soft. [maeve wiley]

By eilishies

257K 9K 5.1K

in which the new girl turns the 'hard' maeve wiley soft. DISCONTINUED More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.


6.6K 285 282
By eilishies

(please comment while reading i love reading your comments !!!!)

maeve and i were currently laying on my bed at exactly 2:38 pm on november 17th of 2020.

nah, just kidding.

we, or actually rather me, were playing animal crossing new leaf on my nintendo ds.

and of course, if you've ever played animal crossing, you'd know about changing the date and time in the game.

it was actually 11:54 pm on a cold spring day in 2019, if anyone actually wanted to know.

"so all you do in this game is talk to cartoon animals?" maeve asked confused as she shuffled a little bit, making my head on her shoulder move closer to her own head.

maeve was walking through my room a few minutes prior and inspected basically everything i had lying around, when she found my glittery ds from 2013.

"no, stupid. you catch fish and insects and you can sell them to the cute little raccoons! or you can sell them to the pink llama too." i explained, making maeve scoff.

"that's stupid."

"no, you're stupid!" i exclaimed, hitting her on the chest accidentally. i meant to hit her stomach, but, well, i guess i miscalculated.

like the day i ran into maeves cupboard. hah, funny.

maeve furrowed her brows. "getting a little excited there, aren't we?"

"ughh, shut up!", i groaned, sitting up and sticking my tongue out at her.

it looked like something was going on in maeve's head, or maybe absolutely nothing was going on, because the next second i felt her hand grabbing my tongue.

i dropped my ds onto my bed in shock.

i looked at her like she was crazy, which she was, and she let go before proceeding to laugh quietly.

"your fingers taste disgusting.", i teased, still a little confused as to why she felt the need to grab my tongue.

"well, that's just too bad, innit?" she mocked while wiping her wet hand on my bed.

"ugh, you brits. don't ever say something like 'innit' in my presence again." i continued teasing, even though i secretly really liked her accent. aimees was cuter though.

"you don't even get to talk, love. half of the time i can't even understand what you're saying in between all the hard r's."

"well, why would you put r's in words and then not pronounce them? it's not that hard, innit?", i joked, pronouncing the 'hard' as stupid (cute) maeve with her stupid (cute) accent would.

maeve scoffed. "just be quiet, i know you americans have a thing for british accents. remember the hype on one direction? i bet you were one of those people that melted for harry's accent. and don't even lie."

now i was the one who scoffed. "you're wrong." i said and maeve looked a little taken aback.

"i STILL melt for his accent. and you do too, in fact everyone does. it's not even up for debate."

"well, he is pretty attractive, i have to give him that. but that doesn't have anything to do with his accent. i mean, you don't like donald trump just because of his accent, which is actually your own, now do you?" she pointed out, looking like she felt extra smart.

i furrowed my brows. is she stupid?

"that's not even the same thing. you're just speaking nonsense at this point."

"well, i'm bloody nervous, that's why." she murmured, rolling her eyes playfully.

"nervous? why?"

maeve smiled sheepishly and looked down at her hands, playing with the thin rings she had on.

"uhm, well, i wouldn't want your parents to wake up and curse at us, 's all." she said.

"nah, they probably have the tv on in their room anyways. i don't think they'll hear us." i reassured, giving her thigh a little squeeze.

she smiled a little uneasily and chewed on the inside of her cheek before glancing down at my hand on her thigh for a second.

i took my hand off her thigh when my ds made a noise and i realized that it needed to be charged.

with a huff and a cracking of my knees i stood up, leaving maeve sitting on the bed alone.

she looked like she was thinking really hard about something anyways.

quickly, i saved the game, even though i barely played because maeve and i were having the discussion about accents and then put it down to charge.

when i looked back up i saw maeve on her phone.


she was on her phone so rarely, that i almost forgot she even had one.

by the way her fingers moved, she was probably texting someone.

"who ya textin?", i asked from where i was stood in the right corner of my room.

"a friend. also, ew." she answered shortly. the 'ew' was probably directed towards my way of speaking, as usual.

"so... aimee?" i asked, because, well, because she didn't have any other friends apart from aimee.
of course there were eric and otis but i don't think she would necessarily text them in her free time nor call them her friends.

obviously she liked the two, but she still needed to keep up her special, teasing - relationship with them.

"no." she answered in that same short and dismissing tone.

i furrowed my brows. "well, who're you texting then?" i asked with a confused smile on my face.

"dylan." she answered. that made me feel a little uneasy, to be honest. but i couldn't let that show, maeve and i were only friends.

"who's that?"

"my friend."

"for fuck's sake." i whined. "just tell me who that is maeve!"

"he's..... my friend." she answered teasingly.

i rolled my eyes and walked over to her, grabbing her phone out of her hands.

her eyes widened and she tried to grab it back but i moved away quickly.

the only stuff i could read before she ripped it back out of my hands were:

"Maeve: I'm so nervous dylan"

"Dylan: why would u b nervous ?" and something along the lines of maeve and i being just friends or something.

"Maeve: Because she's so" and that's where i got interrupted by maeve taking her phone back.

"what are you nervous about?" i asked as maeve sat back down on my bed with an annoyed face.

"none of your business.", she answered and turned away from me, probably texting dylan again.

my heart began racing and i immediately felt beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

i hope she's not angry at me.

"it is my business, you're sitting on my bed and are ignoring me because you'd rather text some dylan person.", i answered quietly, not really wanting to start a fight.

"are you going to lisa's party next week?" she asked softly, completely ignoring what i just said. at least she didn't look annoyed anymore.

"i don't even know who that is."

"someone from school. so, are you going?"

i sat back down on my bed with a little more distance to maeve this time, before speaking.

"well, if everyone else is going then i'll go too."

"i'm going with dylan. i'm guessing most people will go. eric is probably forcing otis." she chuckled lightly at the end, causing me to smile too.

"okay, yeah. i'm gonna ask aimee." i announced before crawling over maeve and grabbing my phone from my nightstand while she pinched the back of my thigh.

"hey!" i practically squeaked before crawling backwards off maeve's lap and leaning against the headboard of my bed again.

"sorry." she simply said but it was obvious that she wasn't actually sorry.

i was about to open imessages to text aimee about the party when maeve tapped my shoulder and stole my attention.

"hm?" i asked and she looked at me fondly for a short moment before snapping a picture of me.

"hey!" i protested, completely forgetting about my phone with aimees chat already open.

"it's for dylan." she simply said before sending it off.

"at least let me see it." i pouted, about to grab her phone again to look at the picture she took but this time she was faster than me and held her arm up.

"ugh, just show me!"

maeve grinned and for a moment we just smiled at eachother before she showed me her phone.

"so you were just not gonna tell me that i look like this?"

maeve frowned. "like what?"

"like this!" i exclaimed, quickly patting down my hair that was previously standing up in all directions imaginable.

"i know what you're doing."


"you did something similar just half an hour ago." she explained.

"what do you mean?" i asked confusedly.

maeve just rolled her eyes playfully. "you look pretty."

"heyyy, i wasn't fishing for compliments!" i protested and maeve just chuckled.

"well, how do i look?" she asked jokingly and posed. i stopped my movement to really look at her properly.

i really took her appearance in for the first time since she's been at my house and smiled.

everything about her was of course flawless. sometimes i wonder if maeve actually knows how pretty she is.

when my eyes fell onto her nose piercing i practically melted right on the spot.

even though it wasn't technically part of her face, i do have to say that her piercing is definitely one of her best features.

"ugly." i said as if that was the best comeback known to man and immediately fell into a pit of giggles.

"hey! what happened to girls support girls?"

"you don't even get to talk! remember how rude you were to me sometimes?" i pointed an accusing finger in her face and she jokingly bit it, but slightly so it wouldn't hurt.

"what is with you and fingers in mouths today? one of your kinks?" i asked teasingly and raised my eyebrows.

maeve rolled her eyes and bit down on my finger harder, making me wince, before letting go completely.

"well, wouldn't you like to know."

"i would actually, yeah. that's why i asked."

she rolled her eyes once again and slapped my leg before answering.

"no. but if you're so interested in my kinks why don't you ask jackson?"

i scoffed. "like hell. he has vanilla sex and we all know it too."

"and you don't? you're seventeen, evie." maeve pointed out with a laugh.

"can't you just let me talk bad about jackson for a second?"

"sorry, love. carry on."

"that was all, actually." i answered sheepishly and maeve smiled before whispering something under her breath.

"what, 'food'? are you hungry?"

maeve looked at me with furrowed brows. "what?"

"didn't you just whisper 'food'?"



she continued looking at me with a confused face but after a few seconds of just staring, she started smiling.

"why would i just randomly whisper 'food'?" she asked with a chuckle.

"i don't know. because you're hungry, maybe?" i encountered, grinning.

we looked at each other for a second as if we were in a dumb disney movie and then started laughing like maniacs.

"shh!!" i brought out in between laughs, not wanting to wake up my parents.

"no, you 'shh'!" maeve mocked, laughing even harder.

"evie, was zur hölle ist hier los?" [what the hell is going on here?] my dad suddenly asked and maeve and i went silent.

he stood there in a white tank top and typical checkered dad pajama pants looking tired and confused.

maeve looked at me as if silently asking me to translate what he was saying.

"dad!" i exclaimed with a forced smile. "what's up?"

my dad rolled his eyes and ignored my question, getting straight to the point. "wer ist dieses mädchen auf deinem bett?" [who's that girl on your bed?]

i smiled sheepishly and glanced over at maeve who seemed to be even more confused than before.

"that's maeve." i said and before i could even explain any further he interrupted me.

"deine freundin?" [your girlfriend?] he asked, raising his eyebrows with a tired smile.


my dad didn't look too convinced and continued questioning me. "hättest du sie gerne als deine freundin?" [would you like her to be your girlfriend?]

"dad!" i groaned, rubbing my face with my hands. "no."

"und was macht sie dann hier? ich dachte nach all der zeit schmuggelst du endlich mal wieder heimlich eine freundin rein. so wie ich in meinen jungen jahren." [then what is she doing here? i thought after all this time you finally smuggled a girlfriend in again. like i did when i was young.] he asked with an almost disappointed face.

i looked at maeve for a second and decided that it would be best if i answered in german this time, just to make sure that she really couldn't get an idea of what we were talking about.

"ich arbeite daran, papa. zumindest tat ich das bevor du einfach reingekommen bist." [i'm working on it, dad. at least i was until you just came in.]

my dad's eyes widened in realization and he nodded. "aaah, okay. well, maeve..." he acknowledged with a nod and she waved sheepishly before he continued. "..evie, i'll leave you to it then. but keep the noise down please, mom is luckily still sleeping."

we both nodded and my dad left us alone once again, closing the door behind him. yes i had to teach him that over the years but he finally got it and doesn't leave my door open anymore.

"what were you talking about?" maeve asked after a few seconds, making sure that my dad already went up the stairs.

"oh, you know, just about what's for dinner tomorrow." i answered as nonchalant as possible.

maeve looked like she knew that i wasn't telling the truth but she didn't push the subject and just pulled my head into her lap, making my ears turn red.

i knew that there was no way that she could've possibly seen my ears but she still wore a knowing smirk on her pretty face.

"maeve?" i asked after a few minutes of silence, well apart from maeves fingers tapping on her phone screen now and then, liking the occasional instagram picture.

"yes, love?"

"when did you get your nose pierced?"

"a few years back, why?" she answered, putting her phone down and plucking a loose hair off my shirt.

"but you're only 17."


"well, did your mom just let you get it? i know my parents wouldn't allow it."

at that, maeve tensed up under me and i remembered that she and her mom didn't have the best relationship.

"i mean, she was probably high as a kite when she agreed to it." she said after a little hesitation.

when she noticed me shivering due to the rather cold air tonight, she shifted a little to put the blanket over me and i smiled at her with more than just heart-eyes.

"you don't really like talking about her, huh?"

maeve shook her head. "well, i'm obviously not very proud of it."


"because my mum's a bloody drug addict, what do you mean 'why'?", she asked with a bewildered look on her face.

"i mean it doesn't really define who you are. at least as far as i'm concerned. so i don't really think you should be ashamed of it, right?"

"i guess, i don't know. everyone's lives here are just so fucking perfect, y'know? i feel like i'm the only one in this bloody town with family problems. i haven't even seen my mum in, like, two years and then there's people like jackson who complain about their parents just wanting the best for them." she explained and added a little sigh at the end, grabbing a strand of my hair and beginning a braid.

"i'm sure your mom wants the best for you too. maybe her leaving is what's best for you in her mind, i don't know. i obviously don't know what she's thinking so i could be wrong. i probably am, anyways." i said, trying to make her feel a little better.

"it probably is, honestly. whenever i see her i just want to blame her for everything going wrong in my life, so i'm almost glad that she's gone."

maeve had finished the small braid by now and instead of opening it up again, she just left it like it was and curled random strands of my hair around her fingers absentmindedly.

"doesn't it sometimes make you sad though? i mean don't you live alone?"

maeve hummed and stretched a little before resting her head against nelson ernesto, the stuffed pig from the fair that she had won for me, which was resting on my bed for decoration.

definitely not because it made my heart race, thinking about how she won it for me.

just decoration, of course.

"yeah, i do. but it's nice most of the time. no one's there to tell you what to do and what not to do and i can just come home whenever i want to. although it does get kinda lonely sometimes."

i hummed. "maybe you can come here when you feel lonely? i'll just leave my window cracked open."

"like in twilight when edward randomly appears in bella's room at night?" she asked with a little provocative giggle.

"you watched twilight?"

"yeah. watched it right after you told eric that you were team bella."

for some reason that made my stomach really tingly and i couldn't help but smile.

"i can say that i'm definitely team edward though. there's just something about him. don't you think? also robert pattinson is kind of insane which makes everything even better.", she added and i frowned in confusion.

"what do you mean 'insane'?"

"don't you know that story of him where he went on a date with his stalker and complained so much about his problems in life to the point where she never stalked him again? also apparently he thinks he smells like crayons.", she explained with a laugh.

"oh, i'm sorry. i didn't know you were the leader of the robert pattinson fan club. i like the smell of crayons though, he must smell good even though he does seem kind of insane."

"how did we just go from family problems to robert pattinson being insane?" i added after a short moment of silence.

"i don't know. it just happens when people have a connection i guess."

"you think we have a connection?" i asked with a little smile.

"of course we do, love." she said with a little eye roll as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"i'm tired."

"well, then go to sleep." she simply said and stood up from my bed to put her shoes on.

"i'll see you at school, okay?"

i nodded. "okay. good night, maevy wavy."

"good night, hymen girl." she said, making me smile with memories of our first real conversation in biology class dancing through my mind.

i turned around in my bed and after a few seconds the window fell shut, signaling that maeve had left.


AN: (THEY ARE KISSING SOON DONT STOP READING THIS PLS i just hate it when characters get together after like the third chapter) WHEEEW chile it's been some time but i'm back !!!!! i really plan on updating this more frequently now ! let me know what you think if anyone is actually still reading this lol

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