Love-Love || OLD DRAFT

By glassEyed

335K 28.3K 16.2K

[THIS IS AN OLD DRAFT. Please read the rewrite that is currently up on my profile] ............ "Look, man, I... More

one - love
two - love
two - one
three - one
three - two
three - three
four - three
five - three
five - four
five - five
five - six
six - six
seven - six
eight - six
eight - seven
eight - eight
eight - nine
eight - ten
eight - eleven
nine - eleven
ten - eleven
eleven - eleven
twelve - eleven
twelve - twelve
thirteen - twelve
thirteen - thirteen
fourteen - thirteen
EXTRA : Playdate
EXTRA : Identity Crisis
EXTRA : Family Dinner (Part 1)

EXTRA : Family Dinner (Part 2)

6.4K 585 761
By glassEyed


(THIS IS PART 2, so like don't forget to read the previous chapter!)

This chapter's dedicated to mugdhax but idk how to do that dedication thing on the app :((



On another note, this is the longest chapter yet of Love-Love and I loved writing every bit of it. Hope y'all enjoy it!!!




"What are your plans after graduation, Ridge?" Mrs. Reyns asked and I felt my soul leave my body.

Shit shit shit – this one seemed like an important question but I had no idea what to say. To be honest, I had zero idea what geology graduates did. "Uh, get a job, I think," I replied, very smartly.

From the corner of my eyes I saw Aspen bite his knuckles to suppress a laugh. Bitch!

"Earth sciences are in demand these days," Iris added, much to my relief. "Unlike Fine Arts," she shot Aspen a pointed look.

"Hey! I'm a superhero!" he cried.

"And how does that help you pay the bills?" his sister added.

"I – I have sponsors," Aspen said, utterly distraught.

"And I wonder where those sponsors will be when you break your leg, or your spine," Mrs. Reyns said, super casually as if she wasn't talking about her son getting injured for life. 

"Not you too!"

"I'm all in favour of you trying to do good, Aspen, but you have to keep a solid plan B in mind. Superhero retirement age is the lowest."

"I'm not gonna retire, I just debuted about..."

"Eight months," I prompted. 

"Eight months ago!"

"Right, eight months and you still haven't been able to neutralise Gravel," Iris said off-handedly.

I choked on the piece of meat I was chewing. 

"Hey, careful!" someone said.

I coughed and drank some water. "I'm fine," I croaked. It was only after the family made sure I was okay that they continued.

"At this point, I think it's just best if you stay away from Gravel," Mrs. Reyns said.

"How can I stay away when he's the one causing trouble first?" Aspen said, super casually as if the said person was not sitting beside him.

"You go too easy on him, that's my point," Iris said.

"He doesn't," I said, the same time as Aspen said, "I don't."

Iris ignored her brother and turned to me. "Yes, he does. I keep telling him, Gravel isn't like other criminals."

That perked my attention. "How so?"

"The guy lacks any legitimate motives. Like, he has no agenda, you know?"

I gaped at her. What?!

"He's just there to pester Super Storm," she continued. "In fact, unpopular opinion, but I think he has a crush on Super Storm."

"That is not true!" I cried before I could stop myself, then realised I was no position to make that statement anymore.

"Alright guys, let's not," Aspen began, coughing into a fist. "Let's not bring up a mass murderer's name during dinner." 


"What do you think about Aspen being a Superhero, Ridge?" Iris said instead, catching me off guard.

"Uh –" I turned towards Aspen to find him deliberately focused on his food, not looking up at me. He was clearly just pretending and the smile peaking at the edges of his lips was proof enough. "Honestly, I don't care," I said. He froze midway and turned to look at me. I held his gaze. "As long as he's doing what makes him happy, I don't care."

Aspen was smiling through pursed lips. "It's a dangerous job though. What if I die?" he said.

Yeah well, over my dead body is what I wanted to say. "Well, you trust yourself to not get killed and I trust you, so..." I shrugged and looked away (for the dramatic effect), casually returning my attention to the delicious noodles in front of me.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Mrs. Reyns reach out and smack Aspen on the head. 

"Ow, Ma, why –"

"Say something like that again and you can forget about stepping foot in this house for the rest of your life."

"I was just kidding," he whined.

"Well, it was neither funny, nor are you a kid anymore. Which reminds me, why are you picking out the vegetables?"

"You know I don't like –"

"Look at how well Ridge and Iris are eating."

"Ma –"

"Pfft, superhero! What kind of superhero doesn't eat his greens? What example are you setting for the children?"


"Exactly. You're the reason Maya and Mel are picky eaters," Iris added.

"Hey, that's your bad parenting," Aspen cried.

I smiled as I watched the two bicker. Their mother would occasionally pipe in, sometimes siding with Iris, sometimes with Aspen. Beside Iris, her two daughters were talking to each other in hushed voices, picking up vegetables and throwing them at the other's plates. It was so warm and wholesome. I felt an ache in my heart which I gulped down and focused on eating. What was gone was gone, there was no use thinking about what-ifs.

No one asked me any heavy questions after that – just discussed random things about college. Mrs. Reyns would occasionally ask me if I liked the food, or if I wanted more servings.

"Thank you, Mrs. Reyns but I'm full. The food was delicious. Which reminds me, thank you for the food you keep sending. It's pure bliss to have home-made food once in a while."

She seemed confused. "I... sent food?" she said.

I frowned. "You... didn't?"

"Aspen doesn't like the food I cook so I never send any –"

"Okay it's getting late!" Aspen suddenly cried and got to his feet. "Thank you for this lovely dinner; let me help you with the dishes." He reached over to pick up everyone's plates.

I gaped at his sudden antics.

Iris snorted, and then burst into laughter.

"Little Brother, I'll also help," Maya's voice came floating in.

"Oh, me too, me too!" Melody added.

What ensued was utter chaos. The utensils were all lifted off the table and were dangerous floating over our heads. The twins were obviously lacking control in aerokinesis and had it not been for Aspen, everything would've fallen on top of us.

"Girls, stop!" Aspen cried but it went unheard.

I ducked as a glass went flying over my head.

Iris was still laughing.

Her daughters were standing on their chairs, brows furrowed in concentration, but every once in a while they'd nudge each other and yell, "STAY OUT OF MY CURRENT!"

"EVERYONE, STOP!" Mrs. Reyns finally shouted and all mess came to a standstill. The twins stopped controlling the air, their mother stopped laughing and their uncle let out a heavy sigh as he managed to prevent the utensils and the food from crashing down. "All of you, out! I'll clean this up."

Iris got to her feet and went to pick up her kids. 

"It's LUDO time!" Melody screamed and escaping her mother's hold and jumping down the chair.

"No, no games. Grandma is angry," Iris said in a stern voice.

"But we always play LUDO whenever Little Brother visits us," she cried, then turned to Aspen, "You'll play with us, right? Please say yes, say yes, say yes!!"

"Mel," Aspen began seriously, "maybe some other time. It'll get late, we have to go."

It was clear the girl was going to protest but before she could speak, it was Mrs. Reyns who said, "Stay the night. Help Iris entertain the kids."

Aspen opened his mouth, but didn't say anything and instead turned to look at me.

I understood his unworded question. I grinned and nodded.

"Great then," Mrs. Reyns beamed. "Now off you go."

I got to my feet. "Let me help you, Mrs. Reyns."

She gave me a bright smile and nodded. Aspen, Iris and the twins walked out while Mrs. Reyns and I began gathering the utensils hovering in midair. 

"Just leave the used dishes by the sink," she instructed. "I'll take care of the rest." I already knew from Aspen that she too had aerokinesis but instead of using it, she was picking up the utensils with her hands.

After a few minutes, I felt the air between us get a little awkward so I said, "I'm sorry, I'm not very talkative."

"Pfft, why should you apologise for that?" she smiled at me, collecting the spoons floating in the air. "Look at this mess! I'd love to have a sober person in this house for a change."

I couldn't help but mirror her smile. "Thank you for having me. It's..." I gulped, the faint ache in my heart still throbbing. "I... I've never had dinner with anyone like this ever since my parents –" I broke off and shook my head. "Doesn't matter." I sighed. "I just want to thank you."

Mrs. Reyns stopped what she was doing and turned all her attention towards me. "You're most welcome to come any time you want. It's lovely to have someone who doesn't disregard the vegetables."

My cheeks were starting to hurt from all the smiling. "Does that mean I pass?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Aspen's mother burst into laughter and I could see where Aspen got his charm from – her laugh was contagious, her eyes always had a hint of kindness, and there was just this aura around her that made me feel comfortable.

"Aspen told you it's a test?" she said, still laughing. "Of course, he did," she shook her head. "Don't worry Ridge, it's not a test." She stopped laughing and sighed to herself. "Aspen has always – well, my approval has always meant a lot to him. He's never done anything without my 'yes'." She chuckled and I could see the overwhelming fondness in her eyes. I wondered if my mother also had such a look for me?

"I can tell he's nervous," she continued. "He's never really brought anyone home before."

That caught my attention. "Really?"

She nodded. "I know it doesn't look like it, but he didn't always have it easy. He was a... well, he's always been very different." She sighed and didn't continue. Instead she turned to me with a smile that carried the same fondness she had for her son. "There's no test, Ridge. I just wanted to meet the person who's making my son so happy."

This was too much! I wanted the earth to come swallow me whole. I was not trained to deal with so much love and care.

"RIDGE! Ridge!" Maya suddenly ran in and caught my hand. "Are you done? We are waiting for you."

Before I could reply, Mrs. Reyns said, "Go on, go play with them. I'll get all this."

"But I - "

She shook her hand dismissively. "No arguments. Go deal with those chaotic kids. You'll actually be doing me a favour."

With that, I let Maya pull me into the living room where they had carelessly arranged a big LUDO board on the table, surrounded by a couch and two beanbags.

I went to sit on the couch beside Aspen but Melody screamed and pushed me away, saying it was her seat.

"Will milady please tell me where I should sit then?" I said.

She giggled and pointed at the beanbags. 

Obediently I sat where she gestured and Maya took the empty seat next to me.

"Team or individual?" Aspen asked, eyeing the die.

"Individual!" the girls shouted.

"Planning on ganging up on Ridge, are we?" Iris said as she took a seat on a nearby couch, overseeing the game.

The twins giggled mischievously. 

"Hey, you can't gang-up on me," I said. "It's LUDO. Who knows, if I have the luck, maybe I'll win."

"You won't," Aspen, Iris, Maya and Melody said at the same time.

I soon found out why – the city's beloved hero, along with his two nieces, cheat in LUDO. Like honestly, how lower can you drop?

Aspen was obviously too good at it, but the twins weren't too bad either. They would manipulate the die right before it hit the board, getting the desired number.

"Hey, y'all are cheating. It's not fair!" I cried when Maya initially rolled a 'one', then used the air to flip the die and get a 'five'.

"You have no proof," the girl cried.

"Iris!" I whined. "Do you see what they're doing?! It's unfair."

She laughed from where she was comfortably lounging on the couch. "Ridge is right. Maya, you have to manipulate the die midair, otherwise you'll get caught."

I gaped at her. What was wrong with this family?!

Despite the three people cheating, my luck wasn't too bad and I was able to roll good-enough numbers. However, all three of my opponents were hell bent on killing my pieces.

"ASPEN!" I cried when he killed one of my piece that was very close to reaching home.

He laughed, reached over and kissed me on the cheek. "You're cute, but losers gonna lose."

I pursed my lips and shoved him away. "I'm not playing anymore," I huffed.

I ended up playing three more games! 

It was only when Mrs. Reyns came to remind the kids it was bedtime that the three cheaters closed the game.

"Mrs. Reyns, these three cheated," I complained.

She pretended to gasp. "They won't be getting any dessert then. Come, come, Ridge, it's only for you."

"Nooooo," the twins shouted and ran after their grandma.

"Save some for me," Iris cried after them.

"Let's hurry so that I can eat Iris' share," Aspen said coming to my side and wrapping an arm around my waist.

It took another twenty minutes for the twins to finish their ice-cream, after which they bade us goodnight and went to their room with Mrs. Reyns on tow. Aspen and I were left alone in the kitchen, with him washing the dishes, and me leaning on the counter next to him, eating my third bowl of ice-cream.

"Your family is adorable," I sighed, smiling.

Aspen chuckled. "They really like you."

"Of course they do," I huffed.

He turned to face me incredulously. "What's with the fake confidence? I remember you freaking out like crazy."

"I wasn't freaking out," I countered. I was!

"You were."

"I wasn't."

"You were." He blew at the soap in his hands and dozens of soap bubbles flew towards me.

I cursed and tried to wave them away. But they kept coming, carelessly floating all around me. "Aspen," I scolded.

"What? I thought soap bubbles were romantic."

"They're annoying. Like you!"

Aspen chuckled, then came over to where I was standing and put his arms around my neck.

"Dude, go away, your hands are wet," I said, pulling the bowl of ice cream closer to my chest.

He didn't say anything, just stood there grinning at me.

"What?" I said.

"Just thinking something."

"Can't you think it by standing somewhere else? My ice cream will melt!" Saying so, I tore my gaze away from him and looked at the bowl in my hands. I took a spoonful and was about to bring it to my lips when I stopped midway and sighed. "You want some?" I asked the idiot in front of me.

His grin widened and he opened his mouth. Rolling my eyes, I fed him the ice cream.

We didn't say anything after that. Wordlessly, I alternated between feeding him and then eating a spoonful of ice cream myself.

"Aspen," I said when the bowl was finally empty.


I looked away from him and at my hand holding the bowl. "Thank you," I told the utensil.

I felt cold, damp fingers brush against my cheek. "For what?"

I did not reply immediately. "Everything."

Aspen leaned forward to touch my cheek with his now-cold lips and softly nudged me with his nose. I could feel his grin. "You don't –"

Somebody loudly cleared their throat.

Aspen stepped away and I looked up to see Iris standing by the door, the classic Reyns-family smile on her face. "Just came by to say goodnight. And also to remind you how thin the walls in this house are, and there are kids here, so like, keep it PG."

"Ew, Iris, what are you thinking? That's my old room you're talking about; it's gross and disrespectful to my younger self."

Iris folded her hands over her chest. "Did anyone ever tell you you're weird?"

"How is that related?" he cried. "Just think about it, would you have sex in your old room?"

Iris' smile vanished and she said nothing.

"Oh my god, you did, didn't you?"

"Not in my room," she mumbled.

Aspen's eyes widened. "Did you have sex in my room?" 

She took a step back. "Listen, I can explain."

"IRIS," Aspen looked like Iris just murdered someone (speaking purely from experience!) "HOW COULD YOU? I can't believe this! You had sex in my room?! That's –"

"What is sex?" a small voice broke in. Melody walked into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and yawning. 

It was Iris' turn to look distraught as her daughter looked up at her, expectantly waiting for an answer.

I covered my mouth and burst into a soundless laugh.

"Thanks for this now, Aspen," Iris glared at him.

Aspen huffed and said, "Come Mel, I'll tell you what your mother did."

"Aspen!" Iris cried, catching the little girl who was about to walk up to her uncle. She picked Melody up and hurried out of the kitchen.

"We are not done," Aspen cried as he ran after them. "IRIS!"

I clutched my stomach and laughed for the longest time. My cheeks hurt, my heart hurt and I was subconsciously wiping away tears. A strange kind of warmth fell over me, one that was completely different from the poisonous fire that always accompanied me.

"Thank you," I told the empty kitchen.




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