Honey | HS

By ImpureStyles

78.7K 1.1K 404

Insane. Psychotic. Deranged. Unstable. A few words one might describe him.... Or was he just trying to find h... More



2.2K 48 10
By ImpureStyles


My stomach twisted into knots everytime I thought about him. I felt like someone reached into my chest and ripped my heart out.

Half the time I had felt like I was being shoved under the water and held there. Struggling to get air.

But the only good part was that I had been staying in California for a week and a half now. And I can honestly say, I feel okay being here. It gets my mind off of him, most of the time.

My room was the same as I left it. And the house hadn't changed all that much except my mom had gotten some new furniture.

"Celeste!" my mom shouts from downstairs. Making my way down, I traveled into the kitchen. The tiles are cold against my bare feet.

"Are you ready?" she asks as she looks through her purse. I press my lips together, unsure if I even want to go. This is like the fourth cousin I am going to see. My mom had basically planned it out that I see all my family.

Because apparently they all miss me terribly and need to see me right away.
Just end me now.

Rubbing my face, I head over to the door and shove on my sandals.

Pulling up to my cousins house, I felt like I had stepped into another universe. Another party, another headache.

· · ·

We ended up getting back late. It was after 12 when I had laid down after my shower. I felt sun burnt from spending several days at the beach. It was pretty exhausting, not gonna lie.

Laying in bed is when I thought of Harry the most.

Staring at the ceiling, I wondered if he was doing better. It's been a little more than a month since the last time I had seen him.

Tomorrow, I'm suppose to go to the beach and LA with my old friend from high school. Melissa was one of my closest friends in freshman year before we drifted apart. She had seen I was in town and demanded we hung out and catch up. I'm a bit nervous now.

My eyes shoot open as I hear my phone ringing from the nightstand. I don't even remember falling asleep. The room was still dark.
What time was it?

Sitting up, I pick up my phone and I squint looking at it. My eyes widen as I see who it is.

My eyes dart to the time.

2:21 AM

I furrow my eyebrows. I wonder what has him calling me at this time of night. My mind goes back to the night he had called me when he almost commited suicide.

My heart races as I quickly answer, pressing the phone to my ear. All I could hear is heavy breathing.

"Harry...?" I speak softly.

"Celeste.....you answered. I didn't think you would answer" he croaks out.

He sounds so broken. I close my eyes as his wave of sadness floods through the phone. Making me feel even worse. 

"What's wrong Harry?" I ask as I stare at the wall. Hoping it isn't something serious.

"I had a nightmare" he whispers into the phone. "It was bad and I woke up thinking it was real" he says lowly.

I frown at myself and run my fingertips over the soft duvet cover. "What was it about? if you don't mind talking about it?" I ask, unsure if it was too upsetting for him.

"You" he says and he takes a shaky breath "you got hurt. And I couldn't save you. And you.....you died in my arms" he says and his voice cracks at the end. "I couldn't save you" he adds on a few seconds after.

Shaking my head, I just wanted to hold him. Time had made me forget what he had done. I didn't feel impacted by it anymore.

"It's not real Harry" I say and I hesitate to say the next thing.
"I wish I was there with you to comfort you" I say as I lay back onto the bed.

"But I'm in California right now" I continue on and I could hear shuffling and a weird noise in the phone.

"Wait. You are? So am I" he says and I could feel my heart plummet to the ground. He's here, only twenty or so minutes away from me.

What are the fucking odds.

"Can I come to you?" he asks and I sit back up. My nerves starting to kick in high gear. And I could feel the tingles dancing already.

My body itching to have his touch. His large hands, touching my skin.

"Okay" I say before I could even think. What is wrong with me?

"Send me your address. I'll be over" he says quickly as he hangs up.

Texting him my address, I nearly fall out of my bed as I turn on the side lamp. My eyes scanning my messy room. My clothes sprawled on the sofa bench at the foot of my bed.

Quickly, I throw all my clothes into the closet and I shut the door. Going to the mirror, I look at the silly heart pajamas I am wearing and nearly gag at myself.


Shuffling through my drawers, I put on some silk pajama shorts and I leave the tank top I have on. Fixing my hair into a messy bun, I quietly make my way downstairs.

Slipping out, I find my way onto the porch, I sit and wait for him.

My knee shakes vigorously up and down. This is Harry we are talking about. I need to just calm myself down.

But it is Harry. Harry who is a basket case. Harry who followed me and stalked me. And watched me sleep. Harry who I can't stop thinking about. I could never stay away.

I have it bad for a psychopath. But maybe it's not that bad?

And frankly, I don't even care anymore. I'm tired of this. Go ahead and call me one as well. Because not a day goes by that I don't think about him. Him and his green eyes and that beautiful smile.

My anxiety raises as I see a newer grey pick up truck slow down and park at the curb.

I stand as I see him come out of the truck. He is dressed in some gym shorts and a t-shirt. I watch as he climbs the stairs to my porch and stops in front of me. His hair was a bit longer from the last time I had seen him.

We stare at each other and I could see the corners of his lips turn up.

I couldn't help but smile back.

The fireworks going off in my stomach. It was the Forth of July in there. I look down to the ground, being shy.

Why the fuck am I like this?

"I've missed you" he mumbles and I lift my head up, seeing the bright smile on his face. He holds out his hand, his eyes glancing down to my own.

I take it, his hand is warm and inviting. Quickly, I am being pulled into his arms. My face buried into his chest. I felt safe. I had felt the weight of everything drifting away and the tension had been lifted off of my shoulders.

I could hear his heart rapidly beating but I knew mine met the pace of his own.

It felt like a lifetime since I was in his arms and I felt so peaceful. I didn't want it to end.

Pulling away, I lead him inside as he slips off his shoes and I make my way up the stairs.

Once we reach my room, I close the door behind him and I watch as he takes in the room. His eyes moving from one thing to the next. I could see the amusement on his face as he stared at my Jonas Brothers poster. Still left on the wall from my teenage years.

He doesn't say anything though as he slips into the bed and sits against the headboard. There wasn't going to be no space between us as my bed was a full size.

Oh god.

Turning off the light, I go onto my side of the bed. As I laid down next to him, I stared up at the ceiling. "How long have you been here?" he asks and I glance up at him.

"A week, almost two" I say and he nods his head. His glance now moving down to the covers. "I've been here for a month or so" he says and I raise my eyebrows.

I didn't even know he left Seattle. "Your staying with your parents?" I ask and he seems to tense up.

"Yes" he says and I nod, looking away towards the wall. I could feel him sliding down and laying next to me. 

I was nervous. I've done this a good amount of times. But yet, I feel like hiding in the corner.

"I'm doing better" Harry breaks the silence. Glancing at him through the darkness, I see him staring up at the ceiling with his arms bent behind his head.

"I'm happy to hear that" I say and I smile slightly. "I went into a health facility" he mumbles and I could feel his hand move and his fingertips touch my arm. I felt like a bolt of lightning has shot through me.

"How was it?" I ask and he hums then says "it was okay. I was there for a little over a week" he speaks softly as his fingertips move along my skin.

"I've been getting extra help" he says and I start to wonder what even made him like this?

I'm scared to ask.

Working up the courage, I break the silence, "I want to know what caused you so much trauma and hurt".

His fingertips stop moving on my skin. And I glance up at him to see him staring at the ceiling.

"My parents aren't together. But growing up they were. My dad, he made me into a version of himself. He was a monster. To me" he says and takes a deep breath and I almost interrupt him. It felt too personal and I didn't want to force him into speaking about it.

It's obviously a heavy subject. One that's caused him years of chaos and stress.

He continues to speak "My dad would do cruel things to me. Things a father never should do to a child" he says and I could feel my chest aching. I felt so sad. Its no wonder he is this way. He's acting out from the terrible actions someone he wanted love from, but only got terrible treatment.

I thought he was done speaking but he continues on a minute later "someday I will tell you what he did. But I don't want you to be upset right now. It's in the past. And I'm doing better" he says and I turn to him and I hesitantly touch his face.

"Lets sleep" I say softly and he puts his arm around me.

It took me a while to fall asleep. I had spent hours staying up and thinking it all through. Staring at him while he slept, I only wished it was all better for him.

Waking up in the morning, I stared at him as he laid there next to me. I took in every detail and every curve of his face. He was carved from the gods. And I could never understand what a man looking like him, was spending time with me?

I slowly eased my way out of the bed. Causing Harry to stir lightly in his sleep. He looked so cute and cuddly. I wanted to stay there with him forever.

As I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, I felt like I was keeping a secret as I saw my mom sat at the kitchen counter.

Making myself a cup of coffee, I felt drained from the lack of sleep. The time on the wall telling me I had woken up a little too early for my liking.

"How did you sleep?" her voice soft as she eyes me and I shrug "alright I guess" I say as I fix my coffee with sugar and cream.

"Do you have plans today?" she asks and I nod slightly "I'm suppose to go out with Melissa".

Her eyebrows raise, shock shown on her face. "Melissa Torres? From high school?" she asks as she sips at her coffee.

I hum as a reply and I just keep my eyes on the counter as I test out my coffee. Setting it down, I add more sugar and stir it with the spoon.

"Have you ever thought about talking to your other friends you had during high school. You know like Olivia? Amber?" she asks with a hint of suspision in her eyes, staring me down with that knowing look.

"Mom, you know they weren't really my friends. You know what happened" I say and she presses her lips together.

"Celeste, they had came by several times when you left. They wanted to apologize" she states and looks at her ipad.

"Okay. I don't care" I say sternly and I go into the cupboards, searching for something to eat.

It's silent between my mom and I as I shovel cereal into my mouth. Once I was done, I cleaned my bowl. I froze in my spot as I turned around.

Behind my mother, Harry stood in the doorway. My mom didn't even know he was there. I wondered how long he has been standing there.

He looks to my mother and back at me and I mouth 'no' but he doesn't listen as he clears his throat.

She quickly turns around and eyes him. Her eyes are wide and as she looks to me, I could see the suspicious look she gives me.

Harry walks over to her, sticking his hand out to her. "I'm Harry. Your daughters friend" he says, giving her that big smile.

A smile slowly grows onto her face as she shakes his hand. I watch in horror as they converse. Immediately I could tell she was already under his spell.

"Friend huh?" she looks to me raising her brow. "It's like High school all over again. With you sneaking boys up to your room in the middle of the night" she says with amusement laced in her words and Harry looks to me with a questionable look.

My face feels hot and I feel extremely embarrassed. I wasn't ready for my parents to meet him. I wasn't ready for any of this. And how the fuck did she know about that?

"I didn't know you knew I did that" I say as I timidly look down to the counter. "It was only like.....two" I mumble. Trying to clarify that I wasn't a whore.

"I know about everything that goes on in this house. Just like how your father sneaks off to the garage to drink" she says and I look at her bewildered.

"Dads drinking again?" I ask and she nods. A sigh escapes her lips and she looks back up to Harry with a big smile.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Martin" he says and she shakes her head, waving him off with her hand.

"Christine will do just fine" she says and she clasps her hands together on the counter top.

"How did you two meet?" she glances between us and I leave it up to Harry to talk this one out.

"We actually met in Seattle. We live like ten minutes from each other. And we know the same people" he says and I furrow my eyebrows. Know the same people? What?

"But we are both from here. I live out in Long beach" he says and she nods. A gleam is in her eyes as she stares up at him.

"Oh gotcha" she says and she stands up from the stool. "Well I do hope you two become something because you are so handsome" she says and I cover my face, groaning.

You might as well just kill me now. Take me out of my misery.

"Oh thank you. I do want her to be my girlfriend" he says and my head shoots up and I stare at him. He stares back, that stupid grin plastered on his face.

"Well, Celeste. Give this man a chance would you? Anyways your father should be home soon. I gotta go water the garden" she speaks as she makes her way to the back door.

Chugging down most of my coffee, I put my cup in the sink and I turn to Harry.

He is leaning against the counter, with his elbows resting on it. "Your mom is lovely" he says and smirks at me.

Rolling my eyes, I go past him and I hear him speak behind me. "Your house is cozy" he happily speaks and I turn to glance at him as I head to the stairs. As we go up, he makes comments about the pictures on the walls. Pictures of our family and pictures of me and my brother caleb as kids were sprawled along the wall.

"You were such a cute kid. I wonder what happened" he says and I gasp looking at him. "I'm just messing with you. You were adorable then and hot as hell now" he says and I scrunch up my nose as I smack his arm, making my way into my bedroom.

The smirk is still plastered on his face as he sits down, I put my hands on my hips. This son of a bitch.

"Anyways, what are you doing today. Are you busy?" he asks as he lays back onto his elbows.

"Yes. I am. I'm going to be hanging out with my friend. But I don't know about tomorrow?" I say unsure and he stares at me with that look. "Okay, let's hang out tomorrow" he states as he stands up. Hugging me, he pulls away and kisses my cheek, "I will text you" he says lowly. Making his way out of the room, I felt weird.

· · ·


She was all I could think about since yesterday. I wanted to be with her, but I knew I couldn't at that time.

I kept itching to text her and ask if she wanted to just hang out all yesterday. But here I am, finally seeing her again.

She sits across from me, drinking her iced tea. The place we are at is pretty nice. About a five minute walk to the beach. I bet she would look so good on the beach. So I'm really glad we're going.

I sat back in the chair, admiring the way she looked. I still couldn't believe she answered my call. And not to mention, letting me come over. But I didn't expect to meet her mother.

She's quite lovely.

Two months I've been here. And it's been a stressful journey. I was ready to go back to Seattle, until now. Celeste is here and I wouldn't mind sticking around a bit longer.

Just for her.

"My mom really liked you" she looks to me and I sit forward. "I'm just that likable" I state and she rolls her eyes at me. I could feel the warmth spread through me as that smile appears on her lips. I'd do anything to keep that there forever.

I might just be fucking dramatic but I'd die to see that smile every day.

"She wouldn't stop gushing about you. And teasing me. I swear she was ready to plan a wedding for us" she spews out and pinches the bridge of her nose.

"You know if were just skipping steps, I might as well ask your dad for your hand in marriage" I say and I don't dare look away as her face grows serious and the snort that leaves her, makes me giggle.

She's laughing and it's so cute. She looks so light and beautiful. Her skins so tan, it makes her dark hair stand out. And fuck, those freckles sprawled across her cheeks, she is so adorable.

Her gaze falls on me as the fits of laughter leave her silent. The stare she's giving me is so intense. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks with that cute smile.

"Because you're beautiful" I state and I can't stand the fluttering feeling in my chest. I have the strongest urge to just lean across the table and kiss her. But I have to resist.

Looking away shyly, Celeste stands to her feet. "Lets get going" she says as she places the tip on the table. Walking out after her, we take that short walk to the beach.

I glance at her as she places the sunglasses onto her face. They were round and perfectly fitted her style.

"So is all of your family here?" she asks and I nod "pretty much. Although I have some aunts and uncles in Florida" I say as we cross the street. "You?" I ask and I glance at her curiously.

"Yeah. But I have some family all over. And my brother lives in Florida for school" she speaks, adjusting her large beach bag on her shoulder.

Without thinking, I take it from her and she gives me a quizzical glance. Celeste stares forward as if she is thinking something out before slightly turning to me as we walk.

"You told my mom we knew the same people? Who?" she asks and I guess it's better late then never to tell her.

"Amber. She's my cousin" I say and her eyebrows raise. "Amber? My use to be best friend? Your cousin?" she says and glances behind us. It seems like realization has hit and she has connected the dots.

"Explains why she was there in Seattle" she speaks softly. I was so afraid to even speak about what happened.

I decided to ignore it all.

I then could see the beach from where we were. It was such a nice day out. And it was so perfect to go to the beach with her.

I felt so fucking pussy whipped. I need to get a grip on myself. I have never ever felt like this towards someone.

It's too early to even say something like this but I want her to be in my life forever. I would so be that boyfriend that would propose after a year of being together. It's unreal to me.

We surprisingly talked a lot within the five minutes of walking. After picking a spot, I took off my shirt and sat on the towel. My eyes were glued to her body as she lifted the material over her head. Her perfect body making me want to do everything and anything to her.

I wanted to tell her how perfect she was to me. If she were the last person I'd ever touch, I would die happily.

Shimmying out of her shorts, I stared at her up and down but looked away to the water as she bent over to pull something out of her bag.

That light blue bikini has my dick twitching. And she dares to bend over like that.
Fuck me.

"Could you um, help?" she asks and my eyes advert to her, holding out the sunscreen to me. Oh how brave of you, my little gem.

I nod, swallowing hard. The breeze whipped her hair around and I watched as she took it into her hands and tied it up high on her head in a bun.

She turns around and I stand to my feet pouring some into my palm. Rubbing it onto her back, she jumps slightly from the coolness of the liquid.

Rubbing it all in on her backside, I became closer to her. My body nearly touching her and I lightly press my lips to the top of her shoulder. She tenses up but turns around slowly.

Staring into my eyes, her own were so bright blue. I wanted to go swimming in them. They might have been brighter than the sky and the water.

We were so close. I could just lean in slightly and capture her lips with my own.

My eyes dart to her soft lips but she catches on and turns away as she rubs more sunscreen onto her legs and arms.

I glance around the beach, a ton of people are out taking advantage of the nice weather. I jump when I feel her hands smearing sunscreen on my backside. A smile grows onto my face and I could feel the chills run down my body.

"I don't want you to burn up" she says from behind me and I enjoy this moment as her hands rub the liquid into my skin. Turning to her, I grin as I speak "thank you baby" and I enjoy watching her expression turn into shock.

We both lay down on the towel and I look over at her to see her laying on her backside. I wanted to just stare at her for hours.

I wanted to truly have her around and be involved in my life. Well part of it.

I'm hoping soon, I can get her trust and ask her to be mine. If she would want that.

"Do you want to come over after?" I ask and she raises her glasses slightly as she looks at me.

She takes a few seconds to answer but then settles with "okay" as she smiles before returning back to her previous position with her chin rested on her crossed arms.

I don't really know how much time had passed before I had gotten her to come with me to the shore. She dips her toe in and I watch in amusement as the waves crash down and wash over the both of our feet.

A gasp escapes her lips and she frowns. "It's so cold" she pouts. The grin on my face hurts but it doesn't last long as it turns into a smirk. Glancing up at me, she starts backing away. Her finger pointing at me "Harry...." she warns as I step forward towards her as she steps back.

With no luck of running away, she screeches and squirms in my arms as I sling her over my shoulder. Stalking towards the water, she pleads with me "Harry please! No!" she shouts.

Walking into the water, I dunk the both of us and she clings onto me as we both come up above the water. Its temperature barely even bothering me.

Gripping onto my shoulders, Celeste wipes her eyes and pouts up at me. My hands find their way onto her hips and as if by instinct she wraps her legs around my waist.

The close proximity has me melting into her body.

I'm so weak for her, its rediculous.

Staring at her, Celestes smile slowly appeared on her face and she holds onto me as the waves move us slightly.

"You don't even know how perfect you are" I say barely aloud and her smile grows even wider.

"Harry" she mumbles and I stare at her, waiting for her to continue. "I'm not perfect. But thank you" she says and she pushes the wet strands of hair away from my face.

If she only knew.

Celeste was such a smart, beautiful, caring woman. And I knew I was in trouble. I have known since I laid eyes on her.

And I'm not gonna fuck this up.

Celeste moves away from me and swims a few feet away, staring me down with that smug look on her face.

So I have decided to make whatever time we spend together, memorable and fun. And I don't ever want to make her cry and hurt ever again.

"My mom is going to love you" I say as she swims closer to me. "She already knows about you" I speak again and she just stares at me as if I had two heads.

"I can't wait" she says, and then she continues "tell me about your family. Tell me about her" she says as she floats back into the water.

And so I do. I talk about how amazing my mom is. And how dorky my sister is and I barely even mention my father. Which she doesn't question, I'm thankful for that.

We will save the horrific details for later.

We sit in the sand and talk about a wide spread of different things. And if I didn't think I couldn't like her anymore than I already do.

I am dead wrong.



And we're just getting started.
Don't forget to vote. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Its kind of like a filler. Nothing much really happens. 
Thank you so much for reading. If you don't mind, check out my other story Docile. And I may or may not be doing a part 2 of Daddy's Girl. 👀
Anyways, I will be updating again shortly. Sorry about the grammer, I was rushing to get this chapter done.

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