Fall Passion || r.b. (DISCONT...

By Giselle_GSL

1.7K 125 54

5 months later ... The moment she had waited for so long has finally come: Going to college. What she does no... More

Before you read
1. First Day at Uni
2. Avengers? Of course
3. Orientation Day
4. A change of mind
5. College Fair
6. I'm the new girl
7. Nervous, not serious
8. Homecoming Party
9. Under conditions
10. I knew it
11. Club and family
12. An unexpected goal
13. Let me guide you
15. Not good at giving
16. I think I need a beer
17. Not on my watch
18. New rules
19. I got it wrong
20. This is what you came for
21. Hit or miss (2/2)

14. Feeling starstruck

81 7 0
By Giselle_GSL

"I can't believe we're going to meet a director who won a freaking BAFTA award! Do you know the merit of that?" I shout excitedly for the fifth time since we entered the university lecture hall.

"I wonder how much the University paid him for him to come here" Lizzy wonders aloud and we can't help but laugh although we all know that the number is more than 4 digits. I mean, a director of that recognition must have a lot of projects in production.

I'm sitting between Lizzy and Jane who is in the corner, while Thomas and Nate are to Lizzy's left. I see Thomas glaring at me and I turn around quickly, focusing my gaze on Lizzy and avoiding him seeing me blush. How I hate that he has that effect on me after everything it's been going on with him and Reece lately. I had been talking to Reece since the last time we saw each other but lately he doesn't usually reply to me on Whatsapp and I can't help feeling a kind of disappointment. 

From what he told me lately, he is very busy with the football team and essays that he has to hand in to his professors, although that does not prevent me from looking at my mobile a lot of times waiting for a message from him that never arrives despite being connected sometimes. Could it be that he doesn't really want to talk to me and the rest is just an excuse? Could he just tell me, right?

I look at the phone once more and I find a message from Blake and another from Reece, I smile unconsciously when I see the second one but I decide to leave it for the last. I open Blake's and put my hands to my head, how could I have forgotten that we were meeting today?

Blake: Remember that this afternoon we have to buy the presents for Bailee, I'll wait for you at the exit!

Me: I'm at a conference right now, I'll let you know when I get out!

A leather skirt? I think she already has one, should I look at her closet and see what is missing? God no, it would be very creppy, maybe it would be a better idea to ask Blake.

"Shit, what can I buy her?" I mumble, throwing my head back, thinking of various possibilities, although I end up dismissing them from my mind.

"To who?" Lizzy asks suddenly interested in what I'm saying and Jane frowns confused.

"Already thinking of a gift for Thomas' birthday?" Jane nudges me and I widen my eyes.

"What? When is his birthday?" Lizzy exclaims as startled as I am. How does she know when it's his birthday?

"At the end of November, I think. He told that once. But I think he's not going to celebrate it with us" Jane explains and I sigh in relief.

"Then, we don't have nothing to worry about unless he changes his mind" Lizzy states and we both nod. "So, who were you talking about?"

"My roommate Bailee celebrates her birthday this weekend and I don't have nothing for her. It's so freaking stressful!" I mumble in despair.

"You can't never be wrong with make up and clothes. She seems to be the type of girl who likes fashion and wears different clothes every day" Jane starts and Lizzy nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I know but I want something more personal, you know? She's been a really great friend and I want to give her something in return" I try to explain but fail miserably.

"Then, a necklace and a card would be a great gift. For example, my best friend gave me this necklace with our initials and I wear it everywhere I go" she shows it and I smile when I look at it. It's so pretty cute.

"Okay, I really like that idea. You got me. Problem resolved." I say calmer.

I look at Jane to see that she shifts in her seat uncomfortable seeing all the people who pass her from here to there making her uncomfortable. She hides her face with her hand to avoid the gazes of passersby but there comes a time when she explodes.

"Giselle, do you mind if I switch places with Thomas? I just hate being on the corners" Jane pleads with me.

I sigh indecisively looking away. I don't think there's anything wrong with having Thomas by my side, right? At the end of the day we are in a conference and this seems to overwhelm Jane a lot, I would not want her to be nervous all the time during the conference.

"Only if that's okay with you, of course!" she suddenly exclaims worried and I just brush it off.

"It's okay. I want you to be comfortable." I reassure her and she looks at me at unease.

"Are you sure?" I nod at her one more time and she hugs me slightly. "Shhh, shhh", she hisses at Thomas trying to get his attention and gets it when Lizzy alerts him that Jane is calling him. He is confused as he does not talk much to her but listens attentively anyway.

I take the opportunity to turn my attention to Reece's message that is still unread and open the conversation.

Reece: Have fun at the conference and try not to pass out when you see him x

Me: ha ha, very funny but thanks xx

 I can't help but smile to see that he has remembered today's conference even though it is true that I have not stopped talking about it. Neither of them has proposed to meet another day but seeing that Bailee's birthday is in a few days, it will not be necessary to meet to see each other. 

And we don't have time to do it either because of the university.

My nerves start to eat me at the thought of seeing George again and not knowing what to expect from him. Does he know I've already seen Reece? If not, I'm sure he would feel just as uncomfortable as me. I mean, part of everything going so bad in the end was because he told me to do that (and my fault too because I listened to him).

I was so deep in thought that I don't realize Thomas is standing between my seat and Lizzy's waiting for me to move my legs the other way so he can pass.

"Oh, sorry" I whisper as I let him sit by my side. 

"You seems pretty distracted, are you okay?" he asks trying to gain my attention but I still have my eyes fixed on my playing hands.

"Oh yeah, I just have many things on my mind, birthdays, university... you know?" And also thinking of a boy that I don't know what he wants or how he feels about me now.

"Maybe I can help you with that" he offers and I roll my eyes when I realize what he's talking about.

"Yeah, in the same way you helped me "having fun", right?" I snap at him and he lift his hands, playing the victim.

"It worked, didn't it?" he shamelessly hints and I nudge him making him laugh.

After our talk of "no feelings involved", I thought that our friendship was going to be uncomfortable to say the least, at least on my part it was but it turned out to be the opposite for him. He started talking to me in class as if we were "friends" and in a way, we have a confidence that could not have been built in any other way. 

The director welcomes and I feel like jumping out of my seat when I see the director waving to the audience as he sits in a chair in front of the directive and adjusts the microphone tightly. I cover my mouth with emotion and I feel my heart race when he starts talking about his new film project.

All my focus on him vanishes when I notice Thomas' hand squeezing my thigh. My heart races again but for a completely different reason now. He leans on me slowly and I can feel his breath on my neck before he whispers:

"Go easy, you'll have a heart attack if you continue like this" I nod and then, I take deep breathes trying to get myself together but it's difficult taking into account you don't meet someone who has won a BAFTA everyday.

The rest of the conference passes with complete normality between questions to the director and jokes of Thomas and Lizzy of the most inappropriate in relation to the "private" life of the celebrity making me tell them to shut up because otherwise I won't listen to him.

My hopes of talking to him or asking him a question are dashed the moment he says goodbye due to lack of time. Couldn't they have paid him to stay longer? I see how he leaves and I think my disappointment has been noticed on my face because Thomas puts his arm around my waist looking at me without knowing what to say.

"Honey, who knows, maybe they'll bring another film director who you like more", Lizzy tries to cheer me up and I smile slightly.

"Okay, guys, let's leave before this is too crowded" Nate announces and I sigh in disappointment. For another time it will be.

Trying to get out among the crowd of people, Thomas offers me his hand so as not to lose me and I give it to him just as a woman pushes me and  I insult her under her breath. Nate accompanies Jane with his hand on her lower back. I have always thought that they would make a good couple if it weren't for the fact that they both currently have a partner.

Once we are out, we are going to meet our friends whom we have lost sight of when Thomas tightens his grip on my hand leading us in another direction.

"Where are we going? Our friends aren't there" I mutter smiling when he starts to act as an FBI agent looking around.

"I know" he affirms walking faster and I am forced to increase my speed to catch up with him.

"Then?" I push him but he signals me to shut up. Okay, very mature, Thomas.

I'ma make sure you get that damn director's autograph" he exclaims confidently and I stop in my tracks. What?

"He will be gone by now. It doesn't matter, another director will come", I try to say but he suddenly turns around and the proximity of his face to mine takes my breath away.

He places his hands on my shoulders and forces me to look at him. Her gaze is fixed on my eyes and I inevitably look at his lips when he begins to speak.

"You can lie to whoever you want, but not to me. I've seen your face when he was leaving, disillusion was all over your face. Am I wrong?"

His voice is so powerful that I can't get a word out. His eyes go from my eyes to my lips in fractions of a second but he has no intention of getting closer. I sigh in defeat when I realize there is no point lying to him and also, that if we continue in this position, nothing good will come of it. He knows he's right.

He takes my silence as an answer and guides us to the parking lot that is 10 minutes from the auditorium. Students are getting in and out of the cars, I look puzzled at Thomas. Are we going somewhere? But I dismiss the idea when he leans against a wall and points at a rather pretty red car parked. Is that his car? It wouldn't surprise me if it was.

"Good, he's still here." he smiles self-sufficiently and I begin to notice how my hands are sweating. Am I going to meet Villeneuve?

"Won't we scare him away?" I ask nervously. 

If there was someone waiting for me in the parking lot at the exit and they came up to me when I went to my car, I would be quite scared. I would even scream. In the movies, these types of people end up kidnapping you, killing you or in the best of cases, they beat you up.

"I'm sure he's met crazier and creepier fans, believe me", he reassures me and then smiles mischievously. I frown following his gaze until I see him.

Devis Villeneuve. In front of my eyes. Oh.My.God. He's going to his car with the rector by his side.

"Oh my god, he's there. What should I do now?" I scream anxiously shaking my hands in the air and jumping excitedly.

"Just go there and kiss his ass, all artists like that" Thomas shrugs and push me slightly, so I start walking in that direction.

Okey, here goes nothing. 

Just don't embarrass yourself.

When I get there, they both get silent and wait for me to say something worthy of their time. I blush so hard under their fixed and expectating gazes before extending my hand politely.

"Denis Villeneuve? I'm sorry for interrupting but I'm a great fan of your work"

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