explore this | eijirou kirish...

By apixrl

63.7K 1.3K 1.2K

❝ mind over matter! ❞ i was a girl in the village doin' alright, then i became a kirishima simp overnight. •... More

6 💭 ROCK
9 💭 SICK
12 💭 GOOD MORNING (bonus)
22 💭 QUIT ¹
23 💭 QUIT ²
24 💭 QUIT ³


1.6K 46 19
By apixrl


pro hero kirishima

"How long til' the food is ready, Kacchan?" Denki asked from the sofa, his arm slumping down the back as his head tilted back toward his abrasive ash-blond friend. Katsuki growled and grimaced back at him.

"It's ready when it's ready damn it!" He barked, the act of cutting up some vegetables becoming all the more aggressive and quickened. Denki pouted, about to respond before Eijirou burst into the room with his phone in his hands.

"Okay guys- she's gonna be home any minute," He blurted out as though expecting everyone to listen. Katsuki stood in the kitchen, preparing a mass of food by himself (the others did offer to help but as per usual the determined and stubborn Katsuki refused to accept it), whilst Denki, Hanta and Mina lounged on the velvet red couch in your and Eijirou's home. The TV at the foot of the lounging area currently played a movie, though some consoles and video games were stacked up nearby in order to be used.

"You said that ten minutes ago," Hanta called.

"Yeah, do you even time bro?" Both remarks went unnoticed as Eijirou plopped himself down on the sofa next to Mina, who currently sucked a blue raspberry lollipop in her mouth, a plastic jar filled with more candies in the centre of her lap.

"You gotta chill man," Mina said. "Besides, she might not have even got the job,"

"Are you kidding? Of course she got it," Eijirou half snapped back. "She's perfect for it,"

"A little biased since you're Y/N's boyfriend but whatever you say," Hanta replied. He flicked his elbow, tape spurting from the ends as he reached for the remote control sitting on the coffee table.

"Dude you're literally two foot away from it,"

"So? I'm comfy," Hanta shrugged at Mina and stuck his tongue out at her when she rolled her eyes. He proceeded to change the channel, smiling softly when something he liked came on.

"So what was the job again?" Denki asked Eijirou, going to stand up since he fancied a drink. Cautiously stepping towards the anger zone, slipping by Katsuki with a civil smile.

"It was a job to work in design for Hero Costume Company... the one that Iida uses for his costume?" Eijirou impatiently explained. "You know... because she's crazy talented at such things,"

"I still don't see why she just works under your agency, bro... or one of ours," The golden-blond answered, frowning when he found no soda in the fridge, proceeding to skirt to the countertop to find something else. Clearly he was starting to annoy Katsuki from the piercing glares he was sent, but it didn't stop him.

"You don't think I've already suggested that?" Eijirou replied. "You know what she's like, whilst she said she'll want to use us for promotional use... she likes to get things done her own way and this is the way she wants to take it,"

"She an independent woman who don't need no man!" Mina hollered, not thinking what she said as she released a sheepish laugh at Eijirou's glare. "Okay- well... excluding you! You know what I mean!"

"Whatever, Pinky stop being a dumbass,"

"I can't believe we've been friends for six years and you still call me Pinky, Bakugou,"

"Shut the fuck up,"

"Okay, where the hell have all the god damn drinks gone in this house?!" Denki huffed from behind Katsuki. Eijirou looked over, frowning for a second before he remembered he'd completely forgotten to bring them from the car.

"Oh, shit... I left them in the car," He uttered. "Do you mind fetching them for me, Denki? My keys are on the side over there,"

"I'm your guest, but I guess if it means I get hydrated," Denki mumbled under his breath.

"Stay hydrated kids," Hanta said from the sofa, having been exceptionally quiet given the interest in the show playing.

"Thanks Dad!" Was the last thing Denki said before he'd slipped out the room. He quickly grabbed the keys on his way out, whipping his phone to check for any messages during the walk to the front door. He hummed to himself, smirking at a meme that briefly popped up on his Instagram feed. Denki soon reached the front door, opening it and stepping outside into the scene of dusk. The sun was eager to set, a vibrant orange and pink glow emanated from the horizon, clouds dotted across the flamed atmosphere as the red ball faded with each second passing by. The house in which you and Eijirou lived in always gave a great view of sunset, especially from your bedroom balcony where many nights had been spent together.

It was there Denki near crapped himself when he heard the sound of a car locking, given the fact Eijirou's keys were snug tight in the pocket of his basketball shorts. But he looked up, phone proceeding to lock when he saw you hurriedly heading up the pathway towards him.

"Oh! Y/N, hey!" Denki greeted with a wave, the warm smile on his face dropping instantly when he received no optimism back. You looked to the ground, arms filled with rolls of paper and a bag carrying notepads that contained many sketches of your creation. See, Denki and yourself had known each other since you were kids, and he was the entire reason you and Eijirou met. So you knew the moment he noticed something was wrong you weren't getting into your house peacefully. In truth, you didn't even know why he was there in first place. Usually Eijirou told you when people were coming round, so his presence did startle you.

"Are you good, Y/N?" Denki spoke up again, making those last few steps towards you since you'd stopped dead. He raised a brow at you, looking down in a caring concern before he noticed that your eyes were teary and your cheeks faintly red. His own eyes widened, the rare serious side of the golden-blond emerging in even more skepticism. "What's wrong?"

You clamped down on your lip, casting your gaze off to the side with a mighty sniff. On your way home you told yourself not to cry, that it was just a job and that there were plenty more out there, but it was easier said than done. That job had been perfect for you. You had the skill. The requirements. God, you even surpassed the expectations given your quirk. Your body was a walking artist kit. Why, your fingertips literally allowed you to secrete paint of any type (as long as you understood its make up and how they differed between one another) and ends of your nails could change into pencil graphite, charcoal, even felt tips if you wanted. The possibilities were endless.

Yet here you were, having walked in with so much confidence that it eventually stabbed you in the back and the world said otherwise. It all felt like a waste of time. All the nerves, all the preparation, all the late night conversations as Eijirou held you close to him in bed about how much you wanted it. How he had believed in you. How you had told him you wouldn't let him down by getting the god damn job.

So much for any of it.

"I didn't get it," You quietly uttered to Denki, knowing that there was no point holding off from saying it. All your friends were aware you were going for the job, having received a message from every single one of them that very same morning wishing you all the best of luck. Hell, even Katsuki had sent you one. Denki's heart dropped at your words, a hand meeting the back of his neck.

"Oh damn... you didn't?" He repeated it to process it more, exhaling a sigh. "I was certain you would,"

You hopelessly shrugged your shoulders, walking past your friend before sitting down at the foot of the stairs to your house, feeling everything you carried drop by your side like a worthless weight. From there, you rested your chin in your palms and slumped forwards, subtly blinking the tears out your eyes.

"I thought I'd get it too," You spoke solemnly and stared into nothing. "Clearly I didn't meet all their criteria...,"

"No... they're just stupid as fuck," Denki answered, going to follow you up on your actions by sitting down beside you. "You hit every nail on the head!"

"Even if I did... it doesn't matter," You cleared your throat. "They chose someone else over me and yet again I'm back to having no employment,"

"At least you don't need to worry about your income though?" Denki tried his best to comfort. "Eijirou'll look after you,"

"That's beside the point though... like, it's all good and well that my boyfriend is a Pro which means good money but I want to bring something to the table too," You paused and turned your head to Denki. "Does that make sense?"

"Yeah... you're an independent girl," He smiled softly, outstretching an arm in an offer for you to take. The gesture was accepted warmly, Denki proceeding to pull you close to him and give you a brief cuddle. It wasn't anything suggestive, just a friend looking out for a friend when they were upset. "You know Eijirou loves you so much because of that, right?"

"He does?" You repeated.

"Yeah!" He lightly laughed. "Well... he's always said manly but that's basically the same thing,"

"If we're talking about the same Eijirou then yeah, basically," Denki hummed, glancing at his phone which he'd placed by his side to check on the time. Meanwhile you remained in your friend's arms, the small moment of humour riddling out of you and hence came the cluster of upset burning inside. So much so that you closed your eyes, tearing up a little more and Denki being the observant friend he was (even if he was as dumb as a rock sometimes) simply rubbed your shoulder and tried to lighten the mood by being his goofy sweet self.

That lasted for maybe a minute or so, as the front door to your house opened and out came the concerned redhead wondering where Denki had ran off to.

"Hey Pikachu what's taking you so long we-," Eijirou cut short when his eyes landed on his friend, frowning slightly when he also saw you sat next to him. Denki turned around at hearing Eijirou's voice, smiling a little before nodding his head to gesture his friend over.

Denki went to stand up, bringing you with him as both his hands supported your shoulders. The golden-blond then turned you around and guided you to Eijirou, where you instantly wrapped your arms around his waist and dug your face into his chest when you were within his grasp. Eijriou, still puzzled to what was going on, looked down at you for a few seconds before gingerly taking hold of you. One hand cradled your head whilst the other found refuge in the small of your back.

"I'll go tell the others that you'll be back in a minute," Denki stated, backing away to the door as he subtly mouthed the words 'comfort her' and slipped back inside. Leaving you and Eijirou alone on the front porch. Your boyfriend didn't move his gaze off of you, reluctant in his tone.

"What's wrong?" He asked you, watching you merely dig your face further into him. He then heard you speak, your voice coming out muffled into his red T-shirt. "A little louder, baby girl,"

In response he received a sniff, and your hands gripped tighter onto the back of his shirt. That sent off bad signals, Eijirou quickly adjusting to the fact you were tearing up under his hold by gently resting his head on yours and rocking you.

"I didn't get the job," Your voice finally uttered louder, cracking halfway through your words. Eijirou mouthed an 'oh' to himself, feeling a little dumb for not realising sooner. But he didn't ponder on that as he held you close to him.

"Aw, babe, really?" He tightened the hold. "I'm sorry to hear that,"

You hummed, pulling your head back to look up at your boyfriend for a moment. Eijirou followed you up on it, his eyes never leaving yours as you spoke.

"I really thought I had it in the bag... a-and then they chose this other guy over me because he was more experienced," Another tear left the corner of your eye, your hand quickly wiping it away. Eijirou exhaled deeply.

"They didn't choose you because of experience?" He repeated, frowning as you nodded your head. "Bunch of idiots, if you don't have the job you can't get the experience... why do they run their systems like that?"

"I don't know... it's dumb,"

"Sorry, I'm getting off track," Eijirou shook his head before he lightly pecked your lips. "Is that what took you so long coming home?"

I guess so...," You trailed off, doing the same with your gaze as it blankly landed on the fabric of Eijirou's shirt. "I was just trying to calm down about it,"

"Well... it's alright to be upset. Naturally you will be," He smiled softly. "But at least you could start looking again? Maybe try for that other job that caught your eye?"

"I don't even know if I want to bother," You thought aloud, receiving a frown from Eijirou.

"What do you mean?"

"This is the second attempt and I've come back empty handed Eijirou... I'm already tired of getting my hopes up," You wiped your eye again. "A-and I keep letting you down because of it too so-,"

"Hey, woah... hey," Eijirou stopped you quickly. "What makes you think you've let me down?"

"Because I keep promising you that I'll get my own job and make my own living... but I keep fucking it up by not getting the job you know?" You were cut off by a pair of lips pressing themselves against yours, Eijirou's to be exact. His hands moved from your frame to cup your cheeks, pulling you into the sudden kiss more at the same time. After a few seconds, Eijirou pulled away and looked intently at you with a softened smile.

"Y/N you could never let me down... ever," His thumb grazed lightly over your cheeks to wipe the tears. "I'm not asking you to find a job and do this, okay? That's your choice and it's your goal. A goal that one day you'll reach, and I'm going to be here every step of the way until you get to it,"

"But-," Yet again you were interrupted by his lips.

"No buts!" Eijirou responded, now brushing some of your hair from your face. "I love you so, so much, and nothing will change that,"

You looked up to him, sniffing one more time before burying your face into his chest again. A silent show of gratitude that didn't go unnoticed. Eijirou gave you one last peck on the head, and remained silent whilst you vented your final emotions. Though as the natural light faded in your surroundings, so did your voice as the most noise exchanged between you were gentle sobs and climaxing tears. Like always, Eijirou was an absolute star for you. He didn't rush your feelings, and he didn't expect them to go away once you let them out. He instead allowed you time, and was actually willing to hold you in his arms on your front porch all night if it meant you felt even an ounce better. Time passed, and you eventually made the move to tug away, your first course of action being a mighty wipe of your eyes to remove any remaining tears there.

"You ready to head inside?' Eijirou uttered to you quietly. When you nodded, the redhead knelt down to pick up your things as you moved to the door to head inside.

"Oh yeah," You began just as your hand met the handle.


"What's Denki here for?"

"Oh well-," Eijirou cut himself off, somewhat feeling bad for his next words. "Well I was confident you were going to get the job so... I invited the gang around to celebrate?"


"Yeah," A subtle sharp inhale of silent apology, Eijirou continued. "I kinda hoped you weren't going to say anything... I didn't want to add salt to the wound you know? Sorry..."

"No... no, it's okay," You proceeded to open the door and step inside. Shaking your head, Eijirou stepped inside and you shut the door. Once you slipped your shoes off your feet and your luggage was placed to the side where it would remain temporarily, you felt two hands slip around your waist and a pair of lips met the nape of your neck.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Eijirou's voice said close to your ear. Sinking faintly into his touch, you nodded your head. Sure, overall you felt shitty and sad, but you couldn't ignore the intention of Eijirou's actions. In a way it showed how much he loved and believed in you.

Such a thing brought a little smile to your face.

"I promise. It's rather sweet you were going to throw me a little party,"

"We can still throw a party with everybody if you want to," He mumbled, inhaling deeply. "But only if you want to,"

"Honestly? It sounds nice," You thought aloud, your lover twitching a smile at that.

"Yeah? It does?"

"Yeah. What better way to get over a job rejection? To hang out with my amazing friends and my even more amazing boyfriend who I love so much,"

"Even more amazing that you love lots, huh? He must be one lucky guy," He chuckled, and pecked you on the cheek. It made your heart flutter, reminding you just how much you loved Eijirou and that you'd do anything for him. So with a little smile on your face, you turned around in his arms to face him, directing said smile his way.

"No, I'm the lucky one," You uttered, not giving him a chance to respond as you leaned to meet his lips. Eijirou hummed at your actions, not hesitating to kiss you back. Your arms wrapped around his neck, subtly pulling him closer to you and deepening the kiss. To which he obliged merrily, his grip around your waist becoming more snug and secure. The pair of you would have been satisfied to stay there, enjoying the other's presence and holding each other close. But that was before you were reminded of the guests sitting a few rooms over.

"I WILL CUT YOUR EYES OUT AND PUT THEM INTO THIS FUCKING DISH, DUNCE FACE GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" The explicit voice of Katsuki Bakugou was enough to break you and Eijirou apart, both of you instinctively pulling away. His warm breath hit your cheeks, mouth faintly agape as he stared intently into your eyes.

"M-Maybe we should go and see what that's about," You let out through a shuddering breath, feeling yourself swallow thickly at what Eijirou would do next. The annoyance in his red eyes was clarified by the sigh he exhaled next, obviously not directed at you, but he stepped back making you free of his grasp.

"Yeah, we should," The two of you dawdled together for a second, and when more cluster of noise came from a few rooms away you found the will to move. As you trotted down the hall, Eijirou's footsteps weren't too far behind. A hand of his rested on the small of your back. Comforting and supportive and one of the many things that night that would make you feel a little better about your circumstances.

this was low-key inspired by a scene from friends, let me know if you know what i mean...

also sorry the ending is bad, i changed it from what it originally was because i didn't like it lol

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