Broken Angel

By Ezynnn

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Sylvia Olvera......the one who is always seen as weak........ the one who is always being taken advantage of... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

225 42 28
By Ezynnn

Thank you guys so much for 300+ reads. And thank you for the votes and comments. I really appreciate all of you. We are a big family.

This chapter is dedicated to Ella_mish and jannie_rocks. I really appreciate your support.
Love you ❤

Victor Soleire was standing in front of me. In flesh and blood.

He wasn't really looking that pleased.

"Leave Samantha and I for a moment." he said,referring to me.

"Of course sir." I said and went to sit down on one of the chairs.

I couldn't really make out what they were saying. I tried to listen but I couldn't. But I managed to hear Victor say something and it really pissed me off.

"She's trash. Get her out of here."

Did he just call me trash? I will show him who is trash.

Few seconds later,Samantha turned around and was walking towards me while Victor was heading upstairs.

I stood up.
"What did he say?" I already knew that whatever he said was not good.

"I'm sorry Sylvia but he didn't accept you."

"But why?" I thought I had already succeeded and was already planning on how I would deal with him.

"I really don't know Sylvia. You are like one of the best I have ever had. I don't know why he refused you. We would have gotten tons of money from him. He's rich you know."

I couldn't lose hope. I had been patient for this past few months. If I gave up and kept running and hiding like a fool,they would surely still find me. Whether they knew I existed or not, I had to strike first.

"Samantha." I said as I grabbed her hands. Samantha and I had become surprisingly close during this past months. I trusted her but I couldn't tell her that I was an Olvera. She may snitch me and they would definitely kill me.

Samantha had also been very helpful this past few months. She had informed me that Alexander and Ross were Victor's sons. And she also told me about another psycho called Devana. She was Alexander's fiancee and Samantha hated her with her guts. This information had been useful because I had to know what I was going against. This was probably the only way I could get to them.

"Please you have to get him to accept. You have to."

"But how can I possibly do that? He already said know the first time and he always stays true to his words."

"You have your ways Samantha. You are an expert in this field and you should know what to say to persuade him."

"I'm sorry Sylvia but there is no other way. Once he has said something, it stays that way. It's only a miracle that can get him to change his mind. We can just go to another drug lord. There are lots of fishes in the sea. Come on,let's go."

"No Samantha, I want that one. I want him." I said.

"Can't you see Sylvia?He said no. Let's go. Why are you so bent on being with him? Is it the money? There are other drug lords with money."

I didn't want to bother arguing anymore. But I hadn't given up. Samantha and I left the house and boarded a bus back home. We sat beside each other and she told me that I could sleep with other drug lords. I didn't want us to argue and so I played along.

We finally arrived at my house. I had already moved out from my old house and moved into a new one. That was what I spent Dad's money on. I had to move out so that Charlotte's murderers wouldn't come snooping around and find out I was alive. Samantha asked me why I moved out but I told her I just felt like. Samantha didn't know exactly where I lived because she would pick or leave me some distances away from my house. Samantha and I came down from the bus and we bade each other goodbye before she finally left me. I unlocked the door and finally stepped into the house. I stepped in and sat down on the chair nearest to me,angry. I looked around. Looking around always made me happy because I loved the designs of the house. Sometimes I felt like a queen because of the house I was living in. It was way better than Dad's house and I was happy that I bought this house. The living room was large and comfortable too. The walls were beautiful. I had never lived in a place like this my entire life,though Dad had a lot of money and I thought he was just a poor loser.

I didn't know if I still wanted to go on with my revenge plan. I was not a patient kind and I was already tired of waiting. It was just 12pm and I was already exhausted. I went upstairs to my bedroom and lay down on the bed. My head was aching and I slept off.

I woke up and checked the time on my phone and it was 7pm. I also saw missed calls and figured out they were from Samantha.

"Oh my God. I hope it wasn't a customer." I said and dialled her number. It didn't take long before she picked up.

"What have you been doing? I have been calling you." she said. She didn't sound angry and guessed she was probably calling me for another reason.

"Sorry Sam,I've been asleep. Any problem?"

"No. No problem here. Just wanted to tell you that you have services tomorrow and they are all drug lords."

WHAT! I didn't want to sleep with drug lords. They were disgusting.

"All of them? How did they find out about me?"

"You should know the answer to that baby girl. You are quite popular. Many of them have heard of your services. Even Victor is one of them."

"Wait. You mean Victor Soleire?The Victor we visited today?"

"Which other Victor would I be talking about?"

"Why did he call back? What did he say?"

"Calm down Sylvia. Are you in love with him or what?"

In love with him? Love my foot. Men didn't deserve to be loved. None of them. They were the worst creatures on planet earth.

"Just answer me already." I was already curious.

"He said he heard that you are good in bed and he is in need of sex. But don't get your hopes high doll. Let's see what tomorrow holds for us."

"OK Samantha. Thank you so much."

"Whatever. Goodnight." she said and cut the call.

I still had a chance and I wasn't ready to waste it. I still didn't know what I would do if I ever won his trust or got close to him at some point,but I would think of something once I  at least earn his trust,which would be very difficult to do.


"Sylvia no need to worry. You just have to give it your best." Samantha said.

I had just finished sleeping with four drug lords and Victor was my last for today. I didn't know whether he would reject me like the other time. I had worn my best today. I wore a black dress that was revealing most parts of my body and it was quite short. I had to look sexy so he wouldn't refuse me this time.

Samantha and I entered the huge mansion and we saw Victor already sitting in the living room. Once we entered,he looked up and saw us. He stood up and came to us. My heart was beating fast. I was scared that he would do the same thing again.

"Samantha you may leave now. But if you want you could just wait here for us until we are done." He said to Samantha. At least it wasn't me he told to get out this time and that gave me hope.

"No problem. Enjoy." Samantha said and finally left us.

"Shall we?" He said to me with a cute smile on his face. It looked like he was in the best of moods this night.

"Of course." I said and he directed me upstairs. The mansion was beautiful and it had unique interior designs. They were different artworks and ornaments and they really beautified the house.

Still in awe about the huge house,I didn't realize that we were already in Victor's room. The first thing I saw was his king - sized bed. Money really was the answer to all problems. His room was beautifully decorated with unique designs. Words couldn't even describe his beautiful room.

"Sylvia Torres?" he asked,interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes sir."

"I have heard that you are one of the best in town. me what you got. You better not disappoint me." He said with all seriousness.

I knew better than to disappoint any of my customers,especially this one. I was going to make sure that this was the best night of his life.

I am so sorry for the late update guys. Please forgive me. I have been busy lately.
Please don't forget to vote and comment. Love you all. ❤

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