Those First Words (Cont.)

By marvelfangirlbackup

10.2K 489 214

All the avengers (Steve, Tony, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, Peter P, Bucky, and the Maximoff twins) have a tattoo w... More

Pt 17
Pt 18
pt 20
pt 21

Pt 19

2K 93 59
By marvelfangirlbackup

Perhaps I'm throwing a plot twist into this story... hope you enjoy it! Vote now so you don't forget!!!


3rd person POV

Steve was exhausted and sweat poured from his forehead as he struck the punching bag over and over again.

His punches got weaker and weaker so he decided to give it a rest. He took down the 200 lbs of sand and unwrapped his taped fists.

Walking to the elevator to get on his floor, he spotted the rest of the avengers sprawled across the living room in sleeping bags. 

"What's going on?" Steve asked, voice filled with amusement. Clint, eyes wide, shot up from the ground with a light pink face mask on his face, making steve snort and roll his eyes. 

"We're having a boy sleepover," Bruce laughed, with a blue face mask plastered to his face. His glasses were placed gently on the table next to the couch where he was laying. 

Steve chuckled but noticed that Bucky wasn't there. 

"Where's Buck?" He asked, frowning a little. Peter stopped trying to adjust the facemask and turned away from the movie screen, "He's in the shower, he'll be down soon."

Steve nodded and found a spot near Tony and Pietro and sat down.

Bucky walked in a few minutes after with a shit ton of pillows in his arms and Pietro had two giant bowls of popcorn. Pietro claimed the blue armchair, handing bruce a bowl to share with Peter and himself. Bucky sat down next to Steve after whacking him in the head with a pillow.

"Just got off the phone with Ass-gardian goddess, aka Thor. He said that he was coming over for the sleepover and was bringing his bitch brother Loki," Tony rolled his eyes and dramatically face planted into the pillow in Bucky's hands.

Bucky quickly whipped the pillow out from under his head making Tony's face connect with the carpet. "Aw, fuck you, Barnes," he grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his face.

Bruce looked around suspiciously, "Wait, Loki? The one who destroyed New York back a few years ago? The one who wanted to take over the world? That Loki?"

Clint got up and ripped off his mask, glaring at Tony.

"You did not invite that icicle bitch into our compound," he growled.

Tony rolled his eyes, clearly not impressed by everyone's reactions. 

"Thor said that he would be on his best behavior and no funny business," he said, a little bit of doubt in his voice. 

Peter started smiling, "I've always wanted to meet him! He seems so badass!" 

Steve scoffed and looked to Peter, "He's a bad guy. And he's done a lot of destruction." 

Peter grumbled something about 'misunderstood' under his breath and continued watching the movie playing; World War Z.

Clint and Bruce still seemed very on edge and kept arguing with Tony until a loud thud flooded through the room. The thud came from up on the roof and Pietro looked up.

"This Thor man, can he fly?" Pietro asked, accent thick with confusion.

Bruce took off his mask and put back on his glasses, "He can spin his hammer and can hold onto it as it travels in the air."

Pietro blinked, "He...rides his hammer?"

Bucky snorted instantly and Steve groaned, burying his face in his hands.

Then Thor walked in, big hand covering Loki's entire shoulder. "FRIENDS," his loud voice boomed thunderously and Loki glared up at him.

"I BRING THE FINEST BOTTLE OF ASGARDIAN WINE!" He yelled, and this time Loki jabbed him in the side and gave him a death glare. 

"Let go, you oaf," he snarled and Thor gently took off his hand. Loki then walked to the fridge and grabbed a bunch of ice cubes. Then he just shoved a handful of the ice into his mouth and crunched casually. 

The avengers looked at him in awe and then instantly looked away when Loki rose a brow at them.

Tony cleared his throat, "You can grab the ice bucket if you want." 

Loki didn't have to be asked twice as he grabbed the icebox and walked over to the sofa, glaring at Bruce to move over. Bruce let out a yelp and scootched all the way to the end and Loki took the other end. Thor tossed the alcohol bottle in the air and sat down between Loki and Bruce. Bruce's face heated up because he always had a little crush on the gorgeous blonde sitting next to him. Pietro ran to grab the bottle of wine so it didn't crash and break. 

"So, planning on killing us all in our sleep?" Bruce asked, raising a cautious brow to the former villain. 

Loki chuckled lowly and darkly, making most of the men in the room tense up and put up their guards.

"Surprisingly enough, humans, I just wanted to have some fun," he said, shrugging, but a little smirk on his lips. He grabbed another ice cube and placed it in his mouth. 

Peter stood up and decided it was a good time to introduce himself.

"Hi, Mr. Loki, God of Mischief, sir, I'm Peter Parker. Also, spiderman. I've been dying to meet you!" He rambled, holding out his hand. Loki eyed him cautiously up and down and then tentatively offered his own hand and they shook firmly. 

"Pleasure, Mr. Parker," he said, seeming suspicious but genuine. The rest of the men settled after that. 

Thor and Bruce talked for a while, chatting about earth and other random things. Bruce's face was hot the entire time.
"I went to this diner the other day and the lady was angry at me smashing a cup on the ground so I could have more." 
"On earth, that's destruction of property and not how we say we want more. We actually just wait for the waiter to come back and then ask for another cup."

Loki and Peter were watching the movie and every once in a while, Peter would look up from the ground to ask Loki something about Asgard. Like, "Do you guys have showers or only baths?" and Loki would answer. Then sometimes Loki would lean down and ask Peter questions about the movie playing. Clint stayed close to Peter but far away from Loki, still eyeing him icily. 

Bucky and Steve were shoulder to shoulder, invested in the movie and they'd chat about how fake the gun effects and violence looked. "He was using his right hand to write in the last scene, so why the hell is he shooting with his nondominant hand?"
"When you get shot in the head, you don't fall like that! He looks like an ironing board fell down."

Tony and Pietro were fighting over the bowl of popcorn.
"I made the popcorn! I deserve most of it!" 
"I paid for the popcorn! Not to mention this entire compound. I deserve the popcorn."
"You technically killed my parents, so I think I-"

Soon it was around 2 AM and most of the men were dead asleep. 

Peter fell into a deep slumber around midnight, laying on the ground with just his arms as pillows. Clint was sitting against a footrest, snoring softly. Bruce was laying against Thor's chest and Thor, snoring away, unconsciously had his arm around Bruce's waist. 

Steve was laying on his back, still as a rock breathing deeply in a light sleep. Bucky was curled on his side, his metal arm under his pillow and he slept lightly as well. Pietro was splayed across the floor, arms spread out and his legs out like he was frozen dancing. Tony and Loki had their eyes closed but were not asleep yet, they kept silent to be respectful, but Tony had to use the bathroom real bad so he just shot out of bed and lept over people. Loki peaked open his eyes and saw Tony leaving the room. He just ignored it and looked around the room. Then he saw a shadow outside of the compound. 

Curious, he got up, careful not to step on Peter, and he walked to the door. He peeked outside and that's when he got that feeling. 


His mate was out there. Loki started panicking. He looked around, trying to find a place to escape. But the doorknob wiggled and then the door creaked softly open. Light slowly flooded the room from the lamp outside. Loki stood frozen in the middle of the room, a face of horror on his face. Three girls were giggling as they walked in and then they noticed the quietness of the room and shushed each other. 

Loki recognized one of the girls, Natasha. But the other two were very much not identified. Natasha walked in first and spotted Loki, her smile slowly slipped and instead a dark look took over her face. 



We finally made it back home and I felt a surge of happiness flood through my veins. Right behind this door would be my mates. 

Wanda snickered, "Imagine if they killed each other already."

Natasha laughed lightly, "Or fucked each other. Have you seen the goo goo eyes Tony and Steve give each other?"

We started breaking into laughing fits at that and Natasha opened the door. 

"Nat, why'd you stop walking?" Wanda asked. I then noticed Wanda froze too.

I walked in, carrying my duffel bag and I spotted my mates passed out in the room. A warm sensation formed in my heart for the love I had for my mates. Then I spotted a man standing in the middle of the room, mouth wide with a look of shock. I narrowed my eyes to try and make out who this man was. He had long-ish black hair and was wearing strange clothes. Green v neck long sleeve shirt but strange black trouser-like pants. 

I frowned slightly and looked over to ask Wanda but she looked confused and alert. Natasha looked angry.

"What are you doing here, Loki?" She snarled lowly to not wake anyone up. 

He rose his hands in surrender but looked frozen otherwise. 

Wanda's eyes glowed in recognition and then anger, "She asked you a question." Wanda glowered. 

'Loki? The one from the attack back in 2012?' I thought.

Tony then was standing next to Loki, looking tired and confused. He spotted and me and smiled excitedly. I smiled back and leaped into his arms. 

Tony squeezed me tightly and kissed the side of my face. I blushed into the hug and then heard, "You gonna answer, Loki?" from Natasha.

Tony released me and sighed, "What's up, Romanoff?"

She scoffed in disbelief, "Why the fuck is this disaster in our home?" Gesturing to Loki. He rolled his eyes and in a deep baritone voice chuckled, "Calm down, I'm here because I was invited."

Something heated up on my neck and I hissed as I clutched it. 

It felt almost like the same feeling as when my soulmates presented themsel-

Wait a damn minute.

I quickly shoved past everyone and rushed to the bathroom. I flicked on the lights and flung my hair away from my neck. There were words on there but they started disappearing and I couldn't read them. I blinked and they were gone. Confusion....that's all I felt.

I turned on my heel and ran back to my mates standing next to Loki. He looked panicked and he was fidgeting with his arm behind his back. I narrowed my eyes and stared at him, "What spell do you have me under?" I asked bluntly and I noticed as his face stayed neutral except for his eye that twitched slightly and his shoulder that shook a little behind his back. 

"I have no clue what you are speaking of," 'Loki' spoke softly, seeming confused and genuine. 

I snarled and got into his space. We were at least a few inches away and I pointed a finger in his face. I had to look up a little seeing as he was several inches taller than me. "I saw the words. I saw them before they disappeared. What did you do?" I demanded, trying to act stern but my facade slipping when he started smirking. 

Well, isn't that a sexy smirk....

Shaking my thoughts out, he sighed softly, some of his warm breath hitting my face. "Mere, mortal, I have no clue what you're talking about. How can I have you under some spell when I've never met you before."

I looked around warily and Tony shrugged at me, looking confused, 

Wanda's eyes started glowing and she was staring intensely into Loki's eyes.

Loki, turned towards Wanda and smirked. Wanda's eyes widened and her eyes stopped glowing. 

"I- I can't get into you're head," She said as if it was a question.

Loki smiled, almost condescendingly, "Of course you can't. You're just a mere human. I am much stronger than you." I growled angrily, seeing red and I marched closer to Loki, and grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him down to look right at me.

"I don't like how you're talking to my mates, Earth wrecker. So either you tell the truth and maybe my mates and I will leave you unscathed, or I'll get Bruce to beat your ass and then fling you all the way back to where you came from," I seethed, watching his face change from shocked to amused to wary. 

"Y/N, let him go," Tony said softly and I just snapped my head to his direction, staring daggers at him. He just dropped his head, mumbling something softly. Then I turned my face back to Loki. He seemed to compose himself a little but he still had a spark of fear and something else in his eyes that I couldn't identify.

He then looked into my eyes and spoke, with no trace of lies,

"I'm your last mate. But I didn't want one, so I made sure your mark was hidden from your view at all times," he said, eyes locked to mine the entire time. 

Shock. All I felt was shock. Then anger. How dare he hide my soul mark?! I've lived all my life thinking I had just 9 soulmates. Then I find out this earth destroyer is my mate? How could I ever forgive him?

Then I felt a surge of love flood me because...this was my soulmate. My last one. He's right in front of me. He watched my emotions and I felt no one probing my brain so I assumed he wasn't in my head. But before I went all lovey-dovey, I had to ask,

"Do you even want a soulmate now?" I asked, afraid of being rejected.

He answered with a little bit of hesitation in his voice, "At first I didn't because I knew my soulmate was a terrain and I assumed they were weak and pathetic."

He looked around and then back to me, "But now that I've seen how fierce you can pretend to be and how non-pathetic you are, I would love you as a soulmate if you'd take me."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I released my iron grip on his shirt and then wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him. He tensed up and I instantly feared my fate but then he placed his arms around my torso, hugging me back lighly.

I felt love all around me and I buried my face in his shoulder, closing my eyes and smiling. 

I mumbled into his ear, "Of course I'll take you, mate." And I felt him smile into my neck.

Then the lights flickered on making my eyes shoot open. 

"Why the hell is that bastard hugging my mate?"


So...what do you think of my plot twist? Someone in the comments inspired me to try this chapter. 

I read all recommendations, so thank you!

Did you enjoy the lovely nondramatic fluff at the beginning? Tell me which part was your favorite. 

Don't forget to comment, share and hit that little star on your way out! It motivates me to continue.


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