My Mate Can't be a Bird! (I s...

By Amel_under_starlight

44.4K 1K 556

Aelin and Rowan know they're mates the moment they meet. Well, sort of. It's...complicated. --Excerpts-- ... More

1: Soul Connection with a "Homeless Hawk"
2: Loony
3: "Soul Connection" with a Perverted Princess
not an update :(
4: Too Young to be An Evil Stepmother
5: Too Old to be Part of this S*it (Or, The Musings of an Unwilling Groom)
6: I'd Like to Kill My Boss Please (Fenrys extra chapter)
7: My Aunt Can't be a Spider! (but she is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
8: So Many Things that I Wish You Knew
9: Luca, Emrys, and the Groping Incident
10: The Kitchen
11: A disastrous student
12: To the Barrows and beyond!
14: Let's Pretend this Bond Has A Mind of it's Own
15: Just Kiss the Girl! Please! Just f****** Kiss the-
16: Mates are friends, not punching bags
17: A Love Story-Today was a Fairytale (Extra chapter for 8k reads)
18: Keeping Up With the The Blood-Sworn Life(The real extra chapter lol)
19: Storytime
20: Temple
21: Lovers' spat
22: Fae Male Nom-Noms Female, Does Not Reccomend

13: The barrows

1.4K 34 11
By Amel_under_starlight

Warning: this chapter contains cute creatures. Prepare your hearts!


The cool, pre-dawn breeze wafted past Celaena and she pressed herself to the wall to avoid being scented. When the pair of patrol officers moved upwind, she turned and casually began to walk towards her destination: the gates of Mistward.

As long as they didn't scent her, they'd have to have a benefit of doubt about who it was they saw. If she acted like she belonged there, they'd assume she was just another inhabitant on some important work. She even held a bucket of water in her hands to look busy.

Slowly, the gates of Mistward slipped into view. It was time for the changing of the guard. Perfect timing. Upon seeing a new pair of sentries approaching, the guards stationed at the top of the watchtower yelled out a greeting.

"Bas! Fancy seein' you there this time of the night!"

"Eh, Edan," The heavyset man, presumably Bas, called back. "The hell's that 'spposed to mean? Didn't get this far up the-hic-hierarchy just by lazing 'round all the -hic- all the time."

It seemed this Bas fellow preferred wine over coffee first thing in the morning. All the better for her. Celaena clutched her little bucket of water a bit more securely.

"Yeah," the female demi fae next to Bas agreed. "Sometimes, you have to wake up early as birds and show people you're not a lazy higher-up!"

Bas raised a half empty bottle of booze to the tower. "Or jus' party all night and pretend you've done that."

Excellent, Celaena smirked to herself, this man's been drinking all night, he'll be too tired to pay much attention or fight.

The two drunk replacements staggered up through the stairs into the tower, all four of them still chattering away.

When their voices faded a little as they reached the top floor, Celaena know it was time to make her move. She creeped in through the door and up the first few stairs.

"I dunno how you do it Bas," Edan's teasing voice rang down through the steps. "Drinkin' through the night at'cher age."

"Shaddap, rascal! You're only three years-hic- behind me!"

These guards were so annoying. Celaena carefully spilled the water onto the smoothed stone stairs. That was her backup. Ought to buy some time. She really hoped one of these irritating people slipped and fell here.

Now it was time for the next step. Celaena carefully made her way to the kennel. There weren't many dogs there but there was a small litter of puppies.

They were fluffy, cute little things, sleeping soundly in the dawn. With gold and white fur, and pretty blue eyes, they had utterly charmed her when she first saw them. They also reminded her of Fleetfoot and Adarlan, but she tried not to think about that.

She gently picked up the two most docile, innocent little dogs she could find.

"Keep quiet, ladies" She whispered softly, "and I'll bring back a treat for you." The puppies blinked sleepily, nuzzling into her warm torso as she carried them out.

Outside, the guards at the watchtower were still bantering away.

"Shut up Edan!"

"Watch your mouth, woman, no one tells off my brudder but me!"

"Yeah shaddup Birgitt!"

"Nah, both you younglings shut up!"

Irritating, but...Celaena held back a snicker. As a child she hadn't been in the position to play pranks, but this did come pretty close. And all this banter was so very advantageous too-for her, that is.

Celaena carried the curious little puppies into the tower door and gave them a little push up the stairs. She then quietly closed the door.

It didn't take long for the distraction to work. Edan was the first to let out a high pitched squeal. "PUPPIES! IN THE GUARD TOWER! AAAAAAH!"

"By Hellas, there's more down there! They must've escaped the kennels!"

Soon the tower was a mass of four cooing, drunk humans and two very happy puppies.

Trying not to laugh, Celaena located the lever of the gate, which was right at the tower's base. She grasped the handle and pulled, just the tiniest bit. She had to act quickly before the guards cam down with the puppies.

The gate creaked and groaned a little, but all that noise from the guards masked it perfectly.

It was made for two people, so she really had to pull a little more than she was comfortable with. Too much effort could make the thing creak and groan. She didn't want to be caught so close to freedom.

She dug in her heels and pulled and pulled. When the gate opened just enough, she squeezed through.

What a relief.

Once Celaena was on the other side, she gave the gate another pull with all her weight. It was a heavy gate, and wouldn't budge except an inch or two, but that was all she needed. At least now, it didn't appear as though a person could have walked through that gap.

Celaena finally relaxed a little. So far, mission successful. Now for sneaking out under the view of Mistward and it's drunk guards.

Judging by their happy laughter, the four guards at the tower showed no sign of boredom with the puppies, so she figured now was a good time to make a little dash for the woods. Then, keeping to the trees, but with the plains in her sight, she made her way to the barrows.


For some reason, she'd imagined being chased by guards or nightmare creatures on her way. But it was surprisingly easy to reach the barrows, and the sun barely peeked through when she got there.

Celaena surveyed the hills where the tombs started and the green grass ended. It was a cold misty morning, just light enough that the wights wouldn't want to bother her and just dark enough that she wouldn't be seen from far away. If she hadn't had such a terrible time yesterday, the view would almost bring tranquility to her mind.

Celaena picked up a few sharp sticks, something she could use to fight the wights with-and the creature, too, if it showed up again.

After finding the two best sticks she could use as spears, she didn't allow herself to think anymore. She took a deep breath and marched right into the barrows.

The Barrows were tombs of long-forgotten Kings and nobles. At one point they must have been richly decorated and well-taken care of, but now they were just barren, decrepit hills full of nasty wights. The tomb entrances were no longer smooth marble, but worn down rocks, barely distinguishable from boulders littering the area. The wights had moved in, craving the treasures buried with the dead, and made it their home.

Celaena had thought of "borrowing" a few unattended weapons from the Mistward residents, in case she needed them, but it seemed that the wights were in a fearful condition.

One of them whimpered and howled fearfully from its dwelling in the tomb. The rest weren't seen anywhere either.

Her stomach twisted at the thought of the thing being there again, but she pressed on. The moment she smelled something off, she promised herself that she would run. But for now, it seemed the wights were still reeling from yesterday's incident, like her.

Being this close to where she'd relieved her worst memories made her feel almost dizzy with fear. But she had to do this because of them. And because of Nehemia. She trudged on, fighting down the urge to vomit.

Dead grass crunched under her feet. The place she'd been attacked yesterday came into view. It smelled awful, like nothing out of this world, and she almost turned back.

But the creature wasn't there. Just its traces. Just stepping on that dark grass felt like breaking the laws of nature itself. Her heart raced. Bile rose to her throat. The creature wasn't there. She had to try.

The sun began to peek through the mists with golden light, turning everything warm and soft. Maybe it was her imagination, but Aelin felt just the tiniest bit stronger in the brighter daylight.

I can do this. With renewed vigor, Aelin kept striding to her destination. She could see where the barren earth ended and where the green grass lived again.

She quickened her pace as much as she could without running. Running attracted predators, and she didn't want to wights to think she was prey. At last, she was just inches away from the greenery. She cautiously stepped on the grass. No wight howled, no nightmare creature showed up.

She put her other foot down too. Nothing happened. It seemed too good to be true.

Miraculously, she had crossed over to the other side without incident. Celaena turned around, observing the vast expanse of brown, dead earth she'd left behind. She'd done it. She'd snuck out of Mistward, without killing anyone, and crossed the barrows without having to fight. What a heavy dose of good luck.

Celaena heaved a sigh of relief.


She jumped, looked up, and came face to face with Rowan's scowling visage.

Ah, shit.

A/N: Should Aelin survive Rowan's wrath?😂

Now for some awesome news. You guys. I saw the rankings for this story. Y'ALL HAVE BEEN BUSYYYY! ♥️

Thank you so much. I'm so happy you like this story and I hope I can keep writing future chapters and stories you'll enjoy too!

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