Secret Trio: A New Start (BEI...

By CartoonAlcaholic

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Luong Lao Shi felt a powerful wave of negative energy one night while he was sleeping. His worst fear had com... More

Chapter 1 - New and Old Meetings
Chapter 2 - Odd Kid, Odd Creature
Chapter 3 - Losers Stick Together
Chapter 4 - Behind The Scenes
Chapter 5 - Old Legends Visits
Chapter 6 - Something is Coming
Chapter 7 - Mission Set
Chapter 9 - New Girl, Old Boy
Chapter 10 - Reacquainted
Chapter 11 - An Ally Remolded
Chapter 12 - My Father
Chapter 13 - Unmasked
Chapter 14 - The Girl
Chapter 15 - Stupid For You
Chapter 16 - First Appearance
Sun Concept Art
Luna Concept Art
Chapter 17 - Uninvited
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Chapter 20

Chapter 8 - First Monster

530 22 13
By CartoonAlcaholic

A/n: Dude... I tried updating this three times but Wattpad won't let me publish it. This is why I don't like this damn platform.

Anyway, here I have the new chapter. I'm trying to finish as many chapters as I could so you don't have to wait too long. I am really eager to start on season 2, but I just can't stand reading this story and going, "What the hell was that--"

Also, this chapter really took a lot of my energy because I forgot how to describe fight scenes. Fight scenes aren't my forte. I'm more into telling drama, but I hope you guys like this new chapter because it's longer than usual due to the fight scene. 

Also, while rewriting this, I realized just how superior I made Danny. It was clear that I had a huge bias when it comes to Danny back then. I tried making him stronger and smarter than the rest and then made him find out what to do in an instant. I just hope this rewrite makes him less OP. Maybe someone who can act like a regular 16-year-old superhero. 

And another thing, what do you think of my OC's designs? Because I'm planning to change them as the story goes on. Do you want me to establish that their design was already changed, change their design during the rewrite, or change the design in about season 2? I really prefer my OC's new design rather than the current one. 

And with that, enjoy the revised chapter.

Published: June 17, 2020

Edited: May 28, 2023


Jake's POV

Since the news about the keys and threat, the three of us had decided to make a system. A system for patrol. The system would be like this: Alternating nights. If Randy goes to patrol this night, and the next night, I go. And after me, Danny goes. And after Danny, Randy. And the cycle continues. Right now, Danny volunteered to do the first patrol.

So, right now, I was waiting for the other popcorn bag to finish then I put them in a bowl. I went to my living room and there sat Howard and Randy arguing about what movie they wanted to watch.

"Terminator 3!"

"Killmonger Prologue!"

"Terminator 3!"

"Killmonger Prologue!"

I asked, "Hey, what's with all this noise?"

The two boys quickly went to Jake and presented the CDs they have picked. I didn't have the same technology as the other kids my age. My family never had those fancy smart gadgets like a smart TV or smart refrigerator. I guess I brought that habit with me. So, instead of Netflix, I had CDs and a CD player. I brought some of my favorites with me. But suddenly, the two boys shoved their chosen CDs in my face and then together, yelled, "WHICH ONE'S BETTER?!"

I looked at the CDs and then laughed. "Well, whatever you want to watch. But if you can't decide, then I'm picking the movie."

"Well, what are you picking?" Howard asked.

I went to my CD collection and then shuffled around before picking a random CD. I showed it to them. It was, "Stars Made Out Of Your Eyes." Now reading the title, I think this was my mom's CD. I don't think I packed any romantic comedies.

The other two looked at each other and then at the CD, then back at each other.



I sighed. I put the CD away and then waited on the couch for the final decision between the boys. I chuckled to myself because this seemed like something Spud and Trixie would be doing if we had more movie nights. I wonder how they're doing.

Danny's POV

The night sky in Norrisville was rather different in Amity Park. For one, they had different stars. It isn't in the same placement I was used to seeing for my 14 years of life. Even now, after two years of living here, it all seems so odd.

There were villains here too, but the villains regularly occur during the day. Villains occurring during the night were rare and it left me sleeping in my night schedule, for the first time in two years. And even if I stay up all night fighting something or someone, the Ninja would be there and help me. It would make the fight quicker and afford both of us to sleep. This was a great change in my sleep schedule compared to my sleep schedule back in Amity Park. An odd but great change.

Norrisville also had less powerful villains. I'm not saying that this city is weak. I'm just saying that it feels strange to not struggle during a fight. In my time as Phantom in Amity, the only ghosts that I don't struggle with are Box Ghost, Poindexter, and a few others. But here, their villains are at the level of a weak ghost. I guess human villains are different from ghost villains, and maybe that's why the Ninja was so happy to see me helping him. I'm happy to help. It's just what I do.

I took a curve downtown, the place where petty criminals usually target. It's dark and the street lights that hang above the streets all flickered, hanging on their last shift as the light of the street before being replaced. I went down to the streets and flew around at the speed of a bicycle until I heard metal crashing against metal, loudly clicking down the floor.

I looked behind me and I saw trash flying out of an alleyway. I went to check the alleyway out and I saw a monster made of gunk and trash. It had long slimy tentacles dripping down with disgusting leftover food for arms. It had only one eye and no mouth nor nose but it chanted something along the lines of, "gem for the mistress," with a rough and shaky voice, as if it was almost in fear. And the stench was horrid! It was a literal trash monster and I flew back in disgust as it began to move away from the trash and exit the alley.

I made the mistake of bumping into a trash can and knocking it over. The monster turned to me and furrowed his non-extent eyebrow to glare at me. It growled before heading straight towards me, waving its gross tentacle arms. I moved away just in time for the monster to come splatting on the building behind me. It looked like an accident on the road before slowly forming back, moving its contents away from the building and forming back into this tall gucky monster. I gagged as I watch it move and began to move away but the monster began to take chase after me.

"NOPE!" I yelled and tried to fly away, but the monster grabbed ahold of my leg with its tentacle and crashed me down on the street.

"GROSS!" I yelled as I blasted the arm off.

However, it moved back to its original body and then roared, spitting the rotten things out of its mouth as if its saliva. "GEM!" it yelled.

Oh, hell nah. I ain't facing this thing alone. I got my phone and called Randy as I began flying away again. It took chase after me.

It rang for a few moments before Randy picked up. "'Sup, D?"

"I need you in downtown, now!" I yelled over the phone. I yelped as I dodged the tentacle monster's hand and then zigzagged down the street before making a U-Turn to keep the monster downtown.

"What's the situation?" I heard Jake's voice over the phone.

"Garbage tentacle monster. Really gross, by the way. It wants some sort of gem?"

"GEM FOR MISTRESS!" The monster yelled, throwing a trash bin toward me, and I blasted it back toward the monster. However, it was able to absorb it and become bigger. "Shi–" I began flying away from it and it took chase.

"It wants the gem for its mistre– AH!" I yelped when the monster took hold of my torso and then threw me back to a building, making me break the glass. Good thing no one lives there. Sorry for the building owner though.

I dodged before he threw a ball of gunk toward me and then flew out to deliver a punch of my own. That was a mistake. It began trying to suck me in. "Gross, gross, gross!" I yelled, firing my arm up with an ectoblast. The monster dismantled but then it began trying to form again. I shook the rest of its contents off of my body and gagged.

"Hey, Phantom!"

Soon, the Dragon and Ninja stood beside me. The Ninja looked at me and then began laughing out loud.

"What? What?!" I asked, looking over my body if there was something wrong, then I felt Dragon push something off of my head. A large gunk of garbage and leftover horrors splat on the ground and began moving like a blob ghost but more horrendous. "EW! GROSS!" I yelled, patting my head continuously.

Dragon gagged as well as he flicked his hand to get rid of the garbage and it landed on the Ninja's eyes.

"EW! Why on me?!" He complained, wiping it off and pretending to vomit from the stench. "WHAT THE CHEESE IS THAT STUFF?!"

"After this, we are all taking a bath!" I exclaimed.

"This is going to be one messy fight," Dragon said, positioning himself in a fighting stance as the monster began to reform.

I snorted as Ninja and I readied ourselves. "Good pun but, again, gross," Ninja said.

The monster's eyes glared at the three of us and growled and then got on the ground ready to pounce at us. He came running towards us with four of his limbs and the three of us all went in different directions. I went right, Dragon went left, and Ninja went forward.

However, out of all of us, Dragon was the one being chased. "What the hell?!" Dragon yelled, breathing fire in its general direction, but it came out pouncing out of it unarmed, roaring at him. "GEM FOR MISTRESS!" it yelled.

"Gem?!" Dragon said before he got pinned down by the monster.

"I got you!" Ninja yelled, throwing his scarf toward the dragon and then pulling him away. "NINJA THROW!" He yelled, swinging the monster before making him go splat on another building. He got his scarf back and gagged at the state it was in. "Ew, ew, ew, ew!" he cried.

I rushed towards the splatted monster and then began to try and ice it. Maybe not permanently, but that would be preferred. This is just a way to buy us some time.

"It's fireproof and building-proof," Dragon said, coming beside me. "How are we supposed to get rid of it?"

The ice holding the monster began to crack and the three of us prepared for impact. "It's ice proof too?!" Ninja yelled, getting his sword as it burst out, roaring.

The monster ran and then tried to get the Dragon but then Ninja cut in (heh) and sliced the monster in half. However, the monster continued reforming back again and again. The Dragon and I tried to help, sending fire and ecto blasts down on the hideous thing, but it kept coming back. And it keeps lunging toward the dragon.

"Why me?!" Dragon yelled, flying away to try and get away from the thing, but the monster roared and ran after him. Even when the Ninja and I tried to stop it, the monster kept coming back.

"GEM FOR THE MISTRESS!" The monster yelled.

"What gem?!" Ninja asked me. "The thing keeps saying it wants the gem!"

The Dragon plopped down on the ground in front of us, being dragged down from the air by the monster. He looked at us with his fire-coated eyes and said, "Help–" before being dragged away and into the monster! The thing was absorbing the Dragon!

Ninja and I quickly rushed to his aid. I froze the monster and left out the parts where it connected to Dragon so Ninja could slice Dragon off. The monster was trying to break the ice I was making and I feel pressured as the monster was beginning to come out, making me need to seal the cracks on the ice as fast as the monster was making them. "I can't hold it for long!" I cried.

Finally, Ninja and Dragon were away just in time and I was able to let go, letting the monster crash down and roar in agitation.

"GEM! FOR! MISTRESS!" The monster roared once again.

Then, finally. It clicked.

How was I so stupid?! That was the whole reason why it was after Dragon specifically!

I created ice barriers. Multiple of them, one after the other, to help stall it. After I created at least, 10, I flew over to where Dragon and Ninja were. "I figured it out!" I said. "It's after Dragon because of the gem!"

"I don't have a gem!" Dragon protested.

"No, I mean– YOUR EYES! The monster could see your eyes!" I said, trying to find a way to make them understand. But it only made them more confused.

"My... Eyes?"

"Phantom, I know you like guys, but I don't think Dragon swings that way," Ninja sassed.

I fumed. "FU– The monster is looking for the gem that Dragon found! This is the great evil Nomicon warned us about!"

"Ohhhhhhhh," the two finally understood.

"So, what's the plan?" Dragon asked. "We got the reason why it's after me."

"We could use you as bait," I said.

"And then what?" Ninja asked. "It's fireproof, ice-proof, slice-proof, and it could pull us from the ground. What else?!"

I began to think. What else could work... Fire, ice, ground... The only element missing is... I snapped my fingers and then grinned. "Alright. I got a plan." We huddled and formed the plan just before the monster was able to pass through the barrier.

It roared and the three of us separated. I went up to the sky that oversees the streets. Ninja went to the shadows of the alleyways. And Dragon was in the center of the street, baiting the monster to get him.

"HEY, MONSTER! It's me you want, right?!" Dragon waved, flapping his wings and getting ready to leave.

The monster roared before running towards him at full speed. Dragon quickly flew to the direction we agreed on and both Ninja and I tailed the both of them. Ninja and I put barriers in front of the monster just in case it got too close to Dragon. We also saved a few citizens from getting hurt as the monster and we drove by.

Soon, we were at the docking ports where the ships unloaded their carriage. People were still there, working late night shifts (or early morning?), and Ninja and I had to get them out. Dragon tried to help as well but he was almost caught.

"Get to the docks! Don't let it get you!" I yelled as I made a frozen barrier to stall time for Dragon.

Dragon was worried and looked at the people around him, looking at him in awe. However, Ninja was able to push them to safety just as the ice barrier broke.

Dragon flew away immediately and the monster followed at the same pace.

Finally, we made it to the edge of the docks. The Dragon guided the beast to the edge until it fell into the water. It stayed underneath, gurgling its bubbles and we all expected it to stay under. But, we were wrong.

The thing burst out of the water and grabbed Dragon's leg, yelling, "GEM! FOR MISTRESS!"

"GAHH! GET OFF!" Dragon yelled, trying to shake it off and blow it away with his fire, but it was using both hands imperceptively to keep itself on the Dragon. The dragon tried flying up and slowly, it was lifting the monster up as well, and I realized that the monster was melting. Its components slowly dripped down on its waist and I could see its leg barely holding on and almost completely fell off.

"DRAGON!" I yelled. "Don't fly up!" I ordered.

"WHAT?! But this thing is on me!" He yelled back.

"Just trust me!" I said, preparing my hands with my ice powers. I turned to the Ninja and ordered, "We need to keep the thing under the water."

"Got it!" Ninja said, pulling out his sword and then running toward the edge of the dock.

"NINJA LEAP!" He yelled, jumping off of it, and I made an ice floor in order to catch his fall. He rolled on it and then proceeded to follow the ice path that I was making toward the monster. "Ninja slice!" he yelled, slicing the monster's leg off while he skated by.

I watched the monster's leg leave its body completely and melt into the water, no longer reforming. I was right!

I made more openings so Ninja could dispose of the body that was still clinging to Dragon. He took out his scarf and then lassoed the monster, trying to pull him with all of his might toward the opening. Dragon finally caught on to what we were up to and then lowered himself so that Ninja could slice him into the little pool I made. The monster's body parts tried to resurface and reattach itself but I quickly cut off the entrance to it. Ninja and I did this repeatedly for each part he managed to cut until all there was left was a small fraction of the monster clinging onto the Dragon. He sat on the docks and then put his feet on the water and watched as the monster finally detached itself from him.

Ninja and I looked him over to see if there was any more, and happy to say, there were no more remnants of the garage beast.

"YES! Finally!" Dragon cheered, flying up in the sky in joy. "Thanks, guys!" He said.

"No problem!" Ninja said, giving a thumbs-up. "We make a pretty good team, don't we?"

I laughed. "Yeah. We do." I put my hand face down in the air and said, "Why don't we make this official?" I looked at Dragon and Ninja and gave them both a friendly smile.

Dragon was the first to smile back and then landed beside me. "Sure! Why not?" He put his hand– er, claw– on top of mine with a grin.

"Heck yeah!" Ninja cheered and enthusiastically put his hand on top of Dragon's. "We're going to be the best superhero team ever!"

After we all stacked our hands, a glow came underneath and a sudden surge of energy came back through all of us. It crawled up my hand from where it was stacked underneath and spread around my body, flooding it all like it was a dam that was suddenly opened. The core that lay inside my chest fizzled with overwhelming power and I was suddenly as cold as ice. But its coolth was burned by the heat that lay on top of it– Dragon's claw. But all our energy seemed to be neutralized when Ninja's hand was on top of us, making sure that none of us got hurt touching the other.

We looked at each other and my eyes widened in amazement as I witness some sort of aurora circle their body. Dragon had a fiery red hue with hints of maroon and green. Ninja had a golden hue with hints of red and white. And I looked at myself and awed as I watch a crystal blue hue circle around me with hints of green and purple.

It felt like an eternity, being in this kind of power, even though we three only touched for a few seconds. We retraced our hands and then looked at each other once again. There were no colorful hues anymore but the feeling of power stayed. And if we were just closer, maybe we could feel another surge.

"Woah... What was that?" Dragon asked, looking at his arms to see if anything changed. "That felt..."

"So bruce..." Ninja finished for him.

"What?" Dragon and I both asked.

"This is what Nomi was probably talking about!" Ninja said excitedly. "We three were meant to be! I mean, not in a romantic way. We're soul brothers! We're the... The Secret Trio!"

Dragon snorted at the name and said, "You're really going for Howard's idea?"

"C'mon, it makes sense now!" Ninja debated. "We have secret powers, and we're all teenagers with secret identities! And there are three of us! So, Secret Trio!"

"I feel like there's a better name," Dragon argued. "Like... The Power Squad. Or the Mighty Force Three!"

"What is this? A movie? Secret Trio is a perfect name! C'moooon!"

I laughed at the two. I floated and said, "Well, you two figure it out. I should head out soon."

"Sure, P. Tell the old man I said 'hi'," Ninja said, giving me a salute.

"Bye, Phantom," Dragon waved.

I bid them farewell before turning to the sky to go home.

I looked at my hands as I soar through the air. The power... I could still feel it. The way it coursed through my veins and held my core up high. It was like a magnificent boost that made me feel invincible. It was a beautiful feeling. A powerful feeling. In a way, I was scared. But when I was in it... When I was surrounded by the magic of it, I felt like nothing was supposed to stop me.

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