fine line (scott mccall)ยฒ

Da anticosmic

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in which they fall in love again (started: july 14, 2020) (season 4-6b) (... Altro

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Da anticosmic

     Blair followed after Stiles as the two ran behind Scott into the animal clinic as he held Derek in his arms. The group bringing Derek in as they laid him on the metal table of Deaton's office so that Deaton could check out Derek's condition for himself since they couldn't explain all of this accurately over the phone.

"Wow," Deaton muttered in shock as he stared down at Derek's young body in front of him - not expecting this when Scott had first called him and told him that they had found Derek in a slightly weird position.

"Wow? Wow as in, 'I've seen this before and I know exactly what to do,' kind of wow? 'Cause that's the kind of wow we were hoping for." Stiles asked in a rushed manner, the panic filling him as he stared up at Deaton - hoping that the emissary would have all the answers like he usually did.

"No pressure." Blair finished for Stiles even if there definitely was pressure for the vet to help them bring back her brother into his usual twenty-three old body.

"I think you might be overestimating my abilities," Deaton explained to Stiles as Blair held her head down and let out a sigh at his answer since she had her hopes up that Deaton had seen something like this before.

"He's cold. Really cold." Lydia pointed out to them as she felt Derek's hand beside her, Deaton beginning to hold Derek's other hand up as he realized Lydia was right and that Derek's hand was freezing cold.

"Do you think this is permanent?" Scott asked Deaton since none of them knew how long this was going to last, Stiles noticing Blair's eyes widen at Scott's statement as he placed his hand on her shoulder - hoping that it would comfort her a little bit.

"Please say no." Blair closed her eyes as she began tapping her leg on the ground as she started to fiddle with her hands - Stiles knowing it was just Blair's usual sign of worry since Blair didn't really know how to express all of her worries in her words usually - picking up on her other mannerisms that usually showed how worried she really was about something.

"I'm not sure a medical diagnosis is even adequate. This is well beyond my experience." Deaton explained to them while he shined his flashlight into Derek's eyes as he checked for his pupils being responsive.

"So what do we do with him?" Stiles asked him as he stared back down at Derek on the table in front of them - still in shock that Derek was now the same age as them.

"Until he wakes up? Probably not much. It might be best to leave him with me. He'll be safe here." Deaton explained, Blair nodding her head in the agreement since she knew Deaton had the best experience when it came to helping the supernatural and trusted him to keep an eye on her big brother for them.

"You mean from Kate?" Stiles asked him as he looked up at Deaton, Blair's eyes drifting back down to Derek as he talked - wondering how he was going to react when he found out that his psychotic dead ex-girlfriend was actually alive.

"If she's alive and she is what you say she is, she won't be able to walk past the gate," Deaton reassured them, Blair thinking that it was the best plan possible for her brother's safety especially if Kate Argent was after him again - for a reason unknown to all of them since they didn't know what she could possibly want from Derek.

"Why would she want to do this to him?" Lydia asked from beside Blair, Blair still not being able to speak much from the shock she was experiencing at staring at her brother.

"Knowing Kate, it's probably for a reason that won't be any good for anyone but her," Deaton spoke up, Blair nodding her head knowingly - everyone in their room having their fair share of a bad experience with Kate Argent.

"And bad for everyone else." Stiles scoffed as he finished for Deaton before twisting his neck out since it was starting to get stiff.

"You could say that again." Blair agreed as she nodded her head beside Stiles, not believing that they had to again - suffer through another problem with Kate Argent since they thought their days with suffering through any Argent family related problems were over.

"You guys should probably go home. He doesn't look to be in any danger. So maybe the rest of you should get some sleep? It is a school night. And you all need to start taking care of your own lives again." Deaton stared at all of them who were trying to keep themselves awake since they had all been awake for over twenty four hours, Scott blinking repeatedly as he tried to force himself to be awake for their conversation as he stared at Deaton.

"Someone should stay with you," Scott spoke up, Blair already prepared to stay the night with her brother since she didn't think it would be up for discussion that she should be the one to stay.

"I'll stay." Blair piped up, Lydia turning to her before tilting her head to the side before shaking her head no.

"Blair, you haven't slept in over twenty-four hours and you have jet lag. I'll stay. My grades are fine, despite missing a few classes." Lydia reassured her as she squeezed Blair's hand, Blair nodding since she trusted Lydia enough to actually call her if something happened or went wrong with Derek.

"I'm so not okay with this," Stiles spoke up since he didn't want to leave the clinic and leave Lydia by herself with young Derek since they didn't know how he would react when he woke up.

"Guys, go," Lydia reassured them, Stiles letting out a no as Lydia rolled her eyes before turning to Scott since she knew he would agree with her and get Stiles out of here.

"Text us if anything happens." Scott told Lydia as he began to leave the clinic, grabbing Stiles and Blair by the shoulders as he lead them out.

"Nope, still not okay with it. Not going anywhere. All right, just 'cause you're stronger..." Stiles complained as Scott ended up dragging him by the collar of his shirt since he wasn't moving by himself so that he would leave with him and Blair.


"Uh, where is she going?" Malia asked Stiles as she referred to Blair sitting in the backseat with them. The group had already dropped Kira off at her house and Malia didn't exactly know where Blair was supposed to go especially since Kira explained to her that Blair used to live with Stiles.

"You can bring me to the Loft, I think I have the keys somewhere." Blair muttered to the group as she leaned her head against the window, her eyes still closed as she talked.

"What? No, that's like in the opposite direction. Just stay with me or Scott tonight. I'm not wasting gas." Stiles argued as Blair hummed in agreement - not having the energy to argue with him in her tired state. Scott turning to Stiles with widened eyes as Stiles only shrugged his shoulders, not seeing the big deal as he brought them to the McCall household instead of his since he knew if it was up to Blair she would stay with him to avoid any awkwardness with Scott whereas Stiles was trying to push the two of them back together again.

Scott walked over to the door where Blair was closest to as he helped her out, the tiredness beginning to catch up with her as she used Scott's arms to steady herself from falling out of the Jeep. Blair turning to take off Stiles's jacket as she passed it to him through the front window - giving him a small smile of thanks for letting her use his jacket.

Scott held Blair's hand as he ran the two of them through the rain outside, opening the front door for them as he pressed it close gently behind them to avoid accidentally waking up his mom with any noise. Both of them stepping over the can that seemed to be set up to contain the leak in the house.

Blair noticed Rafael lying on the sofa, her eyes darting to Scott since she didn't know  i'd his dad was back living with them or that Scott was even talking more to his dad. Scott started to walk forward as he accidentally kicked over a toolbox - leaning down to clean it up before it woke up his dad.

"Scott?" Rafael asked as he realized his son was finally back home. Blair turning between the both of them as she excused herself up the stairs since she didn't want to be in the middle of that awkward explanation to Rafael.

Blair sat down on the chair in Scott's room, not knowing where to place herself as she waited for Scott to come up the stairs. Blair leaning back on the chair as she closed her eyes - hoping to get some sleep tonight. Scott finally coming up the stairs as he closed the door behind him - not realising that Blair was almost asleep when he came in n. Blair opening her eyes once she heard him enter, Scott moving in front of her as he sat down on the bed - trying to figure out how to start a conversation with her without it being awkward.

"How did it go with you dad?" Blair asked Scott as she placed her head on the side of the chair to talk to him, Scott holding his hands in his lap as he nodded his head awkwardly.

"Uh, good. We were supposed to have dinner tonight." Scott explained to her, scratching the back of his head. Blair nodding her head slowly in understanding before yawning.

"I'm sorry." Blair apologized once she finished yawning, Scott smiling as he accepted her apology.

"I can give you a change of clothes, so you're not uncomfortable in the dress." Scott offered Blair, nodding her head as she forced herself to stand up as she followed behind Scott - going to the bathroom and changing when Scott gave her some clothes to change into.

Blair walked out quickly and went back to the seat, Scott already in his bed as Blair tried to make herself more comfortable on the chair despite how hard it was to sit on.

"You can stay in the bed, Blair," Scott whispered, Blair trying not to fight him as she only shook her head no in response - Scott already knowing how uncomfortable the chair was to sleep on from previous experience. Scott coming out of the bed as he lifted her gently before moving her into the bed beside him.

"Goodnight, Scott," Blair whispered before turning around from Scott, Scott following suit as the two turned around - Scott squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to ignore the pain he had caused himself by letting Blair go.


"So it's, like, 2:00 in the morning. I wake up and she's just lying right next to me. She just sneaks in. This was, like, five times a week." Stiles explained to Scott and Blair after Stiles had to bring Blair to his house in order for her to get some clothes that were actually her own to change into for school.

"And then what happens?" Scott asked as him and Blair followed after Stiles. Stiles adamant about explaining his weird relationship dynamic with Malia to Scott and Blair even if Blair wasn't at all interested in hearing about his love life.

"This..." Stiles lifted his shirt up to show the claw marks on his back from Malia. Both Scott and Blair staring wide-eyed at his back when they saw how long they were.

"Holy..." Scott muttered in shock before turning back to Blair, wondering if he was the only one in shock of what Stiles had showed. Blair's eyes still horrified as she had to listen to details about Stiles's sex life.

"Yeah. Right on, right?" Stiles asked rhetorically as they finally made their way up the stairs as they waited for Stiles to explain the rest of the story.

"No, not right on. I live in the room next to you, you nasties better keep it down if I ever decided to move back in." Blair warned him as she smacked Stiles's shoulder in scolding. Stiles pushing her head away from that, causing Blair to smack his head off her. Stiles getting back to the topic once Blair was done interjecting.

"After that, we spent the rest of the night spooning," Stiles explained to them, Blair falling on the other side of Stiles as she tried to figure out what Stiles was freaking out about.

"That sounds okay." Scott pointed out, not seeing why Stiles was sounding bothered by his and Malia's sleeping arrangement since it didn't sound too bad.

"Besides your girlfriend potentially giving you scars, what is the problem Buzzcut?" Blair asked as she stared at Stiles - her backpack beginning to slide down her shoulders as she shrugged it back on properly to her shoulders.

"Yeah, but I'm always the little spoon. Always." Stiles explained to them, Blair's lips lining into amusement as she tried to stop herself from laughing at Stiles's weird problem - not able to help herself as laughter began to pour from her lips causing Stiles to glare at her.

"This means you guys are together, right? You're dating?" Scott asked for both him and Blair since they were both confused about what was going on with Stiles and Malia's current relationship. Since Blair had only been back for the past twenty-four hours she definitely had a lot of questions on their relationship.

"I don't know, sometimes the way she looks at me, I think she knows I'm not telling her something," Stiles confessed, Blair moving as she stopped the two from walking as she stared between Stiles and Scott since she didn't know what he was talking about. Stiles's eyes widening as he realized what he had just revealed as Scott closed his eyes and held his head down.

"What are you not telling Malia?" Blair asked him, crossing her arms against her chest. Scott and Stiles staring at each other as they began silently arguing between each other on who should tell Blair.

"You two are keeping it a secret from me too." Blair realized as she stared at the two of them in shock, Scott and Stiles opening their mouths to try to explain to her as Blair held her hand up to stop them since she didn't want any part in whatever the two were keeping since clearly it wasn't anything good.

"No, it's fine. Whatever it is, you two can wait to tell me. I'm not lying to someone, tell me after Malia finds out." Blair pointed out to them before jogging to their history classroom as Scott and Stiles followed silently after her since they didn't know if they had made her mad or not.

"It might surprise you to know that some of history's greatest leaders have had to endure some pretty great failures. One you'll recognize from last night's reading failed in business, had a nervous breakdown, was defeated for both houses of Congress, and lost as Vice President, before he was finally elected as one of the greatest presidents that this country has ever seen. Who was he?" Mr. Yukimura asked as Blair twirled her pencil around as she stared at Malia sitting beside her as she tried to piece together exactly what Scott and Stiles could be hiding from them both.

A large portion of the class began to raise their hands as Blair sat back in her seat since US history wasn't exactly her strong suit - the presidents always seeming to muddle themselves in her head since she could never seem to piece together which one was which.

"Malia." Blair looked to Malia who was staring up at the class with a yellow highlighter in her mouth as she held up her paper that was covered in red ink from her other highlighter - Stiles was definitely teacher her his way of colour coding considering the amount of unknown information this probably was for Malia. A phone going off interrupting Malia from answering the question immediately - Malia hoping Mr. Yukimura would use the opportunity to ask someone else instead.

"Scott phones off. Malia? One of our greatest presidents. Gettysburg Address?" Malia began to shuffle through her notes as she tried to find the answer for Mr. Yukimura since she didn't remember that particular detail from the textbook. While Kira was still waving her hand around for her dad to pick her instead of Malia.

"Phones off. Everyone." Blair checked her phone that was the one to beep this time as she turned it off before placing it inside her jacket pocket so she didn't have to risk getting yelled at by Mr. Yukimura.

"Malia? Does anyone else know?" Mr. Yukimura asked to which everyone in the class raised their hand to answer the question for Malia.

"I said, phones off!" Mr. Yukimura yelled again when another phone started ringing. Blair holding her head in her hands as she searched around the room to see whoever had left their phone at this time.

"Dad, that was yours," Kira announced to the class which caused Mr. Yukimura to excuse himself awkwardly as he reached to grab his phone out of his bag to see who had been calling him.

"Scott, call Lydia." He read out, Blair sitting up straighter as she heard the news of the text message - not hesitating to leave after Scott and Stiles to go to the animal clinic.


"I don't think he's just younger in the body. I think he's younger in his mind, too." Deaton announced to the three as Lydia helped place the gauze over Deaton's arm that Derek had managed to injure on his way out of the clinic.

"He didn't recognize either of us. And he looked like he was scared out of his mind." Lydia revealed to them, Blair taking in the information about her big brother as she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Well, if I'm right, this is Derek post-Paige. Which is right after he lost his anchor as well as being able to control his shift. Peter rarely let me near Derek for months because of how bad it was." Blair announced, Stiles sighing at the news because if this Derek wasn't afraid to attack Blair when he was out of control then Stiles wouldn't be afraid to bet that he would hurt them too without any apprehension.

"So if you're a teenage werewolf and you're scared, where do you go?" Stiles asked as he turned to the group, the group trying to think of where they could find this Derek.

"A wolf goes back to its den. But Derek lives in a loft." Scott answered Stiles's question, Blair already trying to figure out what Scott meant as she tried to piece it together.

"Not when he was a teenager." Stiles corrected Scott which caused a lightbulb to go off in her head.

"The Hale House," Blair spoke up, referring to the Hale House as she accidentally grabbed onto Scott's arm in her realization before quickly moving her hand away off him again.

"He wouldn't remember the fire. It wouldn't have happened yet." Deaton spoke up in realisation, Blair beginning to panic since she realized that the Hale House was now government property and currently torn down meaning that Derek wasn't going to be too happy when he found his house. Stiles, Blair, and Scott getting ready to go track down Derek before Lydia called them all back.

"Hold on. Say you do manage to catch up to him, what are you going to say to him? That his whole family is dead?" Lydia asked the important question since she knew Scott and Stiles didn't have a filter most of the time when they were talking and honestly, neither did Blair.

"I guess I'm going to have to." Scott realized as he tried to figure out the answer to that question and what they were going to have to tell Derek when they found him. Both Lydia and Blair staring at him if he was insane since they didn't think Scott would actually think that was a good idea.

"Oh. Good luck with that." Lydia answered sarcastically since everyone could tell that it was a horrible idea.

"Scott, remember how much Derek loves his family and how it changed him when they died. Do you really want him to flip on us while he already can't control his shift?" Blair asked Scott who seemed to be thinking about his options in telling Derek about his family.

"They're probably right. Maybe you shouldn't. You know, at least until we figure out how to get him back to normal." Stiles explained to Scott since he knew Scott couldn't lie properly to Derek even if it was for his own benefit since he could hear his heartbeat.

"I can't lie to him," Scott informed them, Blair sighing as she held her hand up.

"I'll do it. I'm his little sister and his adopted daughter, it's like my specialty in getting away with things." Blair argued, Stiles pointing to Blair in the agreement since he had personally heard Blair get away with multiple things with Derek with her lying.

"I don't think any of us can. Remember, he can hear a heartbeat rising. When we find him, we tell him the truth." Scott spoke up, Blair pretending to agree even if she knew she was still going to try and lie to him when they found him anyway. Blair had learned to master how to keep her heartbeat steady enough for people to not tell when she was lying.

"If he gets to the house first, you won't have to," Deaton spoke up, bringing up the fact that Derek could already be on his way back home to the Hale House.


Scott, Stiles, and Blair ran into the police station as they saw the Sheriff already standing over a computer screen as he stared at Derek Hale in front of him. Blair catching on to the fact that the younger Derek was sitting on the seats outside the Sheriff's office as he stared questioningly at Blair - clearly having a lot of questions on who she was. Blair giving him a small wave as he did which Derek hesitantly returned.

Scott, Stiles, and Blair walked past Derek, following the Sheriff into his office as they tried to figure out some way to explain this to him and how Derek was now a teenager again.

"I want you to be honest with me. Absolutely and completely honest. Have you been time traveling?" The Sheriff asked them in complete confusion, all of their eyes widening as they tried to figure out how to explain that he was wrong. Blair turned to Scott with her lips parted as she tried to get him to help them explain since he was the one who actually found Derek like this in the first place.

"Hang on, what?" Stiles asked in shock as he held his hands out, closing and opening his eyes in shock of his dad's question.

"Because if time travel is real, you know what, I'm done, I'm out. You're going to be driving me to Eichen House." The Sheriff began rambling to the three teenagers - his struggle to comprehend the supernatural beginning to reach far beyond him.

"No time traveling and no Eichen House, just let us explain." Blair tried to reason with the Sheriff to stop him from panicking and freaking out further. The Sheriff nodding as Blair turned to Scott as she nodded to him.

"We found him like that." Blair closed her eyes after Scott spoke as she rubbed her temples as she heard the Sheriff step up from his desk immediately.

"Where? Swimming in the Fountain of Youth?" The Sheriff asked as he tried to keep his voice from rising, not wanting to alert his deputies and officers of the conversation he was having with the three teenagers since they couldn't exactly explain that the boy out there was in fact, Derek Hale.

"No. We found him buried in a tomb of wolfsbane in an Aztec temple in Mexico underneath a church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake." Stiles tried to explain, both Scott and Blair closing their eyes as they listened to Stiles talk since they knew that the Sheriff didn't know about them going to Mexico. Blair holding her head down in disappointment, Stiles turning to his two best friends who seemed to not be backing him up in the conversation with his dad as they decided to let him handle that one himself.

"You told me you were camping!" The Sheriff told off Stiles, his face beginning to grow red with anger as he talked to his son.

"Yeah, we were. In Mexico." Stiles stuttered at the end of the sentence before his lips formed a straight line as he waited for his dad to yell at him since it was all that could be expected at this point.

"Derek's been ages backward. He can't remember anything." Scott pointed out to the Sheriff, trying to get his best friend out of the hole he had managed to dig himself into while talking to his dad.

"We just need to talk to him." Stiles held his hand out as he tried to convince his dad to let them talk to Derek even if it was a long shot.

"Yeah, well, so far, he's not talking to anybody." The Sheriff sighed as he sat back down on the desk behind him as Scott and Blair turned around to where Derek was sitting outside .

"He'll talk to us," Scott answered as he stared down at Blair who nodded her head as she backed Scott up.

"Why would I go anywhere with you?" Derek asked Scott while Blair sat on the desk beside Stiles as they let Scott have the first try at getting through to Derek - deciding maybe Derek would trust Scott first since they were both werewolves.

"There was an accident. You lost some memory, but we can help you get it back." Scott explained to Derek, Blair moving to grab whatever she was sitting on as Stiles looked down to see the envelopes she was holding in her hand.

"How much memory?" Derek questioned, Blair and Stiles, staring at each other as Blair moved the back envelope to the front as the two decided to snoop through them.

"A lot. But you can trust us." Blair listened to Scott as she passed the envelopes to Stiles as she placed them in his lap as she let him investigate for himself.

"You're an Alpha. Okay, who are you? And who is he? Who is she?" Derek started getting angry as Blair and Stiles directed their attention to Derek sitting on the couch.

"Oh, we're the guys keeping you out of jail," Stiles answered Derek as Blair moved off the table as she sat down beside Derek.

"I'm a family friend of yours, a Krasikeva," Blair answered as she held her hand out to Derek as he shook it, before turning to Blair as he leaned closer to her since he didn't want the others knowing about Blair.

"Where's Blair? Is she okay? Did she get hurt in the accident?" Derek asked frightened, Scott and Stiles sharing looks since they didn't realize Derek had always been this protective of Blair from the beginning as they began to see how this sibling bond between them had started in the first place.

"She's fine, family holiday. But, she let it slip to me what happened. We're just trying to help you, Derek." Blair lied nonchalantly, Derek not being able to tell for a lie since he wasn't that strong of a werewolf yet. Blair hoping Derek would believe her even though Blair had never been on a family holiday in her entire life.

"Let us help you." Scott tried to convince Derek as he shook his head no, the group beginning to realize this was going to be a much harder problem than they first realized since they didn't count on how stubborn Derek still was at this age.

"Okay, dude, you almost tore apart two cops back there. You need to listen to us. And that starts with no fangs, no claws, no wolfman. You got that?" Stiles asked him as he counted all the different things on his hand before pointing to Derek. Blair glaring at Stiles since she didn't understand how yelling at Derek was supposed to be helping any of them.

"I'm fine as long as it's not on a full moon," Derek answered as Blair turned her head to Derek.

"We can help you with that too, Derek. You just have to trust us." Blair offered as she turned to Scott to back her up who nodded his head at Blair's offer - thinking they could convince Derek to come with them if he took her offer.

"I said I'm fine," Derek repeated, not wanting to admit that he needed any help from the three.

"All right, you coming with us or not?" Stiles asked as he got up off the desk and standing beside Scott as they waited to see if Derek would take their offer to let them help him.

"You want me to trust you? Where's my family?" Derek asked them as he turned to all of them before his eyes landed on Scott - not leaving until he got answers about his family completely.

"There was a fire. And... They're not here anymore. They're fine. Just had to move out of Beacon Hills. And we're going to take you to them as soon as we figure out how to get your memories back." Scott explained to Derek about the Hale Fire, leaving out a few details about the fact that it had killed majority of his family in it.

"Okay." Derek exhaled, finally agreeing to go with them. Blair trying to hide her surprise as she left the room with Scott and Stiles - standing in the middle of the two as they watched Derek sign his paperwork to be released.

"I shouldn't have done that. I lied my ass off." Scott confessed to the two beside them as Blair and Stiles kept their eyes on Derek while they talked to Scott.

"Hey, your ass is fine. You saved him a ton of unnecessary pain. We'll figure this out in a day or two, he goes back to being old Derek, everybody's happy. Except for Derek, who's never happy." Stiles answered as he tried to reassure Scott while Blair rolled her eyes at Stiles's insult at her brother since she thought he was happy most days - just not when he was talking to Stiles Stilinski.

"He's just not happy when he's with you, moron," Blair retorted as she watched Derek start to sign the paperwork from the Deputy he was talking to - hoping nothing would go wrong after this.

"It's just another person that we're lying to. Just that I always feel like it's better when we tell the truth. With Lydia, my mom, your dad." Scott answered, the truth always seems to be the best when it came to the supernatural scenarios - anytime they lied always seeming to backfire on them.

"But that is Derek Hale in there. He may be a kid right now, but he's still Derek Hale." Stiles pointed out as he gestured to Derek - all of them knowing exactly what Derek would do if he found out the truth which would probably be lashing out on all of them.

"He wouldn't have come with us if we told him the truth, Scott." Blair pointed out, Scott starting to agree with Stiles's point once Blair started to back him up since Blair knew Derek the best out of all of them.

"All right. You two take him to my house and don't let him out of your sight." Scott ordered Stiles and Blair, staring at Scott in question since they didn't understand why Scott was leaving them alone with Derek.

"And where are you going?" Stiles asked as he turned to his best friend to see where he was going instead.

"I'm going to go talk to the guy we should have gone to before," Scott answered Stiles, referring to Peter as he started to leave the station as he left Stiles and Blair there.

"Yeah, I hate that guy." Stiles reminded Scott before he turned to Blair who already had her hands in her pockets as she stared after Scott.

"God, are we the babysitters?" Blair asked Stiles in realisation, shaking his head since he didn't want that to be their new job in the friendship group - sighing once Derek started walking up to them as Stiles placed his hand on Blair's shoulder.

"It's a good thing we're partners in crime." Stiles reminded her as Blair gave him a tight smile in response as she didn't have any clue on why Scott trusted her and Stiles to take care of a teenage Derek together.

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