Author Becomes Character

By ShairaMaeMafe

104K 1.4K 322

Awakening to find myself in a world teeming with magic, dragons, and fantastical wonders was like stepping in... More

Chapter 1: Reincarnation
Chapter 2: Family
Chapter 3: God Blessing Ceremony
Chapter 4: Resolution
Chapter 6: The Final Exam

Chapter 5: The Nobility's Hobbies

4K 178 11
By ShairaMaeMafe

Thanks to my birthday party, I was able to mingle with various noble children around my age, but for some reason, I feel uneasy.

Today, as has been the case for the past few months, I am invited to a tea party. I'm in the mansion of Duke Farhan, one of the empire's four dukes.

The one organizing the tea party was her eldest daughter, who is as old as Brother Calvin. Heaven Farhan, her name is so nostalgic that I was planning to inquire about how she came to be named that way later.

Despite the fact that I am 6 years old on the outside, I am 24 years old on the inside, and I understand why this person invited me.

Despite the fact that I am too young for their circle, she insisted on inviting me. Its real intention is far too evident to be misunderstood.

Brother Calvin, though not the crowned Prince, undoubtedly carries royal blood, ensuring his status as a prince regardless of circumstance. Furthermore, I've overheard from the maids that certain nobles advocate for Brother Calvin to ascend the throne instead of Brother Tristan. They're referred to as the aristocratic party, if memory serves me right. While I'm still unfamiliar with the intricacies of noble factions and power dynamics, I'm keenly aware that many seek to leverage my brothers and me for their own gain in influence and connections. Thus, I must proceed with caution.

A line of servants flanked the entrance to the sprawling mansion where my carriage had halted. A young lady, perhaps around 13 or 14 years old, with brown coppery hair and piercing green eyes, warmly welcomed me.

"Princess Anya, welcome to our humble abode," she greeted, gracefully bowing. "I am Heaven Farhan, eldest daughter of Duke Farhan."

"Lady Heaven Farhan, I am grateful for your invitation," I replied with a practiced smile.

I called it as such because it reminded me of one of the shows I watched on earth, I forgot the title of it but I remember this, because I also used it during my high school days, where you need to smile despite being insulted by teachers or bullied by classmates.

Smiling in the face of negativity can serve as a potent defense mechanism. Reacting to negative remarks or seeking sympathy from others often only fuels the instigator's sense of satisfaction and power, encouraging further attempts to hurt you. By refusing to engage in their negativity and instead wearing a smile, you deny them that gratification.

Those who derive pleasure from bringing others down often do so to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy. Witnessing someone else suffer momentarily boosts their own sense of superiority, providing a fleeting respite from their inner turmoil. It's a manifestation of their own struggles with insecurity and inferiority complexes.

As we exchanged pleasantries and began our walk towards the tea party location, I couldn't help but reflect on the power of a smile in the face of adversity. It wasn't merely a facial expression; it served as a shield against the negativity of others, a silent affirmation of my resilience and strength amidst challenges.


As we made our way to a gazebo enveloped in a rainbow of roses, I couldn't help but admire the serene beauty of the surroundings. Inside the gazebo awaited four young ladies, each appearing to be of similar age to Lady Heaven.

"Welcome, Princess Anya," they greeted in unison, their voices harmonizing in a polite chorus.

As they began to introduce themselves, I found my attention waning. Their introductions seemed to stretch on endlessly, each name blending into the next. While I understood the importance of courtesy, I couldn't help but feel a sense of boredom creeping in. Remembering their names seemed an impossible task, especially when my presence here was purely out of obligation.

I had accepted the invitation to this party solely because of Duke Farhan's standing as the wealthiest and most powerful among the four dukes. It was a gesture of respect rather than a genuine desire to forge new friendships.

How could I possibly relate to children who were, on average, 15 years old? Despite my youthful appearance of 6 years old, internally I was 24, creating a significant disparity in our experiences and interests. It was clear that we operated on entirely different wavelengths, making the prospect of forming meaningful connections seem daunting.

The long introductions finally ended, and I was relieved to take a seat.

There were lots of sweet treats on the table, and each lady had a teacup, but hardly anyone touched their food. Was that normal? I remembered how I used to gobble up sweets when I was their age.

Despite my thoughts, I put on a polite smile and tried a bit of everything on the table.

"Wow, Lady Heaven, your necklace is gorgeous!" one of the ladies said, admiring Heaven's jewelry.

I couldn't help but look too, along with the other ladies. It was a diamond necklace, which was nice, but nothing extraordinary to me. Back on Earth, I might have thought the person wearing it was really rich, but after being in this world for a while, especially as a princess, fancy jewelry like that didn't seem so special. I'm not trying to brag, just explaining how different things are now.

But it seemed like the ladies at the table were trying to flatter Lady Heaven with their compliments.

"Thanks. It was a gift from Prince Calvin," Lady Heaven said with a smile.

I want to puke!

"Oh, for the 2nd prince to give such a gift, you must be someone special to him," another girl commented.

"I don't know what Prince Calvin thinks, and I don't want to assume," she said, blushing.

I sat there stunned, staring at her, trying to imagine my Big Brother being romantic. No way! I can't even picture it! That clueless kid?! He's clueless about romance!!

He only knows how to swing his sword and use his magic.

"So, Princess Anya, did Prince Calvin ever mention Lady Heaven?" one of the girls asked, looking thrilled about something.

Did my Brother really give a gift like that? I have no clue!

"Brother and I haven't seen each other since my birthday party; he's been busy with his apprenticeship, so I don't know," I replied.

"Oh, really?" the girl who asked seemed to say quietly, glancing cautiously at Lady Heaven.

Lady Heaven flinched a bit but still managed to smile.

"I've heard that princesses like sweet treats, so I made sure to have a variety," Lady Heaven said, changing the subject.

"Yeah," I said, stuffing a piece of cake into my mouth, and the room fell silent again.

I watched the four girls exchange looks, as if they were communicating without speaking.

"Oh, my mom got a new pet yesterday!" one of the girls blurted out.

I ignored them and kept eating.

"Oh? What is it this time?" another girl asked.

"It's a beastman! A rabbit folk," she said cheerfully.

"Really?! What color? I want to see! Mom never takes me to those auctions!" another girl exclaimed.

I stopped eating and listened to their conversation. Suddenly, Heaven seemed to notice my reaction and spoke up.

"Are you familiar with the auctions, Princess?" Lady Heaven asked, her eyes sparkling.

"No, could you tell me what The Auction is?" I asked.

"Well, I understand since you're still young, but I promise you'll love The Auction! There are so many cute animals there!" she said.

"Yeah! There are even sea folks at The Auction!" one of the girls chimed in.

"My mom once bought a mermaid, but she died. Dad said maybe she was defective or something," another girl added sadly, and the others comforted her.

Mermaid? Beastmen? Defective? Is this society that advanced? Are they making mythical creature robots as pets or something?

Or are they talking about real-life mythical creatures? That seems like the closest possibility.

As the conversation about pets continued, it took on increasingly unsettling tones. Desperate to steer the discussion in a different direction, I made a mental note to ask Dad about The Auction house later.

"Lady Heaven, I've been curious since I received the invitation; your name, Heaven, it's so beautiful. What does it mean?" I inquired, hoping to shift the focus away from the pet stories.

"Oh, I'm not entirely sure," she replied cheerfully. "It's a tradition in our family; every first-born daughter of the main line is named Heaven, and I happen to be Heaven Farhan the 25th."

I simply nodded in response, silently resuming my meal. The other ladies offered compliments on her name and continued discussing it, but I chose not to engage further in the conversation.


The tea party drew to a close, and now I found myself within the castle walls, making my way toward Father's study room. Four knights stood guard outside the door, their imposing presence momentarily giving me pause.

"I need to see Father," I announced to them, meeting their gaze. In unison, they bowed and dropped to their knees before me.

"Princess Anya, please wait a moment while I inform his majesty," one of them replied, rising to his feet and disappearing into the room after a couple of firm knocks. Moments later, he emerged, holding the door open for me.

Stepping into the room, I was met with the sight of Father, surrounded by piles of paperwork on his desk. Guilt gnawed at me for not being able to lend a hand, but my thoughts were consumed by the topic of the auction house the ladies had discussed earlier.

"I heard about the auction house, Dad," I blurted out, skipping any formalities. Father paused, setting down his pen to regard me.

"And?" he prompted.

"What do you mean 'and'? Dad, living beings are being traded there! It's like slavery!" I exclaimed, the weight of the issue heavy on my young shoulders. Father seemed taken aback, and in that moment, I realized how much of a child I still was in his eyes, which felt strange.

Pushing his chair back with a sigh, Father rose from his seat and approached me. As he reached me, he lifted me up and carried me over to the nearest sofa, settling me onto his lap with a bemused expression.

"You're too young to fully grasp these matters, Anya, but understand this: I'm working to put an end to the Auction House. It's just that many nobles are resistant to change," he explained, his tone laced with frustration. In that instant, clarity washed over me.

"I'll help you end it, Dad," I declared with determination.

Father chuckled softly.

"We will end it together, but first, you need to grow and learn to assist Daddy, okay?" he said, gently patting my head.

I nodded in agreement, offering him a smile. Perhaps they were right; when one's needs are met, the natural inclination is to extend a helping hand to others. Or maybe it was my Earthly principles that drove me to find the auction house morally reprehensible, or perhaps I was simply seeking answers to my existence in this unfamiliar world.


Years have passed; now, at sixteen, I faced my final exam in my first weapon mastery course.

"Anya, don't take on anything too big," Mom advised, adjusting my chain mail and securing the leather armor Brother Cal had bought.

"And steer clear of smaller creatures too; they're quick! Just avoid them," Father cautioned, holding the helmet Brother Tristan had given me.

"Listen to Mom and Dad, just avoid unnecessary risks," Brother Tristan, as unhelpful as ever, chimed in.

"Don't worry, I'll be right beside you, Anya. No creature will come near you with me around," Brother Cal declared, brandishing his sword confidently.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their collective concern.

"How am I supposed to complete the course if I don't even hunt?" I questioned.

"Well, you have a point. Let's talk to your master and sort this out once and for all," Dad suggested, placing the helmet on the table and heading towards the tent's entrance.

"DAD!" I exclaimed, startled.

"Kidding, kidding. I know how much you've been looking forward to this," Dad reassured me, joining Tris on the sofa.

I sighed, reaching for the helmet he'd placed nearby.

"Just promise me you won't do anything to make my exam easier, especially you, Brother Cal," I warned, glaring at him as he sat with Dad and Tris.

"I'll try my best," he replied with a grin, earning another eye roll from me.

"And if you do, I'll never forgive you," I added, intensifying my glare.

He just laughed.

"Anyway, don't get hurt, okay? And don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it," Mom advised, her hands framing my face in a squished manner.

I nodded in response.

"Good," she said, releasing my face.

"Sigh, can't believe she's grown this much," Dad mused, looking at me.

"Indeed. She used to be so tiny," Mom added, gesturing my former size with her hands.

"I think Anya's growing backward," Tris suddenly remarked, prompting all of us to turn towards him.

"You know it too, right? Anya was hailed as a genius and a prodigy when she was young because of her quick learning and mature demeanor. But look at her now, pouting like a child," Tris pointed out, gesturing towards me.

"Hey!" I protested, pouting even more.

"Haha, I prefer it this way. At least I know Anya won't be stolen by some arrogant man yet," Dad joked, laughing heartily.

"Hey!" I protested once again, but they all continued to laugh as if their point had been proven.

We arrived at the eastern outskirts of the empire, where a vast forest bordered the eastern border. To pass the test, my master, Evangeline Mary Ruth—Mom's sister and a magician-turned-knight—instructed me to hunt five different types of monsters or animals. She warned that failure would result in a month of intense training, which drove me to succeed!

Master Eva was a noblewoman like Mom but chose to become an adventurer and later a knight, rejecting the societal expectation of being used as a tool for political connections. Her determination inspired many other talented women to join the royal guard.

In short, Master Eva was a living legend, and I admired her greatly. I was determined to follow in her footsteps from the moment Mom told me about her.

"Don't be afraid, Anya. You have talent and potential. Show me what you've learned from our training," Master said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, steeling myself with determination as I ventured into the dense eastern forest, with Brother Calvin close behind.

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