
By Asiwrites

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Love comes with pain. This statement has never been more true than it is in the life of Rhian, a senior in hi... More

Author's Note


117 23 22
By Asiwrites

The school day was over, and a slight misunderstanding had resulted in me having to walk to that bus stop with Taylor. I say slight misunderstanding, but it was more of the guys being jerks and abandoning me in school because I may or may not have told them that I was a one man army and didn't need them for anything. Long story short, they wanted to teach me a lesson, and that lesson was half a kilometer long.

On the bright side, I had Taylor to keep me company, but at this point, I didn't know if that was a bad thing or a good thing after what Jason said about me having feelings for her. I didn't want to believe that was the case, and even if it was, I knew I had no room for such feelings in my life, and being around her wouldn't help my cause very much. This caused me to be a little tense around her, and she noticed even barely a minute into our journey.

"Rhian, are you okay?" she asked.

"Why would you ask that?" I replied.

"You seem a little nervous, that's all."

"There's nothing for you to be worried about," I assured her.

"I hope whatever it is doesn't have anything to do with me?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't answer.

She was walking next to me, but quickly got in front me and blocked me from going any further.

"Rhian, what's wrong?"


She repeated herself, this time making  sure she was looking at me right in the eyes. Her eyes. They were their own unique shade of brown, and in the afternoon sun they glistened like pools of honey. I could stare at those eyes for the rest of my life and never get bored.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful your eyes are?" I blurted, shocked by the words that were coming out of my own mouth. Jack was not playing when he said I could get lost in her eyes. At that very moment, I had forgotten where I was or what I was even doing, all I could concentrate on were those jewels staring right back at me.

She smiled,and for a moment time stood still. In that second, nothing mattered anymore. All my doubt, my worries, and anxiety just disappeared. I could have lived in that moment forever, but then there wouldn't be much of a story to tell, would there?

The piercing sound of car's horn broke my trance and brought me back to reality. Whoever the driver was yelling at was speeding away from us.
The rest of our walk was quiet and awkward, not one word was uttered till we got to the bus stop.

We sat down on the bench, and began our wait, which I hoped wouldn't be long, partly because the tension between us was getting thicker and thicker, and also because the sky was getting dark with rain clouds. Unfortunately, the first drop of rain hit my palm a couple of seconds after I had sat down.

"That bus better get here quickly," she said, "I cannot afford to get my hair wet."

"Yeah, I don't wanna get soaked either."

The wind had started to get stronger, and each time it blew it carried dust with it. I did not know how long we'd be able to stay here without proper shelter. Thankfully, the bus came.

It was an old, rickety thing, and it made a screeching sound when it came to a stop right in front of us. How this thing had convinced the city that it was roadworthy, I did not know.
I got up to get on the bus, and Taylor looked at me skeptically.

"Let's wait for the next one."

"I know it doesn't look or sound safe, but it definitely beats getting your hair wet," I reasoned. Luckily, that was enough to convince her.

The inside of the bus wasn't much better than the outside. The seat covers had holes in them, and the ceiling had deep grooves in it.

Unsurprisingly, there were few people in it. With the exception of the conductor, only a woman and her sleeping baby were sitting inside. That made finding a seat much easier. I sat by the window, and Taylor sat right next to me, but the silence continued.

The engine made a horrendous sound, and the vehicle started, beginning with a short vibration that even I felt.
Hopefully, this vehicle would manage to get us home without stopping or killing us.

With nothing left to do, I stuck my head to the window glass. The rain had gotten heavier, and the wind had also gotten stronger. Every tree we passed was being violently swayed by the wind which had begun to carry heavy debris with it.

The sky was even less peaceful, as brilliant flashes of light danced across its vast expanse. In the distance, I could see one of these magnificent flashes make its way down to the earth, striking a tree and causing it to light up in an orange glow merely seconds after being hit. I was witnessing nature in its full glory, and it was beautiful yet frightening at the same time. It was very similar to the storm that was going on in my own heart.

I looked away for a second to see that Taylor's focus was on her phone. She was as oblivious to what was going on around her as the baby cradled in his mother's arms a few seats away from where we were sitting.

My gaze shifted back to the window. This time, to two rain drops that were making their journey down the glass. They reminded me of a time that wasn't so long ago, but felt like an eternity. A time when I knew no pain, a time where my innocence shielded me from this wicked, unforgiving world. I fought the urge to close my eyes, but eventually, I succumbed to sleep.

It was a stormy night, and the raindrops had already started to fall. The policeman had just finished speaking to Grandma, and she looked worn-out as she walked to the car. Anne was trailing sheepishly behind her.

The rain began immediately after Grandma started the car, but the real storm was brewing inside.

It began with Anne sending text messages on her phone.

"Child, if you don't put that thing down," Grandma warned.

"What you gonna do?" Anne shot back.

"I'm gonna take one hand off this wheel and smack some sense into you."

That was enough to get Anne to shut up, but Grandma wasn't done yet.

"In my day, an attitude like yours would have gotten me a whopping from my ma, and then some."

"Well you aren't exactly my mother, are you?"

"No, but I promised her I'd take care of you,and you're making that job extremely difficult. Now tell me, what were you thinking getting mixed up with that hoodlum?"

"Skinner is my boyfriend. What we do is none of your business," she said defiantly.

"Well it is my business if you and your boyfriend are found with with two kilos of  weed. What were you even thinking? Oh wait, you weren't. You could've had some serious jail time if that hoodlum hadn't been a man and taken full responsibility. At least he was good for something in that regard. Now I hope to God you weren't actually involved. "

"What if  I was?"

"I'd turn this thing around and have them put you in a cage and throw the key away," she threatened.

"I bet it would be better than living with an old hag like you."

"At the rate you're going, you'll find out soon enough. To think I thought you would become a doctor. You'll end up destroying lives, and not saving them."

"At least I won't torment other people's children," Anne said under her breath, and went back to her phone.

True to her word, Grandma took her hand off the whole and landed a slap on Anne's face. For a second she was shocked, but her expression changed from one of shock to one of fear in an instant. She wanted to say something, but it was too late.

The car had already rammed itself into the side of ours.

Everything was black.

          *                          *                         *

The scene had changed. I was at the beach. I could feel the sand in between my toes, and hear the gulls. The air was wet, and each time the breeze hit my face, I took a deep breath to take it all in. I stood there, watching the waves come crashing down on the rocky shores.

"Rhian, it's time," she said, pulling my hand.

I had told her she was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and she had promised to show me something even more beautiful.

I followed her with a grin on my face, knowing whatever it was, it wouldn't compare to her.

She took me to the top of one of the higher rocks, and I complained the whole way there, asking why I had to go up there and she couldn't bring whatever it was down here.

Eventually, we made it to the top, and while I could see more of the sea, there was nothing really striking about this view.

"It's getting dark,and I want food," I complained.

"Just be patient. It'll be worth it, I promise."

And it was. I watched as the sun started to disappear behind the horizon, casting a beautiful orange glow across the water. It really was something special,and I was glad I got to see it with her.

"We could have watched this from down there!"

"Yeah, but it's fun hearing you suffer," she said with a laugh. "So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful, but it still doesn't compare to you."

She smiled, and I closed my eyes, leaning in to kiss her.

All of a sudden, I was taken away from that peaceful sunset, and thrown into a tempest. The waves were as high as buildings, and they stood like giants in front of us. I wanted to run, but I couldn't move. She was standing next to me, her hand in mine.

"We need to get out of here!" I yelled over the sound of the waves.

She didn't say anything. She just smiled, but her eyes weren't full of joy this time. It was a painful smile.

"Goodbye, Rhian."

She let go of my hand and began walking towards the waves. I wanted to chase her, but I could not move. I watched as the waves engulfed her.

A single tear rolled down my face.

I opened my eyes. I was tightly holding onto Taylor's hand. She had clearly been watching me sleep.

"Has the bus stopped?"

"No, but we're close. By the way, you can let go of my hand now."

"Sorry," I said as I let go.

"You seemed disturbed. Were you having a bad dream?"

I don't know what that was.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.


"Okay then."

Shortly after, the bus stopped, making that same screeching sound it had done earlier.

We got down,and walked home.

I was slightly annoyed when I saw the building. I was hoping Anne wasn't going to make me eat another salad. Or worse. Then there were the stairs. Someone better fix that damn elevator soon.

I managed to get up that mountain without dying. Taylor got up those stairs so effortlessly.


Before we went our separate ways, she pulled me into a hug. It was awkward at first, but I got used to the feeling. Honestly, I didn't remember the last time anyone hugged me, but it was nice. I had a mini battle with myself deciding whether to let go of her or keep her trapped in that hug forever.

"Rhian, I know some thing's wrong, and it's fine if you don't want to tell me, but whenever you're ready to open up, I'll be here for you."

With that, she left to go find her dad.

I spent the rest of the day confused, listening to a song by gnash.

Hi again. If anyone's confused, the first part of Rhian's dream is a flashback, but the second part is not. Also, if anyone is interested, the song is up there. I feel like so far, this is best chapter I have written. If you think the same, smash that star. As always, you guys know I love an interactive audience, so leave a comment and I'll do my best to reply. Till next time...

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