For The Love of An Alpha

By lttl_bear

28.8K 1.1K 121

Jay's fought to survive her entire life. She's never stayed in one place for too long and trusts no one. She'... More

Note from the Author
Call of The Wild
Hunter's Moon
Rising Sun
Melancholy and Madness
Luna Matters
Prepping, Planning and Panic
The Hunt
His Delight is In Her
Heat of The Moment
Return Blessing
Elder Impairment
Taking Care
One Up
Undiscovered Truths
Eli's Endearment
Heat of Passion
Igniting the Truth
Protect the One You Love
Winter's Crossing
Change in Plans
Hunter for Hire
Trailing Through
So It Begins
Fall of Man
Dearly Departed
Pass Down
The Draw
Friendly Fire
Hermit Crab
Like Family
Giving Chase
To Arms
Scarlet Bond
Coming to Terms
Rescue Mission
What's next?
For The Love of The Guardian


247 15 8
By lttl_bear

A/N- Thank you for your thoughts so far on this journey, I always enjoy hearing from you as the chapters progress. Brace yourselves as we see how Jhera is faring.  
Please do not stop voting and commenting, I want to hear from you!


Water dripped in the distance, the resonating sound of it's contact with cold stone filled the small space. It was dark, no moon light and no shadows. Her hair heavy and dark from water, hung in clumps about her face. She tried to lift her head, but the pain that ran through her chest was too much. She hung limp in the tension of the night. Iron chains burned her flesh, as they kept her partially suspended. Her shoulders slumped in a deformed mass, her elbows twisted out of joint and behind her. The pain of torture wasn't that bad. The breaking of her bones for the shift had been worse, but she grew comfortable with it, this pain was harder to manage. With each move her heart would race, as adrenaline pulsed through her system, the pain racking her body.

It was a submission technique, long sense out of practice. Rules and laws of war prevented this perverted method, but she wasn't dealing with another wolf. This was a coven of a size she'd never seen before. Twenty eight, the number of faces she was able to count before succumbing to the pain and passing out. She'd been locked up for nearly a week, though her brain couldn't tell her for sure if it'd been five days or five minutes. The sound of the dripping water was her only count of time, yet there were times it would increase and the drip would send her off track.

It was hard to say when the wall went up, day three or day four probably. Right before she passed out, she felt the numbness overtake her soul. Her heart calmed itself and she felt the pain subside. It was nearly manageable under this strange defense. Her captor had just left, coming in to re-break bones that her body was healing. Although the process had slowed, her wolf was still trying to mend their body.

Stop, let it be. She pleaded with her wolf, knowing that for every bone she mended they would come and break two.

We need to heal, we need to escape. Her wolf argued with her, not seeing the logic in the system they were creating.

Save our strength. We will heal when we have the chance. She took a ragged breath. When they think they have broken us, we will mend.

She felt the painful pop from her right femur, as her wolf stopped the mending on the bone. If there had been light, she would have seen the black bruises that riddled her body. There wasn't a part of her not covered in the tender flesh. Several bones stuck out from her legs, compound fractures, that's what the pack doctor would have called them. Blood pooled at her knees, slowly increasing in depth. Her body was weary and weak, all she wanted was sleep. Yet the pain of her disjointed arms kept her in a fitful place between reality and rest.

The large door cracked open, the sounds of clamoring and dismay filled her senses.

"It's time." A gruff voice yelled into the dark space.

The space through the door was dimly lit, burning at her eyes. She closed them firmly, trying her best to cover her tender pupils from the harsh light. Her naked body hung limp from the chains as rough hands grabbed at her flesh. She held back the whimper as he lifted her, examining the breaks in her bones. A tear mixed with the blood that slowly spilled from a gash on her head, hiding the truth in the pain she was in.

"Good." The gruff voice spoke out once more. "You're nearly ready to meet him." He lifted her chin to meet his gaze, her eyes clouding over and looking through him. "He'll be happy to see you submissive, dog." His grip firm on her chin, "You'll do well to remember that."

Her head whipped to the side as he released his grip on her. She took a slow deep breath as she heard shuffling. Her hair laid about her face, shielding her eyes from the door and the light it brought. The sudden cold that washed over her body brought her heart to a stop. This, this was how she was going to die. Her eyes flashed a white light before her. This was her end, and she nearly welcomed it.

No, my star! Fight it!

The call of her wolf pulled her back to reality, her heart beating rapidly as she gasped for breath.

"Good, you are still in there." A female voice spoke out. When she had joined the room, was unclear.

Jhera's gray eyes stared down the face of the woman. Her body clad in a dark robe and her face nearly covered. It was hard to tell one from the other, aside from their voice.

"I told you, she's done." The gruff male voice spoke out.

Jhera didn't hear their conversation, she only heard her heart pounding in her ears. She listened to her body, trying to figure it out, but it wasn't her heart she was entertaining. The thrum in her ear was faster than the pulse in her veins. Who is that?

She was pulled from the thought as the chains slammed to the ground. Her body a piled mess on the floor, unmoving and broken.

"Get her ready." The woman's voice bluntly stated.

Jhera imagined the woman pointing a hand at her broken form and her robe skirting about her body as she left the room. It was hard to tell how many there were now, six or seven. Hands were all over her body, pushing joints back into place and bandaging her.

Why did they go through all this just to tend to them? She asked of her wolf, but received only silence.

She made a point not to fight them, not yet. Her body moved like a rag doll at their mercy. Each stretch of pain reminded her that she was still alive and she could still get out of this. The lack of healing probably told them they broke her wolf, if only they knew the truth. A robe was thrown over her head. It stunk of sulfur and body odor. Obviously it was someone else's before she wore it. Arms came up under her and hoisted her to her unsteady feet. A sharp breath in and she had steadied herself.

Let me heal us! Her wolf pleaded.

I can't, they'll know.

On unsteady feet she was moved from the dark and cold room. Dim candle light covered the caverns that lead from the space. She was brought down a long hallway and stopped in front of a set of stairs, and told to climb. Slowly, taking one step at a time, she rose from the dungeons and catacombs that they held her in. At the top of the stairs was a large opening, that released above her. A large hand extended to help her rise from the basement. Taking it in her own, she was lifted from the space and placed on soft grass.

The doorway above her opened into a large garden at an abandoned estate. The stone fence that ran the perimeter was broken down, with several collapsed sections. The vines that probably were meant to accent the fauna were now overthrowing them, like a hostile take over. Plants and life was snuffed from areas where the vines had taken hold. There were wooden archways that would take the visitor deeper into the gardens. Pathways that ventured off in different directions. Jhera craned her tender neck to look to the one that still held her hand firmly. His dark cloak covering his features, his body tall and broad. His build reminded her of Erick.

Erick... Her mind thought back. I truly hope they are all ok.

Oh my star.

Her heart ached for them. How would they know that this was a necessary sacrifice. She swallowed back the lump that threatened to come out.

"You broke her good." One robed figure expressed their astonishment. It was hard to determine if the voice was male or female.

"Where is she?!" A loud voice shook the garden. The robed figures started to drop to a knee as a shadow approached her. She couldn't lift her head high, but she did her best to maintain the gaze of the one that approached. His black slacks and button up shirt gave hints of his importance, the stance of the followers doing even more to express his place in their hierarchy.

Jhera tilted her head to the side, so her good eye was facing the approaching captor. His jaw was sharp, edged enough to break stone. His beauty had an unnatural quality to it. His hair was short about the frame of his face, sitting just below his ears. His right hand brushed through his hair. Her eyes didn't miss the scar that ran down the back of his right hand. His fingers were long and dexterous as he reached for her, lifting her chin with a curved finger so he could see her clearly.

"Who touched her?" His voice firm, not leaving the woman's features.

"Many of us." The man to her right spoke out.

"We had to, to break her." A woman's voice spoke from behind her.

Jhera's eyes glazed over, pain starting to rack her neck. Her right eye was swelling shut from the damage to the orbital bone.

"I am sorry." His facial expression was softer, as he raised his right hand to the air.

She only heard a sound of gasps, then robes fell empty to the floor. The bodies that surrounded her prison were now gone.

"They never should have touched what's mine." His green eyes glinted red in that moment. Hints of the price he paid for the power he desired.

"I'm... not... yours..." Jhera struggled to speak out against the man's decision to lay claim to her.

"Oh, you are, Jhera." His wicked grin filling his features. "And I will bind you to me," his grin took on an evil grimace, "or kill you trying."

Jhera could count on two hands how often she felt fear, like real fear. This moment took the last spot on those two hands. The power rolling off of him told her who he was. This was Levi, the witch that sold his soul. This was the warlock that would bring the darkness. Jhera swallowed slowly, as his finger tips strolled gently down her neck.

"You have three days to heal." He winked at her, "Then, you and I will be bound in ceremony, as was promised to me." He released his hold on her chin and Jhera fell to the ground.

Her mind flooded with physical pain and memories. The thoughts of the warlock from her childhood, the one that wanted her. Pain from the attack, broken bones that ached and blood that continued to run down her leg. She had little power left in her and had recovered little from her exertions. Traveling by storm took a lot out of her, twice in one day wiped her out. She knew the dangers though, sending them away.

I hope Vera received them. Her heart breaking for the strangers that tried to help her. The thoughts of Vera at the cottage, the smell of her tea wafting through the garden. Jhera gave a calm sigh, as though her mind was taken back to a safer place. She felt her body go limp and her mind drift away. Something came and moved her body, but she couldn't tell who.

Her mind continued to flood with thoughts of those she had been with. Eli and Ashleigh, how she hoped they knew they were fated for one another. Erick, how she hoped he knew she forgave him. Henri, oh sweet Henri. Her heart ached, He'll never know how I feel. I hope he finds his Luna.

Oh, my star. Don't you fret. We still have a chance.

Jhera stopped her conversation with Scarlet. She knew what was coming, it was why she sent the stone away. The power that coursed through it would be a weapon of destruction in the wrong hands.

Without notice, her body landed on a soft bed. Her eyes fluttering open just in time to take in the shape of a figure exiting the room. Her head lifted and she looked about, the room was simple yet elegant. Light blues and creams colored the walls and furniture. A simple rug of cream colors covered the floor. The tall ceiling and large space told her she was still on the estate, or at least hinted to it.

On pained legs, she rose from the bed. Her knees trembled as she walked to the small window in her room. Large iron bars covered the window, making the room a glorified prison. Her eyes looked off in the distance. Lights of bonfires in the forest danced their soulful songs, while festival songs filled her ears. She leaned carefully on the window ledge, trying to take weight from her legs.

"Winter Solstice is only a few days away."

Jhera spun quickly, almost too quickly. Her head dizzied slightly as she tried to steady herself, placing hand on the wall. She eyed her captor, a man of rough cut build. His long legs carried him swiftly across the room, a small tray in his hands. He placed it on the bed, revealing it's wares. A carafe of juice and a glass sat on the wooden tray. Several slices of bread and some meat sat with it. Draped across his arm was a gown of forest green colors. The shine and finish to it gave a mystical appearance.

"A change of clothes." He laid the gown on the bed, "Food, as I am sure they didn't feed you." His green eyes watched the bruised she-wolf, waiting for her move.

Jhera didn't move, nor did she flinch. Her gray eyes watched her captor. Even though her wolf had begun to heal her bones, she continued the appearance of poor health. Wincing as she shifted her weight.

"I am sorry, they never should have touched you." His eyes flashed red with anger, the rancid smells filling the room.

Jhera noted that change in his body when his eyes flashed, like he wasn't in control of himself. As they settled green once more, she watched him look about frantically before settling his gaze on her once more. They stood as two statues guarding a secret, neither willing to give up what they knew. His gaze did not leave her as he backed away, moving toward the doorway. He spoke nothing else, only nodding his head once, before he shut and locked the door.

Jhera released the breath she didn't realize she was holding in. She moved carefully to the bed, examining what he'd brought in. She was starving, so hungry she could have engulfed it all with ease. She knew better, small sips and little pieces. If it's poison she didn't need large doses in her system. She pulled the disgusting robe from her body, taking the chance to see the bruises that covered her flesh. Another sigh left her chest. She moved the tray to the night stand and climbed into the bed, covering herself entirely.

Her eyes were open, but her mind was at rest. Her body hard at work while her wolf began the process of knitting her bones back together.

Leave the bruises, dear one. Jhera spoke to her beloved companion, I want them thinking I can't heal.

Oh precious, I don't want to, but I will.

A small crack came when the bone at her femur shifted back into place, the pain bringing more relief than agony. The journey to the solstice would be a tiring one. Her mind flipped back and forth between two thoughts, The Lunar Codex, and Henri.

When the blood moon rises high in the sky, with the hunter to her back, the guardian will come. The codex spun about in her head. She couldn't' recall where she read it, only that it was important that she not forget it.

Then there was Henri, how heart broken she was becoming with the thought of him finding his Luna. She wanted it, but she felt pained regret. We'll have to leave and never come back after that. She spoke to her wolf, not wanting a response. I don't want to see him with her, I don't want to feel that pain.

Silence filled the moments in between brief stints of rest. She would rise and take a small nibble from the bread and sip from the juice. Doing her best to only take what she knew her body could process, knowing that poison would only wreak havoc on her healing. She rolled to her back, staring at the empty ceiling. Light cream colored paint covered overhead, while lights outside danced across her prison walls. She wanted to run, to be free. How she had become so domesticated was beyond her. How she had become so comfortable as to let her guard down, made no sense. She cursed herself for getting attached to the company she had joined with.

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