Wife By Benefits✔

By xxinloves

710K 25.1K 2.1K

Losing his wife by a ghastly accident Nathaniel Carter turns from being a husband to becoming a housewife. No... More

All Right Reserved
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Epilogue (Finale)
Replacement (choice)
Jacob's Game

Chapter Twenty

17.8K 683 86
By xxinloves

Nathaniel felt the atmosphere changed, the minute he stepped his feet into the living room. The eerily silence wasn't comforting and encouraging

Kenneth's frolicking mood, couldn't be sensed like normal bases, Olivia's burbling was utterly silent and dull.

He knew something wasn't right at all. Deep down he dreaded what was to come soon. Something wasn't right. Something big was coming up.

Fear couldn't define what Nathaniel was experiencing at the moment. The intense feeling, made his knee weaken, almost giving himself away.

The full presence of Samantha's blank stare, piercing gaze pointed straight at him. Proved there was defiantly something wrong somewhere.

"Sam?" He whispered, moving cautiously close to her. The children not insight. Probably having their nap.

The intense gaze Samantha still shot at the gun, made him freeze where he stood. This past few mouths Nathaniel knew Samantha, she'd never been the one to send such, eyes burning in rage, at him, or directed at anyone else.

Samantha has always been one to keep in her emotions, sometimes. Must be from her sensitive heart, and calm nature. Naturally, she was made for someone like him.

Someone who couldn't control himself, someone who couldn't think straight without the past catching upon him.

Nathaniel knew the good news, he had for Samantha eventually died, at the tip of his tongue-concerning the tight atmosphere.

"Is there something you aren't telling me?" Samantha broke the long, stretched silence. Not moving an inch from where she sat. Arms crossed around her chest. A painful hurt somehow, visibly shown.

Confused and surprised as ever, Nathaniel's face broke out in a full grin. "You know? That's good news, even-"

Samantha's scoff cut her short. "Good news?" She shook her head in disbelief, muttering incoherent words under her breath. "You've got to be kidding me, Nathaniel."


She'd never called him that since three months ago. What went wrong?

The full name terms, brought a painful pinch in Nathaniel's chest, making him visibly rib on it. To smooth out the pain, a bit.

Nothing hurt him that much, but to feel Samantha's sudden change of mood, was going to destroy everything they'd built, for months.


"Don't you Sam, me!" She yelled out softly, pivoting from the leather, single couch. Matching to his front, she sneered to his face. "I've had enough with you keeping me in the dark. What do you take me for? A fool?" Her voice shook as each word dropped from her lips.

Nathaniel moved to hold onto her hands, which she snatched away from his grip. As if his touch burned her. Nathaniel could fell the world, crumbling-and he has no idea why.

What wrong have he done to deserve, Samantha's end of anger? Her backward steps away from him, made his entire system cold and raging hot at the same time. If that were possible.

"Sam. Of you can just can down and explain to me all this is about. I'd so much appreciate it a lot."

Tears ran down her cheeks finally. She rakes her fingers through the root of her hair, gripping it in a tight fist. A loud groan left her lips, as she at the pain POP ceiling.

"I should have known better than to have trusted you." She said, her time filled with pain. "Why did you marry me, Nathaniel?"

Bewildered by the sudden, dropped the question, Nathaniel trudge slowly, towards where she stood, but stopped when she took a step back, away from him. "I care for you, Sam. No, I love you so dearly, that I can't be a second away from you without thinking about you."

Hoping for a different change, he couldn't be more disappointed, as Samantha shook her head at his words. "You're lying,"

"What? How can I lie concerning something like this?"

"I don't know," Her arms wrapped around herself, gently cradling herself, looking completely vulnerable. "Maybe because you still love my sister. There's no how a man can love two women. It either you love one, and not the other. And when it comes to my sister and me? I know I shouldn't give my hopes up. She always wins."

Nathaniel could see where her statement was heading to, but he couldn't help the frustration growing through him. He'd clearly shown her how beautiful she was to him, last night.

Where all these insecurities were coming from-he had no idea. It was true no one loves two women. But he loved Natasha, she was his past and he couldn't just stop loving her. She'd been the mother of his children, his wife, his first love. He had loved her.

While Samantha, was his present, his future, his wife. The woman he plans to spend the rest of his life with. The woman he loves with his whole heart.

Very sensible, self-conscious, and independent.

One of the things Nathaniel loves about her.

"Didn't last night mean anything to you?" He asked through gritted teeth. His fist clenched by his sides. The sudden urge to punch the concrete wall hard, torture him, badly.

Her built silence wasn't doing any of the situation good.

"For god sake Sam. I'm trying to make a conversion here, and I'd very much prefer it if you speak." He snapped. "What made you insecure?"

In a flash her eyes averted away from his, gazing elsewhere. Her arms still cradled around her, as if smothering a cold.

Earlier this morning after returning from Joe's house, he'd been happy at the new discovery. But it all went down the drain, at the foul mood of Samantha.

Could it be? X-colt?

THE ACHING pain, piercing through the layers, upon layers of her skin. Felt like a full bottle of alcohol is been poured down the threaded skin.

Trying to endure the pain more, she bites the lower part of her lips. Samantha never had felt anything like this.

Whatever metal, or worst toxic, that dagger was made of, created an everlasting pain she wasn't ever going to come over.

The mare thought of a scar, laying permanent like Kenneth's, scared Samantha dearly.

"How did Natasha die?" Samantha had no idea how the question jumped out from her mouth. Nathaniel seemed surprised. Even she was.

Since where had she been a blunt?

"You already know how she died. A car accident." Nathaniel's confusion could be sensed from the long gap between them both.

"Are you sure?"

"What do you mean?" His gaze on her narrowed, a notch. "I would lie about Natasha's death? What do you take me for?"

Samantha flinched a bit, at the intensity of his word. Was that how it sounded like? If so-then it's bad. What was she turning into?

"I don't know what to believe anymore, Nate. Everything around me suffocates me the more it tries to breathe. I keep on deceiving myself, that all will be alright. But I end up only having fairy tale dreams." She whispered the latter's quietly as if talking to herself.

Pacing around the large living room, she found herself heading towards the newly growing garden, she and the children spent their time planting.

How much she'd enjoyed the moment with them. The moment of feeling loved, feeling important. A moment like that, Samantha felt comfortable and special.

She noted Nathaniel had followed along her trail, standing two meters away from her. His long, straight fingers, were placed deep in his faded jean pockets.

His dark hairs tossed back, straight and arranged, followed with a shade of twelve o'clock stubbles. The dark lines under his eyes showed he was deep into thought.

The tee-shirt, hugged his body like a glove, showing every hard muscle in his body. The shirt did no justice on him.

Having him at arm's length wasn't comforting Samantha by any chance. How can a handsome man like Nathaniel have wanted, or as he said, Love her, the ugly duckling?


Samantha's heart broke even more than ever. Natasha was the reason she had this family to call her own. It had once belonged to her dead sister. Now her.

One fact Samantha had learned in life was, her sister, Natasha always comes first before her.

Why Nathaniel?

For once Samantha wanted something, or someone to calm hers? But again Natasha wins. Even if she were to be dead.

Because Nathaniel didn't deny his feelings for her sister. Which only means he still loves her.

Samantha blinked back the tears that were threatening to drop out of her eyes. She wouldn't want Nathaniel seeing her cry like a bawling baby.

"For a while now-" Nathaniel's deep voice broke the silence between them. "-I've been thinking. Maybe Natasha's death wasn't actually an accident."

Samantha glances briefly at him, before averting her gaze back to the garden. "Since when?" She whispered calmly and softly, fumbling with the edge of the long sleeve she wore.

"Since Kenneth had been in the hospital," He paused a little, waiting for his words to sink in. Samantha opened her mouth to speak, but he beat her to that. "I know you're wondering if I had known before then, why haven't I told you before then? Maybe I wasn't sure."

Samantha kept quiet, not knowing how to bring up the event that took place in the car up, without making him angry.

She couldn't even if she wanted to.

Maybe she was scared, or terrified. Whoever that was in the backseat with her, knew what he was doing. An expert at that.

But Samantha wondered how someone like Nathaniel could have offended a man like that. The psychopath, who had the confidence and gut to almost kill a four years old boy.

What more can he do to a man like Nathaniel? The knowledge he was I'm danger made a shiver run through her spine.

"Who killed Natasha, Nate?" She asked the question that had been bothering her for hours. Knowing Nathaniel was the main cause of her death.

She'd loosed someone very dearly, and loved. All because of whatever careless past Nathaniel had. And his silence wasn't making anything better.

Maybe she'd have to ask another time, as he kept staring at the ripe pumpkin at the demarcated side of the garden.

What had she gotten herself into to the man she loved. Or as he'd said, love her.

Does he?


"Where have you seen him from?" Samantha leans close to the little boy, close to sleep, by the moonlight raying into the three inched windows.

Kenneth yawned out murmuring before sleep took him. "Dad's desk photo."


Thank you for reading Wife By Benefits!!!!

I'm so sorry for the late update!
I'll make it up for you all!!!

Don't forget to Vote⭐ and Comment!!!

The less amount of Comment I received from the last chapter was low. Making feel reluctant to continue. It felt like you went liking it anymore.

Aren't you?

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