The Outbreak.

By BadLittleSinner

86 6 0

Unedited, will edit once done. The Covid-19 pandemic passes, but with it comes something much worse, a mutat... More

Thank you.
The Beginning.
Where did everyone go?
A First For Everything.
Sinister Silence.
Soft Little Lullabys.
Shadow Voices.
Map it out.
Not my Body, Not my Mind.
No Way Out.
Two Souls, One Mind.
Decisions, Decisions.


7 1 0
By BadLittleSinner

Three days later and I've barely moved from Elijah's bed, legs crossed staring straight ahead. I've refused anything he's tried to offer me, barely noticing the hunger pains anymore.

They are gone, forever, I'm never going to hear or see them again, never going to hug them. I've lost the ability to tell my family how much I love them.

Guilt lances through me, I should've been there with them. We should have gone together as a family, but no I left them and I have to live with that forever.

I hear Elijah making noise in the next room and decide it's about time I move. I stand up, my vision feeling spinny, I close my eyes centring myself. I can only imagine it's because I'm dehydrated at this point.

I leave the room and wonder through the house quietly, feeling like I shouldn't make too much noise here. I see Elijah in the kitchen, stuff everywhere, he's inventorying everything.

He suggested we move on from this town, more of the dead have appeared. We hear their screams often through the night and even though we tried to reinforce everything, we feel it's not enough.

I pad bare foot across the kitchen and wrap my arms around Elijah, resting my head against his back, letting him concentrate. Another reason I have to be guilty, I should be helping with all this, but I've done nothing to assist in the pack up.

"Hey, Baby. It's good to see you up and about." Elijah turns in my arms and wraps his own around me. I close my eyes and accept the comfort it brings to me.

"It was time. I can't just sit there anymore. It's getting us no where." I sniffle but keep everything together, not wanting to cry again.

"I know, Babe. Did you want something to eat?" He lifts his hand and strokes his thumb across my cheek, I can't help but tilt my head into it.

"No, I'm okay. We should finish packing up. Thanks anyway though." Concern flickers across his handsome face but he's quick to hide it. I know he worries but I honestly don't think I could stomach anything even if I wanted to.

Elijah releases me from his embrace and explains the system he has put in place. I listen intently, not wanting to forget anything important.

By the end of the day everything is packed and we decide to leave early the next day to drive to Brisbane. Where we hope to find answers about his mother and pray that the city is still intact. But after what happened in Adelaide it is rather doubtful, Brisbane will be spared from the injustice.

I cook Elijah and I a small meal, not wanting to use up too many rations, mostly just the stuff that would not last for long. I force myself to eat everything on my plate, I've seen the movies and this may be my last home cooked meal in a long time. I could sense that Elijah was beyond proud that I had managed to eat something.

"I'll drive in the morning, and then you can take over about lunch time and drive in the afternoon." Elijah tells me the plan in the morning, I take notice then, how much of a natural leader he is.

It explains why he was picked to be a youth leader. It's almost hard to believe that I'm actually older then he is, only by two years, but still older. I feel like I should be the one taking responsibility here.

The lights shut off unexpected, along with the ceiling fan and the house falls into a deathly silence. My heart rate picks up at how sudden it was and my breathing begins shallow.

"I'll go check the power box." Elijah says with a sigh and I hear him get up, he turns the flashlight setting on his phone on. I stand up and head over to the window, as I notice it's way too dark, not even the street lights are on. I open the blinds and stare at the complete darkness before me.

"Elijah!" I call out and I hear him walk back into the lounge.

"Yeah?" He asks standing in the doorway behind me.

"I don't think it's going to matter if you turn the power box on." I see the light from his phone pitch and shift as he walks over to me, coming to stand by my side, seeing all the darkness.

"The whole grid is out, I don't think we are going to have anymore power. Tomorrow we should look for some camping solar panels and maybe a generator if possible." I say into the darkness, only hearing Elijah's slightly heavy breathing from beside me.

A horrendous scream fills the silence and it frightens me to the core as the familiar sound continues to carry on.

"Give me this." I snatch the phone from Eli's hand and frantically switch the flashlight off, I look up just as someone slams into the window. I jump back out of instinct, extending my arm out to me push Elijah back with me, expecting the glass to break, but it holds. I grab the curtains and sling them shut as if that would help us in anyway.

"We need to move." I grab for Eli's hand in the dark and as soon as I make contact I'm dragging him out the lounge and down to his room, closing the door and locking it. The screams continue, sounding in all directions. Communication between the humanoid creatures.

"What the fuck was that?! Was that what attacked you?" Elijah panics, the light on his phone on again, pacing back and forth. I check the little slit out his window, as we'd already boarded up his windows the other day.

"Yes, it is. And they are fast and rather intelligent still. I'm just hoping it's going to behave like an animal, get bored and go away. If not, then we need to be ready to make a run for it." I ramble on to him, quickly packing up the last minute items we had left out.

I pull the two butterfly blades out of my backpack and start flicking them back on forth out of nervousness. Elijah grabs his gelblaster already loaded, he wasn't going to bring it at first, he thought it might be silly. I insisted that it could help with distractions and maybe slow one of these things down.

We sit on his bed turning out the light and I close my blades, tucking them under the pillow, I hear the gelblaster thud softly to the carpeted floor. Elijah slides his arms around me and pulls me against his chest, I sigh, letting the comfort and warmth seep into my soul.

"We're gonna be okay, Baby. We have each other, I'm not going anywhere." I whisper to him in the dark, I feel him take a deep shuddering breath. His hold on me tightens and I close my eyes trying to blank my mind long enough for me to fall asleep.

Bombs explode around me, the sound of those horrific screams filling the air also. I turn in my spot, watching the chaos and destruction everywhere. I spot Elijah looking over at me, a real gun in his hands, his eyes land on me. He seems older, tired, but a lot stronger then he is now, as if he has been training.

Movement catches my eye behind him and I let my vision focus in time to see one of those beasts lunge at him, sharp nails and teeth at the ready. A violent high pitched scream rings louder than any of the others I've been hearing and I soon realise it's my own.

I throw my butterfly blade hard and fast, the look of terror clear on Elijah's face, but I can tell he's trying to hold it together, like he's used to this sort of thing now.

Everything slows down the creature slowly shifts through the air and my blade honed perfectly in on it's target. Elijah trying to raise his gun and turn in time to shoot.

A voice fills my head loud and clear, calm and soothing.

"One may be saved. If the other is forgotten. Choose wisely."

Everything speeds up again.

I sit screaming, my chest heaving and a panic attack surfacing, I rush out of the bedroom and into the bathroom, emptying the contents of my stomach in the toilet. Elijah follows after me, practically skidding on the bathroom tiles.

"What's wrong?" His voice thick and heavy still from sleep and being startled awake.

I flush the toilet, glad that it still works and brush my teeth, removing the terrible taste from my mouth. Trying to give myself anything to do, to stop the panic attack from settling in.

"Baby? What the fuck is wrong?" Elijah asks more insistent this time, his arms wrapping around my middle from behind, I turn in his arms. Wrapping my arms around his neck and holding on for dear life, breathing him in, reminding myself over and over again that he is safe. He will remain safe.

"I had another dream. It was about you this time." He pulls me away to look directly at me, the soft glow from the dawning sun light filling the room up. I see realisation appear on his features as he recalls the conversation we had about my dreams and how they have been real.

"Nothing's going to happen to me, Baby. I'll be extra careful, everything's going to be alright." Elijah comforts me, but I can see the worry in his features, even though he is trying his best to hide it.

"But I heard something strange this time, Eli." I tighten my grip on him, not wanting it to be what I suspect and feel it is.

"What did you hear, Baby?" The tone of his voice has changed, all serious and concerned like.

"A voice. It said 'One may be saved. If the other is forgotten. Choose wisely.' Do you think it could be-" Elijah cuts me off.

"It can't be, okay. OKAY?!" He snaps and I immediately let go of him and step out of his embrace. Trying to keep the hurt I'm feeling locked away.

"Baby, I didn't mean to get mad." He sighs and reaches out for me, but I pull my hand away.

"It doesn't matter. You're probably right. It was just a stupid dream. We better go." I brush past him and get changed into the warmer clothes I'd selected, folding the ones I just had on and packing them into our designated dirty clothes bag. Elijah had since followed me out and changed also, so I pack his clothes away too.

We grab the last of the stuff and pack them into my car. We try not to linger outside for too long, knowing those things could still be around.

"Would you like me to drive?" Elijah asks, the first time we've really spoken to each other since the bathroom conversation.

"No it's okay, I can drive. Do you want anything else? Now's the time to get it." I say pointing my thumb behind me towards the house. Knowing he's going to find it hard to leave just about everything behind.

"No, I'm good. I hope to come back one day." I nod my head at him, hoping for his sake, that that is possible. I pull my door open and climb up into the car, waiting for Elijah to get in, I watch as he stares at his house for a moment. As he gets in I hear him sniffle and it breaks my heart, I reach out and rest my hand against his shoulder.

I start the car, letting him go, having no words to say. Knowing nothing will be able to console him for what we are about to experience. Our goal in mind is to reach Brisbane, the closet city, maybe we will get answers there. Although after my dream, I feel less inclined to rush there.

I drive through the streets of this once flourishing town, now seemly like a ghost town, I notice lights in one house and I debate stopping to check in, but decide against it. Elijah looks out the window silently, lost in his own overwhelming sea of thoughts.

I connect my phone up to the aux cord, charging it up and playing the playlist we made. 'Don't give up on me.' sounds through the speakers and I can't help the flitter of hope filling my heart.

The music plays softly in the background and I sing along, trying to keep myself distracted as I drive. Elijah has been silent for the past few hours, not responding anytime I try to start a conversation. I can't really blame him, it's not like he's ever really travelled like this before.

Knowing that we may never go back home is really weighing us down. I don't even want to go back to South Australia, not wanting to face the reality that my family are gone. I suppose I should one day, but not yet, I just can't.

We have been on the road for six hours now and to be quite honest, I'm feeling rather tired. We didn't dare stop in any towns along the way, they all seemed too quiet and abandoned. I realise now though that we have to stop, my eyelids feel like they are full with lead.

"Elijah.... I don't think I can drive anymore." I pull into a grocery carpark, sighing heavily and turning off the ignition to the car. I look over at Eli and he's already looking at me, seeming almost guilty for not asking earlier. We had driven past numerous signs indicating to pull over every two to four hours for rest.

Even if it is only 11 in morning but with the unsettled sleep I had the night before, I just feel exhausted.

"Sorry, Baby. I'll take over from here. Should we check the store out though?" Eli points towards the grocery store and I look over at it for a moment deciding if it's worth it or not.

"Yeah, why not? We could both use some fresh air." I step out the car and he follows suit. I grab my Titanium baseball bat out of the boot, Eli takes it off of me and closes the boot. He pushes me back against the door, pinning me in place with his hips, leaning his head down towards mine.

"I'm really sorry about earlier, Baby. I just got.......scared." He admits dropping his gaze from mine, I place my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

"Hey..... I understand, I do. I just I couldn't not tell you. I don't want it to be like this, Baby. I'm so scared too." I press my forehead against his, before tilting my head up kissing him softly, comforting him.

He lowers his head more, deepening the kiss and pressing me more into the car. I wrap one leg around his hip his pelvis pushing against my tummy. Elijah's desire for me becoming much more evident the more we continue to kiss each other. I manage to pull my head back and break our increasingly passionate kiss.

"This isn't really the time or the place for this." I say, shifting my hands so they rest on his shoulders, ready to create distance between us if need be.

"I know, Baby. I just needed to feel you." I smile sweetly at his words and give him a soft kiss in return, before pushing him away and taking his hand, leading him to the store.

We enter and there's no one about, not even any workers. I guess everyone from this town went into the city, I wonder how many of them are still alive. We only saw a few cars pass us as we were driving along, we don't wave like you usually would on long travels and neither did they. It's clear to see that everyone is scared and so uncertain about what is happening.

The shelves are still fairly stocked and I have a feeling we should take as much as we can. Who knows when this will all end?

I separate one of the trolleys from the rest and enter further into the store. Our footsteps and the squeaky wheel the only sound to be heard as we wonder around. I enter the canned goods isle and start sliding stuff off the shelf and into the trolly.

"So are we just gonna take this stuff?" I can see Elijah isn't comfortable with the idea of just walking out with all this, but it's not like we really have a choice. I'm not really loving the idea either but what's important to me is our survival.

"Yeah we are. We have to think about us now, Elijah. It's not like there's anyone here for me to give my money too." I look around the store to prove my point and he just nods his head.

"Stay here and keep packing this stuff, I need to get some other things. See if you can find more first aid stuff too." I leave quickly not giving him time to respond. He doesn't need to know about me wanting to stock up on feminine products just in case.

I find some bags and fill them up with all the things that I need, hopefully this will be enough. I spot the adult section nearby, I approach it biting my lip wondering if I should get anything from there. I take a few things from the shelf and hide them amongst my feminine stuff. I'd rather be safe then sorry and having it around is better than having nothing at all.

Once I'm done I go in search for Elijah, walking past the freezers on the back wall. From a window to the staff entrance door something catches my eye as there is movement. I turn my head in time to see one of the creatures burst through it and slam me into the shelf. I cry out in pain as the metal hits hard against my whole right side.

"BABY?!" Elijah shouts for me, but I don't get time to respond as the once young guy attacks me again. His eyes bloodshot and looking manic, I decide then and there that's what I'm going to call them, the Manic.

I drop the bags I'm holding in time to grab it's wrists as it pins me back into the shelf, teeth gnashing dangerously close to my face. I tilt my head into one of the shelves, exposing my neck. I just see Elijah rush around the corner, lifting the bat and heading straight for it.

I squeeze my eyes and mouth shut as I see the bat heading straight for it's skull. The sicken crack of bone and the ringing of mental meet my ears and I cringe. The weight of the thing leaves me and I open my eyes to see Elijah straddled over it, sending the bat down on its head over and over again.

When he continues on, I rush over and wrap my arms around him trying to pull him off and only then does he stop. Panting heavily and shaking just like I am, he stands up and is immediately checking me for any major injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm okay. It didn't hurt me, just the shelf did." I gasp out, he pulls me in for a huge hug and I yelp in pain, my whole right side aching. Elijah let's go and looks at me concerned.

"I'll be okay, let's just get the stuff and go." I say picking up the bags I dropped and walking out of the isle, Elijah takes the bags and puts them in the trolly leading us outside. I hold my right side, my ribs and chest aching, as well as my head and leg. Why do I have to be the one getting hurt? I ask myself in my head but as Elijah helps me in the car, I realise then I would rather it be me and not him.

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