Daughter of Mischief

By KillerFrost298

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With only her name and knowledge of her powers. Khione has spent ten years trying to survive. But one day thi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

150 10 1
By KillerFrost298

{Khione's Perspective}

As I opened my eyes, I saw a blinding light. Shutting my eyes just as fast, I slowly opened them again to adapt to the light. As my sight got clear, I noticed my surroundings.

The floor was white, very white. The walls around me were glass. I looked down, that gods I still had my own clothes. My hand reached to my chest, I still had my necklace.

I noticed I was on a bed. Black pillows and blanket. "Where am I? " I asked out loud. I stood up from the bed was started to walk around.

'Skadi? You okay?' I asked. I could remember the fight between us and the Avengers.

'Khione! I'm okay, but are you in pain' Skadi asked. I let out a sigh of relief. But I started to take notice of my surroundings properly.

I was in a big glass cage. I walked up to one of the panes of glass. "I wonder" I put my hand in the glass, I felt my powers surge through my veins. I closed my eyes concentrating on freezing the glass.

"That won't work" a voice called out. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Black Widow standing in front of one of the glass panels. I noticed there was a small bridge connecting the cage with the floor. That must be the door.

"Where am I" I asked taking my hand off the glass. "Under Avengers Tower" she answered. I walked towards her. "Why am I in this cage" I asked her. "We didn't know if you would attack us again" She answers again, no emotion in her voice.

"Are you all okay?" I asked, that when her expression went from nothing to confusion. "No major injuries. Why did you ask?" She asked me. "I didn't want to hurt you. I do what it takes to survive, I only attack when I truly need to" I answered her now only a few inches from the glass separating us.

"Is that why you stole from Tony?" Widow asked. "You try living on the streets, like I said, I do what it takes to survive" I repeated. She looked intrigued by me but I read about her. She can act to get information, make you think she's scared or on your side then bang! She's bringing you to S.H.I.E.L.D never to see the light if day again.

"What's your name kid?"

"Khione" I stated. I knew for a fact she would find nothing on me. No matter how hard they tried.

{Natasha's Perspective}

I left Khione in the Hulk cage and went up to the others. As I entered the conference room, I saw Thor, holding Mjölnir still wondering about how Khione held it and absorbed it's lightning. Steve was also sitting down his fingers tapping against the table, Wanda and Vision were talking about Khione manipulating the mind stone's beam. Clint was holding an ice pack to his head after crashing into a fire escape, it was a mystery he even shot the girl without hurting her. Tony saw me and stopped drinking his coffee. "Well. What did she say?" He asked me, and all eyes were one me.

"She asked if you were all okay and why we contained her in the cage" I answered sitting down. "And what about stealing from me? What did she say about that?" Tony asked again. I rolled my eyes at him "She said she only did it to survive from the streets. My guess is she's an orphan" I told them. Tony starts to type Khione, and searches it through any database he can get his hands on.

"That's weird" Tony remarks. "What is?" Thor asked. "The only information I can find on a Khione, that isn't the Greek Goddess. Is a police report from ten years ago" Tony explains.

He projects the report for us all to see. I looked at the projection. "Little girl found in freezing cold Central Park. Young girl was found by officer doing rounds at the park. The little girl was unconscious in the middle of weird ground markings" Clint said out loud.

"Who would dare leave a child in the harsh winter" Thor snapped. He got up and went towards the door. "Thor where are you going" Steve asked.

"To talk to the young woman. I need answers" he replied before leaving the room.

{No One's Perspective}

Thor marched into the room where the Hulk cage was. He carried a fold out chair and a bag. He looked at Khione who was playing with snowflakes, twirling them around her fingertips. He noticed how the teen's knees were close to her chest.

As he got closer, he noticed the subtle strands of white and blue, her eyes had a soft silver glow. The door to the cage opened with a hiss. Khione immediately stopped and looked to the source. She silently watched Thor come in.

As he put the bag on the ground and unfolded the chair. As he sat down, he saw Khione eyeing the plastic bag. "Do you want to see what is inside." Thor offered. Khione looked at him with curiosity. The God took it as a yes and opened the bag. First he took out a smaller version of his hammer, looked fit for a young child. Next was a silver and green baby blanket.

" Why did you want to show me these" Khione spoke barley above a whisper. "Because you remind me of my niece" Thor answered smiling softly at the girl. "Loki? He had a child?" Khione asked wonder surrounding her voice. "Yes. He was young and so was his love. When my niece was born he was filled with joy, but also sorrow" Thor explained to Khione who now given the God her full attention, her legs now dangling over the bed. Her eyes were full of wonder and innocence. But Thor saw the pain and sadness behind it.

"Why are you telling me this? Why are you not asking about my powers or why I took Tin Can's money?" Khione asked him confused and distraught. "Because I want to help you. You held Mjölnir, and that means you are worthy of ruling Asgard. I only want to see the potential that the hammer knows. I want to give you a second chance" Thor explained to her a hand held out as he stood before her.

Khione looked at his towering frame. She could easily take the offer and trust his word. But there was also her last experience with someone saying they would help her. 'We need time to think this through Khi' Skadi said to Khione. She was right they needed time.

"Can I have time to think first? " Khione asked Thor a slight tremble in her voice. Thor smiled gently at her, "Of course, I'll leave these with you" Thor told her as he put the blanket and hammer at the edge of her bed walking out of the cage. Khione watched him leave

10 years ago...

White. As a young girl opened her eyes all she saw was white. She felt the numb cold touch her skin. Her brown and pink hair covering her face. The young girl looked around. 'Where am I?' she thought.

'I could ask you the same question' a cold voice asked. "Who said that?" the girl asked looking around her but there was no one there. 'I'm in your head, I think' the voice repeated. 'Oh I get it, I think?' the young girl pondered. 'What's your name?' the voice asked. 'It's.... Um Khione. Yeah my name's Khione. What's yours' the five year old asked. 'Skadi. Name's Skadi' the voice answered.

"Where are we Skadi? " Khione asked out loud. A bright light shine in Khione's direction. When she turned she was blinded by the light. "Request for small rescue team. I have a small child lost in Central Park" a voice called out. A man in a strange uniform walked over to Khione, he was shocked.

This girl was wearing only a silk nightgown, how was she not freezing with the cold. "Hi sweetie. I'm Johnny, let's get you somewhere warm. What's your name" He asked her gently.

"I'm Khione" she answered walking with the young man.

Present Time

Khione sat on the bed. It was a while since Thor left, probably. There was no clock indicating time. Hell it was probably the middle of the night, but she wouldn't know. Skadi went to sleep long ago as well. How did Khione know this, when Skadi sleeps her ice powers get just that bit weaker.

Khione looked at the items Thor left. Titling her head she looked at them with curiosity. She never asked what happened to Loki's child but from they way he spoke, she was most likely dead or maybe lost.

Khione went for the hammer first. As she picked it she heard a small noise. She moved it again, "So it's a rattle"She whispered out loud, yet very quietly. Khione smiled a bit. Who knew the almighty Thor had a soft spot for children. She put the rattle down gently and held the baby blanket.

As she started to feel the fabric, Khione felt a sense of nostalgia. The echos of a child's laughter in her ears. She closed her eyes, a blurred face came to mind. She could see the colours of the blurred person, black hair, she though as the green and silver blurred shapes moved with the memory.

She opened her eyes once more before folding the blanket and placing it on top of the fold out chair. She also put the rattle on the blanket.

Khione proceeded to lay down on the bed. She laid on her back she looked up at the white ceiling. She started to play with her necklace.

"Should I trust them?" Khione asked herself. The silence became more of a nuisance then a distraction from her thoughts. So Khione decided to use her powers for entertainment.

Khione sat up and thought for a moment. She held her hand out, she concentrated on the light in the room, a soft white glow surrounded her hand. Opening her hand gently a ball of light started to appear. As it got to the size of a tennis ball, Khione made a playful smirk. "Let's have some fun" Khione said, her eyes lighting up with joy

*With the Avengers*

"Thor are you out of your mind!" Tony shouted in rage. Thor had just told the Avengers that he wants Khione to stay here while he was on Earth. "Stark, this girl is very special. She needs to stay in our sights" Thor tried to reason.

"He has a point Tony. Khione is powerful we should keep an eye on her" Natasha pointed out. Natasha knew there was something else about Khione she just couldn't place her finger on it.

"She stole from me" Tony argued. Natasha rolled her eyes as did most the Avengers present. "Tony she's just a child, what if Hydra finds her and turns her into a weapon like me. We need to protect her" Bucky spoke up, he may not have been there to witness her fight with the others but they watch Natasha and Thor interact with her. He saw how vulnerable she truly was, even thpugh she was putting in a brave face. Something inside of Bucky knew that this girl was familiar he just didn't know what.

Tony sighed. Bucky was right. What happens if they let her go and the next time they meet she is order to kill them. He would have to live with the guilt. "Fine. But if anything happens it's you're fault not mine" Tony gave a pointed look at the God and two assassins.

"Great!" Thor boomed excitedly. "Sir there is something you should see" F.R.I.D.A.Y announced pulling up the security footage from the Hulk cage.

It was Khione playing with a ball of light. They watched as she laughed and giggled at the ball's movement, it was like she was playing with a hover ball. "F.R.I.D.A.Y how did she do that?" Tony asked. "I don't know sir" the A.I answered.

Still mesmerised by Khione's actions, Natasha saw how the young teen was moving it was like dancing on air. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, Can you check the air pressure on the cage" the assassin asked. "Yes ma'am" soon the screen showed how the air pressure was more controlled around Khione as if she was controlling it.

"What does this mean" Steve asked trying to decipher the image. "It means Khione is controling the air in the cage to lift her up, she literally dancing on air" Natasha explained, as she watched the girl in astonishment.

~{Author's Note} ~
Just in case there is confusion, in the first chapter Skadi's hair is just the colour not style. Just incase of confusion and please tell me what you guys think so far. It's my first time using a 'mean roommate' as Cisco Ramon puts it. Loki will be introduced soon I promise.

Stay Safe ya'll

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