Our Hidden Secret *Waterloo...

Por Carolineeexx

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When Tom and izzie split. Tom and Aimee, who is izzie youngest daughter hooked up. it was one mistake and the... Más



71 2 2
Por Carolineeexx

Aimee sighed to herself as she sat in her room. She looked to her phone as she saw the calls and messages off of Tom, Aimee placed her phone down as she picked up a fussy Gracie and started to feed her. Aimee rested her head back and sighed. Aimee was confused.

Everything was a mess and she was confused over her feelings for Tom. She knew that she still loved Tom but she knew that her had been through so much. Aimee knew that he had cheated on her and it had broke end heart and she hated it. Aimee looked to Gracie and smiled as she changed her and smiled, she looked so much like Tom and it killed Aimee.

It killed her as she thought of him and what they could of had, Tom had cheated on her with her mum and it had broken her heart and Aimee Knew it was how she and Tom had started and she didn't know what to do.

It was all a mess. Aimee looked to Gracie and smiled as she picked her up and held her in her arms and smiled

"what is mummy going to do?" Aimee said as grace babbled away as Aimee looked down at her baby girl and smiled. Aimee knew that how she still loved Tom but she knew with her and Tom it was never that easy

Aimee walked down into the kitchen and smirked as she placed Gracie into her high chair and smiled. She smiled as she started to make a bottle of her and some breakfast. Aimee sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed.

Aimee was trying to distract herself and be a good mum. Aimee knew that even if her mind was on Tom and she was scared. She was scared that she would end up hurt again and she didn't know if she could go thronging that again not Helen she had Gracie t o think off. All that Aimee knew was that she couldn't go through getting hurt again. She sat down as she started to feed Gracie as Izzie walked in. Izzie looked to Aimee and smiled

"are you okay?" Izzie asked as she looked to Aimee and smiled

"I guess so, I just don't know what to do over Tom, I mean we have a child together but he hurt me, he hurt me more than anything and I just don't know if I can but myself through that again" Aimee said as izzie walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled

"it's going to be okay, just take some time and talk to him maybe" izzie said as Aimee nodded

Aimee got to school and she stood in toms classroom as he walked in. She looked to him and smiled

"we need to talk, over us and what is going on with us, we are a mess and it's not fair on Gracie. We have to think about her, but we still have something" Aimee said as Tom nodded

"you know how I feel Aimee, I want you back and you know that I do. I would do anything to get you back" he said as he pulled her close. aimee looked to him and signed as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed

"and don't you think I want that too Tom, I want you more than anything but how can I when I don't know if I can trust you, I am scared. I am scared that you are going to cheat on me"

"I made a mistake I am not a cheat" Tom yelled

"aren't you" she said as she went too walk off as he grabbed her arm and pulled her close and kissed her. Aimee kissed him back as the kiss got more passionate, he lifted her up onto his desk and stood between her legs causing her to moan as he ran his hands up her thighs causing her to moan.

She undid his belt as he pulled her close and pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of her

Aimee sat in the kitchen as she sat looking at her phone. She felt sick. She wanted to give Tom another chance. She had decided that she wanted to try again.

Aimee had decided that for grace that she was going to give him another chance but what Aimee wasn't aware of was that she was considering ringing him that he was in bed with another woman, which would break Aimees heart when she found out.

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