Children of the Marked [Mlp]

By CountToZero

41 3 0

(yeah I don't really expect anyone to read this book, but thank you to the ones that do read it, I promise I'... More


41 3 0
By CountToZero

The late November air was cold, snow had recently fallen and the grounds were covered in fresh snow, birds were chirping and winter animals were running around happily.

"And you were out of my league, All the things I believed, You were just the right kind. Yeah, you were more than just a dream!" Four voices shouted out as a jeep in four-wheel-drive shot down the icy roads, all the windows were down, chilling all the passengers in the jeep. "You were out of my league! Got my heartbeat racing! If I die don't wake me, Cause you are more than just a dream!" the teens shouted along happily to the radio, one was doing an air dumb 'solo' as the others sang along, it was headache-inducing.

[M/n] scowled from his little place in the trunk, he was typing away on his phone, laying on his side under a few bags and on top of a few sleeping bags, wasn't ideal but his brother, who was driving, couldn't drive anywhere if he had anyone under sixteen years old, poor [M/n] was barely even fifteen and he would've been left behind in his family's house for weeks alone, but lucky for him his brothers friends had the bright idea to put him in the trunk and hide him so [M/n]'s brother wouldn't get another ticket. 'So annoying, so loud.' [M/n] thought as he tried to tune out the offkey voices of the hockey players he drove with. 'Lucky me lucky me.' [M/n] thought as he shifted a bit so he could peer outside of his little bag cave, looking out the window to watch the trees and birds disappear as the jeep went down the icy roads. "Almost there! You alright back there?" One of the hockey players called back to [M/n], [M/n] just scoffed. "Fine." was all he said back, which seemed to satisfy the hockey player.

'It's so uncomfortable and stiff in here, ugh why did I have to come along.' [M/n] thought angrily, looking at his phone which was almost dead. 'dumb shit.' he thought angrily, turning his phone off as he let out a huff, letting out a yelp when the car swerved and he slid, all the bags he build up so they couldn't fall on him all fell, crushing him. "...ow," he muttered out in pain as his phone started blaring out some song he was listening to, though it went to deaf ears of the hockey players. (Cue the theme song to start playing)

"We're here!" [M/n] heard his brother call out as the car swerved to a stop, [M/n] let out a sigh as he tried to push some bags off him, cursing quietly as the trunk was opened, all the bags came tumbling out, [M/n] stared at the bags for a moment before groaning annoyed, sitting up and watching as one of his brothers friends start to pick up some of the bags. "ugh my back." [M/n] said as he got out of the car, stretching his back as his bones popped. "We were driving for like an hour, how does your back already hurt?" the friend questioned making [M/n] scoff. "You weren't stuck under a bunch of bags and be forced to lie down!" [M/n] snapped back, grabbing his own small bag and phone. "The cabin's just down this path, there's a pond too so we can practice here before the others get here!" [M/n] heard his brother call out to the group, [M/n] glanced annoyed at his brother. "There's gonna be more people?" [M/n] asked annoyed, his brother smiled and nodded. "Yep, we invited half of the team to practice out here, they'll be here either tonight or tomorrow!" His brother said happily as he picked up a few bags to carry. 'I hate his attitude.' [M/n] thought with narrowed eyes as he just let out a huff through his nose.

'When will they SHUT UP?!' [M/n] thought angrily, almost slipping on the icy path as he heard the group of hockey players erupt in laughter again, [M/n] grit his teeth to stop himself from screaming at the others to shut up. "See boys? There it is! My great grandparent's cabin!" [M/n] heard his brother call out, looking up from his phone to see the older teen pointing ahead to some large cabin in the distance, it wasn't the worst or rundown, it was just... old and creepy, it wasn't like 'horror movie jumpscare' scary, but enough to give you goosebumps. "Looks like a dump." one of [M/n]'s brother's friends said, earning a few laughs from the other friends. 'So greedy and bratty.' [M/n] thought aggravated as he sped up to get to the cabin. Once [M/n] got to the old door he paused and looked back at his brother who was still busy talking to his friends. "######!" [M/n] said loudly, gaining his brother's attention. "Keys?" [M/n] asked and ###### blinked a few times before nodding with a smile. "Got it [M/n]!" the brother said, digging into their pockets before pulling out some old keys, tossing it to [M/n], who barely managed to catch the item.

'Jerk.' [M/n] thought with narrowed eyes, turning the keys once in the lock and opening the door, the click of the lock was loud and it almost hurt [M/n]'s ears. [M/n] just glared ahead as he opened the door, stomping his feet on the welcome mat so he wouldn't track snow everywhere. the house had an old smoke smell mixed with the smell of damp and mold. [M/n]'s nose scrunched up in disgust as he stepped in, kicking his shoes off as he looked around the room, old furniture from the forties. [M/n] and ######'s great grandparents refused to get rid of since it would 'one day sell for millions', in reality, it just sat and collected dust in the cabin that the family barely would visit. 'vintage and boring.' [M/n] thought, dead set on finding his room and to just play on his switch until it was time to go home.

"so bored." [M/n] thought aloud, slumping down on the stiff bed he had to sleep on, most of his games didn't work from no internet, their grandparents didn't believe in the internet since they once got scammed and said it would 'never happen again', it never did because they threw away all the electrical things except for their phones. "HEY [M/N]!" [M/n] heard his brother shout up, making the teen groan in annoyance, getting up, tossing the switch being him so it landed on the bed, storming out into the hallway. "WHAT?!" [M/n] screeched back, standing at the top of the stairs, glaring down at his brother. "We're going to go to the pond to practice some hockey moves, want to come?" [M/n]'s brother asked, [M/n] glared at his brother. "No." "What was that?" [M/n] didn't know if it was supposed to be mocking or if his brother didn't actually hear him but he just blew up. "I SAID NO FUCK OFF!" [M/n] screamed at his brother, all of his anger that had been building just exploded at that moment, his brother just stared at [M/n], his eyes were widened in shock, his friends in the kitchen who were laughing and chattering away went silent in shock. [M/n] let out a scoff and turned away from the stairs, starting to walk back to his room before realizing what he just did. 'oh damnit' [M/n] thought as he took off running when he heard his brothers pounding feet on the steps as he chased after [M/n], [M/n] barely managed to get to his room and lock the door before his brother started pounding on the door.

"[M/n] open this door and apologize NOW!" [M/n] heard his brother shout as the pounding on the door got louder, clearly ####### was pissed that [M/n] would use such language with him. "NO!" [M/n] shouted back, grabbing a chair and propping it up against the door so if the lock on the door failed, at least the chair would stay for at least a bit. "I said open the door [M/n]!" [M/n]'s brother shouted louder, the pounding on the door was louder and it was stressing [M/n] out horribly. 'oh god what is he going to do when he gets in?? is he going to hit me?' [M/n]'s anxieties rose up and he desperately looked around for an escape, his eyes landing on the window. 'no... that wouldn't work, the fall is too high, I'm on the third story, I would break my legs or something worse.' [M/n] thought, his eyes looked to the ceiling to see a string hanging from a attic door thing. 'can I even get up there?-' [M/n] jumped when he heard the lock on the door snap off. 'I have to get up there.' was all [M/n] thought, climbing onto the desk of the room and hooking one of his fingers in a hole in the wall so he wouldn't fall, leaning and grabbing the sting, almost falling when he had to yank it to open it, the door opening and the ladder sliding out, [M/n] quickly let go of the wall and hopped down from the desk, scrambling up the ladder and pulling it closed as he heard the chair holding the door shut clatter away, [M/n]'s bother walking in. "Where did he?... oh, Well he'll come down eventually, he can't just hide in the attic forever."

[M/n] let out a sigh of relief, standing up as he could stand in the old smelly attic, boxes and old furniture was everywhere and there was a weird energy around that [M/n] couldn't pinpoint. 'So many old things, how cool.' [M/n] thought, spotting an old box filled with some old toys. '' [M/n] thought as he picked up a small wooden figurine, scowling a bit when seeing he was wrong, it was a horse, old paint chipping off showing the old moldy wood it was carved from. 'a... another horse.' [M/n] pulled another one out from the box, squinting through the dark to look at the weirdly carved horse, it had wings and a horn, it had a long mane that was tangled and grime from all the years of being stuck in the dark. 'Where's a window?... I can barely see...' [M/n] looked around, his eyes landing on a small outline of a window, he could see a few rays of light shining through the closed blinds. "There." He muttered, dodging some boxes as he slowly made his way over to the window, pulling the only blinds and jumping back a bit with a yelp when he pulled the cord the entire set of blinds fell, light filling the room. "It... worked at least." [M/n] thought, turning away from the window and squinting as light shone back, bleaching his eyes.

[M/n] shielded his eyes with his arm, moving in the way of the mirror to stop the beam of light to see what had blinded him, only to be met with his reflection. 'A mirror, huh.' [M/n] thought as he looked at the frame of the the mirror, it looked like sea glass and metallic pieces of plastic, it was weird and the frame wasn't in the best condition, it was rotting at places and most likely would crumble if put outside in the wind. 'Where would they get this piece of junk?' [M/n] thought as he reached out, running his fingers over the glass and plastic, smooth and cool to the touch. 'The glass is pretty though, maybe I can take it back home.' [M/n] thought and rolled his eyes at the idea, looking back out the window, staring at the broken blind holder and then looking down at the blinds on the ground. "Yeah I should fix that." [M/n] muttered, taking a step forward before stopping when the floor boards under him started to bend, the noise of cracking wood was sharp as it hit his ears and before he could even react the wood snapped, making him fall halfway through, one of his legs and his hips were stuck in the wood, his free leg was bent in a uncomfortable manor, splinters and sharp pieces of wood were stabbing horribly into his body.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" [M/n] shrieked out in pain, his nails desperately clawing at the wood to try and free himself, only making the wood push into him further, he could feel his wounds seeping blood, it made him want to throw up when his eyes landed on the red liquid. "No! Ugh!" [M/n] cried out, trying to push himself out of the floor boards, the only thing he accomplished was making some of the rotten boards he had broken shift and go down, making [M/n] shriek in pain and anything on the boards shifted, small boxes fell over and dumped out, the blinds on the ground moved a bit, even the mirror shifted and started to fall forward- oh no.

[M/n] turned, eyes widened in terror as he heard the mirror shift, watching as the piece of furniture fall, the top of the glass hit a wooden beam, [M/n] almost sighed in relief but froze up as he watched the glass shatter into small pieces, all coming towards him. 

[M/n] threw his arms up to protect his face, feeling the wood seep deeper into in him as the glass landed on him, he expected his arms to hurt because, obviously, glass is sharp and it would cut him, but he didn't feel the cutting pain, the wood in his sides felt like it disappeared and he... felt like he was falling. [M/n] snapped his eyes open, blood droplets from him were falling, along with his entire body. "What the fuuuck?!" [M/n] cried out, flailing for a moment before curling into a ball once he saw an ending of the weird magical void he was falling through, he was going faster and faster, he really did think he was going to die.

[M/n] hit the ground hard, his body bounced on the ground a few times, landing on his back making his limbs shoot out from the ball he was in, groaning in pain, he had hit his head making it ache, everything hurt really. [M/n] gasped for air for a moment, managing to roll onto his stomach, the land had made him loose his breath. [M/n] tried to widen his eyes to see wherever he was but his vision was failing him and going black. 'No-' [M/n] desperately thought, reaching one his arms out to try and claw his body forward but stopped and stared at a grey/black hoof in it's place. 'What?... a... a hoof?...' [M/n] thought before he lost all vision, his body falling to his side as he slipped from consciousness.

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