Percy Jackson: A New Life

By KingPerseus160

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Percy Jackson is a shy boy while his sister Aphrodite Jackson is the popular girl at Greek High.When Percy an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12

Chapter 11

780 9 1
By KingPerseus160

Artemis POV

"Percy and Jason are in the hospital." Aphrodite said with tears in her eyes while we looked at her in shock, then as if we all read each other's mind all jumped up and quickly put on our coats and headed outside.

"Follow me, we know where the hospital is." Charles said as we got in his truck as he quickly started it and pulled out of the driveway.


"Ma'am are Perseus Jackson and a Jason Grace here?" Aphrodite said frantically while the doctor at the front desk looked up "Yes ma'am, they just arrived around fifteen minutes ago." she said "What happened?" Piper said worriedly as she spoke "We got a call from a truck driver named Ben around 11:53 P.M., said he found two young men in the middle of the road, freezing. Said one was cradling the others head, then fell unconscious after saying his name was Perseus Jackson." she said.

"But what happened?" Travis said as she calmly spoke "It's no doubt a car crash, whoever hit them was driving fast and knocked their car off the bridge, luckily Perseus and Jason got out of the car in time before it fell off the bridge completely." she said while we looked at each other worriedly "Are they okay?" I said shakily.

"I do not know, we already have workers pulling their car out of the wreckage and are checking around for anything suspicious but police are already checking the area for the driver. The truck driver, Ben, said when he tried to lift them up they screamed in pain, he slowly turned them around and saw both of their backs were burned severely, possibly third degree burns while Perseus had metal in his left leg, ceasing any chance to move. Police think Jason pulled him out, but as soon as they were out the other car exploded, thus giving them the burns." she said while I felt tears in my eyes "When will we be able to see them?" Piper said as she shook her head.

"I honestly don't know ma'am. When they brought them here, Perseus had stopped breathing while Jason had a very weak pulse." She said sincerely while I burst in tears while Apollo pulled me in a hug "He'll be fine." he said as the doctor spoke "There is a waiting room down the hall, we'll tell you when their finished." she said while we nodded and walked down the hallway till Aphrodite stopped and spoke "Who did the car belong to? They find out?" she said as the doctor moved through some papers for a few minutes till she spoke "The car belonged to a Gabe Ugliano." she said while Aphrodite froze and looked at her in shock.

"Thank you." She said in shock as we appeared in the waiting room "Whose Gabe Ugiano?" Zoe said as Aphrodite spoke "He was our step father, a drunk and terrible person in general. He would try to beat me and Percy." she said while we looked at her in shock "Think he did it on purpose? Just to hurt Percy?" Calypso said as Aphrodite nodded. "It would sound about right, Gabe never liked us but he hated Percy the most." she said wiping the tears out of her eyes.

"If he did do it on purpose which I'm sure he did, how did he know where Percy was headed?" Leo said "He must've listened to the game on the radio or followed the bus home and waited till Percy left then did it." Charles said while we sat there in silence while Apollo still held me in a hug.


Sally and Poseidon appeared about fifteen minutes later as did Zeus while we all sat in the waiting room for about seven hours, hoping to see Percy and Jason.

About twenty minutes later a doctor came into the waiting room "Perseus Jackson and Jason Grace's family here?" she said looking around while everyone stood up while she looked slightly shocked "Okay, um we managed to get the metal out of Perseus's leg, but he can't be running on it for a while so that means no sports for both of them. They did suffer third degree burns but they have yet to wake, we fear they might be in a coma. They have showed no reaction the entire treatment but we aren't entirely sure. You may go see them if you wish, they are in room 43B on the second floor." she said while we thanked her as we all squeezed into the elevator and headed to room 43B.


"Make sure when you head in there to be careful with them, we have them lying on their stomachs. If they start yelling or screaming in pain, immediately come get us." The nurse said while we nodded and went in quietly to see Percy and Jason on two beds beside each other, breathing evenly as a nurse walked past us carrying a platter with a massive piece of metal that had blood all over it while I immediately felt sick.

"Oh my son." Poseidon said softly as he walked over to Percy's unconscious form and pulled a chair up beside him and just sat there "I hope they find him." Leo said while we sat in silence, knowing exactly who he's talking about.

After about ten minutes of silence Percy started to scream in pain while everyone jumped up in shock while I felt my heart shatter "Go get the nurse, NOW!" Poseidon yelled as Connor ran out of the room. "Percy, Percy calm down, it's okay." Poseidon said soothingly but it didn't seem to have an effect on him at all till the nurses came in and started to usher us out of the room. "I'm not going anywhere." Aphrodite said pushing one of the nurse's arm off her "Aphrodite, they need their space and have all concentration on Percy." I said gripping her arm while she nodded as we left the room as Jason started to scream in pain as more nurse's came into the room.

"Make sure no one comes back in here." One of the nurses said to a doctor as he nodded as he quickly ushered us out of the room "Please head to the waiting room. We'll tell you when we're finished." he said walking back to the room while we walked back to the waiting room.

Three months later

Percy POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a room but I was lying on my stomach with a ice cold towel on my back, that felt really good. "Where am I?" I said in confusion as I tried to remember what happened and how I ended up in this room but I don't remember anything. I turned to lie on my back but when I did, it felt like hot irons were placed on my back as I screamed in pain as a memory popped up in my head that showed a car exploding and a raven hair teen cradling a blonde hair boy's head till he fell unconscious as I clutched my head, trying to ease the pain as the door opened as people in white clothes turned me over as the pain eased as I sighed in relief, till it finally stopped.

"Excuse me ma'am, but where am I and why does my back feel like it got scorched by a flamethrower?" I said trying to turn back around but they stopped me "You don't remember what happened?" one of them said while I shook my head as I noticed another figure also lying on his back, whom I noticed was the boy who was unconscious "Do you know who he is?" they said pointing at the sleeping boy as I studied him. Strong jaw, blonde hair, looks like he's a athletic player but I can't see his eyes "No ma'am, I don't know him at all." I said shaking my head as they sighed sadly "I was hoping it wasn't amnesia but I fear that's what it is and if Percy has it, no doubt Jason will have it when he wakes up." she said as I clutched my head again, feeling like there's a hammer pounding on my head and is only getting worse and worse.

After a few minutes of severe pain, it dulled to the point it's only throbbing as I looked at the boy and remembered who he was "That's Jason. He's my best friend and my brother in all but blood." I said pointing at Jason while they nodded "Yes, do you remember where you met him at?" one of them said as I tried to remember but couldn't as I sighed, frustrated. "No ma'am, I don't remember where I met him at." I said as they nodded "If you'll excuse us, we're going to go grab some people alright?" she said as I nodded. "But whatever you do, don't turn onto your back." They said as I nodded as they left the room.

After about fifteen minutes of silence and trying to remember what happened, a groan interrupted my thoughts. "Jason! Are you awake?" I exclaimed as I looked over and saw Jason opening his eyes to show me a startling electric blue as another pain hit my head but then disappeared as a girl with raven black hair that flowed down to her mid-back appeared in my head. "Jason, are you okay?" I said as he looked at me with confusion evident in his eyes "Do I know you?" he said as I realized he probably had the same problem I did. "My names Percy. Percy Jackson." I said as his eyes snapped shut as he clenched his head, gripping it like a lifeline "Percy, is that you?" he said taking deep breaths as I smiled and nodded "Yea buddy, its me." I said as he smiled, then looked around in confusion.

"Where are we?" He said as I shrugged my shoulders, or I tried to. "Don't know, Jason but the people in white clothes said to stay here and not move, not that we would anyway." I said as the door opened to show the people in white clothes and another group of people walking in

Aphrodite POV

I stood in front of the vending machine, looking at my reflection in the mirror, thinking about all that happened in the last three years and what happened three months ago 'I could've done something, tell him to wait until the storm passes that way he would've seen if someone was coming, but yet again, I didn't do anything, like always and this time, it nearly cost my brother's life and my cousin's life' I thought as tears started to form in my eyes just thinking of that.

"Aphrodite!" I heard as I turned around to see Annabeth coming towards me "What do you want Annabeth?" I said turning back around to the vending machine, not really in the mood to hear her voice, especially her voice with all the negative thoughts I'm focusing on. "Percy and Jason are starting to wake up, doctors wanted everyone present." She said as I spun around and sprinted down the hallway.


"Alright, Percy and Jason are awake and they are fine, just resting and having small talk." One of the nurses said as I felt tears of joy forming, knowing their okay "But...Percy has amnesia. Doesn't remember what happened and if he has it, we're positive Jason has it to." she said as I felt my heart shatter, 'Why is Fate so cruel' I thought as dad spoke "Surely they remember something, right?" he said hopefully "They remember each other, but we think it may be because they were both there when the accident happened. Everything else, they don't remember but you can come and visit them, see if it triggers any memories." they said with sympathy in their eyes as they walked down the hallway, with us following them.

We appeared in front of the door to see Percy and Jason talking each other till they looked towards us "Hello Percy, Jason. We have some people here that you know or should know, hopefully, seeing some old faces will trigger old memories." they said as Percy and Jason looked towards us, observing us as I held onto a small sliver of hope that he remembers something.

But that small sliver of hope vanquished when they shook their head as Piper burst into tears "You don't remember any of them?" one of the nurse said as they looked over us again but Percy kept his eyes on me, like he knew me from somewhere till realization flared up in his eyes as I was about to speak but I also recognized hate "Why are you here?" he spat as we all recoiled in shock at his sudden change of behavior.

"Percy, what do you-" I tried to speak but he spoke first "Didn't I tell you to stay out of my life?" he hissed out as Sally spoke "Percy-" she said as he looked at her and the hate in his eyes seemed to increase "And you. The woman I looked up to, screwing my English teacher behind my dad's back. Such a whore." he spat as everyone's eyes widened as one of the doctors quickly spoke before anyone else did "Percy, what do you mean?" she said as he looked at her "Those two hurt me and my father, we left to go somewhere but I don't remember." he said glaring at me in hate "Do you remember when this happened?" she said as Percy's eyebrows furrowed in thought but then he shook his head.

"I don't remember but I do remember what she said." He spat, still glaring at me, taking deep breaths "Alright Percy. It's nearly time for you and Jason to go back to sleep. Best you rest to regain your strength." she said as Percy nodded and turned his head to the other side while I felt tears forming as dad guided me out of the room as the nurses closed it and sighed.

"That was unexpected. Does anyone remember when this happened?" She said as we all exchanged glances, but no one spoke "Please. This would help." she said again as dad spoke "About two and a half years ago." he said as they nodded "Alright, so from that moment then on, the memories should start coming back for him. For Jason, we don't know." she said as another nurse spoke "While the mind has forgotten the memories, the body does not. Try doing things with them that you did in the past, it should help them both since they've done everything together, from what we've heard around New Rome." she said as they nodded "Best we head home, you have school tomorrow." dad said sighing as he guided me out the door.

"Don't worry Aphrodite, he just has memory loss. He'll come through in about a month or two." He said while I nodded

One month later

Percy POV

The same group of people kept visiting me and Jason, which confused me and made me mad, since Aphrodite, Sally, and Artemis and her little group of friends are involved but I feel a strange comfort coming from the other group of people but one I feel a connection with one of them more than the others. She said her name was Zoe Nightshade, whom I think I'm falling in love with.

"Hey Jason, do you feel a connection to the people who keep visiting us." I said as he nodded "I feel like I know them, like I knew them my whole life but I feel more connected to that Piper girl." he said while I nodded "I feel the same way with that Zoe girl, but my main question is why Aphrodite is here?" I said with distaste in my voice "I thought they were at Greek High." he said while I nodded "I thought the same thing. Why would they be here anyway?" I said shaking my head as the nurses came in with smiles on their faces.

"Jason, Percy. From what we've gathered, you're clear to leave the hospital." One of them said while we looked at them in shock "Really?" Jason said while they nodded "Yes, but Percy. You need to be using crutches since you won't be able to walk on your right leg for a while." she said while I nodded "Your parents are going to take you home Percy. Jason, your father will take you home also." she said as I grimaced, having to deal with Sally and Aphrodite but nodded nonetheless as they handed us a clipboard "Please sign here and then we'll have your parents or guardian sign here and then you'll be free to leave." she said while we thanked her as they walked out the door as I put my face in the pillow.

"Don't want to go home with them?" Jason said while I nodded "If you want, you can come home with me. Stay there until you feel its right you go home." he said while I lifted my face and looked at him gratefully "Thanks Jason." I said as he waved it off "You'll have to tell your parents though." he said while I nodded, putting my head back in my pillow, closing my eyes.


"Dad, can I ask you something?" I said as he signed the papers and handed them back to the office lady "Ask away." he said, gesturing his hands in a careless gesture "Is it okay if I stay with Jason?" I said as he looked at me in shock "Why would you want to stay there, not that it isn't fine with me but I would prefer it if you stayed with us." he said as I grimaced before speaking "That's just it dad, why are Aphrodite and Sally here? We left Greek High to get away from them and now their here. Why is that?" I said as he sighed "In time son. You'll remember hopefully." he said as I nodded "You can if you want to, is Zeus okay with it?" he said while I nodded.

"Jason already spoke to him about it and he agreed." I said as he nodded "Alright, I'll send you fresh clothes every week alright?" he said while I thanked him and moved towards Jason "Hey Perce, what'd he say?" he questioned as I nodded "I can go." I said as he smiled "Great, let's go. My dad's outside." he said as I walked slowly, adjusting myself to the crutches.

As I got in the back seat, I slowly got in and adjusted myself, trying to avoid any contact on my back and I could tell Jason was doing the same thing "Doctors said to rub some of this ointment on your backs every night before you go to sleep and to also put some on your leg, Percy." Zeus said handing me a couple bottles of ointment as I nodded and put them in my bag, only to feel something metallic and cold as I pulled it out and saw it was a cellphone.

"What's a cellphone doing in my bag?" I muttered to myself as I turned it on and saw it had a four letter password "If this is my phone, what would my password be?" I muttered, thinking about different passwords as I typed in Rome, but it was incorrect as I frowned in confusion. "Okay, not that, let's try this one." I said typing in Zoe N, hoping that would be the password but it wasn't while I started to grow aggravated at the password.

I was about to toss my phone out the window till a sudden thought came to me, Arty. The same nickname that I used for Artemis till she abandoned me, just thinking about the name leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Having no other choice, I typed in the words and was surprised to see it worked "Why would I have that as my password?" I muttered, feeling like I'm missing something important but couldn't place it.

I went through the contacts and saw I had Aphrodite and Artemis in here "This isn't my phone, it can't be." I said, turning the phone off and was about to toss it out the window but stopped and put it back in my bag. Confused, I zipped up my bag and leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

Six months later

Aphrodite POV

"Percy." I said as he froze at his locker and looked at me, annoyance clear in his eyes "What do you want?" he snapped as I flinched "Do you want to eat at Mickey's Pizza Place tonight, just you and me?" I said in a hopeful tone as he narrowed his eyes "Why?" he said "No reason, just want to eat with you." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"If you're doing this to get me back in your life, its not going to work." He said turning away from me, putting his crutches beneath his arms "No Percy, you just forgot. Give it time and you'll remember everything." I said but he shook his head "Don't know what you're talking about sis." he said as we both froze. Him in shock and disbelieve while I had shock and happiness.

"Where did that come from?" He said to himself, rubbing his head "Sure, we'll eat. What time?" he said, looking at me "Say, seven? I have cheerleading practice at five." I said as he nodded and walked off as I sighed and walked to Ms. Scott's class.

"How'd it go?" Artemis said as I sat next to her "His memories coming back, for sure. He seems confused though, he must be remembering things we've done together and is trying to compare it to what happened in the past. He remembers Zoe and the others but not me or you." I said, pulling out my study sheet "Because he refuses to be around us?" she questioned as I nodded "Me and him are going eating at Mickey's Pizza Place at seven, there I'm going to try to see if I can get him to remember anything." I said as she looked at me in shock "Why didn't you tell me this?" she said as I looked at my paper "Don't think I did it out of reason Artemis. Since he doesn't remember us, we have to take it slow. If we both went, he would've declined. Yes, his memories are returning but it takes time." I said looking back at her.

"I know you want to talk to him. But we have to give it time, he's still recovering." I said as she nodded "I just don't like how Annabeth is trying to take advantage over his disorder." she said as I nodded, around a couple months ago, she told Percy that she was his boyfriend. For about a week or two, it worked, then he remembered what she did to him and he flipped out.

"I'll ask him about you. We'll see what he says, then we'll go from there." I said reassuringly as she smiled back as we grouped up and worked on the next science project "All we do in here is science projects." I said while Artemis nodded in agreement.


"Where are you going?" Dad said as I headed to the door "I'm going to pick up Percy. Me and him are going to Mickey's to eat." I said as he raised an eyebrow "Does he remember everything?" he said while I shook my head "No, hopefully, going on this will bring some old memories up. He remembers a few times we've had together and he's trying to compare it to what happened in the past and is getting confused." I said as he nodded.

"What does he remember?" He questioned "He remembers all his friends from Zoe to the others and everything from when he left, and a few memories after we made up." I said while he nodded "Don't rush things Aphrodite, we don't want anything happening. Let him digest it slowly, get used to it before you throw something else at him." he said while I nodded "I will." I said as he nodded and turned his gaze back on the TV as I headed out the door.

After finding Jason's house, I was parked outside as he came out with his crutches and opened the passenger side door as he got in "Ready?" I questioned while he nodded as I pulled us out of the parking lot and headed towards Mickey's Pizza Place.

"So, how have you been?" I questioned, eyes still on the road "Good, I guess. Just confused." he said as I nodded "Trying to remember?" I said as it went silent "Yes, I feel like I'm missing something huge but can seem to recall anything important." he said frustrated "That's because you are missing something important." I said as he looked at me "Really? Because if you know, please tell me." he said gesturing for me to continue.

"You just forgot Percy. Give it time." I said as he snorted "Seven months later and still no progress. I don't know what I'm missing." he said, shaking his head "Talk to Artemis." I said as his head snapped towards me "No." he said as I sighed "Percy, you know deep down, you know your wrong but you won't admit it. If you talk to Artemis and me more often, you'll regain everything. Trust me." I said as he snorted "Last time I trusted you, look how that went." he said as I flinched "That's behind us Percy." I said "Behind you. Yes, but behind me? No." he said, looking away from me and out the window at the passing cars while we drove in silence.

"Do you need help, getting out?" I said as he shook his head, as he opened the door and got out slowly "Let's go. I'm paying Percy." I said as he clenched his eyes, stumbling as I quickly caught him, but losing my balance "Are you okay?" I said worriedly while he nodded, opening his eyes slowly and gripping his crutches "Just a sudden headache. I remember me and Jason picking up you and Artemis, we went to McDonalds, I said the same thing." he said moving to the door.

"Hey Mickey!" He said, smiling as Mickey walked up, smiling "Hey Percy. Glad to see you're okay, how long has it been?" he said as Percy got a thoughtful look "Around seven months ago." he said while Mickey nodded in understanding "Table for two?" he said while we nodded "Don't worry about paying Aphrodite. It's on the house." he said while I smiled at him while we sat at a table.

A few minutes later, our usual pizza arrived as we both got a piece and started eating "So why won't you talk to Artemis?" I said as he looked at me "The same reason I shouldn't be talking to you." he said, looking back at his pizza "But you are. I know you Percy. If you wanted to decline, you would've, but you didn't. You remember something, but what, I don't know." I said as he froze with his pizza in his hand till he set it down on his plate and nodded.

"Your right Aphrodite, I do remember some things. But then I remember the past and don't know what to do. It's confusing." He said as I nodded "Then let us help you." I said as he laughed "How can I ensure that you won't betray me like you have all the other times? How do I know you aren't just lying to me?" he demanded "Because you know, deep in your heart that I'm right. Plus it's the only option you have to receiving your full memory and you know it." I said as he stared at me for the longest time till he suddenly broke his gaze away from me and looked at his pizza.


"Thanks for the pizza Aphrodite." He said getting out of the car "Percy?" I said as he turned around and looked at me "Dad said you're free to come home whenever you want. If you want to talk, you can come over at five on Monday's and Wednesday's. But on the rest at seven since I have cheerleading practice those days." I said as he nodded and closed the door.

I stared at his retreating form as Zeus opened the door and greeted him and helped him inside.

One week later

"No, this goes here. Remember?" I said to Artemis as she nodded, aggravated "Sorry. I can't concentrate with all this noise Leo is creating." she said while I nodded over the music Leo has blaring since dad is at work. "Any word from Jason or Percy?" She said as I shook my head "No. Neither replied to my message." I said as the door dinged as we froze "Leo. Clean this mess up, if its my dad, we're all dead." I said walking to the door as Leo tried to pick up his mess but only succeeded in making it worse.

As I opened the door, I saw it was Percy and Jason "Hello Aphrodite, we got your message. Can we come in?" Percy said while I quickly nodded and let them in "Percy! Jason!" Leo said, standing up while they smiled at him "Hello, Leo." they said as they greeted everyone else and sat on the couches. "So, what brings you here?" Leo said as they shrugged their shoulders "Don't know, just wanted to come and see how everyone is doing." Percy said, while Jason nodded.

"Uh, Aphrodite, can I talk to you?" Percy said as everyone looked at him "In private?" he said awkwardly while I nodded "Want to talk upstairs?" I said as he nodded as Jason helped him up as we went to the elevator.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I said as we appeared on the second floor "I want my memory back. I'm tired of waiting for it to come back, you said the only way to receive my full memory is if I trust you." he said taking a deep breath "So, I trust you. Help me get my memory back." he said as I stared at him in shock till I finally nodded as we stepped out of the elevator.

I looked around to see if anything will help him till I walked to my room with him in tow "This is my room. You gave it to me the week before we played Carter High. You helped me move out of Sally's apartment and into this one, despite it being freezing cold." I said, smiling slightly while he closed his eyes tightly "Are you okay?" I said worriedly as he nodded "Continue. Just a little headache." he said, gesturing for me to continue.

We walked out of my room towards his "This is your room. Leo always falls asleep on your bed every time everyone comes over here." I said as he put his hands up against his head, dropping his crutches as he fell to the ground but I caught him, making me stumble to the ground "Are you sure you're okay?" I said worriedly as he nodded "I'm fine." he hissed out as I struggled to help him onto his bed.

Once I got him on his bed, I reached into his fridge and grabbed him a water, which he took gratefully and downed it in about ten seconds flat "I needed that, thank you." he said taking his crutches from me "Do you want to rest?" I said as he shook his head "Take me to the third floor." he said as my eyes widened as confusion filled his eyes, but also realization.

"Do you want to take the elevator?" I said as he shook his head and removed the crutches and standing up slowly "What are you doing?" I said as he looked at me "Standing up." he said, removing my hands as he stood up, albeit a little shakily. "Let's go." He said, staring at me "Do you know the way?" I said as a thoughtful look appeared on his face till he smiled "Yes. I do remember." he said as I felt my hopes slowly rise as he walked out the door and up the stairs with me behind him.

'This should bring his memories back for good' I thought as he opened the door to the weight room and looked around, studying everything in the room "I remember something here. I was lifting weights than you came in..." he trailed off, eyebrows furrowed in thought "No, it was...Artemis. We sat down right there." he said pointing at a bench 'What did you do?" I said as he frowned "We spoke, then..." he seemed at a loss for words till his eyes lit up and he smiled "We danced. Nearly all night till dad came in here and sent us to bed, saying he had work in the morning and we were keeping him up. We went to my room and fell asleep, then I woke up to the taste of cinnamon on my lips." he said smiling slightly till he suddenly collapsed, clutching his head and groaning as I ran towards him.

"Percy!" I said, turning him over to face me but he refused "My head hurts, so bad." he said, clutching his head even tighter as I quickly picked up my phone and called the first person that came up, not even bothering to see who it was "Get up here, now. We're on the third floor, Percy's in pain." I said, hanging up "Percy, roll onto your stomach." I said, struggling to turn him over but he refused, still clutching his head.

A few minutes later, Artemis came barging in and was by Percy's side in an instant as we tried to roll him over, but he still refused till he suddenly stopped moving. He slowly got up and looked at us "Aphrodite, Artemis? Why am I on the third floor?" he said, confusion evident in his eyes as tears started to form in my eyes.

But they weren't tears of pain or hurt. They were tears of joy.

AN~ Sorry for the late update. I've been having issues for the past month but i had time to write couple chapters for this story and God of Fairies as well . Hope you enjoy XD!!!

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