By artsyjk

1.5M 79K 62.2K

-in which innocent kim taehyung, a new secretary let out into the real world, collides with jeon jeongguk, a... More

01; cobbled bricks & orchid walls
02; bitter tears & begging
03; breakfast & a friend
04; monstrous & foul
05; secretary & a hostage
06; silence & sirens
07; cobwebs & criminals
08; scared & numb
09; mario cart & normal kidnappers
10; gummy snakes & tattoos
11; cuddles & living the moment
12; lost & found
13; hugs & explanations
14; dead bodies & comfort
15; gunshots & jellybeans
16; warmth & infatuation
17; bullseye & buzzing bees
18; isuel & kyushin
19; facing fears & scurrying mice
20; tip-toeing & pretty laughs
21; forgive & forget
22; snow angels & crucial pain
23; keeping company & darkening abyss
24; loose chain & free mind
25; ruby jewels & fizzy drink
26; destructive & depressed
27; raindrops & post it notes
28; ninja turtles & cookie crumbs
29; dancing lips & archaic spectacles
30; promise & regret
31; candy floss & pirate ships
32; bubble tea & red lace
33; a beauty & a beast
35; babies & apologies
36; cottages & kingdoms
37; messy sheets & flowery fields
38; books & burglaries
39; broken glass & chocolate waffles
40; adoration & love
///epilogue; light sparks & heart flutters
read/tap this!!

34; barnums circus & chaos

27.9K 1.3K 1.1K
By artsyjk


Jeongguk and taehyung view

"you ready?" Jeongguk asked he slipped on his black mask and adjusted his cap.

"yup." taehyung nodded and smiled, excited to go out.

Jeongguk was actually taking him to an underground boxing club, admitting to the boy yesterday that he used to box there everyday.

So taehyung was happy jeongguk was opening up more about his past.

When they got to the place, taehyung literally squeezed jeongguks hand, feeling a little intimidated already.

It was dark, no lights at all as jeongguk lead them both through a narrow alley. Taehyung eyed all the pieces of plastic wrappers that littered the ground and almost screamed when he spotted a man lying under a rusty wooden bench, rubbish everywhere.

"gguk are we almost there?" taehyung huffed, cold air flying out of his mouth as he did so.

"yeah. this is it." jeongguk said as they stopped in front of a door that was built into the alley wall.

Jeongguk opened the said door, leading taehyung in front as he motioned the boy to walk down the stairs that was right in front of them as they walked in.

Taehyung grabbed jeongguks hand, making sure the older was still there, because you know, the mafia boss just might suddenly get abducted.

"take a left." jeongguk ordered when they were three quarters way down the stairs.

Taehyung did as told, met with another door however in contrast this one was much more cleaner compared the outdoor one. You could actually see its hinges because they werent covered with cobwebs.

And as soon as both males stepped inside they were met with complete chaos, as if they entered barnums circus.

Yellow lights dimly litted the underground room. Walls werent painted at all so that the clear brick was showing instead. Numerous posters of buff shirtless men holding up trophies decorated the bare walls and in the middle was the absolutely large boxing ring.

But all the chaos was coming from the loud cheering of everyone inside the somewhat medium sized room. Ratio of men to women was equal as they all mingled together as friends. Taehyung spotted that almost everyone had a tall glass of beer in their hands too.

"wow." taehyung breathed out, watching everyone converse very loudly, loud music blasting in the background.

Believe it or not, jeongguk had a little smile playing on his lips that was fortunately covered by his mask, but taehyung could tell either way.

"you're smiling!" taehyung exclaimed, grinning up at jeongguk who jokingly rolled his eyes.

"i havent been here in so long." jeongguk muttered, also eyeing the room in awe.

After they were both done staring, jeongguk managed to squeeze them both through the sweaty bodies of the crowd, dragging themselves to a couch situated against the far end wall, away from everyone in the middle.

Once again jeongguk slipped a protective arm around taehyung but he knew none of them would get hurt here. These people just wanted to have fun.

"did you really enjoy boxing, gguk?" taehyung asked.

"yeah. i was here more than i was at school." jeongguk scoffed lightly.

"no wonder your grades were so bad." taehyung giggled.

Jeongguk looked at him. "how do you know what grades i got?" he asked in surprise.

"i was snooping around your office." taehyung bit his lip in mock shame.

"my grades werent that bad." jeongguk coughed.

"mhm, okay." taehyung nodded, going along yet he smiled widely, jeongguk too.

"jeon? jeon jeongguk?" said a random man as he approached both boys. He was staring at jeongguk with wide eyes, mouth open in surprise as jeongguk just glared at him.

"it really is you." the man gasped, taking another step forward to take a closer look at jeongguk.

"who are you?" jeongguk asked rudely.

"you dont recognise me? choi yoobin?"

Jeongguks glare faltered, eyes widening just a tiny fraction in mere shock. "i remember you." he then simply stated, showing no reaction.

Instead yoobin laughed, looking away at the crowd. "boss! boss, look who's here!" he yelled, excited.

The so called boss, middle aged man turning old age, walked up to them, scowling. "what you yelling for?" he grunted.

"look. its jeon jeongguk." yoobin spoke and immediately 'boss' turned to look at jeongguk in utter shock.

Jeongguk looked back, recognising his old boss instantly and he stood up. Taehyung watched with curious eyes.

"jeon." boss stated in surprise, staring. "why the fuck are you here?" he asked with a broad smile.

"its been a while." jeongguk muttered, hands shoved in his pockets as he cleared his throat.

"damn right it has." boss chuckled. "thought id never see you again." he sighed.

Jeongguk sat back down, unbothered about interacting with his former boss. Taehyung nudged his side, silently telling him to reply as the older man stood there awkwardly.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, sighing. "sit down." he nodded to the other couch.

Boss, who was also called lee hyunbin, took the seat. "your boyfriend or just a twink?" he asked rudely, motioning his head to taehyung who frowned at the word used.

Jeongguk growled, hand tightening around taehyungs waist. "he's not my fucking twink." he spat, scowling at hyunbin whos expression faltered on seeing jeongguk angry.

Taehyung took jeongguks hand, intertwining it with his, thumb rubbing soothing circles on the skin which calmed jeongguk only a little.

Then suddenly a roar erupted from the large crowd of people, all of their arms raised in the air as they cheered for the two boxers entering the ring.

Taehyung watched with big eyes, feeling adrenaline himself only from hearing the loud yells. Jeongguk watched, remembering his days in the ring.

Hyunbin noticed. "you should try it." he said.

Jeongguks head snapped towards him. "what?"

"boxing. fighting one last time. try it now, again." Hyunbin suggested.

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung, as if asking 'is this okay' and the younger nodded his head in encouragement.

Jeongguk took in a deep breath, nodding his head. To feel the rush of fighting one last time, being in control of something other than murder or torture.

Just something for fun.

"will you be okay gguk?" taehyung asked him worriedly.

Jeongguk nodded and kissed the boy briefly making taehyung blush since they were surrounded by so many people.

Hyunbin smiled widely, relieved he would see his former trainee fight again. Jeongguk walked up to where he was sat and leaned down, mouth next to his ear.

"if anything happens to him, just know my opponent wont be the only one passed out after tonight." Jeongguk growled, threatening Hyunbin, making sure taehyung would stay safe and protected.

Hyunbin nodded stiffly, lips pressed together in a line making Jeongguk smirk before he walked up to the ring slowly, examining the fight that was going on.

Taehyung watched Jeongguk worriedly, still not satisfied so he got up and headed towards Jeongguk and Hyunbin kept a close eye on him.

"you wont get hurt right?" taehyung asked unsurely.

Jeongguk quickly looked at him. "no, tae. i'll be fine." he smiled reassuringly.

Taehyung smiled then also watched the fight taking place. He cringed at all the blood already on display and wondered how people were watching this so casually.

Jeongguk noticed taehyung was getting grossed out and he sighed. "baby, go back to the couch okay?" he said in concern.

Taehyung nodded. "okay ggu. promise you'll be safe? i'll be watching." he mumbled with a little pout.

Jeongguk instead clasped taehyungs lips with his own and kissed him deeply. Taehyung gasped quietly when they parted, pretty blush on his cheeks.

"i promise." Jeongguk smirked.


When the fight ended, hyunbin went up to jeongguk (but not before making sure taehyung was safe) and patted his back.

"you're up. i know its for fun but good luck anyway." he said and jeongguk just nodded.

He proceeded to remove his cap and shoes, thereafter taking of his shirt as he handed everything to hyunbin.

Taehyung watched with heart eyes, shyly examining jeongguks bare torso.

Jeongguk got in the ring, earning more screams from the crowd and he didnt fail to notice how every woman was eyeing his glorious six pack. He then looked at taehyung, smirking at the boys shy state.

However his smirk caused the girls to scream even louder, recieving weird glances from the men.

Jeongguk eyed his opponent. They were built, strong muscles but not bigger than Jeongguks, giving him an advantage.

Then the referee waved his flag, silence turning to cacaphony. Jeongguk and his opponent circled the ring, eyes never leaving eachother.

Until Jeongguk made the first move and succesfully aimed a punch to the others nose.

The man retaliated, trying to aim for Jeongguk but luckily he dodged the hit.

Taehyung slowly headed to the ring, watching in concern for Jeongguk.

He just watched now, five minutes later, as Jeongguk was  beating the other to a pulp, having the man cornered. Said man was bleeding, blood all over his face and Taehyung cringed at the sight.

But then when Jeongguk was catching his  breath, in his moment of weakness he suddenly got pushed back and pounced on, hits being thrown to his face. Jeongguk snarled, anger bubbling as he grabbed the other and flung him over his shoulder as he harshly threw him on the ground.

Jeongguk got on top of him, fist colliding with the mans face everywhere, anger not disappearing even when the referee had counted to knock out.

He was like a beast, but not Taehyungs prince charming. no. He was monstrous and ready to kill with that sinister scowl littering his countenance.

Taehyung gasped when jeongguk lunged at the referee. The crowd went silent, surprised at what they were seeing.

Taehyung was in front of the ring, hands tightly clutching the ropes.  "jeongguk!" he called out helplessly, eyes filling with tears and panic.

But jeongguk didnt listen.

Hyunbin, with a curse leaving his lips, climbed into the ring and forced jeongguk up from the almost dead man.

"jeongguk!" taehyung yelled again and this time jeongguk looked at him, breathing heavily.

Taehyung too slowly climbed into the ring, pattering over to jeongguk who looked so emotionless.

"jeongguk." this time taehyung whispered more calmly, trying to ignore the bloody body besides him. He gently cupped jeongguks face, not  breaking eye contact.

"its okay. h-he's passed out now." taehyung whispered.

Jeongguk noticed the boys teary eyes and he wiped away the stray tear on taehyungs cheek.

"are you okay?" jeongguk muttered.

Taehyung looked at him in shock before nodding. "i-im fine. gguk, are you?" he asked.

Jeongguk nodded. "lets go. you hate seeing blood." he murmured instead and went out of the ring, along with taehyung.

The people just watched in silence as jeongguk slipped on his shirt and left with taehyung.

It was like jekyll and hyde. One minute he was a monster and the next he was a human again.


Both were back at home, jeongguk on the bed and taehyung sat in front of him as he cleaned the olders wounds.

Jeongguk was watching him, still showing no expression to anything which was worrying taehyung.

"are you okay, jeongguk?" taehyung asked quietly as he packed the first aid kit.

"yeah." jeongguk muttered.

"what—what happened back there gguk?" taehyung asked, frowning in concern.

"what are you talking about?" jeongguk asked.

"you almost k-killed that man." taehyung mumbled.

"he pissed me off." jeongguk replied.

"so its okay to go ahead and beat him?"

Jeongguk scoffed. "why do you care? you didnt get hurt. he did."

"thats my point jeongguk. he almost died." taehyung whispered, looking down.

"well he didnt." jeongguk stated.

"what if he did?" taehyung asked, looking back up.

Jeongguk looked at him. "i wouldnt care."

Taehyungs eyes were teary again on hearing that.

"j-jeongguk, he was innocent." taehyung said, voice hoarse.

And something about taehyungs desperate voice made  jeongguk snap. He growled and grabbed taehyungs wrists as he pushed the boy back onto the bed harshly and hovered over him.

"i told you i dont fucking care. shut up." he snarled, glaring at the boy beneath him.

Taehyung cried loudly, scared of jeongguk. He felt pain in his wrists and hated how jeongguk was looking at him furiously. As if he didnt love him.

Jeongguks eyes widened when he heard taehyung cry, yet he still didnt let go, too shocked to process what he had just done.

"let go o-of me. it h-hurts." taehyung whimpered, trying to free out of jeongguks hold.

Immediately jeongguk complied and sat up, away from taehyung as he watched the boy in regret.


But taehyung didnt listen and quickly ran out of the room, still crying.


What would you like to be when you grow up?

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