Is this only the beginning?

Oleh maggie14

787 13 16

Sky starts 9th grade and on the first day she goes for the guy she wants. Was it too soon, is she going to st... Lebih Banyak

Is this only the beginning?
Chapter 2
Chaper 3
chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

36 1 1
Oleh maggie14

*****Thanks for reading! hope you like it!!! :] vote/ comment***

Khare had opened the door and he was standing there waitting for me to come in, I stepped inside his room. Everything was torn apart what had happened here? There was a broken light on the floor and then I smelt something that I was fimiliar with but had not smelled it offen. Weed. Khare was waiting for something for me to walk in I guess.

"Guess what Sky?" he asked me still with a straight face. I just continued to look around his room this couldn't have been a good thing.

"What, what happened Khare, waht are you doing?!" I asked him in horror

"My mom passed away at 2:00 right after I left, isn't that wonderful news?" He said it mindlessly like he had said it  a million times already. I fell into his arms I felt so bad, his mom had only fell what else could have happened when she was inside the hosiptal. Unless she was hiding something from us.

"What happened did they call you right away?" I asked looking up from his sholder.

"They aren't quite sure what happened yet, yes they called me as soon as they could, I did not go in to see her though, it would have been too hard."

I looked around again just at his room his phone was right there by his bed when it started to ring, Khare looked at it like he didn't know to answer it or not. He walked over and picked it up without even look who was calling. He talked to whoever was on the phone it sounded like it was a normal conversation.

"okay, thank you I will be there as soon as possiable." He hung up and looked at me

"Let's go" he said after that quick secound of silence.

"Khare who was it? Who was on the phone, and where are we going to?" I asked so many questions at once but they were also qyuestions that needed to be anmswered.

"It was Dr. Starling, he is or was my moms docter, they said they figured out what had happened to her, and we are going to talk to him in person."

We got into the car and he drove like never before he avoided every accident we would have got in because he was deffinitly going way over the speed limit. He drove through red light after red light and we pulled into the hospital in 10 minuets in stead of 25. By now Khare had visited enough he had a pass, instead of telling the girl at the front desk who he was every time. We went to the secound floor and to the front desk of this floor, they told us to go into the confrence room to the left. We sat down and waited. The toom was nice, it was small but comfertable other than the fact that it still smelled like hospital. I always hated hospitals, I hated everything about them, espically the constant beeping sounds in he backround wherever they where always seemed to be coming from.

"You okay?" Khare asked me, I thought that I would be the one asking him that I mean he is the one whose mom just died, but he was copeing very well for at least what I've seen. Then I noticed I never answered him, I had just spaced out.

"Oh uhm yeah I'm fine are you okay?" I asked him, his eyes where still bloodshot probably because he had been smoking earlier, but I didn't care right now I just felt so bad for him.

"Yeah, I just really want to know what happened to my mom already and get the hell out of here" The door swung open and one guy in he was wearing a black suite with a white shirt underneith and a black tie, how official he also had a suitcase probably with all his paper work in it. He sat right across from us and he folded his hands.

" Hello Khare, and" He paused and I looked up, he was looking at me was I supposed to introduce myself?

" This is Sky" Khare told him and then the man continued.

"Right uhm and Sky I am Dr. Starling and I am here to tell you about what happened to Mrs.-" Khare cut him off right before he said Crowne it probably hurt to hear her name.

"Yes we know why we are here now get to the frigging point already!" Khare sounded pissed and he was practically yelling at this poor guy who was just doing his job, now Dr. Starling looked sort of frightened. There was an awkward silence and then the Dr went on telling us about what had happened.

"Right uhm sorry " he said that a lot apperently. " Mrs. Crowne when she fell her heart litterally skipped a beat and we are pretty sure since then her heart slowed down at a very slow pace but the doctors didn't notice because most of the time she was here she was asleep because she became very tired from her fall and when she wasn't sleeping someone was visiting and our doctors try not to come in when people are visiting so they aren't rude.  Getting to how" he paused again   " How she passed"   I heard Khare inhale quickly when Starling said that.

"She ended up having heart failer and we didn't know soon enough to of done anything I am very sorry for your loss."  After he had said that the Docter stood up, nodded like he was saying 'Good day' and left us. He left us there alone and with nothing. He left us there so casually. He left us like he had to go say the same thing to another sad, lonley family. He left us there in silence. And finally he left us there because he was it was his job.

We walked to the elevator and I leaned against the mirror that was covering the walls in the elevator I let Khare hit the button, because I was no longer a litte girl always wanting to press the elevator buttons. I watched him he his floor 3 I though he had missed the ground button, but when he leaned against the wall next to me I knew it couln't have been a mistake. I didn't say anything I just waited untill we got there when we did get there, their was a ding telling us that we had arrived and my head started to hurt from all the sounds, we walked down the hall and took two rights we were walking towards his moms old room I realized now. He stopped in front of the door which was wide open, it was also completly cleaned out and Mrs. Crowne was no longer in that room. She was gone like dust in the wind, left without a trace.

"Okay I'm ready to go now" Khare said after he stopped in his tracks when he saw the room. We took the walk back into the elevator this time he his the ground button and the ride seemed to last forever, it was only 3 floors but it seemed like it never ended at each floor it would ding and there just seemed to be ding after ding after ding I couldn't take it but still didn't complain. Walking passed the main desk on the ground floor he threw his pass practicley at the woman sitting there.

" I wont be needed that anymore!" he yelled sounding very frustrated now. My head was pounding and spinning and pounding again. He pushed the front door to the hospital open and we were outside and it was quiet and I could feel a rush of relife shock  through my body. I loved it but my head still didn't stop hurting and there was nothing I could do about it. We drove back to Khares house and walked through the dark house and up to his room. I forgot it was trashed up there but I just laid down on his bed with a pillow over my head. Khare sighed and sat next to me, now he rubbed my back he probably knew that I didn't feel good or something. I was so happy to be out of that living hell and into a comfertable bed I felt like I could just fall asleep. I fell asleep and when I woke up I felt like I had a fever Khare was awake next to me his face looked gentle and his lips looked relaxed. I looked around and then at him his room was clean, how long was I asleep for? I don't care I just love laying here with him if we were talking or not. I heard music, I couldn't remeber the name of the song but I knew it was NeverShoutNever. I used to listin that song a few years ago it sounded like a Ukalali playing in the backround and it went like this 'DId you know? Did you knoooww ? That it wsa love. From the very first touch?' I thought about the lyrics then it continued to say 'Did it hurt? Did it hurt?' It didn't hurt at all, I loved loving him. In matter of fact it was so easy, to love him because he loved you back without any problem. I smiled thinking about him then I looked back at him he was starring at the ceiling still.

 I Sat up and took off my leggings I felt like it was a million degrees and then I took off my shirt so I was wearing a black thong and tank top. I threw those off the bed onto his now clean floor then I felt hot but cold so I got under the covers. Khare never even asked  what I was doing I laid next to him now my arm was over him and tucked under his right arm.

"Do you feel okay? Your face seems really warm like you have a fever" Khare said after he kissed me for the second time all day.

"I'm fine I feel a little cold though." I told him even though at the same time I was burning on the inside. He pulled me closer to him, so he could warm me up. We cuddled and I felt warm and fuzzy on the inside now, I don't know why but I got butterflies in my stomach they started to get worse but then they went away.

"I had a headache earlier but not anymore that's why I fell asleep because I just didn't feel good" I admitted what I didn't want to tell him earlier.

"Why didn't you tell me? You know that they came out with this new thing called a pain reliever?" he said sarcastically I didn't find it funny.

"  I am going to take your temperature but I have to go get the thermometer" Khare informed me. I honestly didn't care I felt sick like I didn't want to move or do anything, he came back and stuck the thermometer in my mouth I held it there and my eye lids where getting heavy I felt sleepy again. I heard beeping and I thought I was in the hospital again but it was only the thermometer. Khare pulled it from it mouth an looked at it he read it and I saw his face look worried.

" What’s wrong babe?" I asked him trying to act like I didn't feel like 

complete shit.

"You have a very high fever! It's 103.7!" he exclaimed to me. I felt a 

little bit of fear, was I going to die? Nah it's just a 24 hour virus it would go away sooner than I would know it.

" it's okay, I will get better right?" I asked Khare hoping I would get a yes for an answer. He looked through my purse I didn't care what he found whether it be a tampon or a piece of gum. He had my phone, still didn't care what he was doing.

"I'm going to text your mom that your staying at tiffany's house for the night an you can stay here, unless you want me to take you home, which do you prefer?" what was he talking about I wasn't going anywhere I was staying here.

"I want to stay. Here" I said and then I fell asleep again. I dreamed of blue skies and hot air balloons that took me high into the sky they went so far I was in space and I sat on a star untill it burnt me then I jumped off and I woke up from the jump. I sat up as soon as my eyes opened. I tried to talk but my throat needed to be cleared, I coughed until I could speak my mind.

"Oh my god I'm glad to be awake, I thought I was going to die, I was 

on a star and I started getting really hot" then I felt it, I was really hot I  was sick with something.

"Khare what's wrong with me" I asked pouting to him. He flipped his long black hair and he looked at me with his emerald green eyes, they told story’s and they didn’t look like happy ones. I remembered that his mom died. I tackled him in a hug he fell back on his pillow I was still only in lingerie I didn't care I pulled my face out from his shoulder and looked at his face. I pushed my lips to his I didn't care that I was sick I missed him, the old him. How was I going to bring him back I can't figure it out. He kissed me back trying to keep up with me, he didn't.

  The rest of the weekend went by and I felt better by Sunday night when he brought me home. We both went to her funeral and wake, it was a week after her death, it was nice but very, very sad. At the funeral I wore a short black dress; it had one strap that went over one of my shoulders. I wore it with my hair curled and with black shiner 5 inch heels that I could perfectly walk in.  Weeks went by and he was still sad and from what I know his dad didn't come to visit him at all he only sent him money thought the mail every week for food gas and anything else he needs or wants. Now it was almost Christmas it was the 10th of December I decided to go for a new look on myself and that I would treat myself for the holidays and get my hair done differently. I went online to Google to look up the phone number for my salon. I found it fairly quickly and dialed the number and a man who frankly sounded gay.

"hi, I’m good how you are?" they always ask you how your doing sometimes it gets annoying.

"Yes I would like to make an appointment o get my hair colored" I said to the man who told me his name was Jonathan.

"I have an account with you, my name is Sky @@@@, I would prefer to have Amanda be my stylist" he kept asking silly already answered questions.

"Thursday would be fine, 3:30? Yes that's great thank you Jonathan!" I hung up. I put it in my calendar in my phone.


My alarm went off and my eyes cracked open just hating that it was Monday morning and my alarm was already going off. I got up and went to my closet, looking at my shirts I couldn't decide between a gray long sleeve shirt or a pink one.  Instead I went to my dresser and looked at what I had for pants; I picked a pair of dark skinnies that were faded on the ass, nice. Then I threw them on my bed with a pair of underwear, a bra, and a hot pink spaghetti strap tank top undershirts thing, finally I went back to my closet. Looking at the time, then back at the two shirts, I just took the gray one, collected all my clothes and ran into the bathroom I quickly stripped and turned on the shower. The warm water woke me up quickly; I squirted my shampoo into my hand and scrubbed my head until it almost hurt then the same with the conditioner. I jumped out of the shower and practically into my clothes. I went to grab my blow dryer when I picked the Pantene mouse up instead I looked at it and I never scrunched my hair. Ever, I always straightened it, I scrunched it probably for the first time it looked really cute. I grabbed a bite to eat as I ran out the door with my iPod, phone and purse. My bag was in my locker because we didn't have homework over the weekend, lucky us. I got to my bus stop right in time and got in, I sat next to Eric like I usually did I didn't really have any other friends on my bus. Eric lived on the same street as me and he was a senior, I think he liked me. I had a little feeling for him but nothing like I feel for Khare. Sebastian was more of a big brother love then a boyfriend love. He had blonde hair with ocean blue sparkling eyes, he had dimples and his smile went from ear to ear, he definitely was not bad looking.

"Hey" I said to him smiling after I admired all of his features.

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