fine line (scott mccall)ยฒ

By anticosmic

155K 4.4K 1.7K

in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... More

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5K 140 37
By anticosmic

"We're going to wait here for Scott. We're going to sit quietly. And we're not going to call or talk to anyone." Stiles ordered Derek who was sticking to Blair's side since he found her the least crazy out of the two even if he still hadn't even learned her name yet. Stiles's frantic behaviour was enough to make him like Blair more than him despite only knowing them both for only a few hours.

"Do I talk to you?" Derek asked Stiles who gave him a quick no in answer since he didn't want to be the one who accidentally revealed anything to Derek that would freak him out - both him and Blair knowing that Stiles had a tendency to over share information in his rambles which wasn't what they needed right now if they wanted Derek to trust them.

"Good. I'll just talk to her then but who's going to talk to him." Derek asked Stiles, deciding he would only talk to Blair anyway before he pointed to Agent McCall who was carrying a bag of food in his hands - both Stiles and Blair jumping in shock when they noticed him since they were too busy paying attention to Derek to pay attention to him standing there.

"Ah! Are you getting taller?" Stiles asked Rafael as he stepped back in shock - not expecting Rafael to be in the McCall Household when Scott told them to bring Derek here since he thought the house would be completely empty. Scott accidentally forgetting about the fact that he had promised his dad dinner as he left Rafael waiting with the Chinese food in the house by himself.

"What are you guys doing here?" Rafael asked them confused considering Scott didn't tell him about his friends coming to the house. Blair started praying that Rafael wouldn't call her by her name anytime soon until she came up with a half-decent lie to tell Derek as to why her name was also Blair. She could tell Derek was already suspicious about who she was since Derek knew that Paige's family was the only Krasikeva's in town considering the rest all lived in Oregon due to some family drama that had occurred before both Paige and Blair were even born or at least that's what Paige had told him.

"Waiting for Scott." Derek answered for the group when Stiles and Blair took too long to answer the agent since they were still in shock that Rafael was even here in the first place. Both of them beginning to panic once Rafael showed up since it threw a huge dent in their plans to keep Derek here and out of trouble.

"Yeah, so am I. We're supposed to have dinner. I brought extra. You guys hungry?" Rafael asked the three as he placed the food on the table as he invited Scott's friends to join him - thinking that it was being nice in his offer to give them food.

"No." Blair and Stiles answered at the same time while Derek answered yeah - causing Blair to get wide-eyed as she turned to Stiles standing beside her to get him to say something to save them from any suspicion - hoping that he would actually have a good plan to get them out of this mess.

"We're not hungry." Stiles continued as he tried to get Derek quickly away from Rafael before either of their covers were blown by Rafael or Derek accidentally said his real name to the Agent and caused Rafael to become suspicious.

"No, I'm starving." Derek refuted again, Blair coming close to punching her teenage brother for not listening to them as she bit her lip to stop her anger from coming out since she knew she couldn't do anything to him right now for multiple reasons.

"We ate earlier, like tons of food. Definitely couldn't eat anymore if we tried." Blair spoke up as she tried to get rid of the offer for them to join Rafael. Blair trying her hardest to convince Rafael to let them go upstairs. Blair's stomach grumbling in hunger as it outed her lie, Stiles glaring at her for her noise while Rafael furrowed his eyebrows at Blair in confusion since it was clear that she was lying. Rafael didn't even know if he should question why the two were making such a big deal over lying about eating something with him - figuring it was because of the two's blatant distaste towards him that was causing their weird behaviour.

"Blair, I think your stomach is disagreeing with your words." Rafael commented sarcastically as he pointed out her obvious lie, Blair's lips forming a straight line as she nodded her head while closing her eyes - hanging her head as Stiles was quick to cover for them since Blair was too embarrassed to say anything else currently.

"None of us are hungry. Thanks, though." Stiles answered as he pointed to the three of them, Rafael starting to grow a little confused by their behaviour but didn't question it whenever it came to Stiles since the Stilinski boy was usually acting weird whenever he was around him or around any other human being for that matter.

"Okay, well, if you're not hungry, Stiles and Blair, your friend can still can still eat with us. What's your name?" Rafael asked Derek who was about to answer the man honestly before Stiles cut him off quickly since he didn't want Rafael to figure anything out. Rafael still thinking it would be nice to at least offer food to one of Scott's friends while the others acted weirdly.

"Miguel. My cousin Miguel. From Mexico. So..." Stiles answered as he clapped Derek's shoulder, Derek nodding as he agreed with Stiles - smirking at his obvious lie since he didn't think the man would actually believe Stiles considering the two looked nothing alike. While Blair was just glad that Derek still hadn't caught on to the fact that she was his Blair and not some random relative from Oregon.

"Oh, my god." Stiles and Blair whispered once Rafael started speaking spanish to Derek who surprisingly started speaking it back to Rafael - which was astonishing to Blair because she knew for a fact that older Derek didn't know a word of Spanish. Blair guessing the only reason Derek knew it now was because of the recent memory of his High School spanish classes.

"Fantastic. Egg roll?" Rafael asked him, Derek not hesitating to step forward as Rafael started offering him more food to eat while Stiles started laughing nervously at the two talking to each other since this could end very badly for him and Blair if anything went wrong in the slightest.

"We're so screwed, aren't we?" Blair whispered to Stiles while she kept a wide smile on her face as they stared at Rafael and Derek in front of them as they tried not to blow their cover of something being wrong with her since both of them were freaking out over having dinner with Rafael and Derek.

"Act natural, everything is fine. We have totally got this, now fake smile." Stiles explained to Blair as he rested his hands on Blair's shoulders, the two faking wide smiles as they joined the two at the dinner table, sliding into the two vacant seats beside Derek while trying to act like nothing was wrong and that they weren't freaking out on the inside.


"So, uh, Miguel, what did you say your last name was again?" Rafael asked Derek suddenly in an attempt to make conversation with him, Blair sitting in the middle of Derek and Rafael as she faced Stiles - placing herself in that seat so that she could easily kick Stiles if she needed to.

"Oh, it's Juarez Cinqua Tiago." Stiles finished, giving Blair the perfect reason to kick him under the table since he could have easily told him that his last name was Stilinski since they were supposed to be cousins. Derek hissing in pain instead as Stiles started to choke on his laughter since he knew exactly what had caused the noise as he noticed Blair's eyes start to widen before she tried to hide her obvious guilt at kicking Derek instead of Stiles.

"Did you just kick me?" Derek whispered to Blair who shrugged her shoulders in response as she drank her water, pretending to play dumb and that she hadn't done anything to him. Stiles stuffing food into his mouth to stop himself from laughing at Blair nearly getting herself caught by Derek. Blair glaring at him from across the kitchen table which didn't help Stiles containing his laugh from Rafael and Derek - the two staring at Blair and Stiles weirdly since neither of them knew what was up with the two. Rafael pinning it down to their usual weird behaviour which he was trying really hard to understand for Scott's sake considering how much these two kids mattered to his son - for some inexplicable reason.

"That's a mouthful. How do you spell that?" Rafael asked Derek as he tried to get to know more about Scott's new friend since he was beginning to believe that Stiles was telling him lies about the boy sitting in front of him. Blair playing with her food as she waited for Stiles to cover for himself again.

"Phonetically." Stiles answered his question, Blair staring up at Stiles as she dropped her noodles - causing Stiles to stare at her in confusion with food stuffed in his mouth. Idiot, Blair mouthed across the table so that Rafael and Derek wouldn't be able to hear her insult, Stiles shrugging his shoulders since he didn't know any other way he could have covered for them.

"Mr. McCall, you're an FBI Agent?" Derek asked him as he finally spotted Rafael's tag sitting on the table beside the bag of food. Blair and Stiles officially starting to panic incase Derek started to ask Rafael about anything about his family.

"He's low level. Very low level. He doesn't even have a voice." Stiles spoke up in panic as he held his fork in his hand as he tried to stop Derek from possibly asking any questions about the Hale fire and exposing Scott's lies to Derek. Blair remembered how bad Derek used to lash out on Peter and others when he was angry during his teenage years and she had a feeling he would do the same to them if he found out that they were lying to him.

"Practically mute." Blair agreed with Stiles for a change, as the two nodded their heads in agreement with one another at how low level Rafael was. Rafael staring at Blair and Stiles weirdly - still not adjusted to the weirdness of his son's friends. But, Rafael didn't think he would ever get used to Stiles Stilinski despite his years of knowing the boy.

"So do you investigate murders?" Derek asked as he ignored both Stiles and Blair as he continued to question Rafael about his career. Stiles and Blair sharing a look as they hoped this conversation wouldn't end badly for either of them.

"Sometimes. When it's a federal crime." Rafael answered honestly, not seeing the big deal about sharing details of his career with Derek since he was actually being pleasant to him compared to Stiles and Blair who were acting their usual level of strange.

"What about fires?" Derek asked him, Rafael about to answer as Blair and Stiles searched for a way to change the topic quickly before Rafael spilled the beans about the Hale fire to Derek - everything that could have possibly gone wrong, going even worse than they expected it to. Both of their eyes widening in surprise that Derek would cut to the chase that quickly about finding about his family and the fire.

"Oh, my God. I wonder where Scott is. Shouldn't Scott be here by now? We should call Scott." Stiles started to ramble, butting into the conversation as he tried to divert it back to Scott. Both their eyes widening in panic since they realised they were on the verge of getting caught and exposed by Rafael McCall.

"We should definitely call Scott, immediately." Blair agreed with Stiles as her leg began tapping the tiles below her - both of them wanting Rafael to shut up quickly before he blew up their cover.

"What kind of fires are you talking about?" Rafael asked, ignoring the two as Stiles pulled out his phone to call Scott since it was clear they were on the verge of getting caught. Both him and Blair nervously laughing as they tried to stop this from getting worse - hoping to cover up what Rafael had said from Derek even though he had werewolf hearing.

"Do you know anything about the Hale family?" Derek asked Rafael, Blair slamming her head against the wooden table in frustration as soon as Rafael began explaining the conditions of the Hale Fire to Derek - the very thing they were trying to hide from him to avoid Derek from flipping out and leaving. The three excusing themselves as they went upstairs to Scott's room so that they could calm Derek down before he managed to wolf out on them or in front of Rafael - neither of which would be good for either of them.

"Okay, I didn't lie. I omitted certain truths. Vital truths now that I think about it." Derek slammed Stiles against the wall as he threatened him. Blair moving forward as she pushed Derek off Stiles - holding her hand out in front of him as she pushed it against his chest and forced him to step back and move away from Stiles. Derek panting only frustration since he couldn't find it in himself to hurt the girl in front of him even if he couldn't explain the reason why.

"You done?" Blair asked Derek as he shook his head no since he was still angry at the two for lying to him in the first place about what had happened to his family. Blair wasn't used to this side of teenage Derek considering he was always a major softie around Blair when she was growing up. The only time he had actually grown moody with her was when he became an adult surprisingly enough.

"I don't want to talk to either of you. I want to talk to the Alpha. I'll talk to Scott." Derek answered as he pointed his hand out the window since right now he felt betrayed by both Stiles and Blair - unable to talk to either of them without wanting to lash out at them. Derek only wanted to talk to Scott since he trusted the Alpha more than he did the two standing next to him.

"Okay. I'm going to go get him. My phone's downstairs. Going to call him real quick. You stay here. Just don't move, okay? Don't move. Don't... I thought you..." Stiles ordered as he left Blair to watch over Derek - thinking she would be able to keep him from leaving the room. The two Hale's standing in front of them as they stared at each other since neither of them could think of what to say to the other. Derek starting to piece together another lie that the group had fed him since he was able to tell that girl standing in front of him had the same exact scent as his Blair.

"Are you Blair? The real Blair?" Derek asked as he sat on the edge of the bed, getting confused with everything that was happening but knew that it couldn't be a coincidence that Blair shared the same exact features of the Blair he remembered as well as having the same exact scent as her.

"If I say yes does that make things more or less confusing for you?" Blair asked Derek as she sat beside him on Scott's bed, Derek nodding his head yes since this definitely made him feel more overwhelmed. Blair not really knowing how to handle a situation where her older brother was younger than her - it kinda felt the balance of things shifted now that Derek was back to being sixteen again. Actually, it made her more grossed out since it reminded her of the fact of how young he was when Kate Argent had started making weird advances on him.

"Definitely more." Derek answered honestly, the two falling into silence as Blair placed her hand on his shoulder, as he turned his head towards her. Blair trying to find a way to play the older sibling with him - which was definitely weird and unfamiliar territory for her when it came to Derek.

"We're still family, though Derek. I'm going to protect you just like you've always protected me even if we are weirdly the same age now." Blair promised him as Derek nodded his head slowly even if he didn't remember doing that much of Blair when she was younger besides playing games with her and telling his mom and Peter to look out for her since he was worried about the effect's of Paige's death on her.

The door slowly creaked open of Scott's room, Blair and Derek both standing up as Blair recognised the blonde woman standing at the door and not Stiles who was supposed to be coming right back. Blair being quick to push Derek behind her as she grabbed the knife out of her back pocket that was covered in wolfsbane.

"What the hell are you doing here Kate?" Blair asked as she stepped forward with her knife gripped tightly in her hand, already knowing that Kate was after her brother before she even said anything.

Blair moving to stab her knife in Kate's arm as Kate was quick to grab her hand before kicking her in the legs as she threw Blair's knife on the floor - kicking it when Blair tried to reach for it again. Kate giving Blair another blow to the back as she forced Blair to fall to the ground - Kate kicking her in the stomach as she moved to take Derek. Blair letting out groans of pain at the sudden blows - coughing in pain as she struggled to catch her breath since Kate had managed to knock the wind out of her as well. Derek looking back to Blair one more time, apprehensive to leave her before Kate nodded to him again - blinded by his love for Kate to even help his sister on the floor.

"So, if you actually think that Kate's coming to find him... You might be right." Blair heard Stiles speak on the phone as he quickly hung up on Scott before leaning down on the ground to help Blair stand up. Stiles thinking it might not have been a good idea to alert Scott that Blair was injured on the floor since he knew that Scott had to focus on finding Kate and Derek right now and not on Blair's new injuries.

"God, I hate not having super strength anyway. That hurt like a real bitch." Blair breathed out as the two stared out in the window, Stiles nodding his head in agreement since he was also wishing she was able to take down Kate before she could escape with Derek - leaving them with another problem now to deal with.

"Well, you also were dying half the time when you had super strength. So, maybe it's not such a good idea to have that back." Stiles pointed out as he squinted at her, Blair rolling her eyes as she accepted Stiles's help off the floor fully as he helped bring her down the stairs as the two left to catch up with the others at the High School. Blair stopping as she pulled out the gun she had hidden in Stiles's glove department.

"How long have you had that in there?" Stiles asked wide-eyed as Blair smirked back at him as she loaded the gun instead of answering. Stiles was seriously considering putting more locks in his house due to the multiple lectures he had gotten from his dad about finding Blair's knives stashed in different places - knives of which he didn't even know she owned in the first place.

"What? You have a bat, I have something that does more damage." Blair shrugged her shoulders since she didn't see the big deal before Stiles made sure he had his bat in hand as the two pulled up to the high school.

"You seriously need to find something better than a baseball bat." Lydia told off Stiles as she ran up beside them in disbelief that Stiles had actually thought that the bat would be a good idea to go
up against these things. The three of them running to try and help their pack. Kira already running ahead of them with her katana in hand as the group separated - the humans going to the less dangerous part of the plan to avoid getting themselves hurt since none of them had super healing.

The three of them making their way down to the Hale vault as they spotted Peter bent down on the ground by himself. All of them searching around to notice that Kate had managed to disappear once again. Blair turning to Stiles and Lydia with her eyebrows furrowed as the three tried to figure out what the hell had happened in the vault.

"It was never about the Triskelion. They took it while I was blinded." Lydia held her hand out to Stiles and Blair as she warned them to stay back from Peter as she tried to figure out what Peter was talking about.

"Took what?" Lydia asked him, Peter slowly raising from the ground - Blair's eyebrows scrunching in confusion since she didn't have any idea what Peter could possibly be talking about since she didn't even know what was in this vault.

"Bonds. Bearer bonds and they took them all." Peter revealed to the group as he turned around to face the three in front of him who were supposed to be his back up which didn't turn out too well considering he ended up getting robbed before they even arrived in the vault.

"Bearer bonds? Hold on. Hold on. Are you saying you got robbed?" Stiles asked in amusement as he held his bat out as he teased the werewolf who looked devastated at the lost of his money - the most emotion Blair had ever seen on his face in her long time of knowing him.

"You're telling me Kate came all the way here just to take your money?" Blair added to Stiles's questions, the two failing to hide their amusement at Peter getting robbed by Kate Argent of all people. Blair couldn't wipe the smirk off her face as she listened to Peter talk since she considered this karma finally catching up to him for everything he had done in the past couple years.

"This was a heist. Somebody planned this." Peter explained to Stiles and Blair who nodded their heads as they heard his voice shaking as he talked - the first time the two had ever heard Peter show any scared emotion in front of them.

"How much did they take?" Lydia asked curiously, seeming to actually be concerned with how much money they had taken when they broke into the Hale vault.

"Hundred-and -seventeen." Peter muttered, Blair's eyes widening at the amount Peter had stored in the vault since she didn't even know how the man had managed to keep all that money especially since he had an apartment of his own that he should probably store his money or better yet, a bank

"Thousand?" Stiles asked in shock, eyes wide as he questioned Peter on the amount of money he had - not understanding why Peter would keep that much money in a vault that was underneath a high school in the first place.

"Million." Peter corrected Stiles, shocking them even more on the money amount Peter held. Peter looking back to the place where his money had once been in the vault.

"Damm, I should ask you to pay for my college tuition then with that amount of money hiding around here." Blair piped up, Peter glaring back at Blair who held her hands up in defence as the three decided to leave Peter alone to mourn the loss of his money since it was clearly affecting him more than they thought it would considering they didn't even think he had any emotions besides anger.

"Didn't realise Peter the bitch was rich." Blair muttered to Stiles beside her who let out a choking noise at her comment as Peter rolled his eyes at her words since he could hear everything the teens were talking about.

The three managed to catch up with their friends, Blair catching the back of normal Derek Hale's head as she called out his name - glad to see that she didn't have to deal with the moody teenage Derek Hale anymore. Derek turning his head as Blair ran towards him as Derek easily caught her in his arms.

"I missed you, big brother." Blair whispered as Derek nodded his head since he hadn't seen Blair properly in weeks due to being kidnapped by Kate Argent right after Blair had left for France.

"Come on, let's go home." Derek encouraged Blair as he wrapped his arm around Blair's shoulder as she agreed with him since she actually was starting to miss the Hale Loft even though the place itself brought back a lot of bad memories of everything that had happened in Beacon Hills - it was still home.

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