Magical RotBTD (Hogwarts AU...

By Aquaticar-Gamez

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After the Advanture in their First year Hiccup, Merida, Rapunzel and Jack haven't had a day not thinking abou... More

Chapter 1: A Sans'ational trip to Diagon alley
Chapter 2: Old School, New kids
Chapter 3: Terrariams on mass
Chapter 5: Message on the Wall and a 'Skelle'ton of more stuff
Chapter 6: Quidditch Week Part:1 Hat of NYEHS
Chapter 7: Quidditch Week Part 2: The Game is On
Chapter 8: Another Victim and Dueling
Chapter 9: Christ-Mess
Chapter 10: Pink Vines
Chapter 11:Creepy Crawly's
Chapter 12: Into the Chamber
Chapter 13: Your Pink Nightmare

Chapter 4: Informative talking

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By Aquaticar-Gamez

They didn't expect Chara to get so Angry about it. They where expecting him to either get sad or just walk away or even cast a spell but that reaction was best described as unexpected. The Next Lesson was Dark against the arts and it was rather pathetic. This Lockhart just opened a cage of pixies and left, not really what a DADA Teacher should do. The rest of the day was spent with the other lessons such as Transfiguration and potion making.

During dinner the four sat toghethe and just talked until Hiccup said " Don't you think what Chara said is weird?" They all stopped talking in confusion "What do you mean Hic?" jack asked "When Chara was Shouting at us" Hiccup explained "He said that 'He' Died in this castle" Everyone looked at him now understanding what he means. "Now that you say it, that really is strange" Rapunzel said "Why would he even say that?" Merida added.

"Maybe i can awnser these questions" Madam Dreemurr was standing behind them. they all looked at her confused. "Would you follow me please." They stood up and followed her outside of the great hall and went to the hospital wing. "pleas sit down children."
After they sat down Madam Dreemurr took of her glasses and also sat down. "You see" she Started "My Husband, Asgore, was asked to incpect the school after some Magical activitys that most definetly wheren't from a human, where found in the school. And Professor Gaster and the two Skelletons from the ministry where very bussy at that moment and my Husband recently went to rent so that was their best bet." They all looked at each other. They all knew about one skelleton from the ministry but they didn't about another.

Madam Dreemurr took a deep breath and contenued. "I Had to go with him for the case the thing that used the Magic attacked him. We couldn't just leave te kids alone at home so we brought them with us. we searched through the whole castleand we didn't find anyone or anything who could have done that." She is taking another deep breath like she is trying not to cry. The four feel guilty because of them she is most likely reliving a very bad memorie. "After a while we noticed that Asriel and Chara where missing and searchet for them callling out for them and asking the paintings if they saw anything from the two. And- and th- then"

Her eyes a start to fill with tears and her voice is really shaky. "We found chara but Asriel was still missing and then we noticed that chara was crying. I tryed to comfort him but then i noticed that his clotes where covered in dust." She stops tears rolling down her cheeks. They alredy know things about monsters from professor Gaster in the first year, and one of those things is what happens to a monsters body when it dies, it turns to dust. "Where you sure that the dust on Charas body was from Asriel?" Merida asked" This Castle existed for like a Thousand years dust is commonly found here."

Madam Dreemurr looked at her." My Child, you do not understand. Monster dust has a difference from normal dust wich when you know it is easy to see." She Stopped for a second. "And we where the only Monsters currently in the castle so" Madam dreemurr abruptly ends and stands up. "Now you know what happened so would you please go to your houses common room." She demanded.

No one talked to Chara the very next day and neither they did on the days to come. The Thought that he needed some Personal Space and time for himself so they focused on the Subjects and Homework. Lockhart is with no doubt better with the Theoratical part than the praktical. "Today we are going to take a look at some of the most feared parasites on this planet even if some of them aren't around any more" Lockhart said with his smug as always. "Though there really is only one that isn't around any more. Does anyone know what the 'Pink Purge' is?"

Everyone just thought 'The What exactly?' but Lockhart then explained it. "The Pink Purge is a Microscopical Parasite that existed up until 50 years ago where it was destroyed for good." He Turned and showed a picture of a Human with Pink skin attacking another human. "They Go into your body by openings in your skin like cuts and such and goes into your bloodstreem to your brain, wich can happen in a matter of seconds or minutes depending where they entered. Once they're in the Brain they take control imediatly to kill anything in sight."

Everyone wispered in the room and looked at everyone. "The Only way to make the Parasite leave the host is to make the Host do it itself, in other words Make the Host Remember who they realy are." Hiccup hold p his hand and asked "Was there any other known way to make the Parasite disapear?"

Lockhart looked at him and then said "There was but it was less eficient and way harder to perform. The Alternetive option to Make the Pink Purge disapear was in a form of a spell, the only one of it's kind but it had to be Preformed by atleast three wizards at once to be sucsesfully used."

Hiccup and Jack looked at each other. "And what was the spell called?" Hermoine asked curios. "It was called 'Plagus gonus imediatus' and the words had to be said seperatly one for each wizard or witch." After the Class ended they only talked about the Spell but also thought about Chara and hoe to make him feel better.

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