Queen She Is

By MaddyisRoll

205K 8K 966

//Sequal to Human She Was\\ ~ "I don't bow down to anyone. Especially when they are a human scum" I could onl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Im Sorry

Chapter Eighteen

6.4K 276 63
By MaddyisRoll

2 weeks have past

"Nothing?" He looked at me leaning on the wall. I shook my head.

"Nothing...I guess we can always try again another time" he sighed and nodded and slight blush coming to his face.

"Fine with me...alright get your things together. We will leave in a little" he had a slight frown and walked out. I frowned as well and looked down in my hands.

The pregnancy test came back negative again. For werwolves, they know in about a week. We waited another week to see if we would know but, it seems I didn't get pregnant after all. I could feel he was disappointed, as he's wanted this for a while. I guess... I wanted it as well.

Oh well.

I threw out the test with a sigh and fixed my hair. Guess it wasn't our time. The moon goddess might've been wrong.

I walked out with my things for the night. I convinced him to stay one night and one night only. Meaning I'll get to stay two whole days with my biological family. It's nerve racking but, it's also very exciting.

He was waiting for me by the main door. He seemed to be in a Mind link with someone as his eyes were glazed over. I leaned up and kissed his cheek and he smiled still in his mind link. I looked over and saw Anthony being led by two guards to us. He was looking between them nervously.

"Hey Anthony. Ready to go back home?"

"Y-yeah..." he then just stared at me.

"Something wrong?" He shook his head stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Just the wet dog smell heh.." the two guards growled at that and I waved them off.

"Alright. We should get going" Damien had snapped out of his mind link and his hand had found mine to hold. I nodded and our group followed him out to the cars.

Anthony looked anxious as he was lead to the car with 3 other guards. I gave him a soft smile of assurance and followed Damien to our personal ride with one other guard.

I sat inside the car, nervous as hell. What would my family think of me? How are they going to react to all of this? Will they be disappointed?

"Claire I'm talking to you" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Damien who was sitting next to me.

"Huh? You were saying something?"

"Yes you zoned out on me. Are you nervous?"

"It's that obvious huh?" He hummed and kissed my head.

"Everything's going to be fine, I'm sure they will love you. Just like I do" I laughed at that and pushed his lips away from me.

"That was the cheesiest line I think you have ever said to me"

"Well Liam said girls like cheesy lines like that. It made you smile no?" I nudged him again after that stupid joke and he chuckled. He then pulled me close, kissing my cheek in a sweet way. I giggled again and leaned into it.

"Anyways you can get some rest. It's a long drive"

"You sure? It'll be rude of me to just leave you alone"

"I like watching you sleep. It's calming.." he smiled.

"Alright wake me when we get there" he nodded and leaned up against the car door. I watched some of the land go by and some of the snow fall before I eventually drifted off.


I woke up to the guard nudging me softly.

"Queen Claire. We have arrived. His majesty hasn't budged" I groaned softly and looked at Damien. He was snoring, which he does when he is in a deep sleep.

He was on top of me, also drooling. Sometimes he is just so attractive. I nudged him hard in the ribs and he coughed as I was able to hit him in the most painful spot. He jolted awake.

"Ow. Your so aggressive"

"We are here" I quickly got out of the car looking around the the village we were in. I looked around amazed.

The snow was falling lightly. The buildings were beautiful and tall. There were a bunch of humans, walking around and smiling. Chatting amongst themselves. All the buildings were surrounded the one main building that was made of purely  glass. It had the most people coming in and out of it. The people curiously looked at us though. Our guards came out of the cars surrounding us. I know it was a safety measure.

Damien held my hand tightly.

"Are you ready for this? I don't know what the outcome of this will be" My heart was racing. I felt like it was going to explode out of my chest. I know he can feel what I was feeling.

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm ready to meet them...I want to know"

"I'll be with you every step of the way. You know that right?" He faced me with a soft smile.

"I know. But they wanted to see me. What could possibly go wrong?" He hummed and kissed my head. I smiled softly, letting Anthony lead us to the main building.


Short but, thanks for the support 💕

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