Darling in the Franxx: Cold B...

By Mcdankler

45.3K 984 335

65 million years ago your species was driven to the very brink of extinction. Reawaking in the present as one... More

Chapter One: First Impressions
Chapter Two: Change in plans
Chapter Three: Getting a Foothold
Chapter Four: Running Interference
Chapter Five: Seek, Locate, Destroy.
Chapter Six: Unlikely Friends
Chapter Seven: A Violent Encounter
Chapter Eight: Overdue Vacation
Chapter Nine: A Meaningless War
Chapter Ten: What Friends are for
Chapter Eleven: Resupply and Repairs
Chapter Twelve: Official Introductions
Chapter Thirteen: The Truth
Chapter Fourteen: The Calm
Chapter Fifteen: A Plan in Motion
Chapter Sixteen: People, Places, and The Things we Love.
Chapter Seventeen: Going Forward
Chapter Eighteen: A Little Heart to Heart
Chapter Nineteen: Deep Dive
Chapter Twenty: Back into the Fray

Prologue: Enemy Unknown

10.3K 150 31
By Mcdankler

Hi everyone, in case you did not know this is my first attempt at writing a Fan Fic. With this I wanted to say that criticism is greatly appreciated, but please make sure it is the constructive kind. Also if you guessed this with have spoilers for the show in it. (and pretty early on at that.) though some major story elements will be tweaked slightly. With that said please enjoy.

Blanket disclaimer: The following is fan-based work. Darling in the Franxx and its elements are owned by Trigger and A1 Studios. New characters and elements belong to me. Please support the official release.


APE classified site

Dr. Franxx office

"Good evening Sir. The black box video from the S-Planning site and Code 182's Franxx was finally recovered. It seems that we might have finally found this mystery Klaxosaur. Would you be interested in viewing its contents now?" A disembodied robotic voice asked from all around the room.

"Of course. Do begin the playback of the incident." The cybernetically enhanced old man spoke as he turned his chair to face a large screen on the wall. Only once he was facing it did the machine activate to show static at the playback started.

For the last three months now. Something had been tearing its way through one APE facility after another. Now usually this would have gotten labeled as some out-of-control Gutenberg or Super Lehmann class. Then either ignored or forgotten about until it threatened the Sages plans. That was until three weeks ago the only survivor of its attacks made their report. In it, they had mentioned that "The Klaxosaur looked like a man." But that wasn't what had most of the top brass of APE concerned. It was a single line in the report that would turn it from a rogue beast to a potential problem:

"The Klaxosaur spoke."

All it took was one small line in the report. Then Counsel, APE, and ultimately Dr. Franxx started to dive deep into the incidents. The Council had decided to put Dr. Franxx in charge of looking into any and all information that could relate to this new mystery Klaxosaur. But all he could find only made more questions than answers.

One of the more recent incidents was discovered only a week ago. During an examination by a group of Franxx on a Plantation that had recently fallen to Klaxosaurs. They arrived to find what could only be described as a Klaxosaurian mass grave. Nearly a hundred Conrad-Classes slaughtered around the structure. All either pierced, crushed, or strangely enough, burnt. The only signs it had been there were the footprints it had left in the earth and a few hand prints made from Klaxosaur blood leading to one of the sites Magma storage areas. Meaning it likely had to problem killing its own kind.

Another one of its annoying calling cards was that it has gone out of its way to make sure there was little to no evidence of its existence. It had gone out of its way to destroy the black boxes of each APE site it had visited. Even going back to the already destroyed Franxx to crush their heads only to make sure their footage was irretrievable. making information gathering a headache for the doctor. But now it seems like the Klaxosaur has finally slipped up and allowed a still functioning black box to be recovered from a site.

"This may just be what we have been looking for." The doctor exclaims to the voice as the video finally plays.


Three weeks ago

APE S-Planning site

The recording started up with alarms blaring and workers rushing to their stations. A man and woman stand in front of a holographic command terminal, trying as hard as they can to get things under control. The panic was likely thanks to what was on the monitors or how it somehow got past their early warning system unnoticed. The video then starts to switch between cameras until it stops at the docking bay housing five standard model Franxx.

The site's intercom then activates as the voice from the woman from earlier starts to speak in a tremulous tone. "Attention. All Parasites to the docking bay. I repeat all Parasites to the docking bay. An unknown Klaxosaur type has entered into the vicinity of the site."

Five boys and five girls then come hurrying into the docking bay. Either asking each other questions or making small chit-chat with one another. Then two each stop in front of their respective Franxx and enter into them. It only took less than a minute for their start-up sequences to finish and the faces of the Franxx come to life.

"This is code 182. We are ready for combat," the lead Franxx spoke as they stood up and started to move outside to defend the site.

Then the camera switches once again. This time showing the view from the outer wall of the facility as the group leaves the bay. Before the camera switches to that of Code 182's point of view to show what was standing across from them. Giving the doctor his first true look at the mystery Klaxosaur.

From what the doctor can make out. It was a jet-black humanoid Klaxosaur standing a little more than a mile away with its arms crossed and tail swaying. With the sun on its back, it made making out the finer features hard. But he could still tell that the thing was roughly the size of a Franxx with a tail that was about as long as it was tall. From its forehead protruded a bright celeste-colored horn with two smaller ones just behind the temples.

The Franxx squad and the Klaxosaur stand there for what seems like forever. Both parties seemingly waiting for the other to make the first move. That was up until one of the units started talking with one of its squad members. "What in the world is that thing?"

"I don't know." One of the Franxx let out before the sounds of thrusters became audible. "All I know is that thing is mine!" They finish as the suit rushes off toward the monster.

"Wait! 690, 456 stop!" The lead Franxx yells out. But it was already too late. By the time their words had reached them, they had already started their attack on the beast.

The Franxx quickly thrust its lance toward the body of its enemy. But at the last moment before it could react. The Klaxosaur side-stepped the attack before knocking the weapon away and coiling its tail around the unit's neck and head. Before it then it returned its gaze to the group while still holding the Franxx.

There was small chatter from the shocked Franxx about what to do next. Along with it were the cries for help and mercy from that of 690 and 456. Then came the harsh metallic buckling sounds. Within a few seconds, it was clear to everyone where it was coming from. The head of the Franxx was being crushed by the tail of the Klaxosaur. And that sound was their head failing to withhold the pressure placed on it.

Most of the group stood in under shock at how quickly things had horrifically unfolded. Two Franxx from each side of the lead broke from their paralyzes and rocketed forward like how the other had. Leaving the other two to attempt to rescue their friends. Unfortunately, before the Franxx could make it halfway to the Klaxosaur. A final loud scream echoed out and got cut off as the captured Franxx head imploded. Causing the two Franxx to stop dead in their tracks.

The whole group watched in horror as whatever was left of its head of the Franxx had started spraying out magma energy between the slits in the tail. After a few seconds, a look of anger spread across the two Franxx as they flew even faster towards the beast. Dead set on avenging their fallen friends. The Klaxosaur then reacted by tossing the lifeless unit behind itself. Before giving quick glances at the two Franxx that were now rushing to its left and right. It then assumes a defensive stance towards the one to its left and prepares for their attack.

With the Franxx to the left of the Klaxosaurs arriving first. It had prepared a literal head-on assault by using the shaft of its spear to strike the side of the Klaxosaur's head. Instead, the beast managed to grab a hold of the weapon before it hit. With it then turning into a power struggle over the lance. As the two giants fought. The second Franxx prepared to make a surprise attack on the monster's back while it was preoccupied.

Rocketing itself into the air. The second Franxx let out a powerful war cry as it made its move. Attempting to stab the Klaxosaur through the back. Then with a swift glance behind itself. The Klaxosaur impaled its tail through the chest of the unit and out through the top of its head. Most likely killing the parasites inside almost instantly.

With more of their friends killed in an instant by the monster in front of it. The Franxx momentarily falters in its power struggle. allowing for enough of an opening for the Klaxosaur to tear the lance away from the Franxx. In a second, the defenseless was helpless as its own weapon came flying through its face. Then with the press of a button. The head of the unit exploded wide open as the beast activated the spear.

Now with only two Franxx left to guard the site from the monster. The lead looked back to his left to try and form a plan with the remaining members of their squad. Only to then find them on the ground on all fours. "575, 612, are you alrigh-" Before the lead Franxx could finish their sentence. The unit transformed into its stampede mode before it started to charge at the Klaxosaur in a feral rage.

Although even now with its wolf-like stampede mode. It wouldn't take long for the stampeding Franxx to be put down by the Klaxosaur like the others before it. As the Franxx ran towards the thing. The Klaxosaur attempted to hit the wolf-like mech with the stolen lance. Instead, the wolf took the hit and pounced while the Klaxosaur was open. Which allowed it to jump atop its backside and start clawing and biting at its upper back and head.

But it is of little use as once the Klaxosaur was able to grab the Franxx. despite its struggles against it. The Franxx was pulled from its target and held high in the air by the Klaxosaur. It then put a firm grip on its chest and stomach. Then with relative ease. It ripped the Franxx in two before throwing the detached body parts away.

Now with only one member of the site's defense team dead. The last Franxx fell to its knees as the Klaxosaur approached the S-Planning site. No longer able to move with how desynchronized each of the parasites had become. All they could do was wait and hope the thing that now standing over them made things quick. But that end never came. Instead, the Klaxosaur knelt down and stared at the Franxx. Before, to the surprise of the pilots and Dr. Franxx, it started to speak.

"I thought you were all so much better than this."

With one swift motion, it lobs the Franxx head off, and the camera goes to static.


The doctor didn't have to watch any more of the video for he already knew what came next. The S-Planning site had been found destroyed by the team sent to relieve the now dead squad. Code 182 was later found to still somehow be alive in the caved-in head of his Franxx. When he was, he was cradling his dead partner and refused to leave her. Later he would make the report that would cause the interest from Dr. Franxx and the rest of APE.

The doctor then swiveled his chair around before getting up and walking away from his desk. Ending up in the center of his office for finally stopping. "Interesting. That's, very interesting." He lets out to seemingly no one but himself. "Talos, I need you to look into this a bit more and see if this Klaxosaur could possibly be related to subject Eve. And inform me of your findings?"

"Certainly. I can do that for you, Sir."

Before he could continue. His communicator buzzes with a message informing him that they were ready to leave. "Seems they're ready. Let's hope she doesn't cause too much trouble when we get there." The doctor murmurs in a joking tone. Walking out the door to his office and to the hanger bay where the humongous aircraft sat prepared to leave. He noticed three people waiting for him in front of the machine's ramp.

Two of them being females. One with pink hair and a crimson-red outfit and a taller female to her left with brunette hair and a dark uniform. Along with them, a male stood to the pink-haired girl's right with a cast on his arm, a brace around his neck, and an oxygen mask strapped to his face.

The female with the brunette hair who went by Nana starts to speak as the doctor approaches. "Strelitzia is docked, and the airship has been refueled. We are all prepared to leave for Plantation 13." She tells the doctor who has stopped in front of the massive red and white Franxx. Which was nestled in the cargo hold of the airship. Continuing to look at the mech, he starts to rub the sleeve of his metallic arm as the other two walked onto the ship.

"Has the special course I sent you been charted?" The doctor questioned back to Nana.

"Yes, it has been Docter." She answers in response. "Although I still don't see why you requested it."

"I just want to test something. Now if that is all. shall be off." The doctor says in a cheerful manner as he boarded the craft.


The Wastes

Hours later

Failure. If somebody had asked you to summarize everything in your life up to this point, that one word would be it. Billions of years ago, you had failed to protect the royal family. Causing problems to only worsen tenfold. Then, you also failed to protect your species and your planet from war. Forcing the world to fall into complete disarray.

Luckily though, you didn't fail in saving humanity. You'd managed to protect their earliest ancestors of their species during the great war before going into hibernation. Hoping that when you woke up. The world would be restored back to its former glory. But even that had turned into an utter failure. Because when you woke up from those billion of years of sleeping. The world was the same lifeless wasteland you had last left it, only now the skies weren't filled with ash, and the oceans were nothing more than a toxic soup.

'How had things turned out this way.' You ask yourself as you throw the empty fuel canister from one of the handful of dead Klaxosaur corpses that scatter the ground away. All put out of their misery after they turned feral and also your need to keep your suit powered. The thought of it saddened the deepest parts of your soul. 'I just need to find that hybrid as soon as possible. I can't fail again.' You frown, although your suit doesn't allow you to show any emotion. 'I can do this, I have to do this if. If I fail here, then it would truly mean extinction.'

'But I've been trying to find the hybrid for months now.' You think to yourself before clenching your fist. 'I just hope that they listen to me. But since learning they have a reputation for being a "Klaxosaur Killer." I might have no other choice than to fight this Strelitzia.'

That part did scare you, even if it was just a little. The idea that Strelitzia would try to kill you on sight just for being a Klaxo-sapien. It wasn't like you couldn't defend yourself. But still, even if you are a Klaxosaur. You would have to somehow make this plan work.

"Yeah," you tell yourself. "No matter what. I'll find Strelitzia, and I will save them all. No matter the cost. But, I still have to find them." The thought of finding Strelitzia had been taunting you for the last three months. 'At least I know they are on this continent. But there are still three hundred thousand square miles to search.'

Then from out of nowhere. You felt a strange sensation course throughout your body. Almost as if you're standing close to someone with royal blood. But as you looked around. All you found were the dead Klaxosaurs and dirt. But then you noticed it. The low humming of some sort of machine high up in the sky.

Turning your gaze up to the sky above you. You could just barely notice a small shape moving through the sky. It was one of the humans flying transports and a few escorts. Any other time this would've been of no concern to you. But the strong presence coming off of the ship made you finally realize something. The hybrid had to be on that transport. "Strelitzia."

'Three months of searching, three months of trying to find them had finally paid off.' That was all you could think of at that moment. 'Even if it is sheer dumb luck. I can't afford to lose this chance.' You thought to yourself as you started to run in the same direction the transport was flying in.

'Even if that transport is in the air, I can still track it.' The thought of finally finding Strelitzia, meeting the hybrid, and making everything right filled your mind. 'Soon, I will fix everything, for everyone, no matter what.'

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