Home (Hiroxreader)

By Googleitlol

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After 5 years Y/n returns to her childhood home, San Fransokyo, except some things have changed. Aside from s... More

Ch. 1 - Big Roommates 2
Ch. 3 - Food Fight
Hiro and Y/n ๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™

Ch. 2 - Fred's Bro-Tillion

310 8 1
By Googleitlol

Random thought, if the Big Hero-verse has all these combinations like Noodle Burgers, and Yaki Taco, do you think they'd have that one thing Ron constantly eats from Kim Possible, The Naco?

Anyway, above is the dress you where to the bro-tillion, and here's a vine compilation I thought y'all might like ;)

Credit to kida!

"Sweetie?" Michael called out after knocking on my door.

"Come in." I answered. Michael stepped in as I brushed my hair. It'd been a few days since we moved back to San Fransokyo, and Michael and I were starting to get into the routine of things.

Every morning Michael would go off to work with his business partner, Orso Knox, and I would go to Lucky Cat Café to have breakfast with Hiro and the rest of the gang before goofing off with them for the rest of the day. School also started for me, but I usually spent lunch and my study block at SFIT to hang out with my friends.

Michael came in. "So I know you and Fred usually go to that café in the morning, but Fred is a little too busy this morning, so I was wondering if you could help him out."

I set my brush down on my bed. "Sure, what does he need help with?"

"Getting ready for his bro-tillion."

I stared at my step-dad like an idiot. "His bro-what?"

"It's a fancy gala in his honour." Michael explained. "Heathcliff explains it better, but Fred's in his room right now if you want to check up on him. He's stressing out about it."

"Okay." I hopped off my bed and gave Michael a hug. "See you after work."

He returned the hug. "See you after work." He repeated, but right as I was about to head down to Fred's room, he called me back. "One more thing!"

I turned to look at him. "Yeah?"

"Would you be okay being the pianist at the bro-tillion?" Michael asked.

I blinked in surprise. I picked up music from my mother as a hobby, but it had been a long time since I touched a piano. I usually stuck to my guitar, but I wouldn't mind playing piano if it was for a friend. "Sure, I'll just have to practice a few songs first."

I waved goodbye and made my way down the hall to Fred's room, only to find that Hiro, Baymax, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, and Gogo were already there. They were all in their regular clothes, except for Fred, who wore his bath robe and a towel over his head. I hung back by the door. "There's no escape. There's no hope." Fred told his friends.

"Alright." I could tell Gogo was done with his dramatic tone. "Drama King, explanation, now."

"It's his bro-tillion." I explained. Everyone turned to look at me, completely unaware that I was there until just now. "Michael sent me to check up on you, Fred."

"What are you doing here, Y/n?" Hiro asked, confused.

"Oh, did I forget to tell you something really cool?" I asked, referring to the fact that he didn't tell me about Big Hero 6. "Michael and I are living here for the time being."

Honey Lemon's eyes lit up. "Really? That's amazing!"

"Oh, yeah." Fred agreed with her. "The other day, we had a Kentucky Kaiju Marathon."

I nodded and Hiro turned to Fred. "Stop stealing my friend, Fred!" I laughed at his childish jealousy.

"Wait, what did you say before?" Wasabi asked, not quite sure what a bro-tillion was.

"Did you say he's reptilian?" Hiro asked.

Honey Lemon took a guess. "Something about his lizard costume?"

"You have a lizard costume?" I laughed, and Fred frowned. Honey Lemon covered her mouth in realization, but I didn't notice.

"No, Bro." He corrected the gang. "Bro-Bro-Bro. Bro. Bro."

Gogo turned to Heathcliff. "Heathcliff, translation?"

"The time has come for Master Frederick's bro-tillion," The butler explained, "a grand gala held in his honour where he will be formally presented to the city's monied elite." Michael was right, Heathcliff explained it better than him, but I was still a little confused.

"Fred, translation?" Gogo asked, obviously still unsure like me.

Fred got up from the couch. "It's a stuffy party where I have to stuff myself into a stuffy suit and talk to stuffy people about stuffy things." As he explained he made gestures and imitated what I think was how he thought 'stuffy' people acted. "And that's not even the worst part. And then there's... Binky."

"I do not have any data on..." Baymax paused like Fred. "Binky."

"Beverly Samantha Mole," Mrs. Frederickson walked into the room carrying a tape measure, "aka, Binky. The reigning queen of San Fransokyo's snob society." She explained. " She's rude. She's arrogant. She's-"

"Quite insufferable." Heathcliff finished. "Not at all down to earth like you, madam."

Mrs. Frederickson began to take her son's measurements. "Which is why everything must be perfect." She told the group before turning to her son. "Right, dear?"

"Right, Mom." She smiled at her son before walking away.

"Why does your mom care what this Binky lady thinks?" Gogo asked.

"Well..." I grinned. Fred had told me about some of the things he got in trouble for in the past, and they always made me laugh. "there was the time I defaced priceless art. In my defence, the concept of priceless art was still new to me." I chuckled as he continued. "Then, there was the monkey incident. In my defence, the monkeys looked up to me as their leader. And I'm still not allowed at the yacht club. In my defence..."

"There's nothing you can say in defence of the yacht club incident, Fred." I told him.

He looked like he was about to argue back, but inevitably couldn't think of anything to say. "Yeah, you're right."

The group looked at their friend, baffled. Well, everyone except for Baymax and Gogo. "Wow" She said.

"Yeah, wow. I can't let my mom down again." Fred told the group. "You guys have to help me. I need to become a proper you gentledude, and I need to do it by Saturday."

"Saturday?" Wasabi questioned. "Which Saturday? This Saturday?"

"Okay. We can do this." Honey Lemon cheered in her usual optimistic voice. "You've already taken care of personal grooming, your mom's handling wardrobe, what's next?"

"Preparing for the moment I fear more than anything..." Fred paused dramatically. "the dance."

"That really wasn't worth the dramatic pause." Gogo told the man child.

He popped up next to her. "Yeah-huh."

"Uh, don't worry, Fred. I got this." Hiro eased his friend.

I cocked my eyebrow in curiosity. "What, you suddenly know how to dance?"

"No, but Baymax can." He explained before pausing. "Er, well, not yet. I'll just make a new chip and download different dance styles onto it. Then Baymax can teach Fred!"

"Good idea!" I told the boy genius. "But doesn't Fred need to learn one dance for the bro-tillion?"

"Maybe, but you know you wanna see Baymax do a jig."

"...well now I do."


We watched as Hiro brought Baymax to the front of the room. "Allow me to introduce, Baymax. Now with dance mode." He ran over to stand next to me behind the couch. We all watched in anticipation as Baymax bopped his head up and down.

"Five, six, seven, eight." The lights went out, and a spotlight shown on the marshmallow robot. Music began to play from who knows where and Baymax began to dance, with the grace of a swan he twirled and tiptoed around the room. Irish music began to play, and the robot began to do a jig, making me smile. I turned to Hiro and he gave me a smirk.

The group watched as Baymax was suddenly behind the couch, and disco music began playing as the healthcare companion continued to dance. I chuckled at all the dances Hiro programmed into the chip, but I lost it when Baymax started doing the robot.

Despite my shear joy, Gogo didn't seem as impressed. "The robot. Really?" Baymax stopped dancing before sticking his hand out to Fred.

"The waltz." Baymax told Fred, showing him how to start. "Your arms go here and here."

Once in position, Fred was very close to Baymax, leaning on his huggable figure. "Well, this is kind of nice."

Ballroom music began to play "I will lead. Ready?" Baymax asked Fred, who was busy enjoying the hug he was getting from his healthcare companion.

"Ready?" He asked, but Baymax took it as a sign he was actually ready and begun to dance.

"Step, side."

"Whoa, wait. Which side?"

"Very good. Step, side."

"You're movin' real fast."

"Step, side."

"Uh, step, side, close."

"Step..." It hurt my eyes to watch as Fred hopelessly tried to keep up with Baymax's movements.As they continued dancing, Fred's mother burst into the room, looking terrified.

"Terrible news, Frederick. Avalanche on the family mountain." She explained. "Of course, your father is leading the search party."

Fred looked hopeful as he continued to waltz. "So, my party's off?"

Mrs. Frederickson eyed her son in disbelief. "Don't even joke about that."

As if things couldn't get worse for the family, Heathcliff walked up to Fred's mother. "Madam, more terrible news. The caterer has canceled."

"What? No! No!" She turned to the butler. "Did you tell him I- I would pay him obscenely?"

"Of course." He responded, and Mrs. Frederickson shook her head.

"Oh, this cannot be happening. Come, Heathcliff, we have to find another caterer or the bro-tillion will be ruined. I'll be ruined!" She instructed the man, and they walked off.

I turned to Hiro, who was making his 'idea' face. "Uh oh." I smirked, and Hiro turned to me, confused. "What are you thinking?"

"Well, the coffee machine at Lucky Cat Café kind of broke down this morning, and Aunt Cass said buying another one would be too expensive..." He started to explain.

I nodded in understanding. "So you're gonna convince Fred's mom to hire Aunt Cass as a caterer for this whole bro-tillion thing."

"Yeah! I'll fix two problems with. one solution." He finished.

"Pretty smart, Hamada." I complimented him.

"Well this is me we're talking about." He said smugly, and I playfully punched his shoulder.

"Alright, Mr. Ego, go get that catering job before Mrs. Frederickson finds someone else for the job." I reminded the boy genius, and he walked towards the door.

"I'll be right back." He told us before following the Heathcliff and Mrs. Frederickson.

After Hiro left, I could only stand a few more minutes of painfully watching Fred fail at dancing before deciding I had to prepare for the gala myself. "I'll see you guys at the bro-tillion, I've got to warm up my piano skills for tonight. Michael asked me to be the pianist at the bro-tillion."

The others turned to me, curious. "You play piano?" Wasabi asked. "Since when?"

"My mom taught me." I explained. "You could say music was her hobby, and she taught me everything I know. Piano, violin, drums, but I mostly stick to the guitar."

"That sounds amazing!" Honey Lemon complimented.

Gogo tuned to me, interested as she asked. "Do you know what you'll play yet?"

I stroked my chin in thought. "I haven't really thought about it yet, but I'll probably do some classical pieces."

"Well good luck!" Honey Lemon cheered, before pausing. "Or break a leg?"

I smiled at the confusion. "You can say whatever."

"Well then, break a leg!" Fred exclaimed before tripping over his own feet. I giggled before waving goodbye to the group and taking my leave.


Time flew by and soon it was time for the bro-tillion! It felt like all the rich people of San Fransokyo had come for the event, and I could only imagine how Fred must've been feeling. Luckily in the time that I had I was able to brush up on my piano skills, but at the beginning of the night I was definitely nervous.

I watched from the corner of my eye as the gang catered to the guest, and I tried not to laugh as Baymax let out air to move around the guest. Wasabi kept being the neat freak that he was and kept cleaning the faces of the guest who had crumbs on their mouths from the hors d'oeuvres, and Gogo was skating around too fast for anyone to grab the treats from her dish. Honey Lemon watched in horror as the treats were eaten by guest and Hiro was just barely visible through the crowds of the guest.

As I finished another song, Hiro walked up to me, carrying adorable little chicks on his platter. "Hey, Y/n. You look great."

"You too, Hiro." I returned the compliment. I stood up from the piano bench. "How is everyone enjoying the hors d'oeuvres Aunt Cass made?"

"They're doing pretty good." He replied. "You're doing great over here with the piano."

"Awe, thanks." Before we could continue chatting, Mrs. Frederickson walked up to the microphone by the staircase. I turned to my friend. "Wait here, Mrs. F asked me to play a little jingle for when she presents Fred."

Hiro nodded and I sat back down by the piano just as Fred's mom began her introduction. "Good evening, all. Thank you for coming. It is with great pride that I introduce the bro of the hour, my son, Frederick." I played Fred in as the room applauded for him. He walked up to the microphone, and anyone with two eyes could see he was nervous.

He rubbed his arm as he scanned the crowd, and muttered something under his breath. He looked around, his eyes falling on Baymax. He grabbed the healthcare companion and I watched from the piano as he spoke with the robot. I turned to Hiro. "I'm gonna check in with Fred, he looks like he's still anxious about the dance."

"Yeah, he looks a little pale." Hiro agreed. "If all else fails, ask him what Captain Fancy would do."

I smiled at the boy. "I will." I walked up to Baymax and Fred, who was freaking out. I patted the man's back. "Calm down, Fred, what's wrong?"

"I forgot the steps. My mind is blank. Everything is swirling around me." He explained as he continued freaking out.

"Your symptoms indicate acute anxiety." Baymax diagnosed. "I recommend deep calming breaths. Fred tried to take a deep breath, but began hyperventilating. I facepalmed as Baymax stated the obvious. "Oh, no. Now you are hyperventilating."

I rested a hand on Fred's shoulder. "You don't need to worry, you've practiced and you're ready! The steps will just come to you."

If my words got through to him, I couldn't tell. Baymax lifted his hand to Fred's face. "Breathe, into this." Fred grabbed the robot's hand and started hyperventilating into the hand. Right before I could say something in an attempt to calm his nerves, the floor began to tremble.

Fred removed Baymax's hand from his face in a panic. "It's not working. It feels like the whole room is shaking!" The chandelier from above rattled, and people looked at each other in confusion.

"Uh, Fred, that's 'cause the room is shaking!" I informed the comic lover right as a giant drill burst through the floor. People ran away in a panic as the drill stopped, opening up for a man, or cyborg-like-man to walk out.

"Guys? What is that?" Hiro called out.

The man that walked out of the drill seemed old. In his left hand he held some kind of gun while his right arm was completely made of metal. A piece of his head and an eye was also metal and he had some bulky piece of metal on his back. "Greetings, San Fransokyo. It is I, Baron Von Steamer." As if on cue, steam blew out of joints in his robotic arm.

The room was silent, and people shared glances of confusion. Steamer tried to jog everyone's memory. "I was a pretty well-known villain in my day. No? Steam? Steamer?" He shot bursts of steam out of what I now knew was a steam gun, but all that did was ruin Binky's hair. "Nobody remembers?"

Everyone stared blankly at the intruder, and he sighed. "Well, I guess there's not room in your fancy pocket-vest telephones for history."

Mrs. Frederickson spoke into the microphone. "This is a private affair, sir, and you did not RSVP."

"I did not RSVP, and I didn't bring a guest, but I am taking one." He pointed at Fred's direction. "Frederick Frederickson the Fourth!"

Fred's eyes widened. "Wait, what? Does this mean I don't have to dance?" He smiled at me and I stared at him in disbelief as people ran out of the building in a panic.

"Priorities, man!" I shouted as the villain made his way toward us, but he didn't seem as worried as me.

"Wow. A super-villain crashed my bro-tillion." He said in amazement.

Wasabi did not seem as thrilled as his friend. "Yeah, a super-villain crashed your bro-tillion." He exclaimed before running. I grabbed Fred's arm in one hand and picked up my dress in the other as we ran down the stairs.

The only people in the room aside from Wasabi, Fred, and I were Hiro, Honey Lemon, Gogo, Baymax, and Michael "Protect Fred." Hiro yelled out to the others in the room, and Gogo dropped the hors d'oeuvres on her platter. She skated up to the villain and threw the dish, but it was easily caught by Steamer, who bent it using his metal hand before creating a cloud of steam around himself.

Wasabi and I led Fred to the bottom of the stairs while Hiro grabbed a handful of utensils before throwing them at the steam cloud. The cloud dissipated as Steamer laughed. the group looked around in bewilderment only to realize the man was in another cloud of steam heading towards Fred, Wasabi and I.

In a panic, I took off my dress shoes, throwing them at the cloud. I heard the super-villain grunt in pain and called out. "Whoever threw those, that was a cheap shot!"

I smirked before I continued running. Baymax stood in the way of the cloud. "Scanning..."

The steam cloud grew closer to the robot, until Honey Lemon grabbed a table cloth and began fanning the steam, revealing Steamer. Honey Lemon smiled, but gasped as she realized the villain was pointing his steam gun at her. She smiled innocently before Michael shoved her out of the way. Steam shot out at where the cheery woman was moments ago.

"Honey Lemon!" Hiro yelled, before he and Gogo dragged Michael and Honey Lemon behind a pillar as the steam began to shoot out towards them.

"We need our gear." Gogo told the others, and Michael looked at them, confused.

"What gear?" He asked as Baymax approached Steamer.

"Steam is hazardous. It can cause third-degree burns." He informed the villain.

Steamer turned to the robot. "That is the ambition of the weapon, pale dirigible." He shot Baymax with a burst of steam, causing him to go flying past the ice sculpture of Fred.

"That is hot." Baymax told the old man as the steam melted the ice sculpture, much to Fred's horror.

"He melted my face?" He asked from behind the piano. "A bro should not have to see his own face melted."

"Don't look at it!" Wasabi exclaimed while he and I grabbed Fred and ran.

"Once again, Fred," I turned to the bro of the party. "I must say, priorities!" I watched in horror as the madman grabbed the piano with his robotic arm and chucked it into the air. It was my turn to be mad. "Do you know how much those cost?!" I asked.

"And you were lecturing me about priorities!" Fred complained.

We reached the backdoor, and Wasabi tried to open it, only to reveal it was locked. "Aw, come on!" Wasabi shouted as steam reached our feet. We turned to see the old man approaching us.

"Ah, young Frederick. You have grown since the baby child you presumably were at one point." He exclaimed.

Wasabi leaned over to Fred. "So, I'm guessing you two haven't met."

"I think I'd remember." Fred shot back.

Steamer pulled out a piece of paper from his suit before looking back at us, and realizing I had no shoes on. "You."


"Hasn't anyone taught you on the dangers of throwing footwear?"

I cannot express the sheer amount of confusion that was on my face with words. Before I could even think of something to say, the shoe-etiquette master villain spoke up again. "You are the spitting image of your accursed father." He spat before reaching for Fred, I assumed.

Shockingly, he grabbed Wasabi and began pulling him back to his drill. "Whoa. What the-?" He yelped before getting pulled back. Fred and I ran after him as he screamed. "Guys? Help!"

"Wasabi!" Hiro yelled before Steamer disappeared in more steam. Everyone rushed into the steam as it filled the room. We tried to find the villain, but nobody could see anything more than 5 feet ahead of them.

"I'm not Fred." Wasabi tried to explain.

"Silence, prisoner!" My ears perked, struggling to hear where the voices were coming from. "Tell Boss Awesome he has until midnight to surrender if he ever wants to see his precious baby child again." I ran in the direction I assumed Steamer was in. He cackled and I looked around, confused.

"'Kay, not sure which way your creepy laugh is coming from." Fred called out. "Could you cackle again, please?"


The steam began to clear and all that was left of Steamer was a giant hole in the ground. We all ran toward it. "He got Wasabi." HL exclaimed.

"I think the super-villain thought he was me." Fred told the group.

I shook my head. "No duh!"

"Super-confused-villain." Gogo corrected him.

"I'm also confused." Hiro admitted. "Who's Boss Awesome?" Fred and Michael shared a glance, like they knew something the rest of us didn't.

Meanwhile I stared blankly into the hole. I guess it was rude to throw shoes by supervillain standards?


We all gawked at the portrait in the secret room of Boss Awesome, trying to process what Fred and Michael had just told us. We were all back in our regular clothes. "Your dad was a superhero?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Named Boss Awesome?" Gogo added.

Michael turned to her. "It was the '70s." He explained.

"I get that Fred knew about this..." I turned to my step-dad. "But how did you know? I thought heroes kept their identities a secret."

Michael smirked. "The man may have been rich, but he wasn't a genius, and you can't just hire regular people to build gadgets for you. Who do you think built all his stuff?"

My jaw dropped. "You worked with a superhero?!" He nodded, and I had to take a second to collect my thoughts. "Do you have any idea how cool that is?!?!" I exclaimed.

"Uh, sir, you sure we should be in here?" Hiro asked, inspecting some of the weapons on the wall.

"Well, no." Michael scratched the back of his head.

"But Dad's halfway around the world in Switzerstan." Fred explained.

Honey Lemon held out a pair of what were probably underpants that were apart of Boss Awesome's costume. "We can keep a secret."

At that moment, the monitor on the wall buzzed to life, revealing the retired hero himself. He cleared his throat. "I'm glad somebody can."

"Fred!" Michael exclaimed, and like everyone else in the room put on an innocent smile.

Fred Jr. sheepishly waved. "Uh, hey, Dad."

"Hi, Mr. Frederickson." HL greeted the man.

The man turned to Fred and my Step-Dad. "Do you mind telling me what you and these kids are doing in my secret superhero den, Michael?"

"Well, we're at my bro-tillion," Fred spoke up before Michael had the chance, "then this guy Steamer shows up-"

"Baron Von Steamer?" Fred Sr. asked, pulling his goggles off to reveal his glasses underneath.

"He's back, Fred." Michael informed his friend.

"I can't believe he's back in the game." The retired superhero exclaimed while people in the back of the feed started pointing at something. "He was old back in our day, wasn't he, Michael?"

My Step-Dad chuckled. "I still remember him complaining about back pains in the middle of your fights!"

"And he's back." I added. "For revenge."

"Of course he is. He was my arch-nemesis." The man explained as people were chased behind him by a yeti. (Cue Backyardigans yelling yeti.)

"Sir? He captured our friend" Hiro informed the ex-hero. "Any idea where he would take him?"

"He had multiple hideouts, as I recall." Fred's father told us as some poor soul behind him was sent flying through the air, screaming. "But he did have a couple of favourites. Michael, show them the map."

Michael hit a button on the control panel in front of us, and a map appeared to the left of us. On it there were red blinking dots. "The markers are Steamer's old lairs." He explained.

"Can't be that one." Fred pointed to one marker. "It's a Noodle Burger now. Yep, and that's a Noodle Burger, Noodle Burger, and another Noodle Burger." He stopped himself. "Oh, wait. No, no. You know what? That's a Yaki Taco."

Hiro walked up to the map. "So the only two that aren't Noodle Burgers, the abandoned subway station and the old ironworks." Hiro told the group.

"They're on opposite sides of the city." Gogo added. "Great."

"We'll have to..." Hiro started to say something, but turned to me. I cocked my head in confusion. "...split up to find Big Hero 6." He finished. My eyes lit up at the idea of finding the superheroes of San Fransokyo.

Michael frowned, like he was about to say something but didn't. "Y/n, you should probably get some shoes." Hiro suggested, and I looked down at my feet. I almost completely forgot about how I threw my shoes at Steamer, and my face flushed in embarrassment.

"Right, I'll be back in a minute!"


Immediately after Y/n left Michael turned to the group. "She doesn't know, does she?"

The group looked at him, confused. "Know what?" Fred asked.

"That you're Big Hero 6." He explained. The group looked at him in shock, and he rolled his eyes. "I used to work with Boss Awesome before I moved, I know my heroes, and it wasn't hard to figure out; instead of suggesting someone calls the police you come straight here, there's six of you, and you said something about grabbing your gear." He pointed to Gogo.

Hiro looked up to Michael in worry. "You're not gonna tell her or anyone else, are you?"

Michael scoffed. "It's not my secret to tell." The group sighed but he continued. "But let me tell you, she's smart. She'll find out, and the longer you keep it a secret, the madder she'll be. Now go find your friend." The team nodded, and ran out to get their suits. "Good luck." He called out.


Michael spun around to the monitor, which was still on. "Dang it, Fred!"


Michael explained that the others went ahead, and although annoyed, I went with Michael to look for the heroes. Before leaving I took a picture of the possible hideouts for when we would meet the heroes. Oh my gosh, we're going to meet HEROES!!!

At first it felt like Michael was just going around in circles, so I suggested going out on foot. The moment he looked away I booked it and started looking on my own. I knew he was trying to keep me away from all the cool action stuff, so if he was gonna be that way, then he'll have to look for Big Hero 6 on his own.

I kept my eyes focused on the sky, since I read about the big guy being able to fly, and soon I noticed a yellow blur zoom across the building to my right. Trying to hold in my excitement, I yelled out to the hero. "Hey, Big Hero 6...er, 1!" I notice a blob of, I don't even know what and a tall girl slide down it, followed by a giant lizard man leaping next to his teammate. " Big Hero 3, down here!"

Unfortunately, the heroes were too high up to hear me, so I started running after them. They'd have to stop eventually, and hopefully when they did, they'd be low enough to hear me. I continued to run after them, and for a while I lost track of where I was.

My legs ached from running, and just before I was about to stop, the three started to slow down. I breathed a sigh of relief, and noticed we were at the old ironworks. Had Hiro and the others already found Big Hero 6 and told them where to go? As the team entered the building I thought about waiting for Wasabi to come out. They were Superheroes after all, so Wasabi would be safe in no time.


It would be pretty awesome to see a fight between a supervillain and superheroes. If I could find a corner or some sort of shelter to hide in, I could just spectate and maybe after they defeat Steamer I could talk to them!

Without another thought I rushed into the building, but stopped when I noticed the heroes were standing amongst each other. I couldn't see the lizard guy very well but the girl in pink looked like she had just lost an old friend. After a moment of mourning the one in yellow ushered the other two further into the building. Once they were a good distance away, I followed.

I noticed the heroes followed a trail of the hors d'oeuvres that Wasabi must've left for them, which led to a large metal door. Swinging it open, Wasabi and Steamer could be heard.

"I'm not Fred, and my daddy's an orthodontist!"

The heroes hopped into the room, and I ran to the door. The room looked more like a cave, with rocks jutting out from the floor, which sloped down to the centre of the room. Wasabi was in a cage hanging from the ceiling and Baron Von Steamer was a few feet away from him, operating a control panel.

"Nice try, baby child." Steamer flipped a switch, opening up a trapdoor underneath Wasabi's cage. Molten metal flowed into the new hole in the ground and the cage began to descend. "Fire up the ironworks!"

Wasabi began to scream. "No! Up! Stop! Aah! Well what if I say I am?" He looked up in confusion. "Fred?"

The heroes burst into action, and I ran down to hide behind a few spiky rocks jutting out of the ground. "Super jump!" The lizard man yelled, all while blasting the control panel with fire. Unfortunately it only set fire to the chain that was holding Wasabi, making him descend faster. I widened my eyes at the mistake.

"Aren't you supposed to be saving me?" Wasabi asked them, before continuing to scream at the sight of the fire spreading across the chain and inching closer to himself. Right before he fell into the hole of molten death, the yellow-clad hero knocked the cage out of the way. Wasabi was banged against the wall, creating a large hole in the wall.

The hero skated up to him. "You can open your eyes now."

"Not ready yet." Was his only response. This was crazy! I actually live in a city where heroes exist and are in the middle of saving one of my new friends!

BVS growled in frustration, and pulled another lever. A hole opened up from the ceiling, and a tube fell down, encasing the villain. "Millenial!" Was the last thing he shouted before getting sucked away in the tube. The heroes seemed bewildered as they helped Wasabi out of the cage.

"Uh, did he just give up?" Wasabi asked in confusion.

The pink hero helped him out of the cage. "I think we should get out of here now." She told the others.

"Could not agree more." Wasabi sighed, and I huffed. That was definitely a pretty amazing rescue, but where was the big hero vs. villain fight? Oh well, maybe another time-

As if the universe herd my thoughts, alarms began to blare and Wasabi let out a startled yelp. Another hole had opened up from the centre of the ceiling, revealing a giant spider-like mech with Baron Von Steamer in control. He laughed maniacally as he descended on a chain. "What is that?" One of the heroes questioned before it dropped down onto the floor, making the room shake.

I gawked at the size of the giant mech. Okay, maybe I shouldn't wish for big fights between heroes and villains when a friend is still stuck down in the fight zone. I missed something one of the heroes said but still heard Steamer's thundering voice. "Where is Boss Awesome? You're not bosses, or awesome."

The villain swung a giant mechanic hammer down on the group below. "Watch out!" The speedy one called out, and they all jumped in different directions.

"So it's a spider, with a hammer" The lizard man stated.

The fastest of the heroes sped around the mech, throwing her disks at the machine. "I don't see what this thing..." She grunted as the mech shot a stream of fire at her. "...had to do with steam."

She skated around, dodging the burst of flame while Steamer explained. "Well, you can't tell on the outside, but it's steam powered."

"I guess we'll have to take your word for it." The pink one said, winding up her arm to throw a ball at the villain. I cocked my head in confusion, what would a ball do?

I watched as the ball made contact with the hammer, and created a bluish-green hardened foam around it. These heroes were amazing! Steamer attempted to hit the girl with the colourful hammer, but she was quicker, and threw another ball down onto the ground, which formed a protective bubble around herself.

While hammering away at the bubble, Steamer noticed Wasabi hiding behind some rocks. "There you are, baby child Frederick." I looked over and realized Wasabi was saying something to the lizard guy, who for some reason hadn't moved since Steamer started using the mech.

The hammer finally destroyed the bubble, and before Steamer could blast the heroine with a burst of flames, the speed hero zoomed by and dragged her out of the way, behind a rock. The heroes yelled to Wasabi, who started running away. I noticed how they were in the opposite side of the room to me, and I decided to run to some nearby rocks for cover so I could hear them better.

When I peeked around the rock to see what was happening, Wasabi had tripped and was skidding across the floor towards the hole of death. "Wasabi!" I yelled out.

Just as he fell in, a massive clunk of red zoomed down from above, catching Wasabi by his foot. I breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize a stream of fire was shooting in my direction. In a panic, I jumped behind the cluster of rocks I was previously hiding behind. WHY DID I HAVE TO SHOUT WASABI?!

"You're that rude baby child that threw shoes at me!" The, what-I-now-believe-to-be-psychotic villain exclaimed.

I'm not sure if it was adrenaline, but bravery hit me like a brick and I took my shoes off. Luckily, the heroes began to fight once more, and the speedy one hit the glass windows of the mech with both her disks, cracking it but not quite breaking it. Before she could do any more, however, she was knocked back by one of the mechanic legs, and collided with the pink girl. She dropped a ball on the two of them, trapping themselves in the foam-like substance she used before.

With what little strength I had, I threw my left shoe at the window, cracking it even more. The villain turned the mech around as he faced me once more. "How dare-"

Not letting him finish I threw my last shoe at the mech, breaking the glass and hitting Steamer in the face with my shoe. Either I have anti-stormtrooper aim or this guy's a magnet for footwear.

Steamer stumbled back, giving me a few seconds to bask in my shoe-throwing skills. The madman glared daggers into my soul, and I immediately felt a weight in my stomach. "Oh no."

Another stream of fire was blasted in my direction, and just before I could get out of the way, a blast of wind came from my right, and suddenly I was in the air! Looking up, I came face to face with the big red guy from Big Hero 6! Getting saved by a superhero could officially be checked off my bucket-list.

The mech continued to fire at us, when the hero on the red guy's back spoke to me. "Are you-" He stopped himself, clearing his throat a bit. "Are you alright miss?" It sounded like he was trying to make his voice deeper.

"I'm okay!" I assure him, trying to take a peek at his face. All I could see though was a bit of his helmet, as he was sort of hiding his face. The big guy flew to the door and set me down. "Thanks." I told the heroes.

"No problem, now get out of here!" Before I could even respond, he flew away. Part of me wanted to listen to him, but I had to see how this played out. Being careful not to be seen, I made my way back towards the action.

By the time I found good enough cover, Steamer had taken out the big red guy and his pilot, leaving the lizard. I thought he'd be destroyed for sure, but to my amazement, he started to move! Not only that, he moved to some beat in his mind, it was like a waltz of fire! He dodged from side to side, leaping over the mech and lighting it on fire. He shot fire at the legs of the mech from behind, melting them completely!

"Hold still, you fidget!" Steamer yelled in anger, while, the hero continued moving to some hidden beat, muttering something under his breath. "Cease your prancing! Stop melting my legs!"

I stared in amazement at the ease of which the hero was moving. Maybe he did dance in his free time? He leaped into the air, yelling, "Step!" as he landed.

"Side!" He jumped up again, bouncing towards the wall.

"Waltz!" He catapulted off the wall, rocketing towards the mech.

"Kaboom!" Kicking the metal spider, it fell onto its side. The hero took a bow, and I applauded the hero from my hiding spot. "You crashed the wrong party, Steamer." He gloated.

The villain stumbled out of the machine, grumbling to himself as he dropped the large steam, whatever-it-is onto the floor while the heroes gathered. "It appears you have bested me Frederick, but I will have my revenge." He monologued. Frederick? I was confused for a moment before I noticed Wasabi next to the heroes. What a crazy old cracker.

The madman pulled another lever, encasing him in another tube. "Villainy defies gravity!" He was then sucked up into the ceiling, but got stuck in the tube. With a few kicks, he unclogged himself, and mumbled. "Eventually!"


Hiro smiled as Fred waltzed with his mother. Baron Von Steamer may have gotten away, but at least they were able to continue the bro-tillion at the café! The team even let Y/n take the steam machine from the battle and she gave it to back to Hiro who was able to turn it into an expresso machine. Not to mention that Aunt Cass now had even more catering jobs thanks to the party, so it was a good night overall.

It was also funny to hear Y/n freaking out about witnessing a fight between superheroes and a supervillain. It was also entertaining to watch when Michael found her, and lectured her on running off. The party continued and as people started to leave, Hiro and Y/n said their goodbyes.

The teen hero walked his friend out to Michael's car, but when he was about to go back into the café, Michael stopped him. "Can I talk to you for a sec, Hiro?"

"Sure, what do you need?" Hiro asked, a little curious

"When Orso asked me to come back to the city, I wasn't sure if it was the best idea." He explained, walking down the street, away from the party.

Hiro cocked his head in confusion. "Why?"

"Y/n's mom, never wanted Y/n to come back." He rubbed the back of his head in guilt. "Before Y/n was born, someone her mother cared for got hurt, bad. They were never the same because of it. It's why she moved away in the first place, and it's why I don't want Y/n going to SFIT." He turned to Hiro, who was still listening intently. "So just promise me you'll keep her out of all your hero business, alright?"

"I..." He trailed off before answering. "I'll do my best."

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