Adopted By Justin Bieber (Boo...

By gals_got_moxie

237K 6.1K 1K


Adopted By Justin Bieber (Book 2)
Press Drama
Song Together
Opening Up
I'll Do It
New Project
New Story
Instagram @AdoptedByJustinBieber
Acting Weird
16th Birthday Gone Bad
Bring Back The Feels
Cara or Tustin or Tai?
Haters Going To Hate
Figuring Myself Out
Going Behind His Back
I'm In Love With You
I love you
Dying (youtube)
Fifth Harmony
this might be crazy
Story not over
"u r so bipolar"
"How could you push me out of your world?"
Responding to your hate
Book 3


4.7K 190 46
By gals_got_moxie

Before I start this dumb chapter to this shitty ass book. I just wanted to take the time to tell you. There won't be another book after this. You guys are so judgmental. None of you guys know me. So stop judging me. Stop judging my story. If you don't like something "fuck off". I honestly hate writing on here now. I use to love it and I would want to update ever second. I would want to get a story done as fast as possible for you guys. I don't know what you are going through and you don't know what I'm going through. So heres the chapter.......

Tara's POV

I walked out on stage to see my fans crying and to hear them screaming. 


SCREAMS everywhere. 

I couldn't help but smile. 

"You guys wanna hear our new song?" Ally asked.

More screaming.

'I don't think they do."

They screamed






I looked at the girl and said in the mic.

"Thanks I like your ass too. Speaking of ass."

I laughed and the song, Bend and snap came on. 

I started to dance and sing to the song.

"Look at my ass
Look at my thighs
I'm cat nip to the guys
They chase my tail
They drool and pant
Wanna touch this
But they can't"

All the girls were watching me and laughing. Ally pulled out her phone and got it on tape. 

When I was done eveyone was laughing along and dancing. 

"Thank you." I said 

Ally: "As much as we like looking at Taras butt lets get started."


If you could take my pulse right now
It would feel just like a sledgehammer
If you could feel my heart beat now
It would hit you like a sledgehammer

By the time we were done dancing everyone was trying to do the dance to the song. 

 Lauren: "You guys have any qestions for us?"

Normani: "YEAH A Q&A!" 

Ally: "okay you first. Thrid row.

"Are any of you guys dating someone?"

All of them shook their heads.

Ally: "Well miss Tara over here is."

Ally gave me the mic.

"Oh yeah I am." I then gave it back to Ally quick.

"Who?" She the girl from the third row asked.

Ally gave the mic back to me.

"Ummm myself."

"NO! Really who?"

"Uh?" I looked back at Cameron and he looked at me. 

He was basicly telling me with his eyes "TELL THEM!"

I sighed and spoke

"Cameron Dallas."

Everyone screamed.

Then another girl went.

"I have two."

Dinah: "Okay!" 

"One, Tara where is Justin?"

Tara: "Hes all over the place. I can't keep track of him." We all laughed.

"Two, What happened with you and Austin?"

I looked at her.

"Hello? i asked what happened with you and Austin? And Jai? You've had a few boyfriends this year. Whats up with that?"

I started to get teary eye.

"It was personal things. We are just friends now."

"Really?" she asked.

"Really" I said.

Dinah whispered over to me.

"Want to end this Q&A?"

"No its fine." i said with a smile.

The next one was a boy.

"okay so I love all you so much!"

"aww thanks!" we all said.

"Okay so I was wondering. If you could marry one person in the group who would it be?"

Ally: "Oh thats hard."

Normani: "I don't know!"

Tara: "Can I marry myself?" I asked.

"NO!" Everyone said. 


Tara: "I guess I would marry Ally."

Ally: "Aww thanks T. I would have to say I would marry you too!"

"AWW!" the crowd went.

We both then got up and hugged.

Normani: "I would date Lauren" 

Lauren: "I would date Dinah."

Dinah: "I would date the cute background dancer!" 

"NO, you can't do that!" Ally yelled.

I could tell right then, that tour was going to be amazing. 

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