Find U Again (Camila/You)

By DangerousNight8

10K 360 33

"They say time can be your friend or your worst enemy. Time can also close up wounds but also leave permanent... More



510 24 0
By DangerousNight8

(Y/N) looked at the time by her phone, hiding a small smile on her lips before getting inside her room to get her clothes in a duffel bag. She answered her phone without bothering to look at the I.D, "hey, baby. I'm just getting packed. Are you ready to leave?"

"You haven't told her the whole truth huh, (Y/N)." She froze and her lips twitched a little as she was unable to recognized the voice of her own caller. "Who is this?"

"Just a friend. And you should probably get a lot more clothes than your packing right now." (Y/N) tightened her grip on her phone a little harder than she should, her eyes darted from her clothes to the walls of her own room. "Why are you calling me?"

"Does Camila know about your little drunken incident?"

"What do you want?" She asked in an annoyed tone after hearing a sarcastic chuckle come from the other person. "Finally, we're getting somewhere... I want you, (Y/N), to leave town or your family knows what you did that night."

(Y/N) ended the call and continued to pack before she gets in deeper trouble, feeling nothing but same and guilt for not saying anything to her girlfriend and what she was about to do. Rushing out of her own home once she had filled her duffel bag with clothes, money and her own passport. She looked back at her old home one last time before getting in her own car, speeding down the road before she could get another blackmail from her mysterious caller.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" Camila waved her hand in front of the dazed off veterinarian in front of her, which snapped her out of own little world. "U-Uh, yeah?"

"You spilled your drink while dazing out... Is everything alright?" Concern and confusion was written all over the brunette's face which made the veterinarian clear her throat, straightening herself from her seat. "Yeah, I just remembered I forgot something back at the clinic."

(Y/N) grabbed a few tissues to wipe the spilled drink on the table, she stopped wiping once she felt a waitress come over to wipe the table for her. Her eyes went up to the waitress' face only to give her a subtle wink before she spun around walking back to serve other customers. "Haven't lost your touch, I see."

"What?" The vet turned to look at the brunette who seemed seriously annoyed for some reason, her confused look took a few seconds tops to change into a teasing smirk. "I mean we are drinking. As I recall, this isn't an actual date, right?"

The brunette blushed in embarrassment before she cleared her throat, abruptly excusing herself to go use the rest room while the veterinarian glanced at the time with a soft smile fixated on her face. Her eyes went down to her phone that vibrated, shaking her head side to side when her annoying Danish roommate was calling her. She declined the call and rolled her eyes seeing her friend's text.

'Oh, I see you get to date the hot girl and you start ignoring me like some superstar?? Not cool, (Y/N) 🙄.'

'Stop being a dramatic ass. What do you want?"

'Your girl barged in our home and was looking for you. She was being an annoying little stuck up girl whining and calling for you.'

"Need to go back to work?' (Y/N) snapped her head up to see that the Latina had come back from the bathroom, noticing the retouch of make up on her face. "Nah, it's no biggie. Drinks are more important."

She was surprised to see a glass of cosmo being served to the brunette, glancing at her side to see a smiling Tom while his eyes were practically glued only at Camila. The veterinarian couldn't help but finish the half filled mug of beer she had before looking at a smiling Latina who took a sip of the beverage she was given. "Tom does know how to make a kick ass drink."

"And a very subtle way to show that he likes you," she teased the brunette who wasn't fazed by the teasing but instead, she leaned forward against her seat, and had been grinning for quite some time. "Looks like he favors me, more than you."

"Ouch, way to be very gentle about the truth." (Y/N) earned an eye roll from the brunette while she released a small laugh, while the brunette down her cosmo drink in one go. "The truth always stings, (Y/N)."

"You're right about that."


"You're still the same old chick magnet wherever you go, huh?" The brunette slurred out as the two are on their 6th mug. (Y/N) was a little tipsy as she stopped drinking her 6th mug while the brunette kept going, asking the waitress for shots which she had to stop the Latina from drinking. "Okay, okay. That's enough. I'll drive you home."

"But—I haven't drunk my shots!" She whined like a little girl, pouting cutely while stomping her foot once she got pulled up from where she was sitting. "No! I'm not done."

"Camila! Quit moving around." (Y/N) said before wrapping Camila's right arm over her shoulder, walking her out of the very bar while waving to Tom who just grinned at the two. "Come again soon!" The brunette waved her hand vigorously at Tom before hiccups followed, as she walked beside (Y/N) who was doing everything to keep her standing.

"Can't you just carry me, (Y/N)?"

"Not a chance, Cabello. You might vomit on my clothes." The vet said remembering the last time she carried the drunk brunette, her clothes were completely ruined with her vomit all over her back in high school. "Th-that... It was a—very very long time ago." The brunette spoke with hiccups making her sentences a little bit hard to understand as she was already slurring out words.

"It was still fresh in my mind. Since, you, are a very stubborn drunk to take home." Camila pouted and obediently went in the front seat once (Y/N) got her seated, letting her buckle her up with the seatbelt. The drunk Latina grabbed her by her cheeks, turning her face towards her direction which made (Y/n) widen her eyes in surprise.

"And you, are still very attractive even after all these years."

"Thanks, Cabello." She responded quickly before pulling herself away from her grip but was unsuccessful, as she was pulled in for a hug. Her face pressed against the brunette's chest, making her heart beat at a fast pace when she was in a very awkward, and yet, comfortable position with Camila. "If you took me. With you when you left town... I wouldn't have lived a miserable life."

"Camila?" The brunette turned with a big smile on her face only for her lips to turn into a flat line. "Shawn? What are you doing here?"

"Are you leaving town?"

"Yes, I am." The brunette didn't want to see the Canadian boy who tried to get her like she was some sort of bet to his friends. She still hated him for trying to sleep with her when they have only gone out on three dates. "What are you even doing here, Shawn?"

"Camila, you don't have to leave town with (Y/N)... She left already." He told the last part a little quieter than he could, as she heard it very well since they were the only two left at the park. "If you're playing some sick joke along with your friends—"

"I'm not! She really left. Her parents had been all over town asking people if they have seen her."

Camila dropped her bag feeling her whole world crash right there and then. She never knew why (Y/N) would just leave her, they both agreed to leave town right after graduation but she just went with the plan without her. She believed (Y/N) was different, she didn't hurt her like any of the guys she dated before. Now, she stood there alone, with some guy who also played with her own feelings.

"No, you're lying!" She shouted at him before she sprinted off, heading towards the direction of (Y/N)'s house. After running for what seemed like forever, she saw the police car parked out front, (Y/N)'s parents stood by the porch while the policeman walked back to his car.

(Y/N)'s father seemed to be genuinely concerned as to where his eldest daughter have gone, while her mother just didn't bother to show any certain emotion to her daughter who is missing. They weren't exactly the best parents to (Y/N) since their eldest daughter had pulled a lot of stunts while growing up. They seemed to have gotten used to the stunts she always pulled. At least, (Y/N)'s mother was used to what she always doing. Camila was aware that her girlfriend had always ran away from home, she knew that she'd come back sooner or later but this time... It may be for good.


Camila woke up from her slumber, turning to see that she was back home and she sat up slowly before feeling the throbbing pain she was feeling in her head. She also remembered why she didn't drink at the parties she was invited to go to back in college, as drinking comes with hangover.

"God that sucks," she muttered while laying back down on her bed with a groan and looked at the time to see it was 8 in the morning. She crinkled her nose once she started to notice a sweet smell filling up the house, pushing herself up quickly to check what the smell was. "Hey, you're up."

The tan Latina had her eyes wide as saucers in shock, she noticed her making waffles and cooking bacon while Eugene was happily eating in his doggy bowl. "Y-You're here—wait! We didn't—d-did we?"

"Camila? Hey, nothing happened last night. I just drove you home and stayed since you asked me to." (Y/N) answered honestly as she was still pretty whipped when it came to the brunette even if she was sober or drunk. She prepared Camila a plate of waffles and bacon on the side, serving her with a glass of orange juice and an aspirin placed by the side.

"I asked you to stay?" Camila was trying hard to remember when she said that but she gave up with a sigh taking a seat before biting off at a piece of bacon on her plate. "Yep, when I tried to leave after putting you to bed. You practically jumped me."

"O-Oh, and my clothes?" The brunette asked since she noticed how she was dressed in her pajamas without having any memory of it. "I had to change you out of your clothes, since you boldly decided to strip down in front of me when I made a third attempt on leaving you."

Camila blushed in embarrassment before turning her head away, wishing the ground would just swallow her whole instead. She was honestly glad she didn't remember any of what she did. "It's not like I haven't seen your body before."

"We are not talking about the past right now."

"Okay, let's talk about last night. How you called me attractive and you tried to give me a pleasing strip performance last night." The vet said clearly being a tease to the brunette who continued to eat, while she decided to fix herself a plate of waffles and bacon with a glass of orange juice.

"Whatever floats your boat, (Y/N)." Camila said not bothering on fighting the woman who was in front of her, as she was kind enough to drive her home, change her clothes and feed her breakfast. "Am I really talking to the same Camila I went last night to drink with?"

The tan Latina was about to speak when she heard Eugene whine, looking up at her from the floor while his head tilted. Clearly, the pup was begging for a piece of food from her. She gave her a little bit before he ran off to play with his chew toys, by the corner of the living room. "Maybe you are, maybe you aren't."

The brunette was quite curious as the girl's phone kept lighting up with various notifications, she focused her attention on her food when (Y/N) glanced at her before grabbing her own phone to respond. "Excuse me." The veterinarian said before taking her phone with her when it was ringing like crazy, her expression changed into a serious one which was something the Latina wasn't used to seeing.

"Emily? What is it?" (Y/N) said once she was outside and closed the door behind her, walking a few steps away from the house to make sure Camila wouldn't hear. "You've been busy for days! When are you coming back around?" Sometimes, (Y/N) would wonder why she gave her contact info to the crazed brunette.

"Yeah, I really can't come back anytime soon. I'll just call you when I can." She ended the call before releasing a tired sigh, as surprise written all over her face seeing that Camila was by the doorway leaning against the frame.

"Sounds like your having women problems?"

"Unfortunately, I am." (Y/N) admitted which made the tan Latina raise her eyebrows in surprise, but then tilted her head at her. "I never knew the (Y/N) could be honest."

"Hey, I am honest when I can be." She said in defense before walking up to the brunette and smiled at her. "I should probably go."

"Yeah, you should."

(Y/N) nodded slowly before her eyes slowly went down to look at the plump kissable lips that was right in front of her. She slowly leaned in, taking notice of how Camila didn't move while both hands of (Y/N) grabbed her by her arms. "(Y/N), I really need to-"

"Shut up, Cabello." The vet said before pressing her lips up on hers, their lips moving in perfect sync. Camila's hands slowly started to wrap around (Y/N)'s neck, feeling her knees wobble in ecstasy as she came in contact with the same lips she missed for so many years.

(Y/N) tapped Camila's right thigh, signalling for her to jump in her arms which the Latina responded by doing so. She walked back inside before closing the door, pushing Camila's body up against the door, which made the brunette groan softly. Her fingers running through (Y/N)'s hair, before pulling back a bit with her forehead pressed against hers.

"Are you still going to work?" Camila asked while biting her bottom lip in a very seductive manner, breathing a bit hard through her nose while looking in (Y/N)'s eyes then down to her lips.

"I'd rather stay."


Smut coming soon 😎

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