Hand Signs [A Deaf Naruto Fan...

By KoreanOreo

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Naruto was known throughout his village for a couple things. Besides the hatred and disgust that seemed to fo... More

Chapter 1: Normal
Chapter 2: Truth
Chapter 3: Bonds
Chapter 4: Ready or Not
Chapter 5: Traitor
Chapter 6: Team Seven
Chapter 8: Wave
Chapter 9: Demon of the Mist
Chapter 10: Hero
Chapter 11: Rage
Chapter 12: Return

Chapter 7: The Bell Test

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By KoreanOreo

So, this chapter was hard, not because of my ADHD or anything but because I wanted to change so much and therefore couldn't use much of the episode (episode and a half)... I ended up only changing the bits involving Naruto...mostly.

I was actually planning on breaking it where they initially fail but decided not to because you guys already know they pass (duh).

Team 7 officially becomes Team 7... with special guest appearances by Mama Iruka, friends Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino! Because we all needed more Mama Iruka in this mess (Mama Iruka is the best and we all love him)


Onto the Chapter!


Chapter Seven: The Bell Test


Originally they decided to meet after their team meeting, they still did, but the time was significantly later than they thought it would be. By the time Naruto managed to free himself from his new teacher it was almost dinner--not that it stopped Choji from eating multiple bags of chips before and throughout. Shikamaru found it necessary to talk about their teams as a group, mostly for the blond's sake if he was being completely honest, so they were meeting at his house. Really they were meeting in front of the Academy and then going to his house to sit with the deer while they talked but that was semantics.

Shikamaru arrived at their meeting place first, with Choji since they were on the same team, followed closely by Shino. Naruto didn't come until much later and when he finally did show up he looked...weird. That wasn't unusual for the blond, rather, he looked weirded out by something. Probably his new teacher. He was pretty sure Sasuke didn't have the capacity to be weird and Naruto was too used to Sakura being Sakura for anything she could've done to faze him.

"Are you okay, Naruto?" Choji asked between mouthfuls of chips.

"Yeah..." He paused for a moment, looking deep in thought before he grinned. "Let's go!"

The walk to the Nara compound was comfortably silent and when they got to the edge of the forest they sat in the soft grass, letting their stresses from the day fade away. Naruto kicked off the conversation not long after, just as a pair of deer made their way to the quartet.

"So how did your team meetings go?" Shikamaru already knew they were in for a story when Naruto's turn came.

"Asuma-sensei is cool, I guess. Being on a team with Ino is troublesome, though. I'm definitely not looking forward to our secondary test." Shikamaru answered around a yawn before laying back and staring at the clouds.

Naruto laughed and Choji offered his own opinion on their team placements.

"Asuma-sensei didn't really like that I was eating during our meeting but he didn't say much about it."

Choji's love for food was unrivaled, Shikamaru wondered if it outweighed his own love for sleep at times.

"Kurenai-sensei is nice but unconfident. Why? Because she's a new jounin and we are her first genin team. Hinata-san is very shy and unconfident as well and Kiba is the opposite," Shino was always straight to the point but it was nice that he liked his team so much. "What about your team, Naruto?

"Kakashi-sensei is weird," Shikamaru figured. "He wears his forehead protector over one of his eyes and covers his whole face with a mask. The only thing I can even tell you to describe what he looks like is that he's tall and has at least one dark eye and silver hair that defies gravity!"

Shikamaru snorted and poked Naruto in the stomach, making him jump.

"Everyone's tall compared to you."

Shino and Choji nodded and the blond pouted. He was the shortest in their class, shorter than even the girls only 145cm tall. Tiny.

He kept his thoughts regarding the whole mask thing to himself. He wasn't technically supposed to know about Naruto's disability yet. This did not stop him from wondering how he was planning on communicating with his new teacher, his concern was completely warranted.

"Anyway," Naruto was quick to try to change the subject and Shikamaru chuckled. "He's weird. Hard to read, all over the place... He's nice, I guess. Sasuke is Sasuke. Apparently he wants to kill someone and all Sakura talked about was her dream to be with Sasuke and have his babies," The face the blond made as he finished was hilarious but Shikamaru kept his laughter in check, since he was being serious.

Naruto was quiet for a moment before he continued.

"I honestly have no idea how we're going to pass this test."

"Just try to work with them. If they won't, your teacher will at least see that you put in effort." Shikamaru didn't know Kakashi or his test, but making an effort to work with people you don't get along with can be impressive--especially when you're young.

The sky turned orange as the sun prepared to set and the group of friends got ready to break for the night. Naruto looked anxious about something, but his eyes were determined

Shikamaru wondered if he was finally going to do it.


He was going to do it. He was. The stupid churning in his stomach wasn't going to stop him.

He was going to tell them. They deserved to know (though recently he began to suspect that Shikamaru already had an idea) he just hoped that none of them decided he wasn't worth their friendship anymore afterwards. He'd been dropped for less before, it wasn't far-fetched to think that his disability would negatively impact the way they saw him. He didn't want to lose them, though.

"H-hey," He cursed himself for the stutter he could feel catch in his throat. "I something to tell you guys."

The seriousness wasn't lost on them--thankfully they weren't as oblivious to social cues as he tended to be.

"What is it?" Naruto was sure it was asked but he couldn't tell who said it, he wasn't paying attention.

"I...I uh..." He took a moment to gather himself, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart before finally just saying it.

"I'm deaf."

No one said anything, and this time Naruto was paying attention. He watched their expressions carefully before noticing the only one who really looked surprised at all was Choji. Shikamaru just had a small smile and... it was kind of hard to tell with Shino. He couldn't see his eyes and could only barely see his mouth behind his high collar but he didn't seem surprised. Not even his version of surprised.

"Really?" Choji was one of the sweetest people he knew and his concern was genuine.

Naruto nodded shyly.

"Since birth, probably... I didn't actually know there was a problem until recently. That's why Iruka-sensei started teaching sign language in class, to help me communicate better."

The spirals on the big boned boy stretched into a smile. "Thanks for telling us, Naruto!"

The blond returned the smile tenfold, relieved that Choji didn't hate him.

"My kikaichu suspected there might've been a problem."

Naruto translated that to mean it wasn't surprising but he hadn't known for sure.

Shikamaru scratched the back of his head, not making eye contact and the blond knew immediately that the Nara had, at the very least, suspected he had hearing problems the entire time.

"The day Iruka-sensei talked to you about it, I expressed my... concern. He told me he noticed too and planned to talk to you. I probably should've told you that earlier, sorry."

Naruto was too happy that none of his friends were glaring at him to care.

"So you don't hate me?"

Now they looked confused.

"Why would we hate you?"

Naruto could've cried, he was so happy.

He definitely did not cry again.

Uzumaki Naruto wasn't a crybaby.


He headed to Iruka-sensei's apartment for dinner after saying good night and good luck to his friends. After he passed and after being lectured at Ichiraku Ramen, they'd made plans to talk about how his team meeting went even if Naruto probably would've been there anyway.

Iruka-sensei made fresh rice with pickled vegetables, a small bowl of oxtail stew and grilled mackerel. It smelled amazing and somehow even the vegetables looked appealing (Naruto had yet to figure out the man's secret to making something as gross as vegetables, or most of them anyway, so good). He took his place at the table and the academy teacher gave him a concerned look when he saw the tear tracks and red eyes. They both signed as they spoke.

"What happened, Naruto? Was it your team?" Iruka-sensei looked guilty for the team placement but the blond didn't care much for that now.

"No, I told Shikamaru, Choji and Shino. About my hearing."

"Why were you crying? Did they hurt you?" The brunette checked him over for physical wounds and looked deep into his eyes looking for emotional ones.

Naruto smiled.

"No. I was really happy."

Iruka-sensei paused for a moment before he smiled, ruffling his spiky blond locks.

"That's nice, Naruto, I'm happy for you," His older brother figure finally took his seat across from him. "Now, tell me how things went with your team. I know you and your teammates don't really..." He trailed off, both already knowing what the chunin meant to say.

"It was okay. While we were waiting, we didn't really talk. I pranked my new teacher because he took so long and Sakura pretended to disagree with my choice so she could seem mature to Sasuke," Seriously, Naruto just couldn't understand what was so great about the guy. "During introductions she said the thing she disliked was me and Sasuke said he wanted to kill someone. Kakashi-sensei didn't tell us anything except most of the class was going to fail the second test, that we're meeting at five and not to eat breakfast."

Naruto took a bite of his fish and Iruka-sensei paused just before the chopsticks could bring the food into his mouth.

"He said not to what?" He didn't sound angry, just confused and somewhat annoyed.

"He said if we ate breakfast we would throw up." Naruto's blue eyes blinked innocently.

"You're not skipping breakfast." He left no room for argument.

The blond had a feeling his new teacher would be hearing from Iruka-sensei sometime in the near future.

"Oh! And Kakashi-sensei was weird when we were leaving. He kept me a little after and talked about how he knew about my hearing--which I kind of figured since he made everyone do their introductions in sign language, and I already knew he had to know so..." Naruto ran out things to say and trailed off

He ended up staying the night, like he usually did when he had dinner at Iruka-sensei's.

He woke up to a breakfast of salmon, miso soup, pickled vegetables, white rice and a rolled omelet.

Naruto decided that he was grateful he didn't skip breakfast, even if he did end up getting sick during their test. It definitely would've been worth it, even if he was still completely exhausted.

He wondered briefly if Sakura's parents made her eat or if Sasuke ate too. Probably not.

Besides, if Kakashi-sensei wondered why he wasn't as hungry as his teammates he could easily say he was used to long periods of time without much food--it wouldn't even be lying, technically. It was true, getting food had been a hardship for a long time. He did love ramen but something so cheap was also just the better option--it just happened to work out that the cheapest option was also the most delicious. Iruka-sensei's cooking was still amazing though.

He arrived at the meeting spot at the same time as both of his teammates. 5 am exactly. The three of them wore the same drooping expression, unused to waking up at such an early hour. The worst part was that Naruto was almost certain that meeting so early was part of the cyclops's plan to make them wait for hours again.

He was definitely glad he ate breakfast.


It wasn't just two hours this time. Oh no, the scarecrow decided to make the three genin wait for six hours. The man didn't show up until after 11.

"You're LATE!" Sakura yelled, finally sending the message to wake up to his brain. She was loud.

Kakashi-sensei faked embarrassment.

He fake-coughed into his hand but Naruto could hear if he actually said anything.

He walked over to a timer that was sat on one of three wooden poles and set it for noon.

"Today's assignment is to take these bells," he pulled two bells from his pouch and held them up, signing with his free hand. "Away from me by noon. Those who can't do it won't get lunch. They'll be tied to that and I'll eat my lunch right in front of your eyes."

The pieces clicked together like a puzzle and the realization dawned on them of the true reason he didn't want them to eat breakfast. Luckily Naruto had Iruka-sensei to be a mother hen (he had a feeling that Shikamaru's mother, Yoshino-san, would've done something similar. Shikamaru would definitely call her troublesome for it, even if he ended up being grateful in the end).

"Hold on," Sakura's misery was short-lived. "Why are there only two bells?"

Even standing next to her, she spoke fairly quietly (when she wasn't talking about Sasuke or angry, at least), it was hard to hear what she was saying.

Kakashi-sensei gave the group of twelve year olds an eye-smile.

"There are only two, so at the very least, one person will go to the logs." He seemed really smug about that. "That person will be disqualified for failing the mission and will return to the academy. It might be one person, or it could be all three of you."

Of course.

Something about the whole thing seemed off, but he couldn't tell what. Shikamaru had definitely mentioned something that he should remember.

What was it again?

"You can use weapons. You won't be able to take these bells from me unless you come with the intent to kill me."

A jounin versus a genin? Even if they did there was almost no chance for a genin to win. Maybe if they managed to catch the higher ranked nin by surprise but taking down an experienced jounin alone was nearly impossible for a single genin.

Alone. Single.

Something about those words...

"But sensei! That's dangerous! You could get really hurt!" Sakura didn't seem to reach the same conclusion then and even if Sasuke did, Naruto would bet that he believed that it didn't apply to him because he's an Uchiha.

"In this world, those who complain the most tend to lack the most skill," Wow. "Begin when I give the go signal."

Distantly, Naruto summoned a single shadow clone and discreetly swapped places with it, hiding in the woods. Kurama had taught him to conceal his chakra signature fairly well, well enough that the jounin likely wouldn't notice until he really started looking.

Kakashi-sensei gave the signal and his clone along with Sasuke and Sakura leapt off to hide. The one-eyed jounin looked around for a while before pulling out an orange book that said Icha Icha Paradise on the cover with a large red circle with a slash-mark through it.

His clone charged in like an idiot and the jounin easily dodged every blow but didn't strike back. He managed to get behind his duplicate after minutes of going back and forth, dodging another punch. It happened quickly. One second he was in range and the next the man was behind him, making the tora hand sign. Almost a definite sign of a fire style jutsu. Distantly he could barely hear Sakura yell something to his clone.

"Konohagakure Hidden Taijutsu Technique: One Thousand Years of Death!" Kakashi's voice boomed loud enough for Naruto to hear from his hiding place.

He jammed his hand forward and his fingers made contact with the clone's backside, sending him flying before it landed in the water, poofing away not long after.

The clone's memories came rushing back and in an instant the real Naruto intimately understood the terror that was the One Thousand Years of Death technique.

The words he'd said to the clone echoed in his head.

"Ninja shouldn't let their enemy get behind them."

He decided immediately that the next prank he played on the man wouldn't be something nearly as simple as an eraser trap. He would feel Naruto's wrath if it killed him.


Kakashi was bored.

At least up until discovering that the Naruto that had been fighting him had been a clone. That had been interesting--not that it mattered, the memories would still reach the original who would no doubt feel the phantom pain of his technique. The jounin went back to reading his book, easily catching the two shuriken that came flying his way from the direction of Sasuke's chakra.

He expected an attempt from Sakura, who was hiding under a shrub, but instead several more Naruto clones rose from the water. Shadow clones split the user's chakra in half with each clone formed, that was why it was labeled Kinjutsu, and the fact that Naruto was able to conjure seven clones at his current level was impressive. Even if it was highly doubtful the boy could actually keep them for very long.

Kakashi thought back to the events from the week before. Naruto had stolen the Scroll of Sealing and had reportedly used it to learn the Kage Bunshin, which he then used to defeat the traitorous chunin academy teacher, Mizuki.

The clones rushed him and he couldn't actually tell if the real one was among them.

Suddenly one was on his back.

"Ninja shouldn't let their enemy get behind them... Right, Kakashi-sensei?"

The other orange-clad clones rushed him, grabbing his legs and holding him in place. Another clone jumped, preparing to beat the man into the ground.

Before his small foot could make contact Kakashi was gone and the clones crashed together before they all dispelled.

Still not the real one.

The trap he set was useless then.

Not bad for someone who was called an idiot by just about everyone. He actually wasn't sure if the obvious trap he'd set would've worked on the blond to begin with.

He dropped down from the tree to pick up the bell he'd left to bait his trap.

More shuriken, now mixed with kunai, came flying toward him--Sasuke's aim wasn't bad--but substituted himself with a log before they made contact.

Sasuke's chakra, as well concealed as it was, began moving and Sakura chased after him not long after. The real Naruto was still nowhere to be found.

The pink haired girl ran quickly stopping when she saw the one-eyed man reading his orange booking the clearing below. She stopped and quieted her breathing, watching the jounin carefully.

"Sakura, behind you."

She turned her head to see the jounin right behind her, watching with his bored looking eye.

Sakura screamed.


Sending the girl into a genjutsu was easy. Kakashi, and pretty much anyone who listened to her talk for more than five minutes, knew her what her weakness was.


The mere idea of the boy getting hurt was enough to drive her mad, so that's what he did.

The illusion of the blue-clad ravenette was enough for her to faint.

"Maybe I went a bit overboard..." He mumbled to himself, turning the page of his book. "But it's really something she should notice."

He could feel the Uchiha's dark eyes watching him.

"Shinobi battle skill number two: Genjutsu,"

"I'm different from them," Ever the cocky Uchiha prodigy.

"Why don't you say that after you get a bell...Sasuke?" The voice was coming from behind him and just as he thought, the pale boy really was like the other two--no matter how much he rejected the idea.

Sasuke turned and they stared at each other for a moment before the fresh shinobi launched another batch of shuriken at him. Kakashi easily dodged it.

"It's no use just using straightforward attacks."

Sasuke only smirked, throwing another shuriken, allowing it to cut a rope.

A trap?

He dodged the onslaught of kunai that were released yet again and the boy came up behind him, sending a kick toward his head.

He blocked it, easily catching his ankle.

Sasuke turned, attempting to punch him in the face instead.

Kakashi grabbed his wrist.

He maneuvered himself to send another kick with his free leg but the jounin blocked it. Sasuke smirked, reaching for the bell with his free hand. His finger barely grazed it before Kakashi realized and dropped him, sliding away.

The jounin was impressed. He wouldn't be able to read Icha Icha Paradise while fighting this one.


While Kakashi-sensei was distracted fighting Sasuke, Naruto went looking for Sakura.

He figured it out.

It took watching his clone work to realize but he finally noticed what he was doing by attacking with his clones, finally noticed what their teacher wanted.


"Just try to work with them. If they won't, your teacher will at least see that you put in effort."

Shikamaru was right again. Like always. Naruto was grateful he had the taller boy as a friend.

Sakura was exactly where Kakashi-sensei left her after placing her under the Genjutsu, still passed out in the grass of the clearing.

"Sakura," Naruto shook her shoulder in an attempt to wake her. "Sakura!"

The pinkette sat up groggily.


Her green eyes hardened as she remembered whatever she'd seen, something to do with Sasuke if her scream was anything to go by, and she shot up.

"Sasuke-kun! Don't die and leave me here!" She looked around. "Where are you?!"

"Sakura," She finally noticed the blond and aimed a glare down at him.

"What do you want? Can't you see I have to go save Sasuke-kun?"

Naruto held back a groan.

"No, we don't. He's fine. He's fighting Kakashi-sensei. Anyway, I figured out the test."

"What's there to figure out? We get the bells or we fail. Now, if you'll excuse me, Sasuke-kun needs my help!" She turned, her hair whipping behind her with the force. Her anger was loud, even if he could make out all the words she said, it was easy to fill in the gaps.

"We have to work together, Sakura!"

She ignored him


"Maybe you are different from those two," It wasn't by much, and Kakashi would guarantee it was because he lived most of his life in a clan--which gave him advantages the Naruto and Sakura didn't have as civilians.

Even if Naruto shouldn't have grown up as a civilian.

Sasuke quickly went through some hand signs.



"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!"

Kakashi wasn't expecting this. Genin normally don't have enough chakra, but being the son of the clan head and having access to the scrolls of his deceased clan... Maybe he should've expected something like it anyway.

A blaze of fire came from Sasuke's mouth but when the smoke and fire cleared the jounin was gone.

Sasuke searched frantically for the older man.

Behind him? No.

Above him? No.

So where...?

"I'm below you!" The voice was muffled but it didn't lie.

A gloved hand came up from the grouch and took hold of Sasuke's bandaged shin.

"Doton: Headhunter jutsu!"

Sasuke was pulled into the ground.

He screamed.

The bells on Kakashi's belt jingled as he crouched to the level of Sasuke's head, which was the only thing poking out from the ground.

"Shinobi battle skill number three: Ninjutsu." Sasuke scoffed. "How's that? You can't move, huh?"

"Hn," the black haired boy turned his head away from the jounin as best he could.

"Although, you're already starting to make your mark. But oh well... They do say that the nail which sticks up gets hammered down, so... " Kakashi pulled out his book and walked away, faintly hearing the disembodied head curse.


When it went silent, Naruto had to act. Sasuke was no longer keeping the scarecrow busy and he needed more time.

From the tree, just above where Kakashi had originally set his trap, Naruto could see two bento boxes sitting behind a large stone.

He got an idea.

His stomach was still fine from breakfast, although that had been hours ago and the stress on the clones' bodies echoed through him.

He made his move, sitting behind the stone with the food and clapping his hands together to give thanks.



Just as planned, the jounin appeared behind him, like he was in tune with every move they made that went against his plan for them.


With Kakashi-sensei busy with the lunch-stealing clone, Naruto went to find Sasuke.

He didn't want to work with him, at all, but it was his only chance. Not only to get a bell but to pass just in general. Besides, the older boy was the only one who'd be able to get Sakura to work with them.

He expected the raven to be tied up, perhaps, or maybe knocked out. He did not expect to see him buried from the neck down. It was like Christmas had come early! Sasuke was never going to live it down (he wished he had a camera) and it was the perfect way to get him to work together!

He crouched down near Sasuke's sneering head.

"What do you want, Loser?" The insult only made him grin.

"Considering you're the one buried in the ground, I would say it's more fitting for you," Naruto smirked. "I still haven't given it a proper shot yet."

He wouldn't be able to get the bells. Not on his own. But Sasuke, despite being a massive jerk, was skilled. He'd seen the boy touch the bell not long before he found Sakura.

There was no such thing as a three man cell when it came to genin though. So either they'd pass with Sakura or all three would fail.

The blond was surprised at his memory sometimes, he was still getting used to actually knowing things.

Sasuke raised a brow.

"Those were clones, both times. I, the real one, haven't touched him. But! I have this test figured out."

The skeptical look in his eyes upon hearing the words matched Sakura's and he was tempted to verbalize the similarities.

"For people that scored at the top of the class, you're both pretty dumb sometimes," Naruto ignored the offended look. "I saw you both, when my clones were attacking Kakashi-sensei, you were impressed up until he used my clones against themselves and left. That's the point. You saw the difference in strength, even compared to you. He's too strong for one genin alone. He wants us to work together."

"Are you an idiot?" Why was no one listening to him? "There's only two bells! He said before that at least one of us was going back to the academy, even if we did work together." He spat.

"Yes, Sasuke. There are two bells. The point was to pit us against each other. If there are two bells, then in order for any of us to get them we'd have to put our personal interests aside. The failure rate wasn't for each individual team it was for the graduating class of twenty seven. How many teams would that mean are going to pass?"

It was weird. He sounded smart even to himself. He was no genius--it took him far too long to figure it out to be that (Shikamaru would've had it figured out before Kakashi-sensei finished giving his instructions, he just knew it).

"Three." His voice was quiet and he couldn't quite hear the boy but he'd gotten quite good at reading lips (not that his teacher was very helpful with that, wearing a mask and all).

"Genin teams are always four people. One jounin and three genin. We either pass together or we fail together."

Sasuke contemplated this for a moment before Sakura ran out from the treeline.

She looked at Sasuke and he stared back emotionless.

"Sakura..." Whatever he was going to say was cut off by her screams.

"This time it's a freshly severed head?!"

She fainted. Again.

Sasuke looked up at the blond, who watched the scene with a similarly confused and weirded out expression.

"What's up with her?"

Naruto laughed. Apparently the Great Sasuke Uchiha was human after all, he wasn't usually so dense. Maybe his brain only worked when his body was able to move.

"The genjutsu she was under had something to do with you," the blond shrugged. "She said something about you dying and leaving her here when she ran away from me."

He looked at Sakura before turning back to Sasuke's head.

"We don't have much time. Kakashi-sensei is going to find us soon, especially with that scream. Are you in or not? If not I can leave you here," It wasn't much but it was the only incentive he could think of besides passing--which really should've been enough to begin with but Sasuke was still doubting him.

One would think that after such a massive improvement in class he would have a higher opinion of the blond than the dirt on my shoe but it didn't matter much. Sasuke could either agree, or find a way to get out on his own. Just because Naruto wasn't being a jerk didn't mean he had to be nice. A mutually beneficial and completely temporary relationship was about as good as Sasuke was going to get until he learned to lighten up--and until he removed the stick that seemed to be permanently shoved up his ass and learned he wasn't as good as he thought he was.

It wasn't likely to happen but if they were going to get anywhere as a team they'd have to learn to get along in some capacity. Naruto was willing to be the bigger person if it was actually going to get him somewhere.

If Sasuke still, Naruto might just have to take the F and try again the next year--maybe convince Gai-sensei to take on a fourth student, if Hokage-jiji let him.


When Sakura woke up, Sasuke was kneeling over her and Naruto was gone--not that it was likely she'd even noticed him to begin with. She sprung up and hugged the silent, pale boy.

"You're okay!"

Sasuke's attempts to push her off were in vain.

"There's not much time left until noon," Naruto dropped from a nearby tree and cut him off.

"Like I tried to tell you earlier, we need to work together. We're running out of time."

Sakura looked conflicted.

"There's really no time left though... Why don't we just try again next time?"

Sakura scratched her blushing cheek and gave Sasuke her best smile. It didn't work on him, it sent his mind somewhere.

Time ticked away.

Sasuke mumbled something Naruto couldn't hear but Sakura seemed concerned and a little frightened.

They continued in a back and forth that Naruto couldn't hear.

"--an avenger... that man... set--acks."

Sakura's eyes widened and the timer went off.

It was over.

They failed.

They all failed and somehow, some way, Naruto was the only one tied to the log.

How could he ever think this could've possibly ended any different? All he could think now was how disappointed Iruka-sensei was bound to be, how Shino and Shikamaru and Choji had almost definitely passed.

Maybe he was destined to be a failure just like Neji always said. All because he got stuck with teammates who hated him and a teacher who seemed to be just like everyone else.


Sasuke and Sakura's stomachs growled and Naruto hoped Kakashi didn't notice that his didn't. He seemed pretty annoyed and angry already and he didn't want to be the one to make it worse, especially with no quick way to escape. The ropes were tight and dug into his arms. If he really needed to he could probably slide out--it would be painful but it was possible. Being this vulnerable made him nervous, especially around people he didn't trust.

"Well! There's no need for you three to go back to the academy!" Something about the false cheer in his voice--even mixed with some kind of genuine joy--gave Naruto a bad feeling. Considering he was just speaking loudly and not using sign language, the feeling was heightened.

Sasuke and Sakura didn't seem to pick up on it if the hope on their faces was anything to go by.

"Then..." Sakura said something he couldn't make out well and Sasuke just smirked while she jumped around in celebration.

Kakashi-sensei signed this time.

"You three should quit being Ninjas!"

He knew trusting his gut was the way to go with this one. The blond wasn't even surprised.

Sakura looked mortified and Sasuke looked angry. Angrier than he'd ever seen the pale boy before. If Naruto hadn't seen some of the angriest people--mostly violent drunks--while trying to make it through his childhood it probably would've been frightening.

He rushed the cyclops man and was easily pinned. Kakashi-sensei's heavier body sat on top of the boy's back with a foot on his head and a strong grip on his arm.

Naruto could see his jaw moving but without signs and without being able to see the man's lips he had no way of knowing what he was saying.

"Don't step on Sasuke-kun!" He could hear Sakura's outraged scream very clearly, though.

"Don't you--et--ree people--squad." Probably something about teamwork but Naruto wished he would just let go of Sasuke's arm so he could actually understand. Learning sign language as fast as he had was for a reason. If he wanted to talk then he should take his damn mask off.

"Teamwork." He said it quietly and he couldn't tell if it was clear but Kakashi-sensei heard him clearly.

Sasuke and Sakura stared at him, green and almost-black filled with shock and realization as they looked at the blond. If Naruto were anyone else he'd think there was also guilt in there. Even if there was, it wasn't for him, it was because they failed because they disregarded him.

"--t've--en--ble--to--ake--the bells--ree--ou..." Something about how if the three of them worked together it would've been easier to get the bells.

"Why use teamwork if there are only two bells?!" He'd forgotten that Sakura hadn't been there when he explained it to Sasuke. "If the three of us were to try to take the bells and one of us still had to hold back, it wouldn't be teamwork! It would just create internal issues!"

Whatever Kakashi-sensei said as an explanation must've been pretty similar to his own if the look Sasuke gave him meant anything. He released Sasuke's arm and began signing. Sasuke didn't move.

"Sakura, the entire time you were only concerned about Sasuke, even when you didn't know where he was. You completely ignored Naruto, even when he tried to help you--he even tried to tell you the answer," He heard that? Did he have clones listening?

"Naruto! You tried to help your teammates but you didn't make any real effort to take the bells," He supposed that was fair but he was intending to do it once he actually got his teammates on his side.

"Sasuke! You labeled the other two as hindrances and acted on your own," His foot pressed down harder on the boy's head to make his point clear.

"Missions are carried out in squads. There is no mistaking that Ninjas need unsurpassed individual skill but teamwork is considered more important than that. Individual actions that disrupt teamwork throw the team into crisis and lead to death... for example..."

He reached into his pouch and grabbed a kunai, taking Sasuke's free arm and restraining it again. His voice raised.

"Sakura! Kill Naruto or Sasuke dies!"

This was why he didn't like to trust people. He was sure this was just an example and no real harm would come from it. Sakura wouldn't be able to kill him, he was almost positive of that, but she'd definitely try before coming to the same conclusion. He had to have faith that Kakashi-sensei would put an end to it before something did happen.

Sakura stood mouth agape and staring at the jounin. He couldn't tell if she was considering it.

He stopped before anyone did anything--thankfully.

"...is what will happen."

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief and Naruto suppressed his own. No one needed to know he was genuinely worried about Sakura stabbing him for Sasuke's sake.

He spun the kunai on his finger for a moment before he continued signing.

"On top of having a hostage taken, you're faced with two impossible choices and end up being killed," He got off of Sasuke. "Every mission is a life-risking assignment."

He walked to the carved stone in front of them. From where he was tied he could barely read the names on it but the familiar spelling of his own last name distracted him from even trying to make out what their teacher was saying.

Gai-sensei had taken him here once and explained it. The memorial stone, carved with the names of shinobi who were killed protecting their village. When he mentioned the name Uzumaki Kushina all the spandex-clad man could say was that it wasn't his place to tell. Naruto knew that this woman had to be family somehow maybe his mother, maybe a sister, maybe an aunt. He didn't know, but he wanted to.

He wondered if his father was on the stone too.

He wondered if Kakashi-sensei knew the answers to his questions.


Kakashi-sensei ended up agreeing to give them another chance. Naruto didn't know why or what he was planning but he didn't trust it. He said it would be harder this time. He didn't doubt it.

"Those who want to take on the challenge can eat lunch," He'd told them, hands moving quickly through signs. "However, don't let Naruto have any."

There was a knowing look in his exposed eye and the blond couldn't tell if it was because the man knew he'd had breakfast or if it was because he'd figured out the test. Maybe it was something else all together.

"It's punishment for breaking the rules and attempting to eat lunch on your own." Somehow Naruto didn't believe that.

"It was a clone!"

"Of you."

The tall jounin walked closer and stared down at them menacingly.

"If someone lets him eat, they'll be disqualified on the spot. I make the rules, here. Got it!?"

He left. They didn't know where and Naruto couldn't sense him close by--he wasn't ready to show any of them his secret technique yet.

Sasuke and Sakura ate happily in front of him. It was the smiles on their faces that pissed him off more than the actual eating part. He drooped. Even knowing they hated him, it still hurt that they were so happy to leave him out. Especially when there was a time he'd been Sasuke's friend.

He didn't notice Sasuke looking at him out of the corner of his eyes until he shoved the bento he'd been eating from in his whisker-marked face.


Naruto blinked. He wasn't quite sure what the boy was expecting from him, being bound and all, but he appreciated what he was trying to do.

Sakura objected.

"Sasuke-kun! Sensei just said--!"

Sasuke shook his head.

"It's okay. He's not here right now. The three of us are going to take the bells together like he originally wanted. It will only be more difficult if Naruto lacks strength because he's hungry."

Maybe it wasn't as nice as he thought. Maybe he was lying.


Sakura looked down at her own bento lunch and back at the tied-up blond. She gulped before holding the box out to him as well.

If he still had a crush on her his eyes might've gone glassy from happiness. He was glad he didn't, he'd been crying too much recently--even if it was from happiness.

"Thanks," It was genuine too.

"Don't thank me just hurry up and eat it!"

Naruto gave her a flat look.

"How do you expect me to eat it when I'm tied up?"

She shook with anger and Sasuke said something he couldn't hear that spurred her into picking up the chopsticks and holding a bite of rice up to him.

He really wasn't super hungry but he wasn't about to admit that he'd broken another rule when they were being given a second chance. He took the bite.

As soon as he swallowed there was a large gust of wind and swirling dust and smoke.

Kakashi-sensei popped out of it. He'd probably been listening the entire time.

"You three...!" His voice boomed and it was almost clear in Naruto's ears.

Sakura screamed in fear and his own breathing quickened slightly.

"You defied the rules so that means you know what's coming..." His signs were harsh and deliberate.

He performed a series of hand signs and a bolt of lightning struck the ground, making it shake.

"Do you have anything to say?"

Sakura was shaking and over the booming vibrations of thunder, Naruto couldn't find the strength to speak.

"We're a three man squad right?" Sasuke's voice was loud, but still muffled by the thunder that attacked Naruto's ears and threw off his sense of balance.

The shaking stopped.

"That's right! The three of us are one, so...!" Sakura joined it, apparently rejuvenated by Sasuke's boldness.

Honestly, he'd been expecting both of them to somehow make him the fall guy.

He shook his head firmly.

"That's right."

"The three of you are one, eh?"

He walked closer, staring each of them down with his unreadable eye.

He bent down to their level.

"You pass!" Pink dusted the visible skin of his cheek and it almost looked like he could be smiling under the black fabric that covered his face.



"You pass!"

"We passed?! Why?" Apparently all three of them were confused.

The dark clouds faded and the sun came back.

"You guys are the first. Up until now it was always dunces who would meekly listen to what I said," He stood up straight. "A Ninja must see through deception. In this world, those who break the rules are scum but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum."

Naruto decided he liked that saying (even if he never was one to follow rules to begin with).

Maybe Kakashi-sensei was kind of cool after all.


Naruto regretted those words as soon as they got their next mission based on the name alone.

Capture the Demon Cat, Tora.

Or he would've if not for the simple fact that apparently neither of his teammates were good with animals.


There we have it, Team 7 is officially Team 7 and they're already on a mission to capture Tora! How great! And Naruto was finally honest with his BFFs!

For those curious, Naruto totally has a knack for working with animals and 100% is the only one (besides Kakashi) to get out of that mission with no scratches. I can just imagine him gently holding the cat while Sakura and Sasuke nurse their bleeding scratches while Naruto grins smugly because his plan worked when no one else's did. He definitely gets it from being around the Nara deer, not to mention his other secret.

If anyone wants me to write it in the beginning of the next chapter I totally will, by the way.

As stated last chapter, we're jumping right into the Wave Mission next week! How exciting! Here's were things get especially different people, be ready!

Thanks for all your comments/kudos and special thanks to everyone who's added this story to their bookmarks! I can't believe the response this story, and my other one, have been getting! You're all seriously amazing! Every notification makes my day, guys.

See you all next week for Chapter 8!

Don't forget to vote in the poll on my profile for the final pairing! I've mentioned it before but the pairing isn't going to be the major focus and will mostly stay in the background but I still want everyone to have their voice, so vote! Poll is on my FF.net page (link on my profile)


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