The Stilinski Girl ~~ Erica R...

By WhatintheHale17

103K 2.9K 768

Isabella Stilinski had experienced a lot over the first half of Sophomore year. She helped her older brother... More



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By WhatintheHale17

After what happened at the Sheriff's station the other day, Dad decided to set meetings up with the guidance counselor for Stiles and I. They had found Matt in the nearby river. Someone drowned him. I sit across from Ms. Morrell, my knee bouncing.

"Miss Stilinski. The more you don't talk, the longer this has to take" She starts off. "Why do I even have to do this?" I sigh out. "Because, you experienced trauma. And your Dad scheduled this. He expects you to involve yourself fully" Morrell explains.

"It wasn't that bad. What happened that night. Just some crazy dude who went on a killing spree because kids threw him in a pool when he was younger" I explain. "A crazy kid who eventually drowned" Morrell brings up. "He can't expect someone not to fight back when he tries to kill them" "Are you saying you're glad Matt's dead?" "Not exactly, no. I'm saying, he should have been more prepared for the consequences of his actions" I correct.

"And what is that?" "Back in the day, if you killed multiple people, the punishment was death. Of course, nowadays, serial killers go though court trials and such and it's more fair, but eventually, if you've killed enough, you do get sentenced to death" I explain. "So, you think he would have died anyway. Even if he was just a kid?" Morrell enquires.

"Possibly" I nod. "What about your brother? What does he think about it?" "I thought you just had a meeting with him" I point out. "In your mind, what does he think? Would he agree with you?" Morrell clarifies. "Both of us agree, Matt was a psychopath. I don't know if you heard or not, he was also a stalker. Had multiple pictures of him and Allison together whether it be holding hands or kissing. Some of those pictures were of her in her bedroom window even" I list off.

"So I've heard" She nods. "In my eyes, it's not a total loss to the world after all" I shrug. "What do you think about your Dad getting his title back?" "I'm ecstatic. My Dad deserves his title. He's worked hard for it and for them to just take it away from him, it made me angry. I think they made the right decision giving it back" I smile.

"How are you feeling now? Happy?" I look back down at my hands. "Happy my Dad got his title back, yes. My mood in general these days....I'm not sure. A mix, I guess" I frown. "You must be feeling some type of loss with the three runaways though, right? You and Erica were pretty close" Morrell brings up.

"Yeah, we were" I frown, playing my fingers. "Have you seen any sign of her or the other two" I look back up at her. "If I knew where they were, I would be smiling more, wouldn't I?" I point out. "I guess that's true. At least you still have Emily Hamilton though" She brings up. "Emily has been there for me lately" I smile.

"How did she react when she heard about the other night?" Morrell wonders. "She was worried. She was so worried, I thought she was gonna hyperventilate" I chuckle. "It must feel good. Knowing someone cares about you that much" "Yeah. I try and stick with her as much as I can. Her parents always seem to be out of town and I hate to think about her being lonely" I explain and Morrell nods.

"Do you ever feel lonely?" Morrell suddenly questions. I glance up at her confused. "What does that mean?" I narrow my eyes at her. "You can't hang out with all of your friends 24/7. What do you do when you're not hanging around with them?" "Nap. Daydream. Play some soccer." I list off. "And how do you feel then?" Morrell pushes.

"If this is about my mom, I'm fine" I assure her. "Then the thought of her doesn't make you feel pain anymore? You don't feel so alone?" "Sometimes I think about her. When I don't know how to do something, I ask myself what she would do. Sometimes, when I think about her, there's a pain in my chest. A feeling of...longing. And I wonder if I'm making the right choices or not. But, I've never really thought about loneliness. Because I still have Stiles and my Dad, and also Scott and Emily. And they remind me that there's more to life than just death" I explain.


Erica and I make out in my room considering my house was empty. "Wait, Bella" Erica pulls away. "What?" I ask, out of breath. "Earlier, Boyd and I heard something. It sounded like a whole pack. You should have heard them." Erica smiles. I frown and she notices. "This is really it then? You're just gonna leave me? After everything?" Erica places her hand over mine.

"You've been amazing. You changed me. You're my anchor and I love you. But, the Argent's have taken over. And they're after Derek which means they're also after me. It's a risk even coming to see you. I wish it didn't have to be like this but you also don't want me to die, do you?" Erica brings up.

"Of course not. Not in a million years. It's just...we just started this. I wish I had known you liked me sooner" I sigh. "I know. But, when all of this is over, I'll come back and find you. I promise" I smile, leaning in to kiss her again. "When are you leaving?" I ask. "Tonight. Boyd and I and maybe Isaac" Erica explains. I pull away again. "Does Em know?" I worry.

"I'm not sure if he's told her" Erica shrugs. "Hopefully, because then I'm going to have to pick up the pieces and I do not want to have to kick his werewolf ass" "I love when you get aggressive" She sighs, bringing me into another kiss. I pull away, looking at her seriously. "Whatever happens, we'll always be together." "Definitely" Erica agrees.


"Any sign of Isaac?" I ask as Emily and I find a spot on the bleachers. "Nope. Hasn't answered my texts either" Emily frowns. "Hey, if you need me to, I will hurt him" I promise her and she rolls her eyes. "No, I don't need you to hurt him. We have to wait until he actually breaks up with me first" "You don't think he will, right?" I bring up.

"I'm not sure. He is apart of the runaways. Have you talked to Erica?" I look around for anyone listening before leaning closer. "We just talked earlier" I smile. "Talked?" She quirks an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe more than that" I rub the back of my neck. "Why are they ditching school anyways? And why are they hiding out?" Emily wonders.

I bite my fingernails nervously. "I'll explain everything. I promise" She narrows her eyes at me. "Explain what?" "After the game, we'll talk" I assure her. She looks me over before sighing and nodding. "I should go check on Stiles. Will you be all right by yourself?" I ask as I stand up. "I'll be fine" She waves me off.

I head into the boy's locker room, running into Melissa. "Woah. Uh, hey Melissa. I didn't expect to see you" I admit. Apparently, when Erica and I had left, she had finally found out about Scott and his abilities. From what Scott had told us, she was completely ignoring Scott. So, for her to be here to support Scott, I was surprised.

"Hey, Isabella. Just, uh, looking for Scott" She laughs awkwardly. "Right, follow me" I start to lead her towards Scott and Stiles' lockers but Coach starts his ridiculous speech before we can reach Scott. "Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here, will be joining others from around the world" I walk up beside Stiles with a smile and he sends me a nod.

"And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind." "What?" Melissa looks around confused. "Mankind. That word should have new meaning for all of us today." Melissa walks up to stand on Stiles' other side, tapping him on the shoulder. "What the hell is he talking about?" Melissa wonders. "He does this every year." Stiles sighs. "Seriously?" "Yeah" "We are fighting for our right to live." "Yeah" Some of the team cheers.

"Wait, is this..." "Yeah, it's the speech from Independence Day." Stiles answers her unasked question. "But as the day the world declared in one voice..." "Coach's favorite movie" Stiles adds. "We will not go quietly into the night!" "He doesn't know any sports speeches?" "This is Coach we're talking about. He doesn't really care" I bring up. "Today we celebrate our independence day!" Coach finishes off and all the players cheer and roar.

"Well spoken, Coach" Gerard appears beside him with a friendly smile as I scowl. Melissa seems to tense at the sight of him. "I might have chosen something with a little more historical value, but there's no denying your passion. And while I haven't been here long, there's no denying my pride in having a winning team for this school. I know you'll all be brilliant tonight, even with only one co-captain leading you." Gerard glances over at Scott as Stiles and I share a look. Was he really benching Scott?

"Now, I'm your principal, but I'm also a fan. So don't think I'll be content to watch you merely beat this team. Get out there and murder them." Gerard finishes as Stiles and I look at each other with wide eyes. "You heard the man. Asses on the field!" Coach shouts. Scott quickly rushes up to him as I turn to Stiles while Melissa starts to walk out with the rest of the team.

"Something's going on around here. Something's going to happen, I can tell. Even if you're not playing, be careful tonight, okay?" "You won't have to worry about me" Stiles assures me. I walk out, catching up with Melissa. I lead her to where Emily and Dad were sat and take a seat between the two as Melissa sits on the other side of Dad. "How's he doing?" Emily asks.

"Stiles? You know him. He's...Stiles. I had to sit through the Independence Day speech again" I sigh. "Which is why I didn't come with you" Emily nods. "Oh, no. Why is my son running on the field?" I snap my head over towards the field at my Dad's statement and notice Stiles jogging onto the field. "He's in!" I say excitedly. Dad seems to realize that. "He's on the field." He stands up raising his fist in the air. "My son is on the field!" He exclaims as people look over at him.

"Okay, Dad. You can sit down now" I urge him, pulling him back down. As we wait for the game to start, everyone chatting with each other, I notice Scott looking back at us in worry and anger, glancing at Gerard. Gerard who seemed to be talking to himself. Something was definitely going to happen. And of course, it had to be the night Stiles finally gets to play. Lydia seems to join us, taking a seat beside Melissa, confusing Emily and I. Since when did Lydia talk to any of us?

As the game starts, Stiles....well Stiles has never really been good at the game. Which is why he usually spent his time at the bench. And in my opinion, currently, he should stay on the bench. The first time he gets the ball, Lydia, Melissa and Dad of course cheer, but it's short-lived as he gets tackled to the ground. Emily and I cringe at each other. "He's probably just warming up." Melissa tries to assures us.

The next time he gets the ball, he doesn't even really get the ball. It lays in the grass as he tries to scoop it up in his stick, only to be knocked to the ground as people groan. "Oh, he's just a little nervous. Plenty of time to turn it around" Lydia says optimistically. The next time he tries to get the ball, it misses his stick and instead hits him in the face which I laugh at. Of course, Dad hits my shoulder for laughing but it was still pretty funny as Emily and I silently laugh to ourselves. This game was gonna be a long one.

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