The Mist

By okay_we_meow

488 66 37

A stroll down misty streets in the hilly terrains of poetry. Foggy nights on the radio. Every chapter is a st... More

losers of the mind
the cringe
While Missing Him
scary self
Average to Him
what can i hold you with?

paralysed moons

55 8 4
By okay_we_meow

Munching on shards of peace
is destructive
tho it is all under the cap of

My bed does grow arms at night.

not to cradle me lovingly
not to rub my back when I stop breathing
not to hold my hand which trembles
not to lose its fingers in my hair
not to kiss on my forehead
never to string a chain of "it's okay"s from lost breaths into my ears.

My feet are locked and hands are frozen,
hair is pulled and throat is choked,
my back gets stuck and the air gets thinned
my fingers are pricked - sensations stop midway
and my palms can't move.

Yet, my bed does hold me.
My bed does hold me in my nightmares.
My bed does hold me whenever I have a nightmare.

And that's why, I go to sleep. Every single night. Without fail.


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