but then looked in the same direction as Athanasia before she turned to the front. She finally notices the lone wolf frozen in place with a confused look. Jennette smirks smugly and winks at him before running up to Anastasia and hugging her arm.

"She's mine...." Jennette whispered quietly that Athanasia didn't hear it.

However, the one who heard it was Lucas.

He actually heard everything and wasn't mad this time. He blankly stared at them as they both disappeared from his sight. Then he turned around and went back to the tower with a smug smirk.

"Just you wait..."

*TIME SKIP* - Night-Time - ~ Athanasia POV ~

I leaned against the balcony while gazing at the bright stars. It was so beautiful and breathtaking. Yet I feel nothing from it. Why though?

I remember liking the stars and feeling calm whenever I stare at it. It would remind me of all the happy memories that I made in the past but now it just depressed me. Usually, I would wonder to myself why and all that but at least I know one reason.

"Mom, dad. How are you doing?" I gazed at the bright full moon that was mesmerizing. "I miss you guys though I'm fine on my own..." I let my head down with a sigh.

I looked down from my balcony and at my own garden. Raven was up and staring at me while wagging his tail with enthusiasm. I grinned at him and teleported from above. When my feet just touch the ground for a second, Raven jumps and knocks me over while licking and tickling my face.

'I missed you!!!' He gets off of me and lays on the side.

I pat his head and rub it gently while smiling at him sadly. "I missed you too..."

However, I couldn't keep the smile on myself any longer as I became overwhelmed by my depression again. Raven whimpers at my frown and I pat his head to reassure him that I'm fine.

"It's probably a side-effect. Don't worry about it" I stood up and looked at the flower field where I used to meet Lucas in.

'Master. Do you perhaps want to make a flower crown again?' Raven gets up and I face him with a downhearted mood.

"... Sure, I'll make one for you" I walked over to the field and began picking the flowers. "Maybe it will make me feel better," I tell myself.

It didn't.

Plucking the flowers from its roots prick my heart each time I do it. Even the cuts on my hands from the thorns couldn't compare to the pain that I was feeling inside my heart. I could easily heal the cuts with magic but not my heart. Words cannot describe this pain... but numbers can.

3953205y734064160218521519 out of 1.

"Pff" I grinned at my own joke even though I was hurting inside. Ha. Even numbers can't define it.

I finished the flower crown that was supposed to be for Raven but when I took another look at it.... It was too big for him.

"Whoops," I whispered. "Looks like I got lost in my own thoughts..." I looked at Raven and he was already asleep, dead asleep.

I lifted my chin and stared at the moon that was reflecting in my eyes as it made me feel worse. Not just the moon, but also my flower crown and even Raven! I hold onto my crown tight while my feelings go crazy and I sit still in place while shivering in the cold.

I hate this.

Everything reminds me of him.

The pain returns even bigger as it continues to hurt me and beat me up. It's hell for me.

Being in the garden, shivering in the cold, making flower crowns, looking at the passed-out Raven, and the moon. The moon is precious. It holds a special nostalgia that makes me reminisce about something I shouldn't have.

"... it hurts" I breathe in and out to control my own tears that are about to come out. "I finally acknowledge it..." I frowned. "Please stop...." I covered my face with my hands, cupping it over.

I shouldn't have met him.


"Gasp" I widened my eyes and shut my mouth as soon as I sensed it. I still kept my own face in fear. However, I already know how powerful this guy is to already notice me crying from miles away.

"... Are you... crying?" He asked while I had my back on him. He was leaning over me and I noticed his shadow covering me.

Why is he here!? I don't want to see him now!

I bit my own tongue and tasted some blood but even this pain cannot compete with my heart. "No, I'm not" I faintly said.

I slowly uncovered my face while letting my hands down. However, when I let my eyes in sight, I saw right in front of me, displeased and red eyes glistening in the night. I got startled by his face and tried to cover again but he took both of my hands and pulled them apart.

"What are you doing?" I furrowed my eyebrows while glaring at him.

He gapes at me in astonishment and gently releases my hands as I slap his hands off. "... Did someone hurt you?" He asked harshly.

I squinted my eyes at him and slightly leaned back, away from him. "Erm, no..." I said and he looked down.

"... Were you waiting for me?" He asked.

"What?" I put on a weird face. "No."

"Then why do you have a flower crown in your hand?"

"... Uh" I lift it up and place it on my thighs. "It was supposed to be for Raven"

"I doubt it if it's that big" He questioned and I inspected it carefully. "Are you sure you didn't make it for me?"

"If so, then I would immediately put it on you while hopping around with joy as you throw a tantrum and curse in anguish" I smirked.

"Then I will keep it in my collection along with the other flower crowns you made for me," He said sincerely.

"You still keep those old things?" I softly chuckled at him. "Why would you when I can make them any time?"

"They're special because you made them specifically for me right?" He smiled gently under the moonlight and I stared at him in fascination. "When you wait for me every night when I didn't ask for it"

My heart beats loudly in my chest the more I appreciate his beauty. However, the feeling did not last long even though we're talking like the old times.

That was the problem.

We're talking as if there's nothing wrong when there are many things that are not right. I shouldn't be feeling like this yet I let it happen to me. These pathetic sad feelings that I wish I could get rid of are killing me as time passes. But talking with him, I cannot contain it anymore.

"Lucas... why did you bother to come here?" I asked in a weak and quiet voice. A spill of hot liquid comes down my cheek as I grit my teeth in agony.

He faced me and raised his eyebrows at me in surprise. "... are you crying?"

"Is it that obvious?" I wipe my tears as it drips onto the roses tied together in a circle. They won't stop falling. "You know I hate it"

".... Hate what?" He reached his hand to touch my face but I slapped it off with an irritated frown.

"This." I gripped onto the crown tight while sneering at the ground in torment at my own heartbreak. "I hate everything about you" I lifted my chin and blinked the tears to clear my blurry vision, but it wouldn't stop falling.

"......." The atmosphere got quiet and really awkward as if no one should talk. Yet I still kept on opening my mouth as I cried about my feelings, my emotions, the memories of us, just him.

"Every time I see you, I just feel happy and burst with energy" I sniffed. "But now I don't. Instead, I give myself pain and why?" I huffed my chest and he still wasn't speaking to me.

He's either in shock or doesn't care at all, but why does that matter now? He doesn't care.

"When I think of you, I don't think of you sometimes but all the time" I grinned as I grieved.

"Why is it that I miss you when I don't want to?" I lift up my flower crown and look at it with satisfaction.

"I know why" I softly chuckled like a crazy person and extended my arms above his head then let go of it as it fell on top. He was staring at me with a straight face, not a concern nor surprise. Just... expressionless. Our relationship was very well-known from the beginning but still, I became a weak person. Though, I shouldn't regret it and just accept it.

"You're precious to me, Lucas" I confessed. "More precious than I thought"

I got attached to him even more than before. Realizing this, I didn't want to lose him at all. I want to be selfish and keep him though it will just torment him if I do that. All these memories and feelings aren't confusing to me, I misunderstand them and underestimated myself.

I let my head down in despair. "I can't believe I let it happen" I whimpered. "Please leave me..." I begged him as my heart tightened.

"... Tell me why" He asked in a lowly tone and lifted my chin so we can face each other directly.

I slapped his hand off of my face, rejecting him to the best of my ability no matter how much it hurt me. I can't bear this. I looked directly into his red eyes very deeply and absorbed by his gaze. With a smile and my heart aching, I finally found my answer and let it go despite the pain and disasters it could bring.

"I love you"

My mouth curved into a small smile as the tears kept falling. My vision is so blurry that I can't even see him properly. This makes me even more scared to speak anymore but I can't. Whatever expression he had on his face, nothing can't stop me from confessing my feelings for him.

"I can't help it but I do, Lucas" I took one last deep breath and said the last 3 words again before he left. "I love you and I will say it again without stopping" I closed my eyes and clenched my chest. ".... Leave me"

I love him when I shouldn't have... And now I'm paying the price for it.

It's cold and chilly in the air where the wind breezing and goosebumps are forming all over my body. But my face still felt hot with the hot liquid streaming like an endless waterfall. The atmosphere was quiet and empty like no one is here. It meant that he probably left me already.

A sharp pain struck my heart like it's getting ripped apart. I didn't react to it much because it didn't surprise me. After all of this, what other sudden things could surprise me when I'm heartbroken? It's devastating.

Somehow I couldn't breathe anymore but it didn't bother me. Maybe I was crying too much and wasted my energy? Though it feels weird especially around my face like something is on it. My lips were warm and it was getting blown on by a hot air instead of the cold one from the wind.

I slowly opened my eyes to find Lucas really up close to my face. I was stunned by it until I realized that he was kissing me!

I pulled away from the kiss while gaping at him in astonishment. I touched my lips in disbelief as he stared at me. I was bewildered by his action and we stared at each other. He didn't say anything and leaned into my face again. I tried to get away by bending back but his hand grabbed the back of my head and our lips touched again.

I was spacing out and just sat in silence as our lips were pressed against each other. His lips were warm and soft against mine that I wanted more. Then I finally snapped back to reality and quickly pulled away from him.

"W-What are you doing?" I covered my mouth in embarrassment as my cheeks heated up. We didn't kiss just once but twice!

"You stopped crying"

"Is that really important right now?" I was still surprised and embarrassed by our kiss. I didn't expect him to do that to me. "Why did you kiss me? To make me stop crying?"

"Because you love me," He said and it made my heart jump as he got closer to my face. "And you're beautiful," He touched my cheek and caressed it. "Don't ever tell me to leave you"

My eyes widened as my eyebrows raised. What kind of trick is he playing? "... Why?" I asked him.

"... If I told you, will you tell me not to leave you again?" He asked and I didn't answer. We just stared at each other in the eyes for the longest time and it was making my heart confused. Then he pulled my face closer to his and I didn't reject him but just let it happen.

"Because I love you too" I heard him whisper softly with his breath on my lips and soon we kissed again under the moonlight.

I closed my eyes as my heart fluttered in delight. Our lips touching and hot breath on each other, I slightly opened my mouth to let him in. I was surprised when he pressed his mouth onto mine a bit deeper and I wrapped my arms around his head.

It was at this moment, I knew I was finally and truly happy.

*Meanwhile* ~ 3rd POV ~

The night-watchers on the job sit on the rooftop all gathered together and looking at one place while hiding. One had binoculars and was watching the touching scene of their master being with another man whose face was drilled in their head. While the others prepare the guns imported from another country and their leader all glum on the rooftop, sulking about it.

"Lily, the weapons are ready. Would you like to fire now?" One of the maids was holding a long-range gun with a microscope that could shoot far in a straight line.

Lily sighed with her lips pressed together tightly and stared at the two from above. "Not yet. The moment they pull away, shoot in between and separate them as much as you can" Lily said while gripping her tight fist in shame that she has to do this.

'My Duchess will be disappointed but it is My Duke's command to protect her...' Lily was troubled by making a choice along with the other maids who were actually rooting for Athanasia but they have to do their jobs.

In the distance, Diana and Anastacius were quietly chilling on the roof on the other side while staying invisible thanks to his magic. Diana was enjoying the pleasing scene while Anastacius was glaring with a menacing aura surrounding him.

"How is this a vacation?" He sneered and Diana still smiled with ease.

"Oh come on! There's nothing more fun than spying on your own daughter and witnessing her first love" Diana said with enthusiasm and he squinted his eyes at her.

"... I don't like it"

"Deal with it!" Diana smirked evilly and he broke into a cold sweat. "I can't wait to see him try to win over our consent" She giggled joyfully and he watched her blankly.

He glanced at the group that was waiting to ambush them in boredom. 'You better do something quick' He glared at them and they got chills that made their spines shivered in horror.

Finally when Lucas and Athanasia pulled away with a couple of distances between their faces. The maid put down her binoculars and swiftly turned to the sniper. "Fire!" She yelled and the sniper pulled the trigger.

A bullet comes out and passes between them before hitting the ground. Lucas and Athanasia reacted fast and jumped away from each other, creating a bigger distance between them. They were shocked by the attack and looked at the rooftop.

The group jumped down from the roof and slid down from the ropes attached to the side. They got down and threw bottles containing a bright colorful substance inside directly at Lucas while running towards him. He tried to block their attacks but when it broke, the substance spread out and dust on him as he fans them away with his magic.

Athanasia tried to go to him but one of the maids grabbed her and dragged her away from him She squirmed around, refusing to leave while yelling at them.

"What are you doing?! Stop! He's not a threat!"

Lily along with the others gets in formation as the dust that covered Lucas slowly dispersed and disappeared. "Don't worry, we won't kill him" Lily exclaimed and all of them took out their own unique weapons.

Athanasia got transported to her room and her magic got sealed so she wouldn't escape thanks to Anastacius who helped. He was nodding in approval at the scene while Diana was shouting at them. Athanasia went out to the balcony and had to watch the intense scene from above and hoped that they wouldn't fight or else.

"Don't kill him please!" Diana begged. "That's my job!"

"Should I join in?" He stroked his chin and Diana pulled on his ear.

"No, you already fought him," She said. "This is their battle now"


Lucas makes the mist of colorful dust disappear with a snap of his fingers and is met with a group of assassins ready to fight him. He chuckled at them as they stood still in silence.

"You think you can fight me?" He shrugged as he taunted them.

Then one of them threw another bomb at him and he was attacked once again by dust. He makes it disappear but this time it didn't completely vanish. "... What's happening?" He snapped his fingers constantly but nothing was happening. His mana felt incredibly low but he can still tell it's somewhere in his body.

"Ah, you like Ces' new invention?" Lily smirked. "A potion that will prevent wizards from using their mana. Luckily, it's only temporary so you don't need to worry"

"So what now? You're going to kill me?" He sneered at them.

"Oh no. Our Miss will be very sad if we do that" Lily whistled to catch Raven's attention and he jumps up. He runs up to Lily and growls at Lucas. "We'll be testing your ability to defend yourself based on your strength alone"


A moment of silence passed by as they wait for his answer. He dusts himself off while keeping his eye on them and then smirks at them.

"..... Erm. No thanks," He snapped his fingers and managed to disappear right in front of them.

The group was shocked by his action and how he was able to use magic despite being stunned. It really showed how powerful Lucas was and so they all got frustrated by his escape.


"Yesss!! He played them and didn't fight!!" Diana cheered and danced around in celebration while Anastacius had a long face and sat down in disappointment.

"... I will never accept him"

End Of Chapter 31.

AN: You're welcome.

|Word Count: 5632|

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