
By eyescloseddreamsopen

1K 68 18

Fame, fortune and the whole world loves them. Hugo and Mae are madly in love with each other, from elegant d... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 23

16 2 0
By eyescloseddreamsopen

After digesting what Naya had to say about Hugo staying in LA with Jay to work on himself, my mind starts to disagree with the idea more every second. It has been around 30 minutes since Jay forced Hugo to eat and sober up. Naya and I are now inside sat waiting for the boys to return. Momentarily after the thought runs across my mind Jay walks into the room. He explains that Hugo is asleep and that he has asked the captain to make it back to port as quickly a he can so we can all get some rest back at their house. He slowly sits down rubbing his forehead as he slouches across the seat next to Naya. Naya places a hand on the back of his neck in a loving way. "Thank you, Jay, I mean I just don't know what to do now" I innocently yet desperately say. "No don't worry about it, I should have never brought up Paige anyway it was all my fault, just go back home and give him to his dad" Jay says harshly but I know he means well. Hugo's father, William, is a powerful man and can get pretty much whatever he wants when he puts is mind to it, he has access to anyone and everyone and his name is highly respected. However, as his name is so protected, I worry that he will think his son is tarnishing his image if we go to him for help. Hugo is always getting paparazzied and new articles come out daily about him. This could severally harm his new movie and his career. "Okay, well our flight is early tomorrow morning do you think he will be okay?" I ask Jay, with Naya's unapproved breath on the idea of sending him back to London. "Yeah, he's completely out of it now but once we get home, I'll throw him into bed, might choke the asshole whilst I am at it too" Jay jokes in his thick American accent. Naya and I can't help but laugh in response. 

Once we get back to the port it was planned that Hugo and I would stay overnight at Naya and Jay's and fly from LAX back to London in the early morning. Hugo is still flat out asleep and unresponsive when we arrive. I immediately hear screams when the boat starts to pull up. I glance out the window of the boat and notice a small, yet noticeable, crowd surrounding the deck. Even though it was late and almost approaching midnight the paparazzi where also there. I turn away from the window and sink into the chair, my hands cover my face in frustration and worry. The last thing we needed was the paparazzi getting photos of Hugo drunk in America illegally. We had escaped it the first time at the after party but this one looks hard to get out of. Once the boat is safely pulled into port Jay mentions that one of the kitchen staff had posted the selfie, he took with the four of us to social media giving locations and details about when and where we would be arriving in exchange for a financial reward, explaining how the paparazzi knows we are here. I pace back in forth in the room in the middle of the boat contemplating what is going to happen and how we are gong to get Hugo to walk from the boat, past fans and paparazzi and into the car which is about 100m away.

I slowly make my way up the second floor where Jay tells me Hugo is sleeping. I feel the breeze on my bare legs when I am walking as I am still only wearing my bikini and Hugo's jumper from earlier. I knock on the door as if I am a stranger not this man's girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend. As expected, I hear no reply so I continue to open the door. Hugo is asleep on his back wearing only his black swimming shorts on top of the covers. One arm under his pillow and the other by his side just as Jay had described him. His hair is messy and his tan is more obvious paired with the bright white bed sheets. I close the door behind me and when I turn back to Hugo his eyes flutter open from the noise of the door closing. Hesitant on how to react I just stay with my back to the closed door and wait for him to acknowledge me. Jay warned me that we only have around 30 minutes to get off the boat as the car picking us up and taking us back to the house has another job booked after us. After a few more eye flutters his eyes become more stable and he wakes up. He notices me immediately. "Come here baby" He says so gently and lovingly that I momentarily forget about the rest of the night and follow his command and move towards him. As he slowly sits up his arms open inviting me to sit on his lap. The 40 minutes of sleep and food seems to have sobered him up and I instantly feel relieved. I move to sit on his lap, his fingers twirl my hair, he strokes my face and places a kiss upon my cheek. I allow all of this to happen as I am desperately craving his affection to comfort me. "We have to go, the car Is here to take us back, do you think you can manage it, there is paparazzi here, I'm sorry I had no idea they would be; I mean none of us did." I say quietly and I can sense the pathetic tone that falls from my lips with my words. Hugo looks at me and smirks whilst still playing with my hair. I am confused on why he isn't freaking out or mad. "You always apologise, don't worry I feel better, I'll be fine" Hugo says reassuringly and bluntly. Confused yet relieved I stand up off of Hugo's lap and rase my eyebrows looking at him with a soft laugh. "Look at you, put some clothes on, no way am I letting all those girls on the deck see you like this" I say trying to break the silence. Hugo joins me in a laugh and looks around the room for his jumper, he finds it. I am wearing it. "Erm, it's either me going out naked or you, I need my jumper sexy" He says playfully looking me up and down. I run from the side of the bed where we both are and run to the other side. It doesn't cross my mind as Hugo chases me around the bed for his jumper that we are no longer together or that he wants to leave me, because in this moment I fall in love even harder which feels impossible.

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